Where my Florida bros at?

Where my Florida bros at?


>Playan during the storm?
>Readan during the storm?
>Watchan during the storm?
>Listenan during the storm?
>Feelan during the storm?
>Comfyan during the storm

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Playan during the storm?
Risk of Rain 2
>Readan during the storm?
Uni assignment
>Watchan during the storm?
I don't know yet
>Listenan during the storm?
Anything to pass time
>Feelan during the storm?
Excited because I get to skip labs.

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>Playan during the storm?
World of Warcraft
>Listenan during the storm?
Kid Cudi
>Feelan during the storm?
Absolute comfort. Just had lightning strike by my house an hour ago lovin' it.

Tampa fag here. Going to be working the day of. Been playing some Project Cars 2 wile listening to eurobeat mixes.

just nuke it wtf

It ain't gonna do shit.

Monsoon difficulty ?

My mother lives in Florida

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Heroes of the Storm

>tfw I live in Miami-Dade

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Just gonna drink and play dark souls until my power inevitably goes out.

You that user from Irma? I remember someone posting about some animal when the storm was coming.

Playing Armello and Pokemon Heartgold

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That takes like 15 minutes per house unless they got more than one floor to the house.

>That takes like 15 minutes per house unless they got more than one floor to the house.
One of them is a huge two-story house that my parents own that they don't even live in. They've been trying to renovate the place to move into but they've been stuck in bureaucratic hell.

Well why are stitting there with your thumb up your ass and not rescuing her?

It looks like it's projected to go north of Miami though.

I live in Jupiter/west palm and I'm like dead set in the center of its cone. I also live in a 30 year old wood frame home. Shit's a bummer.

Dark Souls until the power goes out, then I'll probably switch to pokemon bw2 until my ds battery dies
Nat geo magazines
Youtube or something on Kanopy assuming I'll still have internet
Xiu Xiu, GYBE, or something ambient/atmospheric to go with storm sounds
Annoyed at shitters hoarding food and making traffic unbearable, but excited to crack some beers with my roommates and wait out the storm

>Playan during the storm?
My power infamously goes off when it rains for more than an hour so probably some shit on my phone while I cook alive from the lack of A.C.
>Readan during the storm?
Dunno yet. Internet if my phone allows it.
>Watchan during the storm?
Maybe the Chappelle netflix special and john wick 3
>Listenan during the storm?
Some Led Zeppelin maybe idk
>Feelan during the storm?
Annoyed. I was going to move in a few days and this throws everything out of wack.
>Comfyan during the storm
As long as I have electricity otherwise it's going to be hot and swampy air for 3 days

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Be honest, do you guys think this will be a legit bad storm or just a passing Cat 1 or 2 storm?

The media keeps exaggerating the severity of the storm and saying shit like it'll be a Cat 4 and it'll destroy half of Florida.

>classic wow
>ruby gloom
>comfy because no work and rain sounds

I'm gonna be so fucking pissed if my power gets knocked out though.

None of you are playing shit with power going out

That's why I got handhelds and powerbanks.

Hurricanes get stronger the more intense the weather is
Given that this was one of the hottest years in recorded history, I think this will be a big disaster

>parents have 130+ potted plants that weigh anywhere from 10 pounds to 150 pounds
>mom's stick thin and can't do much
>old man's back is fucked
>move them all inside

I just want to get back to playing X-COM UFO Defense.

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Grab some chalk, draw a grid on the ground, play Plant-COM RAIN Defense.

i'm a floridafag bug i'm not gonna be there during the storm

It'll probably be around a cat 3 or 4. The media is saying it has a chance of becoming a cat 4 because they want people to prepare for the worst. That and hurricanes tend to get stronger when sitting in warm waters.

They're starting to predict that it will go up along the coast though, we're probably not gonna get any accurate info until the next two days.

Why didn't I think of this?

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Consider each plant has its own turn and action units. have fun.

Probably going to be Skyrim at this rate, though I doubt it will hit where I'm at. It's going to swing north soon after making land fall. Lots of rain for sure, but no real big heavy winds. Western Florida has been rather lucky for the last few years.

That fucking sucks because I live out in the middle of bumfucking nowhere and once the storm hits I'll likely be out of power for two weeks again like with Irma.

