Homeworld 3 trailer
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Nice try.
Someone actually posted.
In the official BBI discord someone found a unlisted trailer link, I thought you guys should know.
Excitement, but also fear
I was hyped for the Remaster, there was a /vg/ general set to go and everything.
Yet look at what happened
Remastered had some great shit, which was overshadowed by problems with physics
Better bring back the formations then
It's all real.
2 games, Homeworld 3 and Homeworld Mobile.
it's going to be shit, just like the remakes
oozing soul
That's exactly it, the way they jimmied the HW2 engine into HW1 really REALLY shot the game to shit when it came out, they did manage to "fix" it but it was too late by then.
Also the "remastered" cutscenes weren't that great. They got the VA work redone but it wasn't really properly mixed with the overall audio or ambient cutscene audio was missing.
I just hope to fuck this turns out well
>fig funding
oh god oh fuck no
>Homeworld 3
>Sequel to Beneth a Steel Sky
>Vampire Bloodlines sequel
>Big budget CDPR game based on the boomercore tabletop
I'm down for all this boomer pandering. Zoomies, do yourself a favorite and play the first two Homeworlds + expansion, get hyped for the best of space rts.
>user playing with my heart
>Check link
>Its real
>It looks and sounds just like Homeworld
I'm going home..
>Giving money to randy
>you now remember Kharak
>play HW:R just a few days ago to remind myself before the announcement
>supernova station
>destroy everything, including the station and all it's defenders
>mission doesn't end
>flashback to 1999
>where i played the supernova station, destroyed everything and the mission didn't end
i cannot express how much gratitude i feel for this attention to detail
Come on it wasn't that bad. My biggest issue with the game was how I felt that it was the nail in the coffin, they'd not be doing a real homeworld.
user those are space jews.
DoK was good tho
No thanks.
Kharak was unironically pretty good though user, it just wasn't Homeworld tier.
I don't understand. Gearbox is not fronting them the cash for development?
If you won't join, then die. There's no withdraw.
we will not be bound
This confused me as well. Since the goal is only $1 think they are mainly doing it for the marketing element think Divinity Original Sin 2 and a little extra cash up front.
Might be the Shenmue 3 gig? Use crowdfunding to gauge target market viability and then fund accordingly?
Home. My home.
OK I loved deserts of Kharak, but the resource management in homeworld 1 remaster was a bit fucked. Id get wrecked becuase id not have enough resources or ships or something. I haven't played it in 3 years, so maybe I was doing something wrong. Any advice?
>original homeworld campaign
>no faces
>no people on screen(except for 3 seconds of karan)
>no visible enemies, no pictures of villans, no intros with the great evil
>the only visible "character" in the game is the mothership itself
>every other character is just a voice
And even with this, Homeworld manages to get me invested in the story and characters infinitely times more than 99% of games, even current AAA games with milions in the bank. It absolutely blows my fucking mind that a game with no people on screen at any time makes me feel for these characters in a way i don't feel for almost no other character in any video game ever. How the fuck do you make a strategy game with a 20km metal banana and make people literally cry in mission 3 and have despair flashback when they hear a violing piece from 1936. How.
>$840 for a piece of concept art
He is referring to the destruction of Kharak and the annihilation of the Kushan, you dumb idiots.
Deserts of Kharak didn't sell.
The goal was only $1. The reason they give is so that fans can give them feedback on the development, but it's clearly just an elaborate preorder
Salvage corvettes.
my b, I've sorta transitioned my line of thought of Kharak from "the place the game starts at" to "The Game Called Deserts of Kharak"
I still remember
>The prisoner did not survive the interrogation.
I already did 3 years ago and I loved it
for Whoops
looks (and sounds) pretty fucking good you guys
>fund our game
Ah, so you can later get funding from someone else.
Just cut me loose already.
>no brown women
skipped, who the fuck is developing this so we can target them?
This one line and you immediately understand how grief-stricked everybody on the mothership must've been. One line of fucking dialogue gives you all the exposition you need.
>Bold move, Cotton
its JUST like the fucking concept art, fuck, hopefully we get the actual T-Mat and not the gutted garbage that we actually got
>its JUST like the fucking concept art
Missing the point. The music, the voice quality, the design of the art. All absolutely on fucking point.
well yeah, its everything, but im also really excited we might finally explore all those concept art locations that got canned
It's a good question. Storytelling in general is a lost art. It makes me sad to look at great games of the past, and how they each sucked you in, how each's sound, visuals, music, voice acting, or story had its own distinctive charm. You have to put it down to an unmotivated workforce, no-one will tune their respective work to perfection because no-one gives a shit about Cod 24, AssCreed 16, whatever. Its about quantity over quality. This and the fact that too much fidelity kills art.
so the main question - do we get the mothership
Agreed, in general I can't wait to see what the game looks like. Homeworld has aged really well but the envioments are a bit lacking. Got any of these arts in high res?
It's in a bunch of the concept art, so it would be weird if it wasn't
you start with a frigate and capture build it into a mothership its a semi open world story gated progression build to apocolyptic showdown with the bentusi that have been influencing races in order to farm there populations as slaves
>I loved deserts of Kharak
You're in a minority then. Great game ignored by people that didn't give it a chance do to not being set in space.
can we marry the mothership?
Okay this is EPIC™ Games Store exclusive content!
well it could fit on a dakimakura...
>Homeworld 3
Full mast, absolutely based.
