Binding of Isaac - Repentance Stream


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Other urls found in this thread:

Why would I go there if it isn't live yet?

Well I meant in the thread to discuss what you want to see and everything, I'll be clipping and making webms of the best parts though

to post poggers in the chat

Ah gotcha, keep up the good work then.

who cares
i've chewed this steak to its limit

Promo art

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I dont really care and i dont want to spoil myself, when is the release date? Thats the only thing i care about

>three of my most anticipated games right now are a BoI spinoff, an Isaac DLC, and Spelunky 2.
I feel like we should be past this shit in 2019 but here I am.

goty goty

How's the Bible gonna fall from that low shelf.

What spinoff?

Legend of Bum-bo, it's out soon.

So I'm gonna have to pay for what was a free mod before? Antibirth sounds a lot better than Repentance anyway.

I really hope Killian gets a last minute change of heart and doesnt add damage scaling to endgame bosses, one is more than enough


No, you are paying for being able to use the mod with the current game and you are also paying for extra content that is comming with this aswell.

You don't have to pay for anything, user, you can just go play the mod if you want.

Oh shit, looks interesting, thanks doot

Which Isaac version should I play?
All these different versions confuse me.

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>red key is on the wall in the back
This makes my penis the big penis

Is Florian going to reference his friend Mumkey getting cuckolded by a 15 year old with his furry former fiance?

pls tell me there is an image where her feet are naked


Flash Version

Well, we're off to a bad start.

This but actually non-ironically

i hope this expansion fixes some of the bullshit with the game, but i doubt it will

There's two versions, the original Flash version, and the remake Afterbirth. Start there, then get the DLCs if you want them.

It's fucking trash. Isaac peaked with cartoon style artwork. I feel really bad for people who don't play the superior flash version. It has the real difficulty, no bullshit items, no insta win synergies, no bullshit damage sponge bosses, the best soundtrack, the best artstyle ; everything.

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rebirth with antibirth mod
okay game with amazing fanmade mod

Flash is the first, old version.
It's okay, but imo just get the remake (Rebirth) and its DLCs (Afterbirth and Afterbirth +)

If Antibirth and the booster packs are of any indication, at least we'll get some neat items

I'm pretty shocked that this game is etill being milked like this. I only ever played the original.
Do they actually add enough to justify making it a separate release, or is it just a few additions along with a few balance changes like Guilty Gear?

true co-op confirmed, fuck the babies

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>I'm pretty shocked
Really? Why?

>It has the real difficulty,
lol Book of Revelation.

It's all worth it imo. People will take issue with the DLCs, but the problem is never a lack of content, it's balance.

>Being so bald that the light is reflecting


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Buy Rebirth. The Flash Version is pretty good and has some unique gameplay, but is pretty janky overrall because it was made in flash. If you get Flash, get Wrath of the Lamb (traditional expansion) then optionally Eternal Edition (hard mode actually made AFTER rebirth). If you get Rebirth, get Afterbirth (traditional expansion), then Afterbirth+ (modding api and some minor changes).

*commits career sucide*

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I dunno whos working on this game and i fucking LOVED isaac but they legit ruined this shit with all the shitty items they put into it and its LAZY fucking developmental process.

Motherfucker couldve had this shit out ages ago but he wants to make a fuckin card game of all things and still have the balls to bitch about how he wants to move onto other projects

>extra content that is comming with this aswell
Okay, that makes sense.
>with the current game
Is that Afterbirth you are referring to? I'm genuinely asking because I never touched Afterbirth's content since I kept hearing it was a cesspool of bad content. Is that not true now? Is it worth it to get Afterbirth and + for the sake of expanding it with the good content from Antibirth?

Full Flash version or vanilla Rebirth

>I dunno whos working on this game and i fucking LOVED isaac but they legit ruined this shit with all the shitty items they put into it and its LAZY fucking developmental process.
the guys who made Antibirth are developing this, it won't be as lazy as previous DLCs

Ed doesn't do the labor on his games anymore, it's all on Tyrone from Nicalis. Kilburn, a main dev behind Antibirth is working there now too.

>Book of Revelation
Spawns the hardest bosses in the game. Your turn.

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Oh yeah, that guy.

Well fuck them and fuck anyone that looks like them

>lets release it on all the consoles and handhelds!?!?!
>never update them
>shits barely even functions on the 3DS

it's supposed to be released sometime in december, i'm hoping it'll be out in time for the winter sale

>hey guys isn't Christianity stupid ^^
reddit: the game

I guess shock is the wrong word to use. I mean, it's just been such a long-ass time since it originally came out, and it just seems like every year that there's a new version of the game. I don't hate it or anything but constantly seeing it everywhere kinda turns me off from it a bit, y'know?
I'll probably read more into it and give it a shot if I like what I see.

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>I guess shock is the wrong word to use
I'm already checking out.

