Game tries so desperately to be funny yet isn't humorous at all

>Game tries so desperately to be funny yet isn't humorous at all

What's her name? No Borderlands

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All games

Borderlands 2


>isn't humorous at all
I wouldn't go that far, but Portal 2 tried way, way too hard. Snarky GLaDOS was good. Wheatley... passable. The robotic announcer voice was bad. And then there was Cave "make me a meme, Reddit" Johnson. Painful.

games that are actually funny don't even exist

Portal. It's LOL! LOOK HOW ABSURD WE ARE! humor. I hate that humor. I know gamers are supposed to love Douglas Adams style shit but fuck Douglas Adams. It's not funny.

Any game with millennial writers. I blame stuff like the marvel movies having the same jokes every time and making everyone else replicate

Any basedboy numale game

Portal 1 didn't have this problem. "The cake is a lie" wasn't even a joke, it was foreshadowing. The only comic relief game from glados, but not at the expense of her creepiness.

Eric Wolfpaw did a great job on Psychonauts, but having him as lead writer for Portal 2 ruined the series. All of the creepiness and sinister atmosphere got thrown out in favor of nonstop snarky, one liner spitting characters. Seriously, I can't think of a single character in the game that's serious.



>"The cake is a lie" wasn't even a joke, it was foreshadowing.
No shit. The joke was that cake was being offered as a reward in the first place. Cake is a silly thing to offer as a reward given the context of the situation. It's silly that GLaDOS would think we would care so much about cake. It's silly that GLaDOS thought we would get so attached to a cube. And so on. That's the joke. That's the one joke of the entire fucking game repeated over and over and over again. "Isn't this silly?" Well, merely silly is not funny to me.

A truly awful jokes that will be engrained in the internet forever fuck me

Honestly, it was fun in the game, but on the internet it was spammed witho no context to no end thinking the phrase by itself was funny by itself
The only acceptable use of it outside Portal is Peach's letter in Mario 64

Your thread

I can agree with the thought that portal 2 tried a bit too hard when a lot of portal 1's strength was being comedic in that subdued, "valve-y" way, but I wouldn't say that it went way too far, or anything. The comedy is still fine for the most part. I actually liked the lemons thing.

>I can't think of a single serious character
Well, let's break down the entire cast.
>Chell, has no lines at all ever
>GLaDOS, makes nonstop fat jokes and snarky comments
>Wheatley, comic relief idiot with a funny voice
>robot announcer, comic relief idiot with a funny voice
>space core, lol random
>fact core, lol random
>Rick the adventure core, a personified Chuck Norris meme
>Cave Johnson, desperate meme bait
>Caroline, a flat background character with throwaway dialogue
>Atlas, basically WALL•E
>P-body, basically WALL•E
>turrets, their cute voices contrast nicely with their sinister nature
>opera turret, lololol she's fat
>companion cube, lol epic callback
>defective turrets, every line of dialogue is a one liner
>frankenturrets, morbid and pitiful but ultimately played as a gag about how dumb Wheatley is
>Jerry the nanobot, exists to make a joke about political correctness
>oracle turret, provides some decent foreshadowing
I count 18 total distinct characters, 19 if you really count the companion cube. Of them, only Chell, Caroline, regular turrets and the Oracle turret exist for a purpose other than making a joke. That means that almost every single character in the game is meant to be comic relief. At that point, what exactly is the comedy supposed to relieve us from? It's very rare that the player is allowed to feel alone and afraid when atmosphere is constantly interrupted by a one liner.

The underwhelmingness of cake as a reward for surviving several death mazes is comedic, but it also adds to her character. It reinforces just how robotic and off this disembodied voice is, and the more she offers it, the more you get the feeling that something bad is about to happen. Compare that to the Rick and Morty dialogue of 2.

Like the cake is a lie the lemons speech was misinterpreted, it was basically the ramblings of a dying man with an expiration date hastily doing anything to try and survive, going as far as uploading the conscience of your assistant agaisnt her will

Fallout 2 and New Vegas

Earth worm Jim.

as someone who was nursing and still is nursing a pretty hefty fear of mortality him being like "FUCK accepting death" resonated pretty hard

>New Vegas
Not really
Honestly, this. The Enclave was dark as shit and the wasteland felt more bleak than 1, which is saying something. Why they felt the need to undercut this with so many 4th wall and let's jokes is beyond me. It's good to not be grimdark, but they took it to far. At least in New Vegas, the humor typically comes from the Courier's dialogue options, meaning that you don't have to make a joke. The Wild Wasteland trait is also a nice way to choose how much comic relief there is.

Retro City Rampage. The game has literally no identity of its own, it's references 100% of the time all the way through. Don't even get me started on the scene where the protag goes to his GF to bang for a few seconds under a giant shaking censor bar

I bought that game and played it for like a half hour and then forgot it existed. Isn't the main bad guy a jester or something?

I honestly don't remember. I pirated the original version ages ago and everything about it was garbage. The power ups were cool but they were meaningless but you only use each like once.

this shit
blah blah blaber blaber dialogue with no humor

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Came here to say this
It's actually so bad that it ruins the gameplay, which was pretty fun


How was it trying too hard? I thought the dialogue fit just fine in the narrative of an absurdly inefficient and expensive factory made for a silly purpose to begin with. I'm willing to bet you think this way because of how people started spouting that shit instead of the content actually being shit.

Your first problem was assuming the japs were a people capable of humor at all

The intro to this DLC is like 45 minutes of non-stop shitty jokes made up by a teenager. It's fucking cancerous.

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>sometimes write some stuff because I think I'm funny
>become terrified that it's actually Borderlands tier


Sunset Overdrive
The stylization of the game is great but the humor kills it

I legit don't find anything funny, pls help

And every game with "we're so self-alware" humor


Portal 2.


any western game in the last 10 years


Outer Worlds is shaping up to be just that.