I don't know if electric companies do this or not but they should display a plan of action of which areas they would hit first following a major outage. It'd give people a bit more peace of mind I believe.

>until the power goes out

Switch chads rise up

I hope your place gets looted

great power going to go out. Its not like I have fun playing video games to miss them.

I think so. I have about 50 whistling ducks on my lawn daily, and they were all just huddling in the open to avoid falling debris.

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I live on a hospital grid in central florida so I might lose power for a few hours at worst. Last hurricane nothing at all happened in my entire community so im sure this one will be just as meh. Still if a window breaks im gonna be upset.

I hope my job loses power to it once the storm comes or gets fucked up badly. I already know my house will but I don't want to go to work if I can't play VIDYA after the storm.

Jokes on you, I've got a huge generator.

>used to live 3 blocks from a hospital
>power and internet were amazing
>apartment was super shitty though
you can never have it all.

I live in broward but being a 33 year old boomer has made me numb to all weather. Even a cat-5 wouldn't make me give a shit.

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Why don’t you dumb assholes move instead of getting your shit pushed in by storms every 3 months?

>live next to a hospital
>be in most danger of infection during zombie apocalypse

Dammit. I just wanted stable electricity for vidya

I put all of my window shutters in place with a crank in 10 minutes and all of my furniture can be raised ~3-5 feet with cinder blocks if there's flooding. My entire neighborhood is the same. We've lived here forever and we're used to it. About 4 of us get our grills and have a party at one of our houses if our power goes out.

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>Move to some fly over state so I can stare at wheat fields and hope for death.

No thanks user. I'll take life being a bit more interesting tyvm

She'll be okay user. Florida's build codes are baller-ass since Katrina and most buildings will take it like champs.


>play for an hour and a half
>switch dies

I'm fucking nervous. My best friend lives in Florida. She might be out of the path but that shit is unpredictable. Floridabros go throw things at the hurricane to slow it down.

I was in North Florida during Andrew. The heat in the Atlantic is capable of making multiple Andrews in a single season. I'm just waiting for it to blast my house apart one year so I can take the insurance and move to the mountains of Tennessee.

My mistake.

it's like one storm a year and it's usually never even bad

Tampa, prob gonna be safe from the worst. Gotta day off on Tues as well.

>Playan during the storm
Classic, fe:th if internet dies
>Readan during the storm?
Rereading overlord
>Watchan during the storm?
Dunno, might find something on Netflix if internet holds up
>Listenan during the storm?
>Feelan during the storm?
>Comfyan during the storm
Boarded up the house, got rum and coke, my bed is like a little fort, and I have family to hang out with. If all power is out I have plenty of alcohol to tide me over.

Hurricanes are literally nothing lad. The only bad thing that ever happens is the electricity goes out for a few days until fpl gets off their lazy asses.

>best friend

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where she at I'll keep her company :^)

Good to hear. Thanks.
We've seen each other naked relax it's a fwb situation but I also happen to think she's a cool lady

t. never drove through areas on the coast

>thinking you can't be friends with women

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why the fuck am i telling you

Yeah I'm thinkin' this girl doesn't exist user

oh no, rain
I've got an inner tube and beer.

Hurricanes can't really cause any world ending damage to Florida. Our buildings and infrastructure are designed to handle it. We've got a pretty robust storm drain system with man-made reservoirs and relief channels all over the place. It only wrecks places like Louisiana and Texas because they don't get massive hurricanes very often. They get complacent and their cities can't deal with it.

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Get fucked richfags

>tfw Melbourne
>tfw I could actually get fucked if the eye hits
>old house not built under hurricane guidlines
>mfw even though it's shifting south, it could pull a crazy ivan and still smash us at any moment

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Cat 4 isn't really a big deal in Florida since homes are made of concrete and either have shutters or impact windows approved up to 200 MPH winds.

Cat 5 is where you get to the spooky shit.

I know you're being condescending but this is actually making me feel better so thanks

is anyone floridafag in this thread unlucky enough that their power lines are still above ground?

good question. but in all seriousness, that's decently far from the projected path of the eye, so she should be okay I think.

fuck u boca

His condescension actually mirrors how I feel about the storm. I've been through like eight hurricanes, with half of them being direct hits, and I just don't give a fuck.

Literally only Boca as far as I know. And fuck that place. Glades Road traffic is bullshit.

Shit, they sound better than earthquakes now. If I wasn't such a pussy about hot, humid weather I'd consider moving there in a few years.

>Playan during the storm?
The World Ends with You
>Readan during the storm?
Any books I have lying around after handhelds run out of battery.
>Watchan during the storm?
The news until power dies, then I'll just look out the window.
>Listenan during the storm?
>Feelan during the storm?
Just dreading the heat if the power is out for days.

based Miamibro
I'm just putting shutters up for my parents right now

>Playan during the storm?
Loading up on options since my phone battery is trash and I need all sorts of stuff to keep me off of it. Three Houses, Astral Chain, Witcher 3 on laptop, DQV on DS, also gonna charge my Vita and GBA as well just for back ups

>Readan during the storm?
Downloaded all of JoJo part 7 on my iPad. Probably try and make some progress in that

>Watchan during the storm?
Idk might download something on said iPad, but storage is limited on it. So maybe just some MST3K episodes

>Listenan during the storm?
Maybe some Giant Bomb

>Feelan during the storm?
Stressed for the lone fact that my fiance and I can't decide which of our parents house to stay at since it might be a cat 4. If it was going to be 3 or under we were just gonna stay home. But it's just my parents alone in their house so I'd rather be there, and she wants to be with her family during the storm understandibly.

>Comfyan during the storm
It'll be maximum comfy if we can stay at our place. Just post up in the recliner and partake in everything mentioned above. Separating from my lady and sitting in a dark room with my folks is significantly less comfy.


been playing gacha shit, hope my power doesn't out for a fucking week like during the last hurricane.

Most if not all of West Palm has their lines still above ground. It's bullshit.

Almost as much bullshit as Glades.

West Palm Beach here. How fucked am I?


A little electricity won't kill you. You've already got electricity running through your entire body.

Pensacola here. As a former SWFloridian of 28 years, Im curious to see if this one will make it across the state to do anything this far into the panhandle.

Im friends with a stripper. We go get wafflehouse sometimes after she gets off and sometimes she even pays for me with what she made that night. I occasionally go watch her dance and tip her. It was awkward at first, but shes cool with it now. Maybe some day I'll buy a lapdance from her if I'm willing to push my luck.

H-hopefully it doesn't hit georgia

There's a tree learning towards my house that looks like it could fall any moment and another that has been making cracking noises

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Miami here. Just gonna play my switch dont have a generator or anything so gonna be fucked when it dies. HERES HOPING WERE NOT FUCKED

is it going to hit Disney land?

shoulda hired people to safely cut them down

No, because Disney Land is in California.

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Disney is a fortress so even if it did it'd be fine. And even IF big damage happened, the Mouse has everything insured and covered up the wazoo so hard they could probably build 5x more than they lost.

probably exhentai
Same as I did during Charley and every other hurricane since 2004

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>none of the experts or models can agree where the fuck this bitch is going
>keeps slowing down and getting stronger
>probably gonna linger over florida for 2-3
>mfw tampa electric infrastructure

RIP power

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>Playan during the storm?
Rune Factory 1.
>Readan during the storm?
Book I got for my birthday a few weeks ago.
>Watchan during the storm?
No clue.
>Listenan during the storm?
shitty vidya OSTs, I don't really pay attention to what I'm listening to while drawing.
>Feelan during the storm?
Absolutely nothing, probably.

I'm routing for it to tear up the star wars lot. Its a known fact that's its the most expensive lot they made so far so seeing any damage to that is like seeing mickey getting kicked in the nuts.

I can't remember the last time a model got it right this many days out or multiple models agreed. Just sit tight nigga

Newest track has it curving north and just riding along the coast I think. That should honestly be a little better. But we get plenty of storms around here and your house should be built to handle more than that. Just make sure you and your house are prepped and you'll be good user.

t. Fellow West Palm Fag

>that one model where is just yeets off to Georgia and South Carolina
Lol, that would be hilarious if it actually happened. They would not be prepared for it at all.

Im just anxious cause my arms are fucked up by tendonitis and theyre super sensitive to pressure changes. I cant do shit man

Drink some tea or somethin. Go for a walk. Ride it out like everyone else and if shit hits the fan dont do anything stupid.

i be training slayer
crocs are gay

First-timer here, what am I in for?

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Traffic and a whole lot of nothing.

Only beta cucks in the southeast worry about hurricanes. Real niggas ain't scared. I live in nc and lived through fran and floyd. Those SUCKED but they were also really high on the category scale. Anything 3 or below can suck my dick. 4 and 5s are the ones to worry about

>doing well
>ready to ride out the hurricane because my family never gets hit hard
>ceiling starts leaking and cracking
>major structural damage that had been building up for who knows how long

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South Floridian here, not worried about shit since the last 3 were duds. Just gonna enjoy the gray skies and pitter-patter of rain on the roof.

for once I'm glad that the buildings at the U are literally nuclear bunkers hopefully I have enough of Warfork to keep me occupied

>didn't board up my house for the last 2 hurricanes
>this one's got me nervous
>all the plywood from hardware stores is gone already

these florida building codes are enough, r-right?

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My fellow Melbournebro.
Hope you're not running low on food, best time to stock up was two weeks ago.

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Power loss

you need shutters, plywood doesn't do shit past a cat 2

it's cat 4 atm my dude

The last two storms I didn't even lose internet; I played TF2 the whole time.

You poor bastards, here in Maine we don't let weather get in our way

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Plywood will stop most little branches and random shit which is 99% of the stuff. If you need shutters to stop something heavier than that odds are you're getting a bunch of damage no matter what.

It will lose power once it eats some mobile homes.

depends on where you are
>people are shitting bricks and evacuating
>videos of everything flooding and falling over
>look out my window and see a medium sized branch hit my neighbors car and fuck all else

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No power = Hot as balls for a week, and no shower
flooding = real hard to drive around and shit will be closed
When your light flicker back on and the AC kicks in will be the greatest relief in your life.

Wind and rain and no water at publix for a week, maybe an couple hours no power, then tree branches in the road for a week after.
Unless you're near the shore and it hits as a 4. Then you're going to have trees down and windows blown out in some places, maybe one or two unlucky bastards gets a hole in their roof.

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>duty to retreat
You're not even a real state

The leaning tree is near some power wires so it's not only a risk to my house but also the power that's why they didn't cut it

same goes for the cracking tree

surprisingly, it survived Irma in its tropical storm phase

>My power infamously goes off when it rains for more than an hour

>Hot as balls for a week, and no shower
Literally no difference from my daily life.
>real hard to drive around and shit will be closed
No reason to drive anywhere and I have everything I need right here.

Next time you roll your character spec some hiki resistances.

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90% of Central Florida still has above ground power lines

>couple hours no power
Try a week.

>hurricanes always seem like a big ass deal on the news and shit
>floridians don't give a single shit ever

Is this like how I don't give a shit when there's a big ass snowstorm in my state?

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Thread theme


RIP Puerto Rico

noah's ark
an inconvenient truth
garbage - only happy when it rains

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I've joked to my friends and family that hurricanes in Florida get played up to sell gas and water so many times that I've actually started to believe it.

Fuck that wannabe state.

literally nothing if it isnt a cat 5 it aint shit.

What is this retard doing???

Tourism bucks plummet. Gotta make up the difference somehow.

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she has nice feet

playing in the rain

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Why are you a first timer?
Fucking tourist.

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You're only in actual danger if you live in a shit house by the sea, or if it gets really strong and you live by the sea. People who live in Key West are madlads, unironically

nah they don't even wanna be a state because then they would have to take responsibility for their huge debt.
fuck them for freeloading.

>mfw some happy merchant gas station owner has had his gas marked up 30 cents higher than anyone else for years
>no one ever gets gas there
>mfw people lined up around the block there now

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What a dumb idiot!!! It's WET out there!

Only time I've had the power out for more than 6 hours was Irma and Charley. Central Hillsborough is good for something at least.

nigga isn't florida 99% tourism?

Anyone worried about displaced skinwalkers?