Reminder that Bum-bo was supposed to be out last December.



nobody cares about bumbo

not him but flash did almost everything better than current version except how how shitty it ran. I still miss that soundtrack

Good catch, I thought there were 0 Antibirth items at first.


Seek help

I do you fuck

>It has the real difficulty
Doesn't it have the broken Cain that can just pill his way to a win?

But will there be online co-op?

eternal mode in flash isaac is pure 100% bullshit mode

Wrath of the lamb was more than enough additional content for me, i have no idea how there are so many expansions

Soundtrack is the only thing better, also that post was about the promo artwork
New things bad! Can you accept me now senpai?

well edmund probably put the project on hold since he's working with the antibirth guys on the dlc and barely anyone would care if a spinoff turn based game came out a little later

It's still slated for release before the DLC.

It begins.

So why is it taking half a decade to come out then

Let me walk you through the timeline:

>flash version comes out, beginning the story
>big dlc was released called wrath of the lamb
>due to the limitations of flash Edmund couldn't do everything he wanted with the game and it became almost impossible to add new content to it

>remake comes out called the binding of isaac rebirth, which was the game that Edmund wanted to make as a whole
>slight balance issues started to creep in due to the increased number of items
>Afterbirth releases as a dlc to rebirth which added more content and was generally pretty good, although it continued the balance issues problem.

>Just before the "final dlc" releases, a mod for rebirth called antibirth released, which was reknowned for being amazing and adding a whole new route
>afterbirth+ comes out and is a buggy mess with various issues
>completely split the community in two
>afterbirth+ gets patched over time with the help of the anti devs, and they go completely quiet on antibirth

>fast forward to last year
>we receive news that antibirth is coming officially with more stuff
>it is changing old and new content alike, adding features from the flash version and improving animations
>lead dev really wants the game to be better balanced

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We live bois

Antibirth is great, but fuck nicalis

Eternal edition added so much shit that a free PHD will not carry you that far

Didn't he say the game was 80% done or something like that

the pot play...

Still not as bad as no key meta.

there it is

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why the fuck did you tag me about it, i know the timeline of the game, guy wants to be done with isaac but its his only cash cow now that meatboy is a dead genre, and all his other projects blow chunks.

It's.. just sitting there.

I'm still mad the Anti-Birth OST will have to be a mod. Fuck you Edmund you could have given options for this you fat cunt.

What happened



Then he'd have to pay for it.

Cant have something sound better than Rebirth Depths, Ed boy doesnt want his """vision""" tainted

He made a joke very early in his isaac career that if he was still playing this years later it would be career suicide

For a good time it was his most watched content and he still plays and posts daily isaac videos to this day and its probably what made him his youtube career (he does mostly other shit now though)

I don't have good enough internet to watch the stream. Is there a release date? Is it coming to any consoles? Switch at least, right?

wait what? what about the antibirth floors? they don't get the antibirth music?

name a more boring, yet useful item than sulphuric acid

Its...a title screen, whoopee

they get new tracks from Ridiculon, Gamespot confirmed this at PAX last year

Fuck everything.

god fucking damn it

>replacing planetarium and library music
fuck this
fuck this deeply

if you don't play this game with m&kb + crosshair enabled you're not a real gamer

The Anti-birth OSt guy said he'll put out a mod. I THINK he said he'll also make new music for anything new too but don't quote me on that.

All basic familiars "shoot tears at enemies". Brother Bobby's only real downside is being a devil room item, for example.

It's fine not to, but you should use M+KB no matter what.

Crosshair? the fuck?

Yes, there's mouse-controlled shooting if you enable it in the config file.

I don't mind, Ridiculon's music is unironically fucking great.
Listen to Delirium and Hush's boss themes and tell me those aren't sick as hell. Really excited to see what he'll make for the Witness.

Remember when Edmund threw a hissy pissy fit because no one wanted to play his ARG?

Ah I was afraid that he might had said something transphobic or whatever and people were cancelling him

Good to know nothing changed

It still only works in the four cardinal directions unless you have Marked!

>STILL just sitting there

1 minute left

Actually tons of people were having fun playing it before it was spoiled.

Clearly this is Edmund's new ARG. It'll take months to solve and once solved only THEN can you buy the DLC downloading it requires ANOTHER ARG though.


Or Epic Fetus.

Hes canadian, i dont think its possible for him to offend anyone ever

Was that a fucking skype call?

That skype tho

am Edmund, you won't be able to play antibirth content until you solve my arg which involves waiting for one week straight before being able to solve the next puzzle, fuck thy mother

>skype call noise
>stream ends

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This is the beginning of the ARG

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Engish ONLY

What a amazing start.


The skype sound startled me

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Reminder that a game dev doesnt know how to use a fucking microphone and has to shove it in his mouth so we get all those hard Ps and Ts blowing out our headphones

I just hope Repentance focuses more on adding fun items instead of punishing ones
what the fuck is the point of making several items that make you worse? having to check the wiki on every new item you encounter to see if you should take it is terrible
also they should add actual item descriptions

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>The call that killed the stream

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>all the spanish people in the chat

this is pathetic

who the hell uses Skype in 2019

>69 hours

Why the fuck are people still using Skype? It's beyond shit.

