Is this game worth it? It looks so fucking unpolished. Do mods save it?

Is this game worth it? It looks so fucking unpolished. Do mods save it?

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bro thats what 110% soul looks like

this game is probably the best rendition of a desert out there
but just like a desert its full of nothing

you really got to be into role-playing or it will get boring real quick

If you like role play, but the kind that doesn't tell you a damn thing and you have to do all the work.
there is 0 direction, no quests or really any given tasks and it takes a monumental effort to learn the lore.
but if you love building a base any damn place you want that really requires mods to actually function it's tons of fun.

I just wish I hadn't fell for the "bad graphics good framerate" meme
it looks like a good fun

You can befriend a zealot religious nation that thinks women belong in the kitchen on pain of death.
They even come pray with you every week

it's a great fucking game but you'll need some imagination to fully enjoy it, like setting your own goal or making some restrictions and so on
mods i recommend:
>more combat animations
>more dialogue
>more bounties
>giant monsters
>darker nights
>cosmetic shit that suits your role playing
>compressed textures

The game is trash, don't play it. The game has no actual content that appeals to imagination autists where the actual gameplay is powerleveling skills where you don't actually roleplay.

>"you're just an average nobody in the wide world"
>actually you start off even weaker than emaciated unarmed beggars and you have to grind to fix it

It is and if someone doesn't think so it's because they're a massive pleb who has been succesfully filtered.

the game is buggy, unpolished and ugly. but that just adds to the aesthetic, it's also fairly complex and thus tickles my autism boner.
>is it worth it?

fuck the holy nation
>i got filtered by bandits outside the starting town

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It is quite polished, but development stopped at the exact point it would start feeling like a video game. There are many cities and areas to go, but not much to do in them besides fighting different enemies and seeing the sights.
The aversion for having quests or any sort of objective is almost autistic. It goes so far that one of the few unique dialogues in the game is a sham quest to mock the characters/player.
I can't recall ever being given a goal or a job by any npc. The sandbox gameplay feels like a procedurally generated survival game, which it absolutely isn't. The regions are beautiful, numerous and interesting.
You can have a bit of fun with it, much more if you manage to roleplay a bit. I rp'd as a solo ninja dude, after wandering the world and getting mad skills, recruited people and pretend my new base was a sort of monastery

>buy a map in a shop that shows me the location of a ruin up north where I have never been
>decide to head up there
>on my way one of my party members mentions that we are in cannibal territory.
>suddenly a screaming dude runs to talk to me
>I yell back in his face
>he turns hostile and 20 of his palls arrive from who knows were
>fighting them off even though outnumbered 5:1
>suddenly a group of 15 cannibals joins the fight against them
>another different group of cannibals attack me
>everyone is fighting everyone
>after 10 minutes the cannibals and bandits are dead and my party members are all somewhat alive
>half of them lost at least a leg or an arm
>pick them up on the backs of my intact dudes and head to the nearest settlement hoping I can buy enough quality prosthetics and no one attacks me on the way
>finally reach a city but no good robot limbs to buy
>send my fastest dude to robot city for arms and legs shopping ing
My asshole was clenched the whole time.

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It's a great game.

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FUCK beak things and FUCK blood spiders.

it good

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I'm at a point in the game where the only thing that really fucks me, that have encountered and attempted to fight, are mechanical spiders and big bad robots.
I also hired mercenaries at some point for a 30k bounty but I think now I could do it on my own.
Also anyone managed to take down a Leviathan?

What the fuck is this guy's problem?

he just wants some gooooooo

It's alright but starting out is practically unfair until you grind some skills up. Once you get your own settlement built and stable things get boring after researching everything.

>Holy nation
>>legitimately rebuilding civilization
>>autistic retards
>everyone else
>>jerking themselves off
Its time to put the fedora down and embrace civilization

>Holy nation


kek those fucking screaming faggots. I wasn't so lucky when I got into their territory; they killed two of my hivers, and had to leave them behind. I miss those ugly retards.
I've never fought a Leviathan, but then, I tend to play with small parties and try to stick to my autistic self-imposed rules. You probably need several squads to kill it anyway.