Homeworld changed a lot from conception. The original design doc is way different (with the same core). I spoke to the guy who wrote it. He's cool as fuck.
Worst case scenario Tim bought you a copy, but we are still getting Homeworld 3.
Enjoy your evil straight white male space nazi enemies.
the only way I'll buy it is if there's some way I can avoid Tim getting a cent of my money. I don't care if it's not on steam, I just don't want to give him a single cent, ever.
>Pay $500 to FIG
>You MIGHT break even after 18 months.
This was so bad....
ruined immersion so much them just popping everywhere..
>we will finaly know whats behind the Eye of Aarran after 16 fucking years
its like someone made a wish with the monkey hand HAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>Sequel to Beneth a Steel Sky
Wow, really?
Thanks for the heads up.
How did they manage to show so little and yet already shit the bed?
Looks boring and uninspired.
I hope some other company made the trailer.
I mean if they cant even make an exciting trailer that looks fresh how the fuck can they make an interesting game.
You think Homeworld 3 will be Dust Wars 2.0?
For those that don't know Dust Wars was the original concept for Homeworld 2 but do to the publisher wanting something else it never happened.
Here's a video about it
I don't like Tim either.
>played homeworld campaign a year ago
>it really didnt age well
just feels cheesy as fuck.
No idea on that front. I only have the proper original design doc. Fun fact: originally, was supposed to be about Earth, the mother ship was a colony ship.
If we are to judge by the trailer the game is gonna be a blend rehash of the original, riding on nostalgia and still managing to disappoint.
>space opera
>not cheesy
It looks pretty janky as fuck in their alpha trailer, but it might improve. Got the writer of the original behind it though. So even if it looks like shit it might still have the same level of kino.
hopefully they won't screw up again
This. Deserts of Kharak is the soulful homeworld game.
call me crazy but i like the actual setting and story on homeworld much better
Oh totally, I think that making it just aliens and adding in the burning of the planet was a good call. The original design was also way more hardcore and simulationy. Cutting down on that was a good call too.
>it's in pre-production
>Q4 2022
>2.5 years of wait basically
Karan is in Sajuuk, why would you need the mothership when you have an ancient dreadnaught
karan either had a daughter or she is really juicing the botox
It has become a cherished tradition to entomb women alive as part of integrating them with big ass ships.
Aren't Unbound practically immortal
Probably just got younger looking from techno ascension
>Baldur's Gate 3
>Destroy All Humans remake
>Evil Genius 2
>Beyond a Steel Sky
>Flight Simulator
>Psychonauts 2
>System Shock remake
>Desperados 3
>World of Warcraft classic
>Age of Empires 4 and Remake of 1
>Homeworld 3
>Vampire Bloodlines 2
Boomers.. Are you ready?
finally some good fucking food
What a list, god damn. Feels good to be a boomer.
This is a fucking tax scam.
Video games are the only thing stopping me from killing myself
>>Beyond a Steel Sky
Did I miss something
Looks like low budget trash but its got good people working on it.
>Enjoy your evil straight white male space nazi enemies.
Imagine not even having played Homeworld? How embarrassing...
Don't forget the possibility of a new Timesplitters
Too young or retarded to have played Homeworld so they just shitpost while everyone else is having fun. Feel sorry for them.
Possibility, how so?
She heard you like long-haired women. She wants your (D)estroyer.
Too bad its gonna be Epic exclusive 90% sure. Gonna pirate it until Steam release
Has anything ever come fucking close to the soul of Homeworld cinematics? I love the vagueness in the worldbuilding, just fragments of this massive and complex world.
I forgot the details but THQ Nordic said something about Timesplitters recently.
>probably gonna be EGS exclusive
>homeworld mobile
I fucking love Homeworld but I'm not sure about this.
It's a VERY different style, but I like the original designers current project. A weird 4th wall breaking role playing series called CONSORTIUM. Has that same vagueness, but done slightly differently. You'll almost always find some contradictory information to something you hear/read and it keeps it all in perpetual question.
You now remember the gardens of Kadesh
That's how I feel. HWs imply a nomadic saga but DoK IS a nomadic saga. I hope they do more DoKs as a spin-off series.
I now remember that the remaster ruined this level because there's no fuel but they kept the fuel units
So the release date will be delayed over and over again then suddenly the game is moved from steam to epic launcher?
Well, I'm theoretically excited for a proper Homeworld game in space. I'd love to have another good one.
That being said, Q4 2022 is 3+ years away and this shit has the Gearbox taint, so I'm definitely not paying before this is out and not exclusive to one cancer shop or another.
Don't forget the fact that since it uses HW2 style ships, the multibeam frigates die to a stiff breeze and their weapons lose damage against armor of ships bigger than they are.
kharak was a desert shit hole I'm glad it's gone
What are they even gonna do to make an impactful story this time?
HW1: Reach the homeworld. A well crafted journey of return storyline that resonates with almost anyone.
Cataclysm: A more intimate underdog clan kino story that will never be surpassed, but the overall scope of which was not on the scale of a mainline series game.
HW2: Defend the homeworld against an ancient evil?(TM) by going into temporary exile. Not as memorable as the first 2 games.
Unless it's like a reboot or something I don't know what direction they could take it.
>prisoners did not survive interrogation
a great fucking detail that really makes the scene to me. Of course you're not going to let the fuckers who torched your world live, especially when they tell you they had legal precedent for their genocide of your race.
