Nice Japanese "humor"
Nice Japanese "humor"
Why do these threads trigger people? It really is an awful trope.
>something is not as i thought it was
thanks japan she's totally not annoying now
Innocent girls and women self conscious about their nudity.
Something disgusting hambeasts and make up drenched sluts could never understand.
is it funny? no
do i like to see it? yes
therefore no problem
What the fuck is wrong with nipoids?
In the west nudity is to be expected since girls starts fucking at 12 years of age so they can't comprehend why an older one could still be a virgin
This is why western games will always be superior. TLOU 2 is gonna be lit af and BTFO all the weeb incels who like this shit.
>TLOU 2 is gonna be lit af
>Walked in a class room where girls in my class still changing for P.E. and get a big kyaaaa right back and that was in catholic school.
My good old days.
Would've been funnier if it was Ricotta haha
Die pedo
>go to school
>get shot and die
Yay, American humor!
Eat shit.
>tfw you will never see an attractive woman naked in real life
I don't know how much you know about Japanese history and culture (I'm an expert) buts its a long term legacy of thr islamic occupation of the 200s. Women were forced to be modest and cover themselves in the company of men. Its something deeply ingrained in their genetic memory even though the crescent no longer rises over the sun.
That'd be Euro humor mocking Americans, dumb SEAnigger
God I love that shit.
>weeb pepe poster can't into obvious irony
No wonder nobody likes you, sorry your disease makes social interactions hard for you
>*camera pans to sky*
fuck off where you come from subhuman
>heseme nakedo
?????? Who are u blaming son?
seeth moar
I don't understand how this could happen. This japanese game rooted in japanese popular convention features a stereotypical japanese joke.
How could this have happened, there's literally no reason for this joke not to exist, and yet it exists in spite of my dislike of it.
How could this happen to me bros? Why is this japanese game japanese?
Are you ESL? replied to and honestly wasn't able to pick up on the heavy irony. He's clearly autistic or ESL
>Are you ESL?
no i am not a pro gamer
Nice Yea Forums "humor"
This realistic and funny
I think Japanese humor can be good.
The problem is most of their games pander to autistic otakus who love their overused anime tropes.
Trope is only shit when it was clearly an accident and the male gets his shit kicked in regardless.
>using the word "tropes" unironically
it's a yikes from me.
It isn't supposed to be funny.
Notice how none of the onlookers ever laugh. It is all a part of the Tsundere act.
What's it like being a faggot?
>I don't think so, Tim.
t incel
Hows that
I'm sorry some of us aren't retarded and use actual fucking english words that have existed for years
It isn't the girl thats annoying here though. Its the guy for being such a fucking pussy that he takes a beating for a clear accident.
So I'm confused about this game. Does Adol have a canon love interest?
Adol is a supreme Chad, like every female in the game wants to jump his bones
Innocent woman would see no reason to hide their nudity
Getting thrown in jails and/or being broken out by his best bro.
Honestly humor in general is cringe no matter the region
Your brain is broken, doomer.
Is it possible to live with this little joy in one's life?
That's not rhetorical. I'm seriously asking.
Some people feel the need to defend anything that comes out of Japan and/or involves female sexualization, no matter how retarded/nonsensical.
What country has the best humor?
And no, anglos aren't funny.
Well, I guess "cliche" would've worked better, but you get the idea.
Oh man YS VIII was fun. Can't wait for IX
Yeah, it's like the so called fun. Completely pointless.
Good to see you finally activate Windows.
ironic considering japan is pedo central
Statistical data suggests they have a lower incidence of pedophiliac crime.
It's just always done in such a stupid and childish way. It gets tiresome after a few dozen times.
It should happen more often and in more mainstream games.
>birds fly off of roof.
Literally every female in the world is Adol's love interest.
after playing utawarerumono, all other anime games feel infantile.
Ys has fallen since Ys 7. prove me the fuck wrong.
Haven't played 8 yet but I liked Celceta substantially more than 7.
well, Celceta isn't necessarily bad but it's a bad remake to be honest.
Nice original post.
It's way better than Mask of the Sun at the very least. It's a closer call with Dawn of Ys but I'd still say that Celceta is overall the best version of Ys IV.
>In the west girls start fucking at 12 years of age
>meanwhile the age of consent in Japan is 13
Why are western girls such sluts?
>play a Japanese game in Japanese
>characters speak Japanese
>original post
>on an imageboard
>on Yea Forums
You're expecting way too much. Every day is a repost day.
OH dear.
You Oathboomers are seriously the most obnoxious "fans" of the series. And Oath isn't even the best game in the Ark engine. That goes to Origin.
The worst japanese trope is "super attractive girl wants to fuck protagonist badly but protagonist aggressively denies any of her advances". It's so fucking bad because one exists just because the other one exists. If the protagonist would be the type to fuck such a girl immediately then such a character would never be created for the story. It's only because the author made the character such a faggot that he could introduce the super horny attractive girl to the story.
>imagine saying that while there's no indication of my taste in my post
by the way. I love me some Ys1. truly the most fun I've ever had.
10/10 game 0/10 cuck ending via deus ex retcon, still mad
Personally, I don't mind them speaking Japanese (I actually even like how it sounds, even if it seems like an overly convoluted language), I just don't generally like how they act.
I realise it must be some kind of cultural difference thing, but still.
>If the protagonist would be the type to fuck such a girl immediately then such a character would never be created for the story.
>It's only because the author made the character such a faggot that he could introduce the super horny attractive girl to the story.
Well, duh. They have to keep the girl a virgin for the otakus or they won't buy the product.
That's fine then. Just tired of the pedestal oldfags seem to have for Oath. Haven't gotten to the bump games yet. Will be the next one I play after I finish Celceta and 8.
>naked girls are awful
Oh Yea Forums
actuals japs don't even act overexaggarated except for cosplay purposes.
in actuality they are normal folk and they can speak and act in the tone of the west.
retarded weeb
and we all know how good the crime statistics are in japan
Oath isn't terrible per se. it's quite challenging with banging music.
it's alright if you don't want to associate with the back-end of a fandom. just don't take them seriously.
>it's a homicide but the police couldn't find the culprit
>"well shit, guess it's a suicide then, case closed :^)"
I have talked with japanese people a lot and the truth is the japanese are very self aware about all those cliches but they love them to death. They literally adore those cliches to the point that it's a must to include them for that anime flavor to be in the game. Otaku want to distance themselves from reality, they want unrealistic women that act predictably.
But they also get embarrassed easily when directly being confronted with how shit most of those cliches are. But at the end they just want to have a convenient story and characters. It's not like they won't appreciate originality and some more complexity but it's a harder sell.
Most of them don't mind having shit taste as long as they feel tickled in the right way, everything's fine
They also have the mentality that since they're the customers they should get everything they want and nothing else otherwise it's bad
tgis is the exact same as american people so it's not hard to figure out
When are we going to stop pretending that western games don't have cliches?
Actually wrong, americans may like them but they would not admit to loving cliches. The japanese outright admit that they love cliches and established character types. But you must also realize that it's a VN in the OP. The audience for VN is pretty much exclusively otaku and the devs are pretty much always otaku themselves. VN will be always oozing with cliches to the brim.
Because western games are so shit no one cares enough to shitpost about them
>western games are so shit no one cares enough to shitpost about them
Heh, imagine saying this on Yea Forums.
I guess the cliches are like inside jokes that everyone sort of just accepts.
Kind of like all the dumb memes around here.
Yo shut up
>Oh you saw me naked. Haha no big deal
>3 weeks later, get accused of rape
Why? I just provide answers. If you want to know anything about how the japanese perceive otaku culture just feel free to ask.
Shut up kid
Yeah, no one should actually judge people based on their popular culture.
I mean, if you're satisfied with that kind false equivalence to suit your wholly imagined narrative, who am I to deny you it.
>But you must also realize that it's a VN in the OP.
Ys is not a fucking VN, dumbass
Protip: Whenever someone tries to use the word otaku seriously you can ignore their opinion.
I will never understand this shit. What is even the problem if someone see you naked?
>Strong enough to beat up dinosaurs
>Is a little girl
Nice Japanese "character design"
You act like that's not how people act in real life.