Now I'm playing as a generic JRPG party:
>the greenlander fighter (the hero). Katana only
>the greenlander healslut (the only one that can use first aid), she was also a former slave
>the shek female knight
>the scorchlander thief
>the weird skeleton
>the dog

Leviathan are easy to kill but take forever

Name one single superior civilization
Holy nation has an empire
Shek has nothing because they are a cross between the cartoon character Shrek and africans
United kingdoms can't even into roads
It's not even a competition

It's LARP heavy, there's no special abilities, no special tactics of any description. It's basically a persistent janky RTS. Basically it's not much of a game and I SHOULD hate it, but goddamn there's something oddly addictive about it.

>Play a female
>Get bullied by the Holy Nation because I'm female


>video game
>live action role play heavy
Do you people even know about the acronyms and buzzwords you throw around?

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its fun, but holy fuck is it grindy.

What the fuck. The only ones trying to improve the world are the Tech Hunter bros. The holy faggots have done nothing of value.


Lmao tech hunters are irrelevant losers obcessed with an era long since passed.
They haven't achieved anything and never will
Meanwhile the holy nation is the largest faction on the map for a reason, they get real world results

The UC is bigger tho


>opressing women
>nothing of value
you contradict yourself

How they have tiny cities surrounded by inhospitable desert.
Holy nation has farms and mines throughout its territory

It's one of my favorite games. It's not super polished but its one of the best worlds to explore in any game.

Get a Falling Sun, I absolutely obliterate Leviathans with my heavy weapon squad

Fuck, you're right. I stand corrected.

I'm not even allowed to speak to the guards.
It's pretty hot.

>literally doing the skeleton's dirtywork so they can keep their secret longer


Looks like a game with lots of fun stuff to do.
But I just can't enjoy a game where you don't control your character directly, and instead order it and other units around and wait until they do stuff on their own.
I just don't find it fun, it destroys the immersion completely.
I can't grasp how people find it fun to play a game based on survival and exploration, but you're not on the shoes of the person that is surviving, and can instead go full godmode, looking at stuff from a birds eye view while time is stopped.

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This. It's missing any real player involvement. The most complex thing you as the player can do in the game is build up a base and all crafts. Characters build up their stats over time from using doing related tasks, but never learn skills or special moves, even though you can wipe out towns and factions, there's no game mechanics that let you conquer territory and have that recognized by other in game factions. It's just a shell to project your imagination on to.

It's very good. Combat is extremely fucking fun. The only problem is the endgame is pretty lackluster.

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>but never learn special moves
But they literally do

You're controlling a squad of people. There's a lot more to the game than survival and the RTS control scheme is better suited to that. The game simulates the whole world in real time and you can have party members on the complete opposite side doing different things at the same time. Generally I would agree with you but you should give it another shot.

>$42 AUD
I'll think about it.

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No they aren't. They're basically the kenshi version of the brotherhood of steel.

>The most complex thing you as the player can do in the game is build up a base and all crafts.
That's just not true.

please faggots stop shitting on the Tech Hunters, they're literally my heroes in Kenshi

r8 my crew

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You can pirate it, and the Kenshi /vg/ thread has mods in a MEGA folder last time I checked.

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>I just don't find it fun
You didn't actually give it a shot. Keeping your character alive while getting tougher and more badass is extremely satisfying.

The only thing that annoys me about this game is that you can't, as far as I'm aware, claim and rebuild ruined settlements. Even with mods

That complete sandbox environment and no explicit goals is the appeal of the game to me. But there actually are some quest like events in the game but they're not spelled out for you. One in particular that I remember was if you capture the bugmaster and give him to the leader of the sheks you'll become an ally and the shek princess will join your party. From that point on other characters and factions will comment on you being the killer of the bugmaster and will even let you join their factions because of it. Most of it is really subtle but there is a ton of story telling from dozens of unique recruits and things change depending on your race. I found stuff like that far more exciting and personal than some shitty arbitrary quest.

god damn this game is a skeleton. very strong calcium-boned skeleton, very good skeleton. But a skeleton nonetheless.