Does anyone else see this image as a shota being fucked upside down?
>Get money from fig ""investors""
>Get money from fig backers
>Get money from regular pre orders
>Get funding from Gearbox
>Top it off with a big fat exlusivity paycheck from Epic
These devs are playing 4d chess. Can't blame them either, if the games good I hope they jew a lot of people out of money so they can keep making kino.
What the fuck is wrong with you
I guess I look at shota too much
Not really. As you've drawn it, it looks more like a top down view of someone with feathered arms carrying something they don't want to spill.
Only you because you're a faget who can't simply see a nice symbol of Hiigara
VTMB sequel is not looking good.
Legendary post.
>VTMB sequel is not looking good.
>Same look and feel as the original
>Clearly got lots of rpg systems in it, like the original
>Original writer and soundtrack guys working on it
>Coming to gog for sweet drm free
What isn't looking good?
>Beyond a Steel Sky
another pretty but dumb game only its not really pretty and probably border line mentally handicapped.
Should I invest with 150 or 160 dollars?
They fixed that problem in remastered with the latest patch.
Come on, I can't be the only one
>deep Gearbox concern
I mean, yeah. But to be fair Homeworld 2's holy hyperspace core trinity legends campaign and gameplay/scaling was really fucking bad. And DoK was pretty good. So who knows.
It used to be that I would have pledged way too much money to this the second I learned of it. I love Homeworld that much and have been waiting for the third since Gearbox bought the IP and gave it to BBI. But I think I'll have to wait until I see which PC store they release it on. 2.5 years is a long time for another, more cancerous, store to come along and buy an exclusivity agreement with Gearbox.
The whole situation always sounded terrifying to me
First contact with another civilization and they tell you they know exactly who you are and that they're going to kill you because your ancestors were dicks
user never change.
I hope they know not to show a whole lot, unless I'm just misunderstanding this
This came from one of the writers in the VTMB2 team.
>100% yes, we are absolutely concerned that some content in the game could be difficult for players living with trauma or a mental health issue. For the Malkavians we will make sure to describe to the player what they may experience when playing. But what may be difficult for us is making some of the systemic or scripted events turn on or off selectively. We are moving away from the 'fishmalk' portrayal for this iteration of Bloodlines, so we expect the Malkavians to be a much more unsettling or scary experience this time around.
>Rachel and I have discussed some ways to be kinder to players who might have PTSD issues in particular, and one of the things we are considering pitching to the team is a part of the accessibility menu where we outline the thematic content of each mission so that you can prepare yourself ahead of time for a particular mission, choose not to play a side mission that might involve some issues you feel uncomfortable about, or grab a friend or partner to play through certain content with you. What we may do is give players a run down in that menu of what to expect from Malkavian playthroughs so that you can make a more informed choice about whether you feel comfortable playing that way. That way, we are not changing the experience, but we are giving you space and time to consider when you'd like to continue.
>Does that sound like a good idea to you? This is all still being worked out of course, but we really care about it, and I hope that our game can be considerate in a way that works for you. I'd also love to talk to you over email about what you personally experience as difficult in games, it would be wonderful to know more about how to design a game from scratch for these issues, so we begin from the start to make the system work for you.
Oh you're just a rent free faggot okay, for a moment I thought there was some legit shit to be worried about.
I am told that reached the break-even.
It'll probably have a more personal Deserts style story focus. Instead of Fleet Command, it'll be Captain Kitth So&so, with his stardate logs.
If it is Epic exclusive, then Homeworld 3 would be forgotten forever. This will mark the real death of Homeworld franchise period.
Probably to show passage of time
No matter how loud you people cry, you'll still need to face the facts, most people don't care about storefront wars and will buy whatever they want, wherever its available or cheapest.
I doubt Epic will still be buying exclusives in 2022. At least I hope not.
You mean free since Epic buys all the copies anyways so people can pirate without a single care?
Mitsoda was not the the main writer for VTMB, he was part of a team, and we don't know how much of the content he helped with, I know the about two quests he helped, but I'm sure how much input he had on the overall setting, Jason D. Anderson and Leonard Boyarsky were far more important for the game since they were in lead positions.
For the soundtrack, unless he went back into drugs and poverty, I'm not if not going to be good as the fist one.
>Same look and feel
Hardly, the combat is literal trash, the system is basically Dishonered tier, and the fact that you play as a useless thin, it won't feel like the VTMB because B2 is using an entire different rule set for the world.
They are also cutting clans on release, Nossies and gangrels were removed, and they already have paid DLC planned.
>rent free
What ?
Reminds me of how hollywood cant make anything good because they're fags so they just keep remaking old shit.
Doesnt turn out good when they remake. Boondock saints 2
>Hardly, the combat is literal trash
Yes unlike the crafted perfection that is Bloodlines combat. Yikes, what a horrible post.
I hope they will understand the consequence of accepting the Epic exclusive deal. Most of us will not buy HW3 cuz it is not on Steam, but we want to keep homeworld franchise alive. In addition, Epic already bought those copies. They should be cool with us pirating HW3.
I think you have serious problem.
Gross. Are you a faggot or something
>cuz it is not on Steam
I'd gladly buy it on GOG, speak for yourself. Just not on Mr. Swine's Sucker Swindling Shop.
GoG is fine bro
Why they should stop? Do you think Sony will abandon exclusives for PS5? Anyway fuck Steam. But GOG is good.
