Cyberpunk 2077

>It all comes tumbling down

Casuals don't even like it anymore

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Lmao. What site was this poll done on?

source on poll?

You can only push gamers so much before they push back. The SJW and diversity issues are just too much

push square

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How is this game managing to simultaneously piss off both the left and the right?

Never heard of them. Is that some euro site?

Next the CDPR shills will say it was just one guy voting with proxies.

When you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one.
Retards think the free market means you try to hook as many suckers as you can. What it really means is you find the group that will get you the most profit, and market to them.

See Ion Fury's controversy. Politics are fucking poison.

Pissed off the right for caving to sjw crybullies.
Pissed off the left because they are always pissed and want more even when catered to.

Imagine if instead of making a mediocre game and attempting to coast by on woke points.
what if.. they just made a good game?

The main problem this game is facing right now is how incredibly ignorant and dumb the forced marketing and hype has been for the last two years. You had YouTube celebrities shilling that everything they've been seeing behind closed doors is "next level stuff" and "just ahead of everybody else in development". You've also had some articles and some blue checkmarks on Twitter saying the same thing. That it's going to be "everybody's a new favorite game" and "win every award possible". So what happens when gameplay is finally shown and nothing about it is setting any sort of standard or ahead of anybody in development? Backlash. Mixed on top of outraged when news broke that they were caving to "inclusive" demands that nobody asked for.

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why are you lying. Look at the comments on the videos and you have people literally creaming themselves


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Ion fury unfucked themselves though.

it was clear that this would happen when cdpr started catering to trannies instead of their main audience. they are also too arrogant to show us any night time gameplay with rain

actually the game was probably doomed ever since they hired reddit celebrity actors because they know they can't do good gameplay

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he's right though
if you keep pushing, eventually the other side pushes back.
people want to pretend cause and effect isnt a thing.

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.

>push square

>spend more time on trannies and homofaggots and SJW pandering than you do on gameplay
>end up shitted
Someone get Russia to annex Poland ASAP, Poland is lost and obviously only has any presence of masculinity and logic when it's under Russian feet.

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trans people won. you lost. get over it.

It has nothing to do with politics. The gameplay was just mediocre. GTA has had politics since the start, if you actually paid attention, but the game was good.

these fucking retards went from witcher 3 to this "woke" bullshit lmao what a buncha fucking morons

>GTA has had politics since the start
GTA parodies politics. Games in CURRENT YEAR aren't pushing progressive talking points to parody them, they're pushing them to spread ideology.

Oh ho! Delightfully devilish, CD Projekt Red!

Basically this. Don't give a shit about anything but the gameplay and so far it's nothing special


Sony wins again

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>less than 1000
Nice sample size

That's what happens when we live in a society.


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>Make game
>Gameplay is bad

Oh so it's another Youngblood.

No, the gameplay is bad. This has nothing to do with politics you mongs.

>Casuals don't even like it anymore

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shut the fuck up bitch it's got every thing to do with politics DUMBFUCK there's no fucking content for straight male audience DUMBFUCK read this shit retard

It has everything to do with politics.
The Polish are so desperate for Western gibs to secure themselves against Russia that they are willing to gift their own women to blacks to get fucked in an effort to look as Western as possible despite not having any history with black Africa whatsoever. The SJWism is also their attempt to LARP as Westerners like good little doggies. This projected onto this game. It's fucking hilarious. There should be a word for nations who forget their own histories during an effort to appeal like pets to an outward culture or nation.

pathetic when compared to numbers last year

Witcher 3 was 'woke' though now Witcher 2 was baswd and redpilled

>shut the fuck up bitch it's got every thing to do with politics DUMBFUCK there's no fucking content for straight male audience DUMBFUCK read this shit retard
The game just sucks. It's as simple as that. They tried making a shooter RPG and went too far in the wrong directions.
NO ONE is looking at this and thinking "Oh no! There's no content for straight white males, I better cancel my preorder!"
No, they're looking at it and saying "What is this grindy shit? Pass."

Literally what happened to Youngblood, but keep telling yourself that it's because of the two dykes they had starring in the role and not because the game has a grind as bad as an MMO and sells powerups to bypass it on a fucking microtransaction store.

The gameplay honestly looks disappointing
>yeah, you can totally do all this cool stuff, and there's melee you can spec into, and all these cool abilities
>gameplay looks like another souless first person shooter

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are you fucking retarded nobody wanted fucking play two dykes with "muh nazis" bullshit you sissydick brainlet hahaha

Whatever you say, buddy.

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If the game was good, they may have.
Good thing the game wasn't good.

youngblood is both shit gameplay and completely unlikable protags and story. Not to mention the PUNCH A NAZI marketing trying to capitalize on the current political climate in america was a bad idea.

I hope we can jack ourselves up to look like an Animal but I doubt it. Oh well.

Guns look and sound like plastic toys (no idea why this is so hard for developers to get right) and melee is and will as always be floaty and unsatisfying where animations jack control of your character and your blows feel like slapping someone with a sponge. The dialogue is overwritten and overacted although it's not terrible. The story will be B-tier action movie garbage but I'm hoping for some neat moments.

I think the only thing that could salvage the game, and what I think CD Projekt are trying to do, is neat abilities and character skills as well as freedom in approaching missions that allows you to be creative and feel smart and cool. Unfortunately the shitty guns and melee will make this less satisfying than it could be.

I'm still going to buy it.

>it was disappointing - 50%
What the fuck did people expect? It's a video game and it looks exactly how it's supposed to.

Swear to god this will be the most shit-on game ever, no matter how good it is. CDPR really fucked themselves with W3 success and people now have unrealistic expectations.

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Aren't these the guys that did TW3? I already knew the gameplay was going to be mediocre

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>CDPR really fucked themselves with W3 success and people now have unrealistic expectations.
they fucked themselves by having thissort of marketing. They have the BIGGEST indoctrinated fans that think they're god's gift becasue of 1 goddamn game. Ridiculous

nah man they fucked themselves with this faggot shit and the tranny shit lmao they're fucking retarded not havin straight male content hahaha

And it's still going to be the highest selling game of the year next to Call of Duty, so you guys can cope with that.

>What the fuck did people expect? It's a video game and it looks exactly how it's supposed to.
I can't speak for other people but personally, I wasn't expecting a futuristic cyber punk game to look indistinguishable from any shooter regardless of time period.

>melee is and will as always be floaty and unsatisfying where animations jack control of your character and your blows feel like slapping someone with a sponge.
KF2's made a first person melee system that feels and controls great, it's a 10/10 mechanic stuck in a 5/10 game

punk is inherently political, fuck off with your casualfag whiney bullshit.
speaking of casualfags, COD is incredibly political, and it sells millions. why? it's conservative, and written by corrupt ex-CIA like ollie north.

>caving to sjw crybullies
citation needed

well its their fault then, w3 was. very mediocre. Only thing that stood out about it werr 'vistas'

where the fuck you been retard hahaha they fucking pandering to fucking trannies remove male female it's fucking body type shit lmao there's the fucking focus on faggot shit hahaha no fucking straight male content you fucking moron read this shit DUMBFUCK hahaha

can you retype that in english?
This is an American message board.

hahaha america california ya dumb bitch lmao

Whats so bad with the gameplay? Seems pretty much what one would expect for such a game. Someone from the "It was disappointing" group explain why and what you did hope for instead.

ms paint

So you want a first person shooter, but a completely unique one, like it's never been done before.
Yep, sounds like an unrealistic expectation.

it's fucking bullshit focus on "strong womyn" trash and faggot shit lmao there's no fucking straight male content cdpr are fucking trash man hahaha from based geralt witcher 3 to this fucking numale faggot shit hahaha what the fuck lol

have sex

Here's a (You) for the best post here.
Truth is, like you say, we've had loads of influencers (basically paid shills since boasting on YouTube you've played Cyperpunk is ad revenue) telling us it's completely next level and what we finally see is generic shooter tier.
It could still be good, since the Witcher 3 was a solid game and it's combat wasn't the best thing about it. Still less enthusiastic about it now than I was a week back.

I wouldn't call CoD conservative, just inoffensive.

It contributes to the normalisation of the status quo, but it's not "deliberate" in doing so. It supports the status quo only because it is the status quo - big brave American soldiers saving the world from bad guys who hate us because they're evil is less of a conservative opinion than it is a complacent one.

>big bad american soldiers saving the world from bad guys who hate us
lmao when

The guys in this game are smoking hot. I want to fuck so many of them.

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This graph is wrong. XBox has already been up to 360, man. Way higher than anything Sony has put out.

america is conservative, so conservative shit would be inoffensive. their "left wing" party looks like our right wing, and sanders or whatever looks like our center.
anywhere else, consulting a war criminal to write your game for you would be outrageous.

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>vinlys of a guy playing the guitar with a robotic hand
it's so dumb, but so believable

This is literally (literally) a screenshot from the game.

>but muh [esoteric lore contextualisation]
This discussion is boring so this'll be my last contribution to it. Post whatever you want but the point is this: CoD and other shooters are a product of the same cloying hero worship that affects all uncritical lionisation of armed forces, and they reinforce the things that spawn them. It's not deliberate, but it /is/. There was an entire videogame made about this very subject.

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oh my god fuck off

Turn your ass this way.

>he crawled back out of his hole

Get out of here

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lulz, have some internets

I'd don't really give a fuck about this game, but if by some miracle we get VR support - it will be amazing.
Already first person, nice visuals, lots of animations including your body/hands, seems like a good fit for VR.

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hahahaha they won't even fucking show it all they fucking show is faggot and tranny shit hahahaha fucking cope you stupid fucking bitch lmao

> gameplay footage broken up into clips
> nobody's seen the RPG mechanics in action
> "the game is going to fail because it's too grindy"
You fuckin' trannies are so desperate. This game is supposed to be your 2016 Trump election isn't it lmao.

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>gameplay looks like shit
>c-clearly it's politics! Thats the reason people say it looks bad!

maybe you'd be better off replying in spanish

They said in the deep dive you can spec into melee and use slow mo. How about show that? Or more of the squad hacking they talked about. Or just using more abilities in general during combat. What they've shown just looks like any dime a dozen corridor shooter.

a fucking american telling me speak spanish hahahaha look at your fucking country bitch lmao

>trannies and faggots get put front and center for marketing
>meanwhile, straight white cis males have to get confirmed through twitter DMs

this reeks of third world shitskin

your native language might work out better for you since clearly you're either ESL or low iq.

>meanwhile, straight white cis males have to get confirmed through twitter DMs
are you retarded

this reeks of california america tranny hahaha

so, american?

Nobody knows what KF2 is you fuckin' dumb ass, learn to talk without fuckin' five abbreviations per post, bitch.

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I'm guessing either Hispanic or Huehue

Seems like the game is suffering from the Duke Nukem syndrome.

>Do I fit in yet, guys

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your country majority mexican dumbass hahaha

AKA California

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pack it in boys, the homophobe is a spic. surprise surprise.

lurk moar

the cdpr shill is a tranny hahaha surprise surprise lmao

Somehow Control ending up looking more Cyberpunk.

I want a GITS game that looks like this.

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like/dislike ratio is about the same

>point gun shoot man

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No idea why people like those devs the Witcher series, aside from lore, was shit anyway. They cannot into gameplay.

>unironically using the word homophobe on 4channel

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>looking anything remotely like cyberpunk
You better be fucking pretending

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>but the game was good.


I'm asking when recently Americans saved the world from bad guys who hate us instead of getting mogged by rice farmers and tuskan raiders

It always amazes me how stupid Yea Forums can get. Only an absolute blind idiot would think that this game is hated and will not do pretty damn good.


I didn't say it looks Cyberpunk, I said it looks more Cyberpunk than 2077 and the brutalist interiors reminds me of Ghost in the Shell.

>browsing an imageboard filled with faggots
>scared of a little dick
what did he mean by this?

they are idiots they should not react at all to these stupid accusation and just ignore it and make game they wanted to do

Anyone seen a source for the poll? No? So why are we even discussing? Y'all dumb as fuck, you'll discuss literally any fake poll

It just funny cause no matter the hype,or technologies it always the same...go gun blazing or stealth lel

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people wonder why the terms like "Streamlined" "Wider Audience", and "Expand Audience" are frowned upon.

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