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flatskin clowns with swords/10

Are the jiggle physics from a mod?


Mods vastly improve it, but as it stands by itself, it's fucking incredible. The only game I have with more hours logged in Warframe, and in retrospect, that was kinda shit. Kenshi is comfy and has a ton to do as long as you're ok with an RPG that has literally no quests. It's a sandbox in every imaginable way.

I also made one of the top 5 most popular mods for it

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>game is good but its just a skeleton of a game and prime for content
>can't wait for the devs new content on this game haha
>its over
>literally working on kenshi 2
>new engine so instead of focus on new content its reinventing the wheel for the LULS

its not fucking fair brehs

>The game simulates the whole world in real time and you can have party members on the complete opposite side doing different things at the same time.
I don't like playing God that can magically look at and give orders to people on both sides. I'd much rather play a character that would at most give the orders before the other characters parted ways and hope the characters would be able to follow them.

>playing God
I like to imagine I'm some guy in a helicopter with a megaphone

Blessed be Beep the Beepy one and all who tolerate his Beepyness.

Beep Bless.

It's the same engine but updated, you fucking dork.

>lack of content
So you need to be spoonfed quests to do anything?

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Did Sseth save the game from irrelevance?

This is what happens with huge game like this and why they are only undertaken by small indie studios or just single mad men. Kenshi has a lot of modders working on unfinished content, so there's that to look forward to. And who knows what Kenshi 2 will bring and how that will improve the current game. I don't think Lo-Fi would drop Kenshi's engine if they didn't know they had something much better to work with in the new engine.

good goy

Gonna be real, with kenshi2 in the works the 14? years of waiting for this game is totally moot now. It was fun as fuck in its even more wonko days where things just kinda sorta worked but now its eh.

Tech hunters exist to cover up the atrocities of the skelies.
HN is completely justified in killing skelies.

yeah, there's actually a lot of stuff going on. Finding out about Moll blew my mind, in fact I made one of my female Shek leave the main party to go look for Moll by herself in one of my playthroughs just for fun.

Post mod list, reactive worldfag

Really the only thing I wish got added was animal taming so I could have a beak thing and a raptor. Also I wish there was atleast one fishman recruit.

It was before he had 100k views even

You're going to be waiting another 14 years so dont get ahead of yourself.

Imagine they have radios then. Geeze.. play something else then.

I've been with kenshi since day 1 on steam man. I am nowhere near ahead of anything. Friend.

Martial arts is absolutely broken in late game since it scales on three stats, my martial dude takes on cleansers 1on1 and comes out of it unscathed. Fucking love it

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It is unpolished. You also have to LARP heavy and not give in to exploits or the fun will go away. Mods adds in features, most of them are like exploits in itself but some are genuinely good, fun mods.
It's sort of like a singleplayer MMO, but if you can limit yourself, set some goals and love exploration, then you may enjoy this game as I did.

can i rp as Guts?

Nice. My martial artist guy is a limp wristed faggot who always gets wrecked.
Yes. I think there's a mod that adds a Plank that looks like a dragonslayer, even.

Even the fucking exploits make sense, though.

>put on backpack, fill with iron ore, run around to get stronk
it's literally every kung-fu movie training montage, just with rocks instead of water pails on a yoke.

