Well Yea Forums?
Well Yea Forums?
Female with cock
The MALE on the left.
Damm, femV looks hot as fuck
Will this game feature those crazy pronouns ?
gurl with penus
Does this mean I’m gay if I pick the body type on the right but I select a huge schlong instead of a vagina, and I only go after women?
Futa female
FemV looks hideous now.
Female body type but she's a male.
I wanna play as a trans. For now I can only cum with the idea.
Just say no Homo at the end , you should be fine.
No, because absolutely no one in the real life outside the internet bubbles of these progressives take them seriously.
they literally just renamed gender to body
Right (male)
Nothing. I don't play tranny friendly forced niggery games
Gril with pee pee please I'll call her/it bailey V
lol @ that stupid looking underwear
Didn't they say before that the character creator was going to be nude?
futa of course
I'd fuck that girl tbhdesuka
Reminder that the T in LGBT stands for Terrorist!
Isn't it amazing how simple some things are? They're getting praise for it.
Which one has better stats for melee? They can't be the same, right?
>going out of your way to waste limited time and resources in an attempt to please people that will never buy your game
Why would they do this? Why would CDPR offer private showings of gameplay demos only to journalists while having their fans wait months on see to even see a glimpse of the game?
Can you make it a female with a HUGE DICK?
Ass isn't fat and jiggly enough, neither is the rest of her body.
Women are supposed to be fatty, not muscular.
i want cute V from the trailer not this crack head what the hell they was thinking
For real, why even change that? It's so obvious that this screen was called "gender" a couple of months ago, I see two genders on screen and no matter how autistic you are, the are only two fucking genders and that's it.
I seriously don't understand.
>taking 4 seconds to type a different word
>wasting time and resources
Trannies and sjws can fuck off in every direction but this "change" is completely harmless.
Can we have a little more of customization?
I mean those only 2 presets. I wanna changer her hair, eyes, skins colour, face structure and body shape making her more skinny or chubby.
What's the point of character customization if the game is locked to first person view and you can never see your character?
>waste limited time and resources
From the look of it, they changed like one string of text and got a shitload of media attention out of it.
There's an appearance tab user. I'm sure you can change some stuff.
>nudity removed
Just choose a character and fuck off
They still bent the knee to people who will turn on their game anyway, just like they did with every single game CDPR released. CDPR refused to show their fans the game but kept giving journalists private viewings of the gameplay. It's clear who they want to please, and it is not the people who are going to buy the game. Journalists get free keys.
Male and female. What's the big deal?
it's to generate controversy for publicity. Every game company with brains behind their PR and marketing departments does it.
Indeed. I suppose modders will have to fix that
Female just because I love the lesbian orc hair.
>play as male V
>Fuck female V in first person
Now neither of us will be Yea Forumsirgins!
This is what I'm pissed about, I was waiting for those censor blocks to disappear. Yes I need to see generic 3D girl titties
>Well Yea Forums?
Why are they clothed? I was expecting full frontal nudity? Is this because of the ameritard crowd?
Why the model on the right has no bulge?
>Female body
>Huge dick
>Orc hair
>ameritard crowd
Yup. Gore or gtfo
>bent the knee
Man you're stupid, huh
a girl that looks like motoko kusangi
with a futa cock
>Can't play as body positive obese female
>Cyberpunk is canceled
That is exactly a sign that trannys are taking over autist zommy
How the hell could something that minor even be a noticeable usage of resources for a developer as big as CDPR?
I'd assume there's a toggle for it and they left it off so they could stream the footage on YouTube.
Thank you CDPR for protecting the Lord’s gender binary and giving both protagonists the blandest, most inoffensive body type/face possible, praise be white jesus
its not the first time a game just calls it body
>Gore or gtfo
Ameritards are the ones who love gore. Killing good tits bad. I'm European. Tits are good in my book.
FemV for the inevitable lesbian route.
Remove the "girl" and that image becomes hot
>no longer naked with mosaic
Cuckedpunk 2077
Female V is a total cutie. I'm probably gonna use the standard character model.
