Game has multiple difficulties to choose from

>Game has multiple difficulties to choose from.

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> Chooses Hard

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>Easy is called "Normal"

>Hard is called "Casual"

Western game: Normal = Easy
Japanese game: Normal = Normal
Not even joking that's usually how it is.

One dies from one bullet and you need to play without auto-aim or your trophies getting the lock.

>game doesn't become tougher on the harder difficulty
>just becomes grindy and more tedious, requiring no further skill than the easier difficulties

>you can change the difficulty at any time

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>can change resolution in options

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I just choose one of the higher ones and call it a day. I don't choose the highest though because half the time it's unplayable.

It was the opposite for decades.

>harder difficulties dont do anything like buff enemy ai, or speed, or aggression
>it just gives enemies more health and damage

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>hardiest difficulty has the name of the game

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Name 5 games

Halo: Combat Evolved
Halo 2
Halo 3
Halo 4
Boiling Point: Road to Hell

>Plot twist
You gotta finish the game once to unlock Hard difficulty

>game has easy, normal, hard, very hard
>i pick "hard" because of symmetry autism

>there is no difficulty to choose from.

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Easy: 80% enemy health and damage
Normal: 100%
Hard: 120%
Nightmare: 150%

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that still wouldnt be symmetrical user.

i start with normal and if its too easy i bump it up

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yeah but playing on the "easy side" of the axis feels wrong

>Easy = Enemies are made of paper
>Normal = Enemies are made of paper plus sheilds
>Hard = More enemies with better weapons
>Very Hard = Special enemies with bullshit aimbot, increased health and beephier sheilds
>Insanity = Same as before sept youre made of paper.

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How can normal be easy if normal is normal

>Difficulty is based on which character/faction you play forcing you to gitgud to experience all the content.

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Doom 3

>harder difficulty makes enemy smarter instead of buffing their stats

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>Game asks you if you want to lower the difficulty if you die too many times
>Game gives you shit if you say "Yes"

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Postal 2

>EDF 5
>Hard is normal

>Die during the tutorial because you're getting used to the controls/ unlearning muscle memory from another recent game
>Game: "Sup you little BITCH looks like you could use some help like the anal-loving little faggot that you are. How about you turn on EZPZ Pissboy Mode so the game can play itself for you, dumbass?"

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>normal is too easy
>hard is too hard

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>not having 32gb muscle memory
c'mon nigga

>Game asks you if you want to lower the difficulty if you die too many times
>Keeps asking the same question every third death with no way to turn it off
>You end up smashing yes when you're used to game asking "Do you want to continue?"
>Game berates you for choosing the scrub difficulty

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deus ex hr

>give me deus ex human revolution

>game becomes impossible on impossible

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>normal mode is slow to start
>"hard mode" adds flat thousands of coins to enemy drops right out the gate, with minimal difficulty increase
>just turns completely optional enemies into damage sponges and makes your stamina bar deplete faster
Thanks I guess.

>Normal mode treats you like a downy
>Hard mode slaps you around for a couple of hours but enemies drop better rewards which makes the whole thing easier than Normal mode

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>Beat game on normal
>Try hard
>Hard mode is easy

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This is the best option. Either deal with it or piss off.

I choose the second hardest difficulty every single time. i like a little challenge but i'm not a masochist.

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>Doesn't buff enemy AI

Such a stupid complaint. Why would the developers make the AI poorer for the majority of plebs who play their game on normal difficulty?

>he calls himself a gamer
>he's never so much as unlocked Kiss Your Ass Goodbye mode in Shadow the Hedgehog
>much less beaten it

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>Easy is to Easy
>Medium is too easy
>Hard is too easy
>Death wish is too hard

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I hate this too.

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>choose hardest difficulty
>enemies are impossible to kill at low level
>have to keep changing difficulty manually to maintain the game challenging
Why can't devs make a well designed hard mode progression?



>hard is still to easy unmodded
>toho: you can't clear level 1 on easy for a while

>normal is too hard
>hard is too easy

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>You can raise the difficulty at any time, but you can't lower it

They use to, but the bar keeps getting lowered or lifted depending on your audience. Video games are in normie culture for godssake. The last time where I felt difficulty was was more than increase/decrease in numbers was Halo 2 of all games. Certain enemies appeared or didn't. Tactics would change, and so on.

I didn't play the F.E.A.R. series but alot of people tell me there was good examples of difficulty increases/decreases in that game.

>tfw easy is the hardest difficulty

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Based. Name the game.

>But also means some of the content is piss easy and you can't just up the difficulty for it.
Shit system to be quite honnest desu.

>Game has multiple difficulties
>Only Easy and Hard

but the hardest difficulty on halo games is legendary...

>Game increases difficulty depending on how well you do

>higher difficulty is locked behind playing the game on easy/normal

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>enemies get marginal stat increases
>get much more aggressive and attack much more frequently

Resident Evil 4 really nails this.

>high damage output, lots of HP, but it's the opposite for enemies
>normal damage output and HP, kudos for enemies
>low damage output and low HP, enemies are bullet sponges and will bitchslap your ass with a .22lr pistol from across the map
>You have low HP, but high damage output, and the same is true for enemies
>game suddenly becomes tactical milsim

name the game


Shucks, I knew it was too easy!

Finish it on normal then play it on hard

>Play on Legendary
>Dodgeweave mobs and bosses without getting hit once
>Play on Champion
>Not enough enemies to warrant being alert all the time and get stabbed in the back

>normal: new to the game
>hard: the way its meant to be played

then just call hard normal you stupid motherfuckers

>finish hard mode
>select hardest/insane/nightmare
>Limited saves/no saving/perma death

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