>find moll
>muh feminism ugh sexism oof
>beat up moll
>punch her weak narko flesh with my bare hands blessed by the flame himself
>her leg flies off
>KO because shes a woman
>take her to a small prison
>stack maybe
>watch her in her cell
>stand over her as she sits in muck
>my shadow falls over her as time goes by
>she nevet looks up
>just sits there
>guard comes
>her picks her up and leaves
>follow them
>were on the way to rebirth
>watch the guard hand her off to another guard
>they out her in a cell, change her clothes and shave her head
>she crawls out of her cell and down some stairs to go mining
>beat the shit out of her
>guards dont mind
>shes unconciosus
>put on skele limb on her
>30 guards hack her to death
>take her body outside to my base and feed her to my bonedogs
Praise orkan

my fucking sides

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love and devotion brother

>this game is probably the best rendition of a desert out there
It kind of gave me the same otherworldly feeling of exploring Morrowind. Other games have a familiar setting, but not Kenshi and Morrowind.

I killed a leviathan after befriending some of the skin wearing robots and using them to tank it

>all these mentally ill larpfags

Even the buildings look like Morrowind. The textures look exactly like fucking Balmora.

Pirate. Don't like it? Uninstall, don't buy it. Like it? Buy it. Problem solved.

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Does anyone use shadows? I never saw anyone using shadows from their screenshots.

more worth it than rimworld

I have all the settings low as possible

I pirate all my games.

Kenshi was so good that i actually bought it so i can get some mods from steam.

I do but as I said before I usually play with small squads. It looks ugly as fuck without shadows inside buildings.
The compressed textures mod helps a lot in places with dense vegetation such as the Spider Plains, though.

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>i'll never have a shek gf

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That's a good thing

>cant post images
Guess youll never see my squad Yea Forums

Does it run slightly better then it did on launch? After a hour it really started to chug if you did a decent amount of exploring.

not enough robo limbs

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This game is for boomers with their brain still intact and capable of imagination. Zoomers look elsewhere

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>set up a base in the foglands
>every so often the Holy Nation tries to come by for prayer day
>frequently they're intercepted by fogmen patrols
>only signs of the missionaries are piles of corpses at the door and people screaming "MY LEGS" off in the distance
Probably one of the best games I've played in recent memory.

comfy as fuck

until the cannibals show up

kek good luck with that buddy

Makes mine run like shit.

The HN doesn't have real roads either. Only old ass skeleton bridges

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I fucking love your mod dude

>thinks that pretty graphics and smooth animations make a game good
You're never going to make it.

big cannibal milkies

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Its jank as fuck, like, really jank, you will either love it or hate it for its jank, no other game is as ambitious as it is and it is, frankly, sad. Definately one of the best games to come out in the last decade, or one of the worst, depends what kind of games your into. If you liked Mount and Blades goal-less system where it just drops you into the world and you decide what to do you might like it, theres a demo on their website.

I was initially turned off by how janky this game looked, put 250+ hours into once I decided to give it a shot.

Super addictive game.

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hey retard, buy this shitty lantern

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This, but is it literally worth the money? It's 30 bucks and only ever on sale for like 20%.

To think I actually fell for that stupid shit about Fogmen, I never felt so retarded

>the taliban are the best hope for civilization
>is that a FUCKING SHEK in your base? INSHALLAH *praying ceases*

Based big agnu.

I went into the editor and made his able to speak just so I could have him talk to a plastic surgeon and make his name Big Iron

depends if you can roleplay or not, the game has no main questline or anything that you are expected to do, its purely sandbox, you make your own fun and choose whatever the fuck you do, there are a couple of different starts but they all boil down to

>Welcome to this massive shithole, have fun not getting your ass devastated by giant half bird giraffes

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He's a big guy

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FUCK I installed this shit too. I haven't encountered it yet though. I also have one with a giant blood spider, that one wrecked my shit in the swamps. I also have the Butcher Spider one, it's fun as fuck.

i guess the lantern is useful for crossbows at night

I installed some mods that make nights dark as fuck and they become pretty useful

This is what happens when you let autists make games. Every single autist who is good at making games is just a carbon copy of toadyone; they'll never get anything done and their game will end up worse over time from overwork on nonsense details that aren't ever going to be seen by anyone.