This, fucking spyware bullshit


He needs to lower the mic volume and get a fucking pop-filter

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Just go play the mod then?

Literally my only problem with Afterbirth+ is it diluted the item pool with shit gimmick items and we didn't have nearly enough straight stat increase items to counter that.
I hope Repentance adds more DMG, Speed, Tears up items in addition to the new ones. No amount of gimmicks will change that you have no chance of getting past the Womb without more damage.

millionaire dev cant afford more than a 10 dollar mic

>bombing a fire

>sexy walk

>that press star indicator in the upper right
yup, multiplayer

isn't that invader spider item based on that cancelled hellbenders animation

compound fracture>parasite>cricket's body

The glow on the hearts is annoying.


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Is it me or, it looks more soulful?


None. get a sony Playstation 4 and play bloodborne

>"we added visual fidelity and some animations from the flash version"
Yeah, that's why

ECHO echo echo

>showing off new features
>doesn't go to the new floor

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>Favourite boss is fistula
>Not the Haunt
Shit taste desu

the haunt is a pain in the early game
fuck you

>10 minute runs
>I'm gonna stay here and try to put out this fire through the rocks.

He didn't had soul hearts

holy shit the commentary is garbage
where's ed

He looks so cool though and his transition into corporeal haunt who fires brimstone beams is kino as fuck. Fistula while easy, is just a boring "boss" version of Envy

sulfur and floor


Ed just sends design instructions from home these days, he's not really involved in development. It's why he can work on three games at once.

so this is basically antibirth plus a few QoL stuff right? wish they didnt bloat the itempool with shitty items no one likes using


You need soul hearts to open the Mausoleum not Downpour. Downpour only requires a key


fuckin fags, you already have

The spike animations are much better now.

The other item is great and he's not likely to get that much value out of the D6 in the four minutes he had left.

>Lil' blub
wtf Beezleblub was a way better name

>internet keeps cutting in and out

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sulfur x2 in ne room= permanent brimstone

It's the name of a transformation already in AB+.

Hope we get a mod that changes some of this shit back.

>some of this shaders will destroy your Switch
What the fuck? it is not that heavy of a game, is it?

no the bosses name was beezleBLUB
you know, cause he drowned


>current iphones are much more stronger than switch
fucking really?

This music isn't anywhere near as good.

zoomers sure love their shitty flash games lmao

>iphone more poweful than switch

>When the Demo timer ends, it changes you into the Lost
That's neat.

god the new mines music fucking sucks


>thousand dollar hardware more powerful than the Switch

No shit.

You guys have no knowledge of how technology works or something? This shouldn't be news

an iphone costs $1k, the switch costs like $300

If its gonna fuck with the switch there better be an option to turn them off

Agreed, bring back the fucking fridge beep.

listen to machine in the walls

that dodge man

it's not, they just don't know how to optimize for switch as they admitted straight after

Iphone costs 1000 bucks because apple are fucking jews dude, get real

I like those scythes.

Wait, what? Is it seriously not coming to Switch because of some fucking shaders?

they're just bad at programming and should never be that confident and smug when talking about performance

how's high school going champ?

They're priced similarly to the competition and have a more powerful processor.

As someone who 100%'d both versions of Isaac, the original is far easier, even with the Eternal Edition.


Holy shit that guy got CALLED OUT

>actually spending time to argue with one heckler

Jesus, does this guy live in a bubble or what

>tyrone butthurt after getting called out


What happened?

Yeah, I heard that, welp.
What a bunch of fags
Somebody said this game can run perfectly on Switch, but called him a liar for not knowing how to optimize.

>winstreak -94

"Repentance could totally run on the Switch, Tyrone is just too lazy to optimize it" from the chat.

someone called him lazy and a shit programmer so he went full "uhhh are you a programmer yourself? didnt think so" mode

>Blood Beggar taking health every single time you touch it, ignoring immunity frames

>not an epic exclusive
actually no

There's literally 2 guys and a sound designer working on this game

It's been like 2 years to just get it working on PC, give them a break, Edmunds the jew who refuses to pay more people to work on his highly popular game

I aint saying its not more powerful than switch, im just saying phones are overpriced bullshit because mouthbreathers buy them up at that price
eat shit

noooo how could this happen bros

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>starts defending epic in the middle of promoting his game for no reason
He's right, but he's fucking stupid too.

>I'm a believer that console wars aren't a good thing
>But I will defend Epic Games Store


theyre porting an already existing DLC over to the game with the people thats already done it. Yes theres more to it than that but they should stop jerking themselves off and get it done by now


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I mean the music for Repentance. Machine in the Walls and Sheol were my favourite in Antibirth.

Well, Yea Forums? Do you play a lot of Greed mode?