I am fine with GOG, but no gog steam crossplay. I am sure that most buyers will buy the steam version.
kind of I guess
People who buy on steam when gog is a choice are giant valve cocksucking faggots.
/ss/ is fine but you may have problems user.
don't trigger me, normalfag
>homeworld mecha musume
Man I loved playing Vaygr. Their battlecruiser, at least in Complex, would always wipe Hiigaran cruisers with those three laser blasts. Each shot did a good 1/4 of their health.
>It was supposed to be Earth
I heard somewhere when they were first making it, Relic wanted to make a Battlestar Galactica game. So after getting a prototype together they went to NBC and said "Hey, can we get the licence?" and NBC was like "lol, no", and Relic went "Fuck you then, we'll make our own setting with blackjack and hookers."
It worked out well.
>that moment when you drop your mining module
>that fuck yeah moment when you slap on the giga space jew cannon
Isnt the guy who voiced the bentusi dead?
user, I...
>2nd to last mission in the campaign
>That moment the Beast Mothership appears
>That moment when you fire the cannon directly at it killing it off for good
Burn you monstrosity. BURN!
But mission 15 takes the cake. The outburst of the Kuun-Lan captain after crossing the rage-breaking point and lashing out at the Bentusi over their bullshit was glorious.
>With high expectations, the Exiles leave Kharak to seek a new life on their homeworld. However, the Taiidani Empire amasses great military power, and sends a fleet to Kharak in the name of justice. And "peace".
As best I know. nah. This is the initial (and story) section of the doc.
Earth, the near future, mankind has not yet left the confines of the Sol system: Astronomers using the hubble telescope detect an extremely large object heading directly for Earth. It has the size of a very large asteroid, yet it seems strangely....artificial. As the object hurdles towards Earth, the Earth World Government speeds up the production of the largest colony vessel ever created and rapidly begins plans to launch this vessel (with 2 billion colonists) along with a large support fleet before this object hits Earth. They also begin preparations to deal with the threat when it arrives.
Many years later, the object begins to slow down as it enters the Sol system. This fact alone causes Earth to enter a state of pandemonium, and the Earth Military gets ready to hit the object with the most powerful nuclear weapons available. It is at this time that the great expedition is launched.
The object comes to a complete stop when in orbit of Earth. With their fingers on the launch buttons, Earth Military Commanders watch the object carefully. It looks remarkably like an asteroid, but seems to have many artificial features, and is obviously a device of alien origin. Suddenly, the device begins to register a massive build up of energy.......The nuclear weapons are launched. Hundreds of missiles hit the object, which manage to break it up into thousands of large pieces. They fall to the Earth, causing massive destruction and mayhem. It is at this point that the fleet loses all contact with Earth.
The Fleet Commander can now only assume that he is now responsible for the very survival of humanity.
(As it will turn out at the end, that object was actually a massive communication device....an intergalactic “welcome wagon”, if you will. The build up of energy was nothing more then all of its systems coming on-line to begin its standard “Hello there” sequence...Because Earth immediately destroyed it, and sent a huge fleet of ships heading towards the Alien homeworld, a huge misunderstanding develops. The aliens think that they are under attack after their show of peace, and the humans beleive that THEY were the ones who were attacked. It will work out in the end, after the player has decimated all of the alien’s defences and is orbiting the alien homeworld. The aliens will surrender,and the misunderstanding will be resolved.)
So the miners are now warriors?
Triple A publisher crowdfunds game that will be exclusive to epic store.
>You're worse than the Beast! At least the Beast doesn't pretend to be righteous!
How do you even respond to such a burn?
Who is your favorite kiith?
Probably devs under the whip of the publisher trying to do a good thing.
...I hope.
I am over the fucking (Angel) Moon! This is a dream come true. I've been waiting for this since I finished Homeworld 2 16 years ago.
I don't think this will be epic exclusive, but this is the one singular game I'd even use the epic launcher for. And if they release it on steam later on, I'll buy it there as well. Right now I'm just sad that I'm too short on money to pledge more than the lowest one.
S'Jet of course! The name I use for pretty much everything online is based on Karan.
I don't have money for food but I need this.
My only regret is that I couldn't get a lower backer number.
it could be set thousands of years into the age of S'jet
We are not...monsters
all the bentusi were Shoah'd
You are retarded. No wonder you have no money for food.
this will be epic store because gearbox
I am. But I don't regret this.
Here's hoping they lean more towards Homeworld 1 instead of 2.
I really dont want to pirate this, but I will if it goes to Epic.
The Somtaaw were cool. Sad they were totally ignored in HW2.
Fuck it, the remastered collection is $5 and I've always wanted to play this. What am I in for?
Recannonizing Cataclysm. The Beast style bio-organic circuitry introduced to mothership fleet commands.
Broken formations and scaling, but instant post-map resource collection and pretty graphics.
An amazing story with great visuals and slightly clunky controls.
to be fair, they were retardedly overpowered by the end of the campaign
My exposure to the story boils down to exposure to this cutscene which is a shame because it's clearly a potent moment in the narrative, but I look forward to the context and resolution regardless.
115k$ over 6 hours is pretty good actually.
Space jews.
>Sad they were totally ignored in HW2.
"Hello, this is «mining vessel» Kuun-Lan with a siege cannon, a seven dreadnoughts escort and who knows how many SACVs."
If you want to get into Homeworld, I recommend starting with deserts of kharak.