The developers of Kerbal Space Program are doing the same thing. The game is actually complete, but can always use more content and now they're like "oh hey, KSP 2, pay up nigger"

>diversity is our strength
Yeah I don't think so shit lib, enjoy prayer day

it makes sense for KSP imo and I've never even played KSP. I just don't believe in the kenshi devs desu.

That thing is not fun though, it runs as fast as a max athletics character, hits like a truck on steroids with massive AoE and as fast as a fully decked character, i didn't bother to try but i guess the only way to kill it is massive amounts of crossbows and some poor meatshields or luring it to a bunch of harpoons

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Dude he's been making this game for like 10 years. The engine is probably completely fucked under the hood and it would probably be quicker to rebuild it for added new features. Also might have just been out of money by the end and is using the boost of release to fund the next game, instead of just added more features, which would probably have pretty low returns in terms of increasing sales compared to a sequel.

I'm entitled to being entitled

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its fun
if you played shit like rim world its got the same kind of figuring shit out curve
but its all about actually making your story as gay as that sounds
like dont go out thinking "OK I GOTS TA MAKE A REAL GUD FIGHTER MAN" cause that will just come with the game
you gotta approach it like its a story you wanna write down, or like be able to tell for funsies

Extra spawns is always funny

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And acid rain is also fun

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I bought it and have major regret. It really does feel like a desolate MMO there are effectively zero quests and only a hanful of characters with meaningful dialogue. The way you level is unintuitive, boring, and gamey as fuck.

Art direction is great, but the game itself is WAY oversold to people - only those with intense autism could ever enjoy this grindy mess.

I wish I was autistic enough to RP in this. I just run around for an hour then get bored and delete.

>Yfw your character finally git gud with heavy weapons

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It's fun. Good game.
Remember that the chad way to play all RPGs is SOLO. No other party members, just one main character.
Also crossbows are super duper overpowered in late game.

literally everybody tells you its a sandbox game, if you can't roleplay then its really not for you, you have to make your own goals to have fun otherwise its empty as shit

for example i made it my goal to capture every leader and important character only with my main character and nail them alive to a cross in my fort, and it was really fun, but its a self imposed goal

the real chad way is no save scumming and perma-death

>play game
>very quickly figure out the secret of never reloading and always getting back up after picking fights with mobs that dont kill you when you get KO'd
>endurance skyrockets
>this makes me extremely OP and it becomes very easy to win fights because i basically have passive 50% damage reduction from endurance alone and even more with armor
>reach 95+ in most skills
>basically a god
>literally punch heads and arms/legs off people with martial arts
>but sadly its now impossible to acquire cybernetic limbs because nothing exists that can defeat me let alone sever a limb since my endurance is so fucking high it takes -300 hp on a limb to sever it and id be long dead from blood loss before it reached that point

great game but punishes you for being too good at it

Nah it's shit - your giving it credit for your imagination's work.

The original Mount & Blade is a sandbox released a decade prior and it did everything far better. Actually fun combat (not gimping AI and pretending it's a strategy), some generic recurring quests to give some structure/motivation to explore, and nations/Lords that actually interact with each other - not just endlessly spawning mobs.

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Imagine actually struggling with starving bandits

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it's 1 of those games where you get a lot out of it by learning it but it's boring to learn so most people drop it.

this kind of clutch in-game emergant easily roleplayed gameplay is all this game really has going for it( but man does it have it going FOR it.

I also think a lot of the systems are fun and its extremely "comfy" in a way that reminds me of morrowind and personally find the bits of lore really dope but I'm not gonna pretend thats a useful critique to rope others into playing.

But if you can get into it to get experiences like that out of it oh baby does it deliver.