Games DOA
>romance with mommycorpo
oof . Bro tha fuck are you doing ?
I see the characters arent nude anymore. They were in the old demo.
Nigger or Negro used to be a normal word used in everyday life by whites. Nowadays only blacks use it anymore.
I assume
Welcome to [Current Year], everything is cucked.
>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
The character customisation is kinda shit. Why cant games allow full customisation? Like penis size and breasts size? You should be able to go "I want my character to have a 2 inch soft and 4 inch erect penis"
Yeah I'm getting the one with the tits, those are looking good.
Would impregnate desu.
>inb4 muh work in progress
cuckedproject red
I think this is where I cross my line, if there's ever a game that forces me to play as a faggot I won't play it solely for that reason.
Why did they make the female so wide? Looks shit.
Is the stream over?
>they know that ever since Dragon Age Origins people understand how the romance mechanics work and how you can have both homo and hetero relationships depending on what the player wants
>yet they still shoehorn this shit into the demo because originally the demo was only meant to be shown in the private viewings they keep hosting for journalists
Amazing, CDPR sure has abandoned their fanbase entirely.
The underwear reveals more than all that censorship though.
I’m trans by the way!
Get fucked incels.
t.insecuity personified
It wasnt censored at the e3 behind closed door showing.
>seething white boys
Hora de bailar
wait , you are forced to play as a fag seriously !?
it's time
Then I'm mad.
mass replying means you automatically lose lol
Guess I'll have to play as femV every single time then
Livestream suicide.
>Well Yea Forums?
[ ] going to buy
[x] not going to buy
fpbp no homo
This better be fucking false
>buying games
So a shemale?
And you'll never look remotely good, always a disfigured strange freak of nature.
>that is as pale as you can go
Genuinely the only thing I'm disappointed by.
Night City is in California, who the fuck stay pale in California
smart and now everyone is happy
I'm gonna pirate it :)
>Sex with Futa V
so then, not female
Depends on if Jackie's bodytype changes based on mine
I don't want to make a dude just to find out male Jackie is still fucking V
Can you actually do this??
Mutt default character. Fuck sake.
The Sun haters?
not buying any games at least on sale is why devs went for phone and normie audiences you tard
Yes. Don't let /pol/ know
Pandering if I’ve ever seen it. Jeez.
based retard
whatever, your taste in games is probably shit anyways
What did CDPR meant by this?
They will be doing this doesn't represent the final look of the game shit right up until launch wont they.
Faceless female Corpo with all the robot augments possible V.
so what ? is a lose-lose situation in one of them at least you get to save money
I'm sure the spike in phone games had nothing to do with how everyone started to switch to smartphones.
That women are dumb obviously.
Nothing, because cybernetic augmentations completely remove innate strength and endurance differences between sexes.
The lack of cyber furry is disappointing
she looks like a slightly younger Anna Bell Peaks, gross
>What did CDPR meant by this?
"Let's pander to them just a little bit, because they were mean to us the last time we showed gameplay and we don't want bad press anymore."
Having the roles reversed would give SJWs the ammunition necessary to say that CDPR is somehow "perpetuating the stereotype that women can't fight" or some other bullshit like that
Is this what Yea Forums was so hysterical about all they did was remove the M and F
i want to see neon eyes
>just a little bit
Do you realize that they have hosted private showings of gameplay demos for journalists ever since E3 2018? They've bent over backwards for the people who will hate their game while CDPR's actual fanbase got fuck all.
A way to show off where augs appear and influence your stats.
The woman clearly has cyber arms, probably with spurs, the guy has a noticeable jack and lighting on his skull.
>60 bucks at most
comon man we're talking like $1000 a year at most. spend more time getting a better job and less time shitposting on Yea Forums and pirating shitty games
Market size for PC an console games haven't lost users to phone games but your typical phone normie doesnt know how to pirate anything on a phone. And theyre also willing to pay out the ass for 10x less content and 10x less everything else for the privilege of playing a two input crappy game on a noisy bus. You can imagine how easy it is to convince some AAA suit retards looking for the next big win for their bloated company.