>in the middle of
Someone brought it up in the chat.
He's still a dumb.

>Recognize their username
>its a fucking tranny

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wheres edmund

>Play Binding of Isaac when it came out
>Didn't care for it, stopped playing a few days after
>See this thread
>"Why the fuck are people talking about this game still?"
>Google it
>There have been remakes, remasters, re-releases, DLCs, mod expansions, etc.
What the fuck

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i fucking hate greed mode

yeah my bad I hadn't even noticed they changed it
we'll probably get a more for the classic music I hope

>recognising twitch usernames

go outside penis obsessed freak

hes on his yacht eating a steak

>Massive damage up that counts down

>its a fucking tranny
Every time.

no, if the donation machine at the end wouldn't jam I probably would

oh no no no

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this isnt new
play antibirth

Fucking damnit.

I enjoy it, good arcade-y fun

Everyone agrees that wotl eternal is harder, so you're either lying or just spent way too long figuring how to play keeper

sucks to have shit taste user, excited for modern warfare?

I did but it's been a while.

oh shit the red soup keeps your damage up for consecutive kills now, dope

so did they confirm if they're adding anything to antibirth besides ruining the ost?
or is it just a mod port?

Hate it.

>not autistically remembering everything about a fan mod

Switchfags, not even once.

there's alt floors for the Antibirth chapters (i.e. Dross to Downpour)

They're supposedly adding a lot of new stuff as well, but we'll see. I don't think they've confirmed anything specific.

I don't play that Ed mchucklfing loser and play his mediocre games

well antibirth is actually will be finished, so the rest of the planned antibirth items are getting added

The pulsating hearts on the ground is kind of distracting.

Pretty much a mod port with oceans of new content. You can kiss goodbye the OST though

do you think mcmillen is also a rapist?

so they wont be adding redundant items (voodoo pin, cause dull razor exists, it hurts, cause vericose veins exist etc.)?

thanks for the bump

Don't jinx it user.

Steakmund said that redundant items are getting edited, not removed

Why not? Aren't there literally items that just do what old items do but better?

well it hurts would increase your fire rate when you take damage, you could even go up to the maximum

>Eternal Edition
Oh, fuck this thing in particular, all it did was bumping everyone's health up, which is a big fat "FUCK YOU" to every build which is not upping damage at every opportunity.

go away zoe

why would they remove them when there are like 40 hp up items?

He will be after i say he he touched me (female)

Fuck off.

>that new Spider Mod HUD effect

I like it


>Just stops in the middle of what he was saying to end the stream
What the fuck are you doing?

>giving Mom a face

>he repeats in spanish
>chat explodes in only spanish


You might be confusing Eternal edition with Afterbirth mate :^) Eternal just added new attacking patterns without thinking if they're fair or not

But she had a face in the intro.

>tfw Revelations mod may be compatible Day 1
This is too much Isaac bros

because they're not just adding new shit but going back and fixing things like afterbirth+ content, making a lot of sounds and effects in line with flash isaac, things like that

Even if rebirth plays better, the original has overall better music

did isaac die?

No but Northernlion is. I talked to him at PAX today and when I offered to show him around he trapped me behind a booth and groped my ass and told me he’d love to have dry babies with me


>Go to listen to the Antibirth OST again on youtube
>Playlist is randomly broken again
Okay is is just me or has the playlists been randomly breaking and saying "NaN/ Undefined" instead?

>tyrone defending epic for about a minute
>after that there's complete silence until tyrone tries to change the subject
that was hilarious

Switch buyers have a hair trigger for coping mechanisms like this

>The Bloat
>Just casually ends your low damage run
What a chad

Don't listen to any of these fucking idiots. The more content the better. Play Afterbirth+

>bitch about the 3ds not being strong enough to run isaac
>new 3ds with barely more power comes out and gets isaac
>isaac expansion on the works without any noticeable visual changes
>bitch about it being hard to port to a console much stronger than the 3ds

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is tyrone the randy pitchford of indie scene?

you exhausted the YouTube item pool

I never understood the "canon" of the endings, can someone explain them?

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isaac believed that he caused his parents divorce and locked himself in the chest and died
the whole game was a dying dream
like a shitty creepypasta

for indie devs it just doesn't compute that there's people out there who don#t have a wacky circle of irl friends around them to play on the couch

i dont think tyrone ruins entire established IPs and diddles kids no


I laughed.

Why would fucking Isaac need to be downgraded. Do monkeys code for them?

isaac fucking suffocates to death in a chest, but not before getting delirious due to low oxygen

wat? there's only 2 versions

It's mostly in Isaac's head, he thinks he's a sinner and a demon and locks himself in a chest and dies (the entire game is his delusion/inner struggle) He dies in the chest. His mother thinks he ran away (missing poster ending) and finds his dead body in the chest later

>gonna have fun breaking the game with item combos
>they'll get patched or something after
>also hush

is there a noscale hush mod?