Makes that one scene even more powerful.
tfw the macross mod for hm2r is FUCKING DEAD
>be me
>join this Yea Forums server called the Archive Fields
>( discord.gg
>filled with literal pedos, traps, etc
>cant report them to ToS because they delete posts that break it
>faggot called AA-1 runs the place
>bunch of people tell me to post my legs
>comply because desperate for attention
>AA-1 tells me if I write "archive" on my body, he'll give me a special number
>stupidly think "fuck it why not"
>do it
>I send it to him
>he sees it
>I delete it
>he saves it and shows it to everyone
>bullies me all day about it and calls me a retard and idiot
>everyone in the server keeps calling me a retard
>even the fucking traps their are bullying me
>AA-1 even DM's me and says the only way to make up for this is too start a live stream and shill the server and then seriously killing myself
>leave the server and have massive panic attack
>AA-1 sends all of his little buddies to add me as a friend and keep trying to guilt trip me into rejoining the server
>inb4 "just ignore them"
>AA-1's friends are in other main servers I use and they keep harassing me in their as well
Please help, what do I do? These faggots is seriously ruining my life.
Well, exactly, where where they??? Have them show up to lend support during a rough assault mission. Have a counter-attack mission against a Vaygr base where you have to escort the Kun-Laan in range, then they go off to protect Hiigara directly or whatever. Something is better than nothing!
Did anyone else noticed this?
Gave massive goosebumps
have you tried not sending people pictures of your legs you attention seeking worm?
Wasn't Cataclysm made by an entirely different studio and as such the people who made HW2 considered it non-canon and completely ignored it or something like that?
stop using discord, it's a den of degeneracy.
its bot spam
They're non-canon, bro.
Can't wait to see more. If that model they showed off on that fig page are any indication of the quality of the ships, it's gonna be amazing.
Is this game worth picking up? It's on sale.
>pay to do a survey for them
fucking gearbox
So you buy access to the survey and get the game for free?
It's not karen
No, it's Karan.
And considering she's essentially immmortal, it's not unlikely that it's her.
>Canon Karan tits and nipples
Trailer looks like a cheap fanmade project. I'm glad I've never played the old games so I don't have to be mad about another series getting resurrected just to be milked for nostalgia points.
They obviously decided against it for the final trailer but nice catch
You know what'd be an interesting angle to have for one or two missions? Battles in atmosphere. One of the concept arts has me thinking that would be pretty neat looking.
am I the only one that finds that logo lewd?
Certainly would be cool but considering the scale of things in homeworld, it seems unlikely.
Oh joy.
Can't wait to see how they rape my favourite series.
i know nothing about this game but i just came to say that the OP image kinda looks like a woman bending over and showing her ass
It worked well with them not interfering with development of Deserts of Kharak, I don't see them doing it this time.
Female fighter pilots.
>literally just a fig campaign and a CG trailer
Still, pretty fucking sweet that it's happening and by the sound of it, happening regardless of how the campaign does.
Very good.
>female pilots weren't already in HW
What about it?
>he forgot about the sassy recon in cataclysm
T-Mat are going to be primary antagonist and the big plot twist is that Hiligraians and Taiidan are descendants of the Progenitors. The Progenitors come from Milky Way Galaxy and their Homeworld is *gasp* Earth......
Predictable but still cool
and their Homeworld is *gasp* Kobol......
>the recon pilots who were described in the manual as causing mayhem when they returned from long patrols because they were horny af
Yeah I know, sorry. But the female voice in the trailer sounded off to me.
Just tell me whereta go!
I hope everyone still has theirs.
I lost mine when I moved to my current apartment 3 years ago
I hope that it turns up in a random box someday
im so excited
wtf it's real
No more PC manuals is the reason I mourn the loss of physical PC games
>No more thick lorebooks like those Starcraft or Warcraft had
Based somtaaw engineers knew what they were doing.
>Pilot barges out of hangar
>"Somebody come fuck this!"
Nothing of value was lost.
I haven't kept up, but wasn't Gearbox going out of business a year or two ago. What happened?
Get the combo pack.
Did they fix the formations? I once read the remaster fucked them up.
They fixed formations + ballistics but HW1's campaign is still plagued by HW2's balance.
>cataclysm still isn't canon even though it invented the kiith system that's the entire basis of the land game
is that a youtube comment or are you retarded?
truly superb taste
I'm actually incredibly into this
has there been a bad fig-funded game yet?
Each kiith was in the original manual you retard.
I wonder how much randy would need to pay to have yes do another song
my favourite thing about homeworld was the incredible scale of the story being told
it felt like a goddamn real time sci-fi history documentary
the manual with all the meeting minutes between clans etc really sold 10-year-old me on the homeworld universe
I don't know if they've still got the kind of aesthetic courage to close their new game out with a fucking rush song but I do already love everthing I've seen
that's because years of fucking online shitposting has retarded you
Campbell Lane is dead. Homeworld is dead. Fuck you OP.
post moar homeworld grills
The gameplay was too frenetic, coupled with the fucky camera and the controls felt gummy. I liked what was originally announced, a little slower paced with tactical meaningful battles. I own Deserts of Kharak, I've played through the campaign 3 times, I liked it. However I can see the problems it had and I kinda want to see what BBI would have made had the homeworld team not gotten involved.
If I want to do a first play through of homeworld 1 and 2 should I start with the remastered editions or the originals?
remastered butchered homeworld 1 and made it basically homeworld 2. Play the originals and cataclysm.
