*runs at mach 3 across your desk*

*runs at mach 3 across your desk*

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Other urls found in this thread:



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how do i get rid of these niggers i saw two this week

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Are these the biggest cunt insects?

virgin desk pest vs chad bathroom zoom

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you mean the biggest bros

Diatomaceous Earth

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no not again i breathed in some and it fucked up my breathing for weeks

>centipede haters

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Feel safe because these guys will kill everything else in your house.
If you import some to Australia it'll became less of hellhole

These chads are actually something you want around your house. They eat spiders and other shit you don't want. Then when those are all gone they'll leave. They really only like dark places.

> *prepares anus*

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I'd rather have these fuckers over spiders.

If you have one of these around it means your house is infested with more trash. Clean your house and they will go find some other place to hunt.

*puts it in my mouth*

>living in the 3rd world
Yikes desu

Is this a Canadian thing?

same fag anti-silverfish pro-centipede propaganda

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>he doesn't let spiders hang around
haven't seen any of these little shitters since then.

How do I properly put one in my anus?

There's nothing wrong about house centipedes. They're usually afraid of people, and we have the tendency to eat what's considered pests. They're also pretty good at not getting in the way.

>wanting to get rid of G*d's perfect creation
They literally are the tigers of your disgusting home's ecosystem, tailored for KILLING and GOING FAST, they could be crawling all over your face at night (because they hunt in the dark) and you would never know

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My centipede bro got eaten by a spider.

but spiders eat mosquitos which are way more annoying

I probably wouldn't notice it.
Also, what kind of country would you live in to have these things in your home?

i wish we could let them on the board so they can also get rid of the spiders (tripfags) here.

>They really only like dark places.
do you think they would like my asshole haha imagine that



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>turn off light in room
>walk out, forgot to get something and come back in
>see a massive one as long as my palm now on the wall where I was sitting
>it senses me and the light and runs back to cover

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t. spider


>think a bat just flew into the wall behind my PC and see something huge tumble down
>it's one of these motherfucks

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>hasn't changed in millions of years
the perfect organism it seems


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god i hate these little faggots

My cat eats these things. I really don't care when I see them.

Isn't your house totally fucked if you have those?

You don't. They demolish the insect population in your house, then fuck off because there's no more food there.


Literally a perfect, unstoppable creation


Looks similar to an assassin spider. Neck's not long enough though.

We'll see who's seething you little pest

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I used to live in a house and I had literal anxiety attacks when I saw these things at night. I'm so glad I live in an apartment now that has zero bugs.


I get it you like silverfish. Wouldn't be surprised if you have a farm of them in an aquarium filled with old books.

Someone has to burn this fucking thread

But I like spiders.

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>one night I fall asleep watching some show in my bed
>see on the corners of my eyes something scuttling very close on my pillow
>it's one of those fucks
>fuck the bed up and removes everything
>never saw it again
>sleep uneasily afterward

Not really.

I live in an apartment, and there was no preventing it. The upstairs neighbors were really careless and flooded their apartment on several occasions so they fucking crawl in the walls and get trapped in my bathroom light fixture trying to get from bathroom to bathroom.

Super annoying, but I only see like a couple every few months and they're localized to the bathrooms. I don't even have holes in my clothing.

The fuckers run too fast for me to take a couple of steps and grab something so i use my phone since it''s always on me to squash them.

that's a cute pic

It's a Giant House Spider, they're harmless but their size and the speed they move at is creepy as fuck.

Based and Vidyapilled

Better hide your spiders if a centipede decides to appear in your house.

Stop abusing your pet

>I used to live in a house
Do you now live in a shoebox in the middle of the road?

Don't mind me. I'm just chilling in the corner

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>he reads only 1 sentence per post, damned be the rest

>he doesn't suck futa cock.

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The biggest insects/arachnids I see in my house are around the size of dimes. If I saw something bigger than that run across my floor I would probably go into cardiac arrest. I'm so fucking glad I live in the cold.

Depends where you live. In Michigan they are everywhere, regardless.

I usually only have issues with shitty mosquitos and wasps.
Wish there was a natural insect predator for these fucks

But the first sentence was the best sentence

Spiders. Then again, spiders put their webs everywhere, and are scary


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I keep my spiders alive and throw them out if they aren't productive which is usually most of the time.

asians eat these.

True, dumb bastards can't understand what making web outside the window is better than hanging in some god-forsaken corner

>see one running under my bed last night
>today sees this post
Get the fuck out of my house!

We just moved, and now that we're cleaning the old place I'm seeing so many of these fuckers behind where we had furniture. I knew we had them, but Jesus.

House spiders are based, they're only annoying when they try and make webs in the tub or next to your shoes

Its all fun and games until you saw those abomination lurking on your monitor screen.

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do spiders eat silverfish? I'll rather have spiders in my house than those annoying things

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The end with the longer legs is the back side, so a tip for everyone is that if you see one and its smaller legs are facing you that it will catch and jump on you.

More like being a retard and getting trapped in a bathtub or sink. Stick to rhe garage and you'll be fine.

>flys across your face at 11 PM at night with the computer monitor as your only light source

Scared the fucking shit out of me.

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>they eat spiders
Nigga if they come touching my bros I'll be committing full blown genocide on every single one of them. I'm going to make concentration camps just for them and I'll make sure that each and every single one of them gets an agonizing death.

