The eternal debate

The eternal debate.

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dark souls

how are these two comparable?

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is this for most overrated? because that is all they have in common.

>You can't compare two JRPGs

Souls is more unique

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one is a hack and slash with slight rpg elements, while the other is a VN with lite combat. not much to compare here

Nice gameplay + shit story


Shitty gameplay + nice story

>poorly written dating simulator for weebs
>100% interactive masterpiece that created an entire new genre in videogames

How what a hard choice.

Persona 5 does not have a nice story.

Dark Souls can only be compared to other Fromsoft games cause Souls, BB and Sekiro are just so far ahead of the rest of vidya in game design.

Is this a debate on which one contrarians on Yea Forums hates the most? Is this a debate on which one spawn the most shitty and fickle fanbase? Is this a debate on which game series produced a better version of the same game you're presenting but was done before these two came out?
What the fuck are we debating here?
One of them is a turn base jrpg with waifus and the other is a hack n slash with more running around than actual hacking n slashing.
I like both Persona 5 and Dark souls but Demon souls and Persona 4 are better than both of these.

What debate? Which girl is best in each game?
Priscilla and Futaba, obviously.

>Persona 5
>nice story

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Bloodborne is better than both, especially Persona 5.

>Persona 5
>nice story
I will pray tonight, hoping that the person behind that post was a 12 year old, negro boy who only consumes anime and Playstation games.

for most worst fandoms ?

Dark Souls, easily. How is this even a question?

>all these seething nincels picking Dark Souls
Cope harder. Dark Souls is a mediocre game that gets fetishized for being hard

Persona 5 is a mediocre game that gets fetishized.

I love both series, and I still can't imagine how anyone could possibly prefer P5.

Nope. Persona 5 is the greatest JRPG of all time and you're just mad 'cause you can't play it.

Persona 5 is so bad, it’s not even close.

At least has SOME story. Dark Souls doesn't have a story. It only has a spooky atmosphere and loose bits of bullshit that its fandom insists to call "story", but doesn't really work as a story

It's better for it though, because most game stories are fucking shit

Are you retarded or are you just trying to make Persona fanboys look bad? Dark Souls story isn't spectacular, but it's there. The lore aspect is infinitely more interesting than anything P5 had.

> my two cell can't think on it's own, I need to be spoon fed, therefore, a game with Sonichu level of writing is superior.

This is why we'll never have good writing in video games ever, except a few exceptions.

Have sex samefag

I did play it, on PS4. Dumb brand warrior.

Nope. But nice try, you desperate Persona fag.


pics or it didn't happen

Did I huwt youw feewings by insulting your digital fwiends?

Zoomers don't deserve rights

Neither do Niggers, but somehow they exist regardless.

Which one has the more obnoxious hate base? That's a tough one. P5 is obviously newer and it's an exclusive and a JRPG which makes the zoomies seethe something fierce. But Dark Souls makes people want to put it down to brag about their epeen and causes mass seething from DeSfags and DS2 fags. Then again, P5 makes 1,2 and 3 neckbeards shit their diaper so I don't know. It's definitely close.

it's not even the greatest persona game

Dark Souls

please name three games with "nice stories"

Dark Souls is pretty unanimously respected. There are some haters but they are generally just being a caricature for fun. P5 definitely has a dedicated hate base especially since the main character came out in Smash, which has an aggressively horrible fanbase, literally the dregs of society, they make antifa look like stable and solid citizens.


Dark Souls has a pretty obnoxious hate base.
>I'm good at games I'm good at games! Please validate me!
But Persona 5 seems worse because it's one of those games that has a dedicated autist (WRPGkun) shitposting in threads about it. Like that Bloodborne platinum guy. Wonder what ever happened to him?

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It's because you have subhumans who cannot get farther than the bell tower complaining it's too hard, as well as the mentally retarded/games journalists being incapable of completing the fucking asylum.

I wasn't aware this was a debate, but I'll take any souls game over P5. That's not to say I dislike P5 but souls is just that grate.

>they make antifa look like stable and solid citizens.
They are, you're just on the wrong side of history and can't see that they're saving society from Nazi scum like you.

The P5 fanbase itself has been way shittier than usual recently too though. I'm not sure if it's all falseflaggers or secondary smashfags but the shitposting from the fans of this game has really intensified over the past few months.

Most of the shitposting I've seen is related to Smash and consolewarring. That's just me though. Plus Souls had its own cancerous fanbase for awhile, it's just that both are eclipsed by their hatebases which are twice as autistic and loud.