>they removed nudity
Why am I not surprised?
>Guy can have female voice
>Girl can have male voice
I'm tempted to play as a girl with a male voice just for the shits and giggles
augmented cyber futa cock
Look at the screenshot
The original screenshot was blurred and still looked like they were clothed if I recall.
>Do you realize that they have hosted private showings of gameplay demos for journalists ever since E3 2018?
It's uderstandable. Don't mind that. I get them, since I was growing up same as they were. In Poland, there was a long tradition of reviews, honest ones, collecting gaming newspapers, which had game CDs in them etc. It was normal and not corrupted, since most people in Polish gaming, both devs, distributors and press, were just gamers. They still try to maintain that attitude. The problem is - they get bombarded with loud, blue haired, fat feminists and they're getting deaf to normal gamer talk. Instead, they're getting surrounded by there rainbow farting unicorns and they skew their judgement.
Sounds hot
We all need to pester CDPR to add playable Bioexotics in a future expansion.
FemV has some sexy hips
This isn't Cona Exiles, you fucking nigger.
>dad walks in
You can blow someone's head off but god forbid a nipple is shown.
You are implying that "normal gamers" also weren't hysterical chimps ready to scream if they weren't being catered to.
Until we see the scene where the naked woman in the bathtub is clothed, then you can bitch.
I can't wait to play as a futa and mindbreak cyber-shotas
Where my purple eyes at
source pls
This except for the shota part. Did they confirm this at all today or are we just speculating?
Yep I'm sure they're going to have a toggle in the pause menu to see your character naked. Fuckin' retard.
>drew a single doujin where the dickgirl doms a girl
>it's a 10/10 masterpiece
>goes back to shotas fucking the dickgirls
I mean I like the latter too but god DAMN do I want more of the former
lmao rekt
Why would you allow such a small change to stay in your head rent free?
there are functional mirrors
They were, but usually they reee'd over not enough blood, clunky gameplay, exploits, bugs etc. This hysteria about the "implied" meaning behind some game aspects is a new thing. Five - ten years ago, nobody would thought about reading the hidden meanings in everything. People smoke way too much weed these days.
Futa x female is the pinnacle of hentai
Did this artist delete their Pixiv?
Can't find their page.
>Anons pretend to want an in depth open story RPG in a cyberpunk setting
>Reality is they just want to play a fenoxo game
Maybe new eye colors can come with cybernetics or some shit. If not, I'm also disappointment at the small number of options. Something like eye color should just have a full color picker desu
pretty barebones desu
(not that it matters since we'll never see the character anyway)
We'll see
>intelligence 9
>cool 9
Dare I say based?
Well, yeah, but cyberpunk would be cool too
That elf and her friend need lore and a Seinen manga all for herself.
>how millenials think of themselves.
The techie who doesn't go outside?
over 5000 threads on this in the last week
and it was literally nothing but /pol/ leaking all along
Not everyone who has a problem with insane progressives is /pol/
female v with a massive cyber cock is the patrician choice
based as fuck
nah you don't get it if you don't want faggot and tranny shit you're /pol/ lmao
I wanted this game to be a 100% autistic cyberpunk life simulator. If tomorrow cdpr said "sorry guys, we jumped the gun on this it will actually be ready in 2032" I would unironically be really happy.
What we've seen so far is not a fucking rpg. Imagine what the discussions for this game are going to be like.
>"So, uh, were you sarcastic accept quest V or just regular accept quest V?"
>"Oh you went through the vents to do that mission yeah I just went guns blazing haha same rewards though"
Thanks user,
artist is kenshin187
why even bother having them in their underwear, they look shit.
(S)he seems more active on Twitter so here's that too
>Transhumanists want only one thing and it's fucking splendid.
your gonna play the right V aren't you user
Give it 5 years and Body will be a racist word.
So can you actually customize your body or are those the only 2 looks?