Provide a better term for "sequence of items you get in this particular walkthrough", fuckboy.

Pretty damn sure eternal bosses packed much more health than regular ones. That said, I completed it long time ago, so I may actually be mistaking things. Didn't play Afterbirth, though.


Binding of Isaac always felt like a shitty game off mid 2000s Newgrounds, but I have to pay for it. Super lame

No white man should ever be named Tyrone, its just not right

but Tyrone is an Irish name

Oh, that's kinda depressing, thanks anons.

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at least your named kyle

t. never got to the Witness

just google randy pitchford usb drive, or magic parties

I don't mind the damage scaling with Hush but its ability to go underground and avoid damage is 100% bullshit

>he has trouble fighting hush

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isn't he hispanic

Not that user but it's probably more to do wit hit being a fucking BORING drag. The fight goes on for fucking ever and is just plain old shit.

more like never saw the intro

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i sure hope so considering the started the stream jibbering taco language

>get stop watch
>hush goes underground
>now you have to wait 45 seconds to a full minute for him to come back
it sucks

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>adding features from the flash version
Really, like what? I can't even remember what didn't get brought over from the original.

Regular enemies had double health when eternal, but bosses took the same time to kill in normal or eternal version

>get stop watch
stopped reading right there

its just boring
main appeal of isaac is not to get to the chest, it is to break the game with ridiculous overpowered synergies so enemies explode the moment you enter the room. Hush and UG betray the reason you play the game. that's why you try to go to through as many floors as you can instead of just ending the game at womb or sheol/cathedral because you want to get as overpowered as possible. If you want challenging enemies play another roguelike

>The maker of this masterpiece is helping make Repentance

>get 7 seals
>war spawns a red locust
>enter room with an enemy near the entrance
>locust immediately charges at the enemy and explodes, resulting in my death
great, absolutely fantastic, 10/10 would pick up again

buncha stuff. main dev asked on twitter and a lot of people replied stuff. ill see if i can find the tweet.

not getting the stopwatch when you can is like intentionally skipping crickets head. why would you pass on the speed buff?

Wait, so Antibirth is being added into the next DLC? That's super cool.

>you can randomly get this as your intro on start up
would be funny

>Doesn't even address the fact the fight is fucking shit
Fuck off Edmund. Hush is bad and you should be ashamed of even coming up with the idea.

First Isaac was way easier to break, my dude

uh yeah, it was announced last year

A new expansion? Good, haven't played this since Afrerbirth+. Do we have a date already?

it doesn't even proc if you don't get hit

his last name is rodriguez

LOL somewhere between now and 2025 hopefully

This is the first Isaac thread I've seen on here in forever and the first time I've heard of this new expansion. I've liked Isaac since the flash game but I don't follow it closely and only play it once every 5 months or so.

you get the speed buff instantly tho
the time stop only happens when you get hit

so Repentance is Antibirth+ in a way?
Youtube mirror of stream up

Wasn't the whole point of antibirth that it WASN'T afterbirth?
Whatever, the real question is if they're going to do the right thing and replace the Stain with the Pile


yeah. its the full version of antibirth, but with worse music

>but with worse music
don't tell me they got rid of Innocence Glitched

How ? There are items dedicated to break the game in Afterbirth.

they got rid of all the antibirth music so rediculon wouldnt have their feelings hurt

The smaller item pool made it easier to find items that helped you break, also the engine worked better for it iirc

"new music doesnt fit lmao"


but there will be a mod to add it back right?

I will tear this world asunder

you literally can't lose a game as appollyon

If they had both his an Mudeth's music I'd love to see the stats for whose music got picked more.

Yeah. Pretty sure Mudeth even said he'll make it.

Allegedly December 2019 but probably not

according to the livestream Mudeth was called in to assist rediculon, but all of the music is being credited to rediculon so i dont know

What items are you talking about ?

it fucking fit Isaac better than all of Rebirth's music, fuck Edmund

I remember Mudeath saying he'll have a complete full soundtrack mod to parallel Ridiculon's day 1 but that was said about a year ago

eggman mcmuffin doesnt know what hes doing, someone take this away from him

Nun's habit mostly but also the d20 also you had infinitely growing spirit hearts so that you could stack hp off screen to extremely high levels

i swear ridiculon found 100TBs of cp on edmund's pc and they are blackmailing him, no way he is actually content with their music after working with dannyB

why are fammiliars item so fucking useless

edmcbabby already shit all over isaac
anything he does now isnt surprising like still dick riding ridiculon

i think they just said that during the livestream to placate everyone, cause anyone with ears can tell the new soundtrack fucking blows compared to antibirth

Anyone think some of the new in game sprites look really choppy? Especially those enemies in the mines

ed and tryrone are purposefully sabotaging this dlc so they aren't completely outclassed by a mod team

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>playing a game made by a rapist

brother boby, sister maggy, lil loki...

>paying for extra content that is comming with this aswell.

