Revolver Ocelot

How did they take the coolest character in the series (maybe in gaming) and neuter him as badly as they did in MGSV? I've never seen the complete and utter rape of a character quite like this.

Patrick Zimmerman was a god, Josh Keaton did amazingly, why did he get fucking Troy Baker?

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They should've given him a Nagant Revolver.

I forgot what he even does in MGSV other than torture cucks.

He's not quite revolver ocelot yet in V he's getting there

recently got mgsv on a sale for 10 bux, man I already know that dumb twist (also the part where you need to get a fucking interpeter for russian in the early game besides the fact that Big Boss spoke russian in mgs3) in the end but it really does not feel like Big boss. A completely different voice and a nigga that is borderline a silent protaganist is nothing like my boi from from MGS3 that called HQ to tell them about how eating these murshrooms he found recharged the batteries on his gear.

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he's nothing in MGSV, though. They ripped him of his whole flamboyant persona.

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I get this post, but I'm triggered that they didn't include a single MGS2 quote, that game has his very best ones.

5 ocelot is my favorite
he is pretty and cool

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his "persona" is an act he puts on for hmthe people he's playing triple agent with

>besides the fact that Big Boss spoke russian in mgs3
so you missed the coma, and the brain damage, and the huge piece of shrapnel in the head?

brainlets hate mgs2

The spike's not even in the language center of his brain, left side brain handles that shit and the shrapnel is in his right. I remember pointing this out to a friend when the game first came out and some of the "you're not big boss" rumors came through.

fuck off, this is the dumbest argument in the world
>"You see, this sadistic, flamboyant character is actually a boring asshole"
Just accept that he sucked in MGSV and move on.

because Kojima is a shit writer

I wont accept that cause he's my favorite ocelot

MGSV is forgiven of all sins because of the cock balls torture scene with Quiet.

if only she was the one with cock and balls.

>Excellent speech, my friend. Gift of the silver tongue, they say it's the mark of a good officer, and of a liar. Americans are too in-love with the sound of their own voice to speak the truth!

>You were hamming it up as the tragic heroine, thanks to the script the Patriots wrote for you. It was pure self-indulgence - you couldn't get enough of the drama.

>Charades usually are humorous

>You're no lady luck. You have nothing that we didn't give you.

>Alas, my finger must have slipped.

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>”Sergei, looks like you were long overdue for retirement.”

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>That's an enemy gunship. A single burst from its machinegun could tear a man in half.

Anybody else notice how Troy Baker spoke with an accent in a couple of scenes in the game? most of the game he doesn't, but it still shows up here and there.