>rots your flesh
nothing personel... kid

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>do spiders eat silverfish?

Dulong, while it translates to silver fish, is actually just fish.
Asians don't eat these.

>be eurofag
>dont have amerinigger bugs crawling across my desk at mach 4
we do have the 'common house spider' that looks like a roided daddy long-legs. fuck i hate those niggers. if i cant kill em with my shoe i run away like a bitch. fuck you i'll admit it

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How dirty are you people that you have fucking bugs in your house. The most I have seen was an occasional bro ant. Not scary and not gross. If i ever see a centipede or spider in my house than I'm calling an exterminator. If i ever in my life see a roach, im moving.

what's the best type of living space to live in if you never want to see bugs?

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fuck insect niggers
just genocide all of the fuckers
you can leave bumblebees though


>we have
based centipede poster

>people that kill spiders on site
spiders are literally bro-tier. Just make them stay in one corner of a room that isn't your bedroom and they won't do anything except get rid of shitty bugs like bees/flys/wasps

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I lived in apts In major us cities and never had a roach. One place i had a centipede probably but after i killed all 3 in a week span , they never appeared again. If you have roaches in your place thats you not where you live.

Outer space.

i've got bad news user

ants are categorically worse than spiders and centipedes there's no such a thing as a single ant

just because it doesn't bite you doesn't mean it's not a problem

Fuck hobo spiders and fuck Idaho

>be euro
>not a single animal that's poisonous to humans unless you count allergies
>every big animal is a bro, only killing humans when they walk across a street and hit a car
>every single bug is small and harmless as fuck no real pests at all
God bless, I'd hate to be living in a country where a small bug can kill you just like that.

Bugs always find a way, user. Always.

opaque bubble ball

Cold countries

You must be thinking of something else. Those are insanely common. That's like asking if your house is fucked if you ever see a mere spider or ant or something

bullshit diatomaceous earth is non hazardous. you would have to breathe in a fuck ton for it to do any damage

french here we are invaded by

I used to see those things all the time in Loserana.
Not only do they FLY they'r also huge as fuck.
Anytime I saw one of those I'd instantly go into panic mode.
Especially when I look for something to squash or spray it with, look back to where I last saw it, and the fucker's gone.
Horror music would start playing in my head.

>calling an exterminator over a single bug
what a soiboi

Hobo spiders are completely harmless, user. That was a brown recluse. Pic related is a hobo spider.

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I hate to break the news to you user, but the Giant Asian Hornet is now in the UK, significant numbers found in France and Isle of Jersey

Anywhere really cold.


Pretty easy in areas where climate changes between very cold and hot.

All year spray inside and out with mild repellant/poisons, foundation and windows most important.

Get a big dehumidifier with an outlet port and run it to a drain and keep humidity below 45, but better at 35. Lower humidity helps in most homes.

Check the sill plate and foundation and around windows and doors. Fill in cracks or anything that looks like it could let a playing card slip through it. Use joint compound or similar. Even spray rubber can work. Most get in very low but not too low (like a few feet deep around your foundation)

Keep the house clean. The smaller bugs attract the larger ones. Even something like mulch outside can attract smaller bugs that lead to spiders and centipedes making a home.

If spiders and shit have no food they die. It is really easy to inspect the foundation and sill to see where they are getting in.

yea but spiders are lazy cunts. house centipedes seek and destroy anything else that moves including spiders and silverfish

Had one crawl across my bed once. Was awake the entire night.

A challenger approaches

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God I hate roaches. I’d be perfectly fine with them if they didn’t fly.

*bolts across your bedroom floor at 5,000,000 mph*

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*lands on your hand*

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> the Giant Asian Hornet is now in the UK
wait a fucking second
you fucking what

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My bad, I thought it was just another name for the recluse. Looks like people fucked up and thought hobos had a necrotic bite as well a few years back.

user, there are spiders in Antarctica

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>we do have the 'common house spider' that looks like a roided daddy long-legs
Those are Tegenarias, they are almost blind, easily frightened and will always run away against threat. They are safe to pick up. You often find them inside tubs and sinks because they walk on smooth surface.


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motherfucker i once had to wrestle a common house spider. the nigger looked so fucking fat (if my arachnaphobia didnt distort the memory of his size) it was the size of a baby's hand. the cunt had the audacity to fall behind my PC monitor. it made a tinny 'thwack' sound as it hit my desk. it spooked me. i spent like an hour hunting this big black nigger spider in my room with a crowbar. i hit holes in my wall chasing after it. when that didnt work i grabbed a big ass wooden fucking slat from under my bed and when i found the six legged nigger i mushed him into the floor boards until it was the same colour as my beige carpet. god i fucking hate spiders and bugs.

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>gnats (fuck these fuckers so fucking much AAA!!)
>bed bugs

When the fuck are we going to instinct these demonic fucks???

>be eurofag
>thanks to global warming
>never had anything than house spiders and centipedes
>now have a fucking tarantula invasion

>giving a single fuck about bugs
Unless you live in a region with poisonous insects they are meaningless to your existence, and even then most would rather run than bite you. I've cleaned corners of my house without bugs, just going into webs with spiders with a pinesol cloth, and pathetic ass spiders know better than to bite me if I'm not directly crushing them.

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