Because that worked so well for Afterbirth+

forgotten is based

I understand but you need more than the nun's habit to be carried, that's not a combination that occurs more than binding of isaac : Synergy+

But that would literally do the opposite. If it's shittier than Antibirth or Revelations, then that means the team only got worse with the addition of McMuffin and Tyrone, meaning they still get outclassed by the mod team.

>steakmund got BTFO so hard by antibirth so he hired the devs to sell the mod as a dlc
wow so based, remember to buy afterbirth+â„¢

All games are made by rapists

Ed had nothing to do with Afterbirth or Afterbirth+.

i mean, its kinda cool that they at least get to make money officially now.
but considering what edmund did to dannyb its probably just fucking pennies

I get disliking "shoot when I shoot but with piss poor damage and tear rate"
But if you dislike stuff like Incubus, Rotten Baby, Dark Bum, or Satan forbid Succubus, there's something wrong with you

roten baby is pretty bad
I'd rather get a stats up
incubus is alright

>lead dev really wants the game to be better balanced
Oh God, not this fucking shit again.

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how is rotten baby bad? flies damage scales with your own

I'm thinking edmud sees the antibirth mod as an opportunity to make more money

>Danny "Believe Women" B. the SJW's Soundtrack
>Best soundtrack

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1 fly at a time amounts to pretty much nothing

good thing his music has nothing to do with his political beliefs then, you dumb spic

its just bonus homing damage, and if you get crickets head they kill things by themselves

>Tyrone even praised them on the stream after someone asked why Mudeth wasn't in
Ridiculous, isn't it?

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It also doesn't have the GOAT Isaac track.

by breaking i mean what is now breakfasting, of course now it is easier to have op runs but in flash all you needed was nun's habit, d20, and iv bag or demon beggar or blood bank and you would be able to cycle through the entire item pool early on. This was compounded by the fact that the nun's habit was part of the relatively small shop item pool so all you needed was an arcade and you were off.

please, no more

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>I can hear a political piano in the back, it creates a dissonance

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So was it any good?

Yes, webms coming soon

Just use Parsec you dumb bitch. How else are you playing Spelunky with your friend who lives across the pond?

It makes his music feminist driven though. You can easily tell just by listening to the deep intricacies of the rhythm and melody and the message it sends.

I like onions milk

Edmund was always a fucking SJW, making a fully grown child cry as an attack to ward off personal demons, what a fucking gamerbrain

I just wanted comfy Isaac on my bed with the switch
guess I'll just pirate Repentance

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weak shit

Sôy Milk is on the same tier as Tiny Planet for me
Where its shit by itself but good with synergies

Does it have the Antibirth OST?
Its the best one out of all the shitty OSTs this game has

>out of all the shitty OSTs
bad taste

of course not, enjoy your ridiculon garbage

the reason they dont work together anymore is because of the original isaac. when danny was hired, his contract stated he would be paid a percentage of the game's profits. the game ended up selling a lot more than anyone could have predicted and edmund had to pay out a shitload.
fastforward to rebirth. danny wants to make the soundtrack again, but edmund wants to make a new deal; danny will only be paid in a one time deal. danny is of course insulted after working for so long with edmund to be treated like this so he leaves. this was around 2014 so edmund gets pissed and goes on twitter and says danny is a gross dude who supports gamergate. this pretty much kills danny's career at the time, and he severs all ties with edmund.
and thats why super meat boy has a different soundtrack now too

Steakmund is a fucking asshole desu

I want more items that let you break the 5 soft cap limit on tear rate. I want more opportunities for machine gun tears that don't involve a certain milk product.


>Magdalene is there
Isn't it Canon that Magdalene is just Isaac with a wig n shit?

Does Ed not even remember his own fucking game?

Don’t forget Ed going with Ridiculon for Mew-Genics in 2012 probably made the conflict even worse.

That’s Mr. Dolly, a boss pool item that looks like Maggy.

when was this confirmed? last i remember years ago no one knew their beef


That's the Mr. Dolly item, retard


>Bean transformation
>Obtained by picking up 3 different types of beans
>Makes your current activatable pop all bean effects at once, and also whenever you get hit

>Bomb transformation
>3 of any bomb upgrade, including any item that gives bombs for picking it up
>Your bombs scale with your damage, doing 3x your damage on top of the base 60 damage, picking up a bomb will heal you for half a heart/add half a soul heart for Blue Baby.