Can I not be a twink boy?
We know a girl with a dick isn't gay but if a man replaced everything with female parts (face, body, dick > robopussy) is it still gay?
you forced to be a woman or a faggot lmao
they're basically just doing deus ex - hacking/stealth, guns blazing, or takedowns/stealth. Splinter cell did the same as well. It's disappointing how they originally had like 6 or 8 classes like rockerboy and corpo and all that, and now they just have netrunner or solo combat.
a lot of the things the anti-sjw crowd like to get triggered by have been done before but now people are more autistic then before so trANNIES ARE TAKING OVER OH GOD OH FUCK!!!! THIS IS GEORGE ORWELLS NIGHTMARE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
Men are COOL women are dumb aggressive bimbos
i dont get how guys can be straight.
the make form is just so much more sexually appealing
I'm going to play a smol cute girl anarchist and get a corpo futa mommy to dom me
hello son,
this is your father
I just wanted you to know how terribly dissapointed I am in you
> video goes out of its way to show branching story decisions related to the missions
> tranny deliberately tries to bury it under the rug with bullshit claims
what game do you think you're playing
you don't get to even join factions
>cdpr won't fucking show straight male content
>exclusively show faggot and tranny shit
shut the fuck up dicklicker
good enough
it's geniunely funny how these people think they have any kind of importance what so ever
> in the demo
t. seething transvestite
I wish StevenCarson did more non-solo images, he's still great though
you dumb fucking cunt show straight male v wait you can't you fucking faggot cdpr are fucking numale cucks now lmao
remember ciri will be in the game but not how you'd like
> impotent tranny completely reduced to seething ad hominem trash
That's right, my little faggot, do my fucking bidding and dance, bitch.
I wish she'd appear but didn't CDPR said back in 2016 or 2017 that Ciri wouldn't make a cameo in the game
he does plnty of non solo
I hope I can fuck her
can I be fat?
you're the stupid fucking bitch literally defending cdpr's faggot and tranny shit you asslicking shill monkey shut the fuck up faggot hahaha
"oohh baby gonna pick left"
>suddenly remember it's a first person game
Preach the truth, brother.
What is it called? I looked up the artist but all I'm seeing are futa x male doujins
Ohh no no no no no no lmao
i appreciate you
Holy shit that looks delicious
I want to wind a corpo up by stealing her funds until she gets mad, captures me and sexually tortures me until I agree to become her cumslave as payment
>shill faggot
this thread is getting more based by the second
right...the missing scar on her cheek is pure heresy
Fuckin' dropped.
Legit, what's the point of putting it as 'choose your body type' if the game still only gives you an option between a male body, and a female one. shouldn't the game give you a neutral looking body and tell you to go nuts? Like, a blank body, with no dicernable features, like skin, height, or obvious male or female-ish physical structure, and let the player adjust and tweak every part of it to their liking, would feel more cyberpunkish to have absurd control over your char's looks than 'you can be a man or a woman, but not really'
Also, putting clothes on the previously naked bodies with blurred genitals. CDPR of all people shying away from nuudity, what the fuck happened to them?
what if she was born a shemale?
unfortunately still untranslated
>Yea Forums claims to hate trannies
>salivates at the thought of playing as this kind of character
I don't get it
what's the point when the game force you to be a faggot lmao
Tranny bitch.
>"Let's pander to them just a little bit, because they were mean to us the last time we showed gameplay and we don't want bad press anymore.
I wonder why they even bother with US press, public was on the side of CDPR (except RetardEra) to defend them against their hitpiece
it's jus the fucking cdpr cuck shills man hahaha
Thanks, skipped over that one cause of the shotacon tag
>Yea Forums is one person
That makes as much sense as asking if she was born with clothes on.
Thanks again.
yeah the shota is just kinda there but does nothing
dick's too big, needs to be a feminine penis
ciri just another sundried prostitute if you put her in the hellscape that is modernity
are you retarded? there are literally women with birth defects that were born with dicks.