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theres no way that you got a single character that high in stats playing normally(not autistically abusing a little slave bandit you've gimped for fucking in-game years to grind up combats), vanilla, on the default limb loss settings without losing a limb. Now if you said ONE of your characters out of the MANY that you have recruited reached that level without losing a limb, I'd believe.
But unless you are deliberately obscuring that fact, you are a liar and a profligate and I'm calling my boys up and lets just say you better know your god damn prayers

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no the real chad way is to mod combat slots up to 5x and play a brutal, wretched skeleton horde that devours the continent in a wave of limb ripping gore such that your corpse furnaces stay burning and your bone dogs stay fed for centuries to come

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he peels peeler machines

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They stopped updating this to work on Kenshi 2 months ago, right? How's that going?

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Shek are legitimately ape-like battle obsessed retards that would destroy the world if given the chance, the hives are retarded bio-mechanical weapons, the skeletons are too depressed, and literally only the humies actually get shit done.

If the UC evolves out of their retarded fragmented feudal class system they would be the best hope, but as it stands the homogenous and singularly driven holy nation has the best chance at present even better if they evolve some romanesque synthesis and integration of the cities they take rather than just burning and enslaving as they do.

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>no Ray

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Nope I did it all legit. I did a bit of grinding to pull it off, sure, but I never did that "stick a heavy armored mook in a building and fight him over and over" thing. I roamed around and fought enemies. Took a while but I still did it. First and only save game too. Didn't savescum.

I did have one close encounter with the skin bandits though. They managed a lucky headshot on me and I almost got ripped up by that skin stripper machine thing they put you in, but I managed to break it because lol98strength and run off.

By far the most annoying thing is how if your legs get damaged your speed is reduced.

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You have been visited by the Legend.

Walk always in Stobe's light.

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fuck me, i thought you died

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i thought all the merchant guild crap was fake... but then i realized i've been buying all the games seth suggests...

Greetings... tincan. Don't think you can deceive me: I know the sins and guilt all of your kind bare. Strobe may have died hoping for peace, but I will never forgive your deception.

dat clippage

Are we measuring dicks?

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every time

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lol, look at fucking limbless over here

bitch got his bitch ass arms and legs either eaten or chopped off

They got peeled by a totally legit doctor

>doing OK, better than I've done before
>have a team of 8 and a profitable outpost plus goats
>usually lock everyone inside a shack when group of anything threatens
>a few hungry niggers come attacking
>"shit ill just fend them off"
>suddenly a swarm of 20 arrive before I can lock up
>my guys get whooped and they kill my goats
>"heh n-no biggie we'll still make it"
>group of ninjas show up suddenly and decide to loot my outpost while everyone's recovering
>everyone gets fucking ravaged, lost limbs everywhere
>"o-ok at least everyone is alive but unconscious"
>slavers show up and start enslaving everyone since their unconscious
I've never played a game that so effectively destroys your spirit

You have forsaken the Path of True Strength. Forever walk in the Skeletons' shadow, lost one.

>cannibals show up AND TRY TO JACK ME DOWN
>stupid ass black boy paladin attack me because DUH FAITH
>stupid crazy ass monster chasing me all over DEAD SAND
Not a bad game.

been playing for 2 weeks now.

i already control half the map with 200 pop.

please help me.

you are beyond help now child, let your ascension be an example for everybody else

>bought so you could access mods
either they just cracked the pirate problem or you're not looking for mods in the right places

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mercenaries are cheap for guarding your outpost for a reason

>or you're not looking for mods in the right places
He isn't. Steam workshop stuff is being uploaded elsewhere.


why would anyone grind this useless stat

to swim well

I didn't grind it, it just went up way fucking high when I went to go visit the armour king every so often.