>Tech power up
>Includes Tech, Tech.5, Tech 2, Tech 0, Tech X, Robo Baby, Robo Baby 2.0
>Doubles the power of tech lasers, grants flight

And so on. Make the shitty items worth something. Maybe make an upgraded version of Conjoined or not make it such a shit transformation, because the babies are such awful fucking pick ups

danny b is a huge bitch

The last Swich update added the smoke overlays to Burning Basement and the Womb levels and the framerate absolutely tanks on the Switch if you have a lot of shit going on at once (like Mom's fight).

does this expansion remove all the stupid useless wacky shit like retro vision pills? no? okay

god the original ost is fucking amazing all these years later

>tech power up
>implying it needs one

If the mere existence of something as dumb and harmless as retro vision is enough to make you not play Isaac then you were never going to play it no matter what they did.

nobody knows their beef
user talking out of his ass, notice the lack of source

>game you're encouraged to play dozens and dozens and hundreds of times
>hey, here's this silly joke for the hundredth time, please laugh, it's still funny right
I would literally rather get a health down pill than retro vision

The good music from the mod won't be in the dlc and you will have to mod it in since it fucks with "dev's vision"

>Dumb, there's also very few bean items in the game, so it'd just be the Bob transformation again
>I like it
>Dumb reward, give Isaac a robot skin and a bonus Tech .5 alongside a Luck up 9so Tech .5 triggers more often.)

its nauseating dude, legit hurts my eyes for a good 5 mins. whenever i get it i just look away for 1-2 mins so it expires

>taking pills

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Fug. Forgot about that item completely.

>Not taking every pill you see
Coward. I bet you also don't roll the D4/D100 at every chance you get until it inevitably fucks you run.

Exit the game from the pause menu then return to it, the effect goes away permanently and you still have the faggot pill identified.

Not all TBOI players are leddit fedoratippers.
t. non-denominational

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I just beat Hush earlier as Lost without getting hit. I even had like 12 range because I picked up No. 1.

Hush is the most fun fight in the game. I'm glad he has damage scaling, because otherwise most OP builds would end him before his song gets good. I actually have legitimately more trouble with the Isaac fight than Hush.

Fucking hell
>no switch version since disabling shaders is hard
>devs got mad when they got called out
>defended epic
Kill me.

RNG is a helluva drug

dang, didnt actually know this. thanks

Any time, faggot.

>Pick up Lil' Delirium
>Turns into Bob's Brain and I explode

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killburn is removing that. said so on discord

Others live life on the edge by doing crazy sports, I live on the edge by rolling the D4 and eating random pills in BoI.

Explain the Isaac autism to me. From what I've gathered it's a basic roguelite with LOL POOP BUM AND VAGINA XD aesthetics

Nah man, Hush still has the superior boss fight theme. The rest of Rebirth's OST is pretty much inferior, but Hush is a fucking banger of the highest order.

used to be top of it's class with all the items and interactions basically being damn near infintely replayable
of course mcfat and tynig ruined it with recent dlcs

Snoy Milk is fucking great, though. There are so many items that make it busted that I pick it up 9 out of 10 times.

And the 10th time I don't is usually because I have Brimstone, Mom's Knife, or Epic Fetus.

how. isaac is retard levels of easy. you can beat him by just standing still, moving slightly to the side, and when he does his beams just stand in a top corner and dont move

That at face value but with kinda complex item management that allows you to become an unstoppable force demolishing all in sight. Also divinity may or may not be involved, with Christianity simultaneously respected and shat on as both the reason for Mom's delusion and Isaac's (possible) ability to escape her evil. Or you can just sell your health points to satan for OP weapons.

He could have put more effort into Isaac's soundtrack no matter what way you look at it, especially coming off such a fucking amazing soundtrack like Super Meat Boy's.

lmao half those items are garbage. The only good ones there are Tech X, D6, Mom's Knife, and Stop Watch. And I guess Book of Revelations, Mr. Dolly, and Wire Coat Hanger are alright too.

>white people

>Very few bean items
user, when is the last time you've played? Rebirth? There's like 10 of them now.

I'm a Fedoratipper and I've never used R*ddit in my life. Also, Isaac isn't Anti-theistic.

d20 is op under the right circumstances and fun


i thought it was supposed to be a small side project, like they expected people to play it for like 30 hours and drop it unlike supermeatboy which was pretty much built to be a speedrun game where people play the same levels a gajillion times just to shave off 0.3 seconds. If they expected it to be bigger than it got it would probably be a lot better.

I had to pop my Algiz + Blank Card when I fought him in The Void after beating Hush. Phase 2 suffers from Daddy Long Legs syndrome, where he'll just randomly decide to fucking end your life with the random beam of light.

d20 is only decent in greed mode

Giant bean is good enough for beans.

Also we sure as shit don't need MORE transformations to fix things. Most of them are complete garbage

>onionlent milk + lump of coal + tiny planet

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I play it all the time when I want a quick game. Ran the machine over twice so far.

>got this combo
>with tech zero and jacobs ladder

I only ever pick it up on Greed Mode where it's much easier to break the game with it. D20 is much rarer and much harder to get than just picking up Blank Card and any number of OP cards (Card Against Humanity, Jera, Wheel of Fortune, Temperance, Judgement, 2 of Diamonds, Chaos Card, Algiz)

That's why I suggest making good transformations. And most of the transformations are great
>Bookworm is just nerfed 20/20, which is arguably the best item in the game
>Guppy is game breaking
>Beelzebub is good, provides flight
>Seraphim is good, provides flight
>Leviathan is good, provides flight
>Spun is good, one of the biggest damage ups in the game
>Spider Baby is good
>Adult is inconsequential, but a free heart container is still good
Oh Crap, Stompy, Yes Mother?, Bob, and Conjoined are kinda shit, but the rest are great.

Behold the best Angel Room item, bar none.

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 89K)

>Got that
>But ALSO got Parasite, 3 dollar bill, Cricket's Body, and Rubber Cement
>My computer immediately becomes furious at me and is louder than my game as it tries to cool down

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Forgot Funguy, but everybody else does too.

i fucking love this item

How is it possible for the 3DS to be able to run Rebirth but the Switch can't handle a few shaders?


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tis isn't sacred heart

That's not Sacred Heart or Holy Mantle

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anyone remember when conjoined was fucking broken? your damage wasnt nerfed and the spread shot was dope


I love sacred heart

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The risk of getting fucked over does not outweigh the potential of getting Tears Up or Balls of Steel.

Wasn't broken unless you got a homing shot. It's still easily the worst transformation, since it's the only one that lowers your DPS against non-end-game-boss enemies. I'd rather have my higher DPS against everything not Delirium, Hush, or Mega Satan.

>curse of the lost
>try to enter boss room
>endlessly loop for three minutes
and thats how i got cucked out of my boss rush

It shouldnt matter user. The game has sooooo many great items! There isn't a single item you wouldn't want!

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Any news on release date?

>tfw start with Balls of Steel and Placebo as Eden

I think my only better Eden start was when I got Mega Blast.

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i think they should categorize items as:
and make the game roll between these categories first and then roll for an item for item room pool and devil/angel room pool only. rest of the pools can stay the way they are.
I think a change like this is needed given how bloated these item pools are right now. no one likes getting 6 synergy items in a row that dont work together

>rolling the D4/D100 multiple times
>rolling yourself into 20 breakfasts with nothing else

Curse of the Maze, you mean? That's easily the shittiest curse. The only one almost as shitty is Blind, because I've legit had to restart because of getting force-fed Tiny Planet, Cursed Eye, or Onions milk

Spider Baby is such a bitch to get

So what exactly is new about this? It just seems like the same old isaac. Should i bother if ive already put 200 hours into afterbirth?

I would argue mind and prayer card should be B. They are great, but passing on them isn't going to ruin a run.


It is, but it's not a bad transformation if you happen to stumble into it.

Just think, it's equally hard to get Guppy now, since the Devil Room item pool is diluted. I haven't gotten Guppy on a non-broken run in ages since a lot of new unlocks desaturated the formally good item pool.

It's gotten to the point where I consistently go for Angel Rooms instead, since I don't have to pay red hearts for my garbage.

Where are the webms

It's new stuff on top of the Antibirth mod which added a shitload of new stuff, including a new route through the game.

Also, if you haven't played Afterbirth+, you've missed out on the greatest Roguelike character ever invented.

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Curse of the maze can suck a dick.
It doesn't make the game difficult, it just makes it more tedious.
I find curse of darkness to be annoying as well, but at least I can just turn up my brightness settings. Still can't see spiders running around worth a shit though.

im glad breath of life isnt even on the fucking list
fuck breath of life

>hating on Eye of Belial, Trisagion, Censer, and Book of the Dead

Not worth the price of admission

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I still don't even fully comprehend how you get that one to work.

trisagion and the censer are free tho

At least with Guppy its easy to tell what items actually contribute to the transformation
Some spider items don't even contribute to the transformation at all

Hematemesis is unironically good for any build that's built around only having one red heart.

Right here

Attached: Repentance 1.webm (1280x720, 2.35M)

Book of the Dead gives you free infinite orbitals
How's that not worth it


>cursed eye + incubus just makes incubus fire 3 tears at once with no downside
Hahahaha what the FUCK
Easiest Lilith run in my life.

>halo so high
>ceremonial robes/pact/pentagram/fear shot/rotten baby/ampty vessel so high

what do you mean? its super simple
you hold the item button for five seconds, and on the six second you're invincible. but make sure to let go right away or else you'll immediately start taking damage
its completely fucking stupid

>incubus in C tier
Nigga wtf? It's basically a free double damage.

>patching gameplay/graphic/fidelity issues in DLC

ISHYGD support this

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The spider baby transformation is literally any item with the word "Spider" in it.

I swear they probably just used "ctrl+f" to find spider items.

I love Jacobs ladder so fucking much

Just pirate it user

I hate how Downpour is green now.

when does it come out?

December 20th.

thats a different version of the downpour
it has a different name but i cant remember


Except it's an awful version of 20/20, especially if you've picked up other familiars along the way.

It's an alt floor for downpour

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>items that have the word "spider" contributes to the transformation
That's dumb
Stuff that relates to spiders should contribute to the transformation