>Futa fag is now spamming
Goddamn I hope you join the 40%.
these penises are way too big
fuck off faggot
where does it say that? serious question
the worst part is that rediculous tank-top will be like a solid block of rubber ingame instead of being thin cotton over soft, malleable titties with fully simulated deformation physics
>they're basically just doing deus ex - hacking/stealth, guns blazing, or takedowns/stealth. Splinter cell did the same as well.
What are you talking about? Splinter Cell is nothing like Deus Ex.
im thinking he's based
fpbp but make that bulge MASSIVE, more visible
god, I want to deep throat female dicks till my belly is full of cum. hnnnnnngh
>preset selections instead of being indepth sliders
Those are not trannies and their dicks are always some fucked up half deformity.
it's the zucchini shape that makes it look bad
> Our game will be progressive and not make imaginary distinctions like sex
> male_base.3ds
> female_base.3ds
rise up futachads, we got a thread to burn
real life 3dpd is always worse you fucking retard
Holy shit Female V is sexy as hell
Agreed, but I guess that would be considered too difficult. They’d rather just give you a stock body with height and weight sliders, and then face customization.
> Why would CDPR offer private showings of gameplay demos only to journalists while having their fans wait months on see to even see a glimpse of the game?
To build hype, that's the reason and they even said it as clear cut as they could they only pull this shit to make people anticipate their games even more and instigate them to pre-order so they can bank earlier. They even acknowledged that it sucks the fans don't get to see the game, but they're not a charity, hype generates money, and they want that money.
CDPR is a big boys company now, and they want money, lots of them. The difference between their ass and the likes of EA and Activision is that transparent, and try not to be the absolute biggests pieces of shit they can, even if the practice of refusing to show your main audience your product and expect them to pay for it in advance is in itself very shitty.
i literally told you that trannies and shemales are not the same
can't you read?
based futa fag triggering the normalfag
>dick the size of the bottom's torso
the term is "sex"
gender refers to the special snowflake shit
>implying yuri isn't the purest love there is
>trannies and shemales are not the same
According to literally who?
Fem V makes my dick hard but playing as a woman is gay, what do I Yea Forumsros
who has a cock
you fucking shill faggot you're defending that shit you braindead cuck
user is on a cyberspace prison since 2003, so he craves futa cock. And I respect that
I hope they give us more bulge/dick sliders.
a female born with a dick is a tranny
a male taking tranny medicine is a tranny
fucking retard
I am based for shitting on the futa faggot.
Ahem... Fuck trannies, fuck SJWs, fuck those Polish cucks and fuck you.
Be honest, if you were able to put your braincase in any body you wanted, you'd put it in a hot woman's body with a big uncut dick.
Here is your reason
>shitting on
Where? You mean the single post of you seething?
*a female born with a dick is a shemale
Watch bible black.
How long till I'm actually, full blown gay? Right now I like Futa's with dick and balls before it was Futa's with vaginas.
>Call futa fag a faggot
>He immediately gets triggered and starts spouting buzzwords
A bit sensitive are we?
cdpr is fucking trash
futa is normalfag shit at this point
Haven't posted a single image all thread, lad
fuck off, kike
yet it triggers normalfags like you
Fictional trannies aren't ugly and insane like the real ones.
imagine being THIS jewed
I would put my self inside a loli gynoid chasis with gorilla arms, a 105mm canon in the face and an assault rifle in the futa cock. But most of the time I would exist in cyberspace/hyperspace fucking around corporate infraestructure.
I'll give you a minute to realize your mistake.
What the?
So they had to include a clip of him apologizing and explaining that the voodoo boys are not racist or cultural appropriation due to journos bitching after E3 lmao
The two things journos bitched about was character creation and the voodoo boys being racist. It’s all addressed now.
The game takes place in Cali. What did you expect?
I love Ruiner. That title deserve more exposition.
based as fuck! I want to see a full uncesored gay porn in cyberpunk 2077!
you forgot the d
it's a reverse psychology, I know all them tricks, fuckers'll never get my tinfoil hat...
