>epic is ba...
Epic is ba
you do realize this is literally the EXACT same refund policy as steam's, right? Like, verbatim.
>you are allowed by law to get a refund for any reason within 14 days
>but we don't like that so we're going to pretend like our EULA supersedes your laws
disregard that I suck cocks
How is this any different from Steam's refund policy?
Fuck off cuck
imagine being american
d wrong. We need a new strong word. Badwrong or badong. Yes, Epic is badong.
>EU have a right at law to refund
>if you buy from us then you waive your right to withdraw
EU cucks explain yourselves
>corporation pretends this line works as a biding contract that is above EU consumer laws and the rights they give
Fucking delusional. This shit is a scare tactic and wouldn't up in a EU court for 5 seconds
Legal fees would run you 50x more than the money you would get back which is why this works in the first place. They're able to nickel and dime you because getting the nickel back would cost you a lot more.
Consumer affairs tribunals would cover the costs of getting my refund.
ching chong
nip nog
give us your dog
also fuck europe
>send email citing law
>state if refund isn't issued in accordance with local law the matter will be transferred to counsel and you will see them in court
Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
This post reeks of underage
Generally, the succumbing party will be held accountable for all legal fees. Both those of the court, as well as those incurred from hiring lawyers to represent yourself. But that is at the end. A possibly long and stony road.
the irony of that post
You can't even do that in the United States.
If a contract is unlawful then it is void despite both parties agreeing to it.
Because it was written by a bad ass mother fucker. or BAMF for short.
Nobody has the balls to straight up declare that EULAs are invalid, although for any intents and purpose assume ALL eulas you read for a product you purchase are invalid
Especially in the US because EULAs presented post purchase are automatically invalid (Yes this includes if they make you tick a box that says I have read eula) and why some companies try to refuse to let you use the product unless you read the eula (which doesn't actually count fagtivision)
How often does your nose pick up the scent of a minor?
Steam will consider refunds even after 2 weeks or more than 2 hours have been played if you can give them a decent justification. I recently was able to refund a game I played for 7 hours because it was a waste of time and was never going to play it again.
Living close to a daycare, probably. Bet he is sitting in a circle of incense and scented candles.
>thinks the EU law of all things will bend to some cucked corporation
>getting a refund on a free game
And just for the record, literally no EULA would actually exist if any company REALLY had the rights to do half the shit they want to, and it's just legallese to scare people into pretend they have those rights.
> Only options are I agree and Cancel.
That's not how laws work.
the left can't meme
I'm pretty sure this is allowed in the Netherlands.
Although if the product is defect in some way you can probably return it within a year anyway.
Nuke china
The problem is there's never been a case where it's been worth enforcing the EU law on it.
Most times, it's some crappy game that cost $5 or something.
There's no much point going to court in order to get $5 back.
This. Just because you consent doesn't mean it's legally binding
Doesn't work that way. I'm in a lawsuit because some Moroccan didn't pay me for the work I did. He payed 10k of the 12k, because he knows it costs some for me to go after that, since you cannot hold the guilty party accountable for fees for your lawyer. This happens all the fucking time and its infuriating. Lots of people just let it slip because what can you do.
it isnt but just because epic is doing it too means they're better than steam according to the pajeets shilling this botnet
Holy shit, you're a dumb motherfucker.
Going to court here in the Netherlands costs 81 euro. Which the loser pays.
You don't have to pay for a lawyer, but corporations tend to hire lawyers for many thousands of euros anyway.
So you do have some legalbros who just go to court out of principle. And companies tend to settle to save money.
You can't just waive your right away like that lmao. This is illegal and they will get sued for it at some point.
The EGS launcher is far superior to Steam. You just press a button to start playing a game. Steam is too bloated.
*You don't need a lawyer
except without the part that has a undisclosed refund cap so they can fuck you over at any time if they feel like it
Some Hollanbro should do it for giggles then.
Isn't that still illegal?
Nah, it's there too
>Is there a limit to how many purchases I can request a refund for?
You can submit any number of refund requests for eligible purchases.
>If it appears that you are abusing the refund system, we reserve the right to revoke access to this feature.
All EULAs fundamentally are.
In practice however only speds and Linux users actually pretend they have any legitimacy.
What national law is this taking place in? That is the important question. And usually decided within the rules of international private law. Or by an individual agreement between you and the other party to determine which court is responsible for any disputes emerging from the contract.
I am only intimate with german law, where lawyer fees will be put on the losing party in most cases. If you win and you were forced to sue (because the other party refused to fulfill the contract), you will pay nothing and everything will be billed to the loser.
>Your right to cancel and return an order
>14 day cool off period did not apply to:
>Online digital content, if you have already started downloading or streaming it and you agreed that you would lose your right of withdrawal by starting the performance
>muh laws
no one cares lmao, get CHINKED
then it becomes de facto law. It's a horrible trend to set and it should be elasticized criticized and fought.
If I purchase your X and then you make me sign a contract to use it there is no fucking way that contract is legal.
A signed contract would be different. Clicking OK is not signing your name. It's not a contract.
A contract, even signed, does not invalidate the law.
I implore you to reconsider
>no stream will come
>not even some cheeky cunt posting the webm
Times have changed.
Here's your stream, bro. All you have to do is remember what you see in slow motion.
Read this you fucking inbred retards, fucking theoreticians of shit you have no fucking clue about