To gain insane muscle definition.

i killed a leviathan at flats lagoon, it was stick between two small hills, didn't get to loot it though as 2 squads of those bat things started head over


those fucking bat things
>exploring Flats Lagoon, ready to pillage the ancient lab
>it gets late, my guys are kind of fucked up after some Beak Things
>dark as fuck, but I come across the abandoned settlement
>get everyone inside a house, even the fucking dog until dawn to recover
>one of my guys keeps guard outside cooking some shit at a camp fire because running out of food
>he seems to enter combat but I can't see shit, keep cooking dried meat
>suddenly get swarmed by at least six albino fuckers
>my dude tries to hopelessly fight them back and lure them away from the camp, but they still get him
it was the most despair-inducing shit i had faced yet and I couldn't save him because everyone else was recovering, those bats are some serious spooky shit

my second play through ended because of them, i was looting the drug facility and i spotted them from afar thinking they weren't a threat since they move slow as fuck, boy was i wrong as wave after wave of them keep coming.

>Do mods save it?

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obligatory soi

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good stuff

>subscribe to mod
>it doesn't appear in mod list

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To get your swimming that high all you need to do is use the river where the armor king lives to travel
like seriously, one trip and your swimming will be 75+

Hop on a skin peeler, they start removing limbs first. For extra points get captured by skin bandits for real, and fight your way out while missing limbs

>cant control which limb it gibbs first
not a solution

There is alot in the game, but none of it has any depth.

Why does it matter? Replace all 4 limbs, flesh is useless

Your body may become stronger but your mind is weak.

Happy prayer day!
Do you have your holy flame with you, brother?

Weren't they going to update the garbage engine? Any news on that?

Pretty much. If you like to explore a huge world with interesting shit scattered around then you'll have a good time but once you reach that one thing you've been looking forward to reaching you'll probably drop it.

Embrace the janks

coming in kenshi 2.0
kenshi 1.0 will get 0 updates; its done

also where the fuck do i go to train with 60-ish attack/defense?

cannibals or fogmen

How the fuck is the combat fun, you stand there and wait for the animations to play out.

If you ain't skelly you ain't friendly

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What do you think video games are?

I played a few different runs with different goals and the game is really fun in the first 10-15 hours of each run when you are barely surviving.After you get your respected weapon choice level 40+ it just becomes a boring chore to run around try to find bosses to kill. Base making isn't really all that fun and you can't actually eradicate a group or nation which makes the game feel pointless.

The combat it really fucking you you dummy if you play the game more than a few hours. Chopping 3 arms with a single swing of a weapon is fun as shit. Martial arts is OP as fuck too as soon as you reach 50+ level on MA you literally one shit every human enemy.

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I found two specialist crossbows in the very early game and have two hiver crossbow specialists handling those while my main character is jumping around punching samurais and cannibals in the dick, also the second dude I recruited was a horrible cheap hiver with base stats but he became so good with sabers he can solo 50 fogmen without taking a single hit.
The one tho g I'm not rally sure about so far is armor, I have my heavy weapon gui in high grade samurai gear and the rest in light armor.

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Putting dismember rate to max and seeing limbs fly everywhere when using a heavy weapon is fun.

It's one of the games that I enjoyed the most lately, I love starting as a slave, free 3 or 4 people and then trying to make a great escape, maybe only 1 or 2 make it and you have to avoid patrols, bandits, cannibals, etc. As many people have said, it's really fun if you like roleplaying.

Honestly I don't know which mods do I need to play correctly as it's cranky and bad optimized. Guys do u know of the essential mods to play? Thank you in advance.

Just check steam workshops most popular and most subscribed for a start.

It's a literal singleplayer MMORPG. If you're one of those fags who plays an MMO but doesn't socialize with others this is literally the game to play.

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i remember someone incorporated a body of water into their base desgin and invaders with their poor swim stats were sitting ducks for range weapons

Is there a mod that lets you build moats?

i never looked deep into mods apart from breast slider and recruiting prisoners so i could get big tittied cannibals in my team

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Where the titty sliders at user? Are they on loverslab?

The site is being shitty right now.
>Cloudflare time.

Oh shit, it's on steam but wasn't coming up on main search. You have to google it.


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it is unpolished because it's more or less a solo passion project of one madman
it's also the most innovative RPG I've played in years