I'm gonna die quietly in a corner, okay? right...
>they gave them underwear instead of the pixels of the demo
>a female born with a dick
The word to describe this is intersex. Shemale and tranny mean the same thing and it's completely different to this condition.
Stop objectifying that woman, user. Removing nudity was the right choice.
>guns good
>tits bad
You can blame ameritards for this.
Are you retarded?
I wanted to see the dick
Not even joking, the new one looks so much more plain
>he doesn't know anasheya
same here
i would imagine there's likely an option for how much nudity you want in the game, to appease the ameriplebs.
now if we want real outrage, why the fuck does imply masculine characters only get 4 hairstyles? tired of hair-based sexism in games tbqh.
>Instead of censorship they give us skin tight underwear
Is there a problem? You WANTED the censorship??
It was full nudity in the E3 closed presentation you fucktard
I hope there are more options as you go further.
tbqh i just want to know if the bloke is forced to be circumcised or not
YongYea 2018 video or just about any other person who was there. They pixelated it when they released the gameplay on youtube.
>thread full of cock.
>The guy who uses glass door for evidence for everything
>A website where literally no proof is required for any of the content on the site
You aren't born uncut, you're born intact, whole, normal.
Uncut infers that the default state is cut, that the normal option is cut, that cut is the proper way of things.
Don't use gender, don't use uncut. Don't allow that horseshit to become the norm.
Not him, and no opinion on futas as long as they're fucking women, but I can see what he meant.
small hitbox with a fat ass
and even here you get semantics on futas and such...I can stay on /d/ for that...
you are the big retard
>first person only
why even bother. Im just gonna go with the default guy
>I can see what he meant
yeah...that's exactly what I meant..about 5 minutes after I wrote that idiocy
Trannies a magical futa dick girls are complete different things
Dude, he was there in the closed demo, it doesn’t matter if he uses glass door for other shit
god damn i want to be a girl with a huge cock
it's obviously just because they got lazy and didn't want to animate a female prostitute or write one
yet people seem to believe they have to play a gaylord or something
not that v isn't cute
Nowhere did I defend their shitty practices you fucking inbred retard.
>what are cutscenes and photo mode
FemV makes me hard everytime, I'm probably gonna play as her, look down ay my feet all day, dress like a slut, sleep with anyone
Damn, I can't wait
my favorite choices, man and also man with with onions injections
didnt they confirm all cutscenes to be in fp?
DUDE you can look in the MIRROR! it's for the better that this thing that was promised was suddenly removed for no reason! stop complaining!!!
My fucking sides.
>you fucking cuck
word has lost all meaning.
No? In the first demo we saw a cutscene of FemV and El Paco leaving the elevator
>suddenly removed
The game was a fps from day one
No fuck that, gender is synonymous with sex just like it always has been. Don't let them have that word, user.
>In the first demo
Community guy confirmed all cutscenes are first person now. It changed, man, they even explicitly mentioned they wanted it to not be clear whether you're in a gameplay or cutscene at times.
>tfw Fallout 4 and The SIms 4 continue to have the best character creators
I'm not a tranny so Dude
it doesnt look that expansive BUT even with expansive systems that characters end up looking very similar anyway.
good looking characters good
bad loking characters bad
meme looking characters funny for 10min
>they wanted it to not be clear whether you're in a gameplay or cutscene at times.
D r o p p e d
shame you can make her boobs as big as the girl you posted
never allowed to have big honkers in games anymore
>Character creator
Cool, so the main character is going to be a uncompelling stand in for people to self insert instead of being an actual real character. I dont know why people love the create-a-character meme so much
did they say anything about the PC specs for this yet?
>reactionary concern trolling
i swear niggers like you need to be curbstomped. you propagade the leftist narrative twice as hard as they do themselves.
>shit taste
Surprising no one there.
>those shinkuu tatsuya doujins
Nope but it is supposed to come on current gen consoles and is made in an updated version of The Witcher 3 engine so if you can run The Witcