>insert disc 2
>doesn't tell you where
Insert disc 2
Thank you for the chuckle, OP.
I legitimately panicked as a kid when I had to switch to disk 2 for FF9
>dad bought a second disk drive because of that
up your ass. Your supposed to put it up your ass user.
>installer is broken and dosen't detect the 2nd disk
haha what a funny thread bro let me save it to my bookmarks.
>*huh huh*
>"if I say it not funny I look cool and differwent"
>press any key to start
>cant find the any key
dumb akkoposter
dumb akko poster
>press start to play
>all buttons can start the game
>Game has 4 discs needed to install
>Computer only has one optical drive
Lol poorfag
This is good shit.
>use the left stick to move
>have to move to use the left stick
>>Downloadable content
>>I feel just as bad after downloading it
That was yesterday's thread winrar, don't spoil it user.
>nintendo switch
>press mouse 3
>only have one mouse
haha bro nice one! but who are you quoting my dude?
>"Press any button to start"
>Press power button
>Computer turns off instead of starting the game
Is my game bugged?
>you must update to continue
>changes pc clock time
lol poorfag