Yeah, dayum shame. I remember playing the original all those years ago, I managed to keep 4 multibeam frigates all the way to the end, which probably is what won that one for me. And my first playthrough of the remaster was bugged, the AI during the final battle didn't work. So I just destroyed a parking lot and became glorious hero of revolution.
Be prepared for muh stronk wamyn overcoming the patriarchy.
There's lots of ways this can still suck. As a fellow Homeworldfag who used to listen to the soundtrack in my CD player, and read the original manual cover to cover multiple times, I even took that damn thing to China with me when I lived there for 5 years and it's falling apart but I still have it, that glorious silver and blue cover. Don't get too hyped.
HWRM looks much nicer but on release supposedly some HW1 ships weren't acting correctly or something, but that is apparently fixed now. I played HWRM without playing HW1 and was ignorant of any issues, played the campaign just fine and loved it, so take that as you will.
It had to do with how combat worked, and the changes mostly afflicted strike craft and their formations. One of the big changes is that in HW1, projectiles were tracked and inflicted damage if they hit an enemy. However in HW2's combat system, the projectiles were aesthetic and damage was a dice roll. Since HW1 Remastered utilized HW2's engine, it was impossible to fully recreate the same balance behavior as in HW1. Also they fucked up formations compared to HW1
The biggest crime is that in the original, you could play as the kushan ships or the taiidan ships in the campaign. You can't in the remaster. Fuckin taiidan were so sexy.
shut up cuck
Stop projecting
i never knew how much i DIDNT want to ever be there a homeworld 3
How about you dilate?
>was expecting a near finished game instead the game is still in pre production.
>10 years ago a trailer releasing for a sequel to a game either meant a release date or that the game had at least entered production
>Now it's just a glorified announcement to get people to donate to their crowdfunding campaign so they can then start preproduction while people feed them garbage ideas from the backer exclusive discord
tfw no fleet command mommy gf
Hello Homeworldfriends. I've only played Kharak when it came out (and enjoyed it). What else of the series should I play? I imagine the original, but is the actual original the best version or is the remake better?
Just get the remaster play 1 remastered version it's good enough with the recent pathes. Play Cataclysm (GOG version) then 2.
Nice, I'll do that. Thanks.
I fucking hate when that big white ship start ramming your own ships.
Do the recent patches actually fix the formation and pathing problems that it launched with? Gearbox dropped the fucking ball at launch - key features that made the game great were not properly reproduced.
Yes they spent two years patching this shit. The big thing for purists is fuel which I can't remember if it is in or not.
That's how they interpreted Sjet later down the road. Like she's some symbol of female empowerment when she actually sacrificed her humanity for the project
This is a picture of the advanced graphics for Cataclysm WTF does Stipple Alpha do?
It's transparency via dithering.
No thanks. Not interested in seeing how Gearbox ruins it even worse than Sierra managed with HW2.
What is wrong with remaster or Kharak? I play both.
Ballistics were patched in so not quite impossible. Formations too.
>Sjet with hair
Get the fuck out with that dogshit.
>i don't feel so good
Give me a reason to be excited
Teaser looks good though.
BBI is developing it not Gearbox.
Tell me how many of the original Homeworld devs are on it and list the names, otherwise i hope the projects never gets funded and dies so they don't fuck it up with their gay trannyfaggot SJW shit.
Gearbox are publishing it, aren't they?
Gearbox owns them.
If Gearbox says Karen becomes tranny, BBI has to abide.
And? They had zero impact on DoK, why would this be any different?
Cross that bridge when we get there. Deserts didn't have this problem.
10,000 hours in paint
The project is already funded.
I dislike that Deserts made things more personal kind of like Cataclysm. Seeing glimpses of humanity through rigid protocol was one of the great things of the original.
Any time one of these companies makes a mobile game you know they don't give a flying fuck about the PC market, let alone making a good game. The only thing that matters to them is money.
So Deserts of Kharak was just not as good as HW because of the devs. This makes me feel even less optimistic.
>epic exclusive
Also, is there any way to find the original versions of Homeworld?
I've heard that they fucked up the remasters with adding mechanics from the second game.
Except Deserts was great and was only disliked by brainlets.
Gearbox only care about Memelands 3. They will drop some money on Homeworld 3. Just for good reputation.
Everyone's going to play Homeworld 1's remaster by shitbox and it is going to leave an awful lasting impression of the game simply due to shitbox's incompetence at """remastering""" it.
It wasn't a very good game
If you want to sell, you need more than nice VA's, artwork, and music. You need solid gameplay.
Seems to me the blackbird team is missing someone who actually understands what a fun game is.
Nevermind, just saw that you'll also get the original games if you buy the remastered.
It was boring and inferior to the original games. It clearly shows how the devs have lost their touch over the years.
The manual also really helps, as did the additional material from Deserts of Kharak that expanded on some of the manual lore. So many stories to tell in the little history on that desert world, let alone everything after they left. The world-building in this series is amazing.
>t. gearbox shill
AKA they are missing some few people from the original Homeworld devs, which is why this is destined to be another product ruined by Wokebox.
Because someone understood how to tell a story
modern games aren't about telling stories, they're about selling experiences, advertising products, and pushing political agendas down your throat.
t.turbo brainlet
homeworld 1 remaster was more than 'a bit fucked up' in every single way
It shouldn't have even been included because it wasn't a remaster, it was a rape. They raped Homeworld 1 and put the skinned corpse into the "remaster".
