Gnasty Gnorc is a Beginner character

>Gnasty Gnorc is a Beginner character
>He has low top speed and no chance to DNF
>besides, his skins suck

Attached: DsE8JkaXQAIy2mq.jpg (1267x713, 93K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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And his suit sucks.

Attached: suit.png (991x542, 254K)

This is clearly a Spyro thread user

Ease of play is why it's beginner not because of it's viability online. Buff balance and turn Beenox plz

>Hunter not a speed
>Gnasty not Accel
>Spyro not allround
Spyro will just like the anticipation, Not be missed.

Attached: 454321.gif (221x196, 380K)

The last “Spyro thread” got deleted a few hours ago.

Good thing Spyro Circuit punishes Speed and is pro-Turn.

>The Spyro Grand Prix added gems!
defend this

Attached: 1566667853679.png (297x500, 128K)

The skins are great though
Now Hunter, he got the short end of the staff there

How? You can just U-turn the last bit or skip it outright.
If anything, everyone but Speed is fucked as a slight lead before the 2nd portal is enough to fuck everyone else over by boobytrapping the portals.

>people already have monster coco
fucking how

no, balance and turn will be bad forever because Beenox can't into balance

That's cause the OP had a subway joke. The resident janny got touched by Jared Fogle as a kid and as a result of it, he hates anything subway or sandwich related.

Still hoping to see Evil Coco in Halloween GP.

Attached: 0c623c2355fe6ff20fd0e1b76efe4456.png (489x632, 35K)

I just did most of the big challenges, it wasn't hard and it only took me a couple hours.

I have her, not sure on a good setup for her though.

I want CTR to be "Sony Team Racing"
Keep the same gameplay but add in all the Sony mascot characters

>tfw spyro GP starts and I cant play it
>gonna miss all this shit

Attached: Komaeda.png (480x280, 171K)

what fucking Sony mascots
almost all of Sony's mascots are dead, all we have left is Ratchet
they'd probably add Kratos and that girl from Last of Us

Just because a series is dead, doesn't mean you couldn't add its character(s) into a roster.

Attached: Super_Smash_Bros._Ultimate_-_Character_Art_-_Ice_Climbers.png (310x310, 107K)


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die k

Attached: evil coco bandicoot_crash twinsanity.png (145x457, 83K)

>though Spyro GP will start tomorrow
BROS I am not ready, I havent hoarded enough wumpa coins

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>all we have left is Ratchet

Nope. This is your Evil Coco. Member the Titans games? Member how Crash died once Radical got ahold of him? Youll take it and like it.

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I'm disappointed. Why wasn't Hunter an accel character? Instead he's """balanced""". He's supposed to be fast.

What does the GN stand for?

We've gotten better about how to acquire nitro since the 1st gp

Gay nigger

Reminder that when they inevitably announce Ripto mid-GP in two weeks he will surely be accel

Doing all the Monthly, Theme, and Weekly challenges easily get you to Gold Tier in a day.

Why don't people like this? The skin is top tier cute in Nitro Fueled

I thought Monster Coco was the final unlock, my bad

People would find Bandicunny cute in whatever get up shes in. Personally idc its just funny seeing Crashs worst games referenced 24/7.

Best track

gnasty gnorc, more like gnasty gnigger

Yes, you use this joke every day

read this in Spyro's voice

I'm gnot a gnelf, i'm gnot a gnoblin, I'm a gnorc! And you've been GNOOOOOORRRRRRCED

Attached: Gnasty_Gnorc_Reignited2.jpg (350x293, 28K)

Do you mean Dark Coco?

What's Hunter's stats again?


Fucking dragons keeping the green man down.

fucking lmao

>series is dead, that means you can't add it into a game!
Ice Climbers
Mr. Game & Watch
Duck Hunt Dog
Banjo Kazooie

..yeah, SOME of them are dead compared to the other 50+ characters in the game.



Not that user but I don't want CTR to become an incoherent cast of misfits. Spyro makes sense being in CTR but aesthetically making it Smash Bros 2.0 would make it worse imo

All of those but BK are Nintendo-made first parties. The thing with Sony is that it has no first party characters, every franchise was made by a different company.

not everything is Smash, and Sakurai is the only guy at Nintendo who cares about forgotten series
it's very fitting for a celebration of the history of video games though