It's published by Gearbox so of course they (you) have a reason to shill it and pretend it's much better than it actually was.
>not only a brainlet but also a schizo
seek help
>first mission
>we're miners don't expect anything
>last mission
>stand the fuck back i've got this
And yet they're not even mentioned in homeworld 2.
>no arguments left
>b-brainlet! s-shizo!
Keep sucking that Randy cock.
Homeworld was dead by the time HW2 hit the scene
The series had good gameplay from HW to Cataclysm. Homeworld 2 destroyed everything about it that was any good at all, from the storyline to the gameplay.
I still to this day do not understand the praise HW2 gets. I honestly think people just mistake it for the first game or think it played the same without having actually touched it.
They never worked properly though. It was a bandaid to fix a colossal fuckup because the team doing the remaster was lazy and felt they could just asset drop HW1 ships into HW2's engine and call it a day.
>accuses everyone of being a gearbox shill
>sees Randy everywhere
>tries to deny his schizo tendencies
>demands arguments to counter his schizophremia
seek help my dude
The praise that HW2 gets is that it looks great for something that's only 1/4 of the game, an unfinished product. It's well-deserved praise. Too bad they couldn't finish it.
Learn to shill better.
I have mine sitting on my shelf
I think it will be something about the Progenitors, judging by the trailer. Maybe the hyperspace cores are decaying and they need to find Progenitor technology capable of replicating it?
>just woke up to this
Thanks mate.
>another post another fit of schizophrenia
You woke up to Gearbox ruining another series. Good luck with your nightmares chap.
>Broken formations
I believe this was fixed from that big update two years back. Not sure about the scaling though.
space jewz
>Age: 2 lightyears
>Already funded through publisher
>Crowdfunding to get more money
>Mobile game to get even more money
>Keeping the door open for epic exclusivity cash
I smell a scam to be honest. I hope to god I'm wrong, but I doubt it.
We'll see.
>Mobile game
I remember when Gearbox bought the IP they jumped onto hyping about making Homeworld into a touchscreen game.
That was a hilarity.
I see they haven't moved from their original plans.
They'll most likely run across whatever fucked up the progenitors.
why did you put this image in my head
It's not.
high as fuck
The crowdfunding is them cashing in on nostalgia whales. Pretty scummy but I hope the money goes to BBI and not Gearbox, at least.
Well that's an employable face.
its already funded by gearbox, they're just getting extra bucks
same art director as the original homeworld
don't care as long as there are cool spaceships, mysterious mega structures and pretty nebula backgrounds
It's going straight into Gearbox's pocket. Note how there nothing about how the money will be used to improve the game, or anything about how it will be spent.
It only talks about giving people "the chance to invest".
>look up his art
Its shit, fuck.
Homeworld is maybe the only game series
I would have put serious money into backing but something was off about that trailer.
doesn't seem that bad to me
If this game doesn't have some prog rock song written for the context of the story itself I ain't buying
Jesus Christ what the fuck is wrong with people? Are you seriously that triggered by a fucking video game? If you are and you have legit trauma in your life, stop playing video games and go to fucking counseling.
Judging by this and the recent White Wolf Vampire TTRPG books, this is going to be an SJW/tranny shit show.
Its fine I guess, I don't feel like shitting on another artist. I always held homeworld to a higher standard and something feels lackluster about the general art direction.
Bloodlines had a mediocre engine for melee, time constraints and contractual issues.
This can take its time and there's like half a dozen good engines out nowadays, so it's really inexcusable for what will be central content of the game.
This DLC stuff is just the cherry on the shit sundae
fuck off. self censoring is the death of art.
It lacks that spark of weirdness that homeworld had.
The new stuff looks too streamlined, HW often had clunky elements or ships being asymmetrical like the SkalTel, which made everything more exotic.
What we've seen of 3 so far is too generic, the fighters are streamlined symmetrical jets, the jumpgate looks generic etc
Do you guys not have phones?
I'm stealing your idea and making it my idea.
The gate looks exactly how it looks in old concept art
i think you might be a bit hasty in assuming things will suck based off of a few pieces of art and a short cinematic
Shills are fucking desperate trying to make this look good
Oozing stolen souls
It does look good, what are you on about?
I hope Baldur's Gate 3 and Homeworld 3 will be good at least. I think Baldur's Gate 3 has the best chance of being good due to the devs. I know some people don't like them and their way of writing sometimes but at least their games are fun and it's not like the storytelling is that terrible.
div2 was actually pretty well-written for the majority of the game. Of course it could be better but it's not bad in any way.
div1 was a disaster.
White Wolf literally fired the entirety of people doing the recent garbage. Why are you people so misinformed?
I just hope that they use this song again.
god damn, this song
the only credits i watched from start to finish only because of the song
HW2 is an alternative timeline.
I was talking about bloodlines, which, judging by what was shown so far, dev interviews and the already solidified plans for DLC will be a shitshow
ever wonder why it wasn't used back then?
From what I saw, the art direction is fine. That kharak desert game really did a good job matching the old HW1 style
The problem is the gameplay. Homeworld's gameplay has been in the shitter ever since HW2. They need to focus on that above everything else, and probably lay back on muh stronk wahmen shit and they're fine
It was too big to model in the old engine without serious performance issues from what I remember
I dunno, the concept art is some weird knobbly space corridor that's pretty cool and unmistakably homeworld, in the trailer it looks like the inside of a computer. Anyway, its dumb to read too much into the art direction on a cinematic trailer. I don't just want the same old shit either, these guys are capable of making fresh stuff and I wanna see it before giving them any money.
It's what I see every time I see that image.
>Cutting down on that was a good call too
False but the game wouldn't have been made otherwise so I guess I'll agree anyway.
>Comments are nothing but "Is thins going to be an epic exclusive"
>Dead silence from devs and Gearbox
Yup, into the EGS trash it goes. Pretty cucked that people have already given this much money to the project, funding their own cuckening.
The funding chart says there's 30% distribution fees, which fits steam
The remaster and desert of kharak is on a pretty good sale on Steam now, should I get them?
>q4 2022
fucking lol how much of a muppet do you have to be to pay this really
>Invest for 500$ a share
Ehm, why wouldn't you just invest in the company directly? Either the dev or the publisher, IF, you thought it would do great.
>the scumbag version kikestarter
>production didnt start yet, they just "starting" pre production
>2023 release at earliest release
Nice fucking announcement.
Is it okay to play desert of kharak first as a relatively newcomer, since it's a prequel? I say relatively because I played both games for a few missions so I have some idea what it's about but I don't remember anything about the story.
based on this screengrab, i predict kiith s'jet, or at least karan, has gone rogue or will go rogue during the course of the campaign, which would probably mean we'd have to fight the mothership in some way.
Also if there's no reimagining of Karos Graveyard, they can fuck off.
I'd even recommend starting with deserts of kharak.
all right, thanks user
>Karos Graveyard
beautiful mission
I honestly hope not, she's sacrificed everything for her people, it wouldn't make sense for her to betray them.
play hw1/2 first, then dok. if you play dok it won't make that much of an impact and some cutscenes/things won't be "ohhh, so that's that" moments. If you REALLY care about the story, this is the proper order: HW1 Historical and Technical Briefing > HW1 > HW:C Manual > HW:C > HW2 Prelude To The End Of Times > HW2 > HW:DoK > Dust Wars docs
maybe something like "the council went full retard so it's time to take things into my own hands"?
OR - karan gone rogue, but you're playing as the mothership and have to fuck shit up so things get better or some such?
>the scam site fig
>didnt start development yet
Oh boy, talk about red flags.
Why am I a millennial with boomer taste?
>Fuck it, the remastered collection is $5 and I've always wanted to play this. What am I in for?
Broken buggy remaster lacking half the features.
Game itself is meh, isnt impressive today and the narrative is shit, games like Starcraft aged much better.
with good taste*
Talk about bad taste
Any mods to make the single player balance of the remaster at least close to the original?
Thoughts about DoK Expedition Guide?
Also, reminder that Kiith (((Siidim))) were a metaphor of Orthodox Jews
1) Delusions of being chosen by God Sajuuk
2) Hatred of "Gritiidim"=Goyim
3) Betrayed other Kiith
4) Stayed relevant by investing a lot of shekels
5) Eventually all died in ovens of Taiidan bombardment as all of them were denied participation in space program
6) Estimated death toll: several millions
What's the best way to get/play Cataclysm? I was thinking about getting the remastered ones, but decided not to when I heard that it wasn't included.
How the fuck is that Nazi you humongous retard leftard? The Taidaan are just your average space feudal empire with multiple species living in them. They're more akin to the Egyptians than fucking Nazis
pirate it somewhere
oh please, dont make your nostalgia so obvious
>Thoughts about DoK Expedition Guide?
if you can get it somewhere for free and read it then sure, it's great to compare this and hw1 points of view, but iirc it was sold as a separate dlc, so they can fuck off with selling lore shit that should already be in.
look up homeworld emergence on gog
they changed the name because cunts in blizzard trademarked "cataclysm"
bright crimson and dozens of poles
I was wondering if anyone has made any texture mods for it to make it look a little more up-to-date.
I played HW1RM, followed by DoK, recently.
It had fuel but literally only for the Gardens of Khadesh. Also ramming seemed to be completely out, collision damage only affected me in that bullshit asteroid mission. All my heavy corvettes died in the great asterocaust of mission #4. Formations worked fine too.
It's been too long since I played Classic, but wasn't even ammo tracked for strike craft?
I've got to say DoK surprised me, I enjoyed all the missions thoroughly except perhaps for the last one. I'm glad they combined resource controllers and support frigates into one glorious resource collecting, ship healing cruiser. It's just a shame that, at the end of the day, there's not that much variety in your units and no aerial combat from what I could see. I'm excited for this game, but story wise I hope like in HW1 and 2 characters are kept at a distance, whilst also giving all the individual ships their own commanders and some sort of experience level, like in DoK, even if it's purley text.
Did the modding community for Homeworld Remastered ever take off? I remember it being consistently stagnated by lack of modding tools. Sins of a Solar Empire seems to the be the big sci-fi mod community strategy game wise.
>All my heavy corvettes died in the great asterocaust of mission #4
that's because you keep your strike craft docked and wreck the asteroids with frigates
Resource collector, cumming into dock.
no mans sky is better tho
Yeah. And Grand Turismo 5 is better than NMS.
Aren't trailers meant to generate hype? That was boring as fuck.
>it's another "lets dig up this ded franchise and rape its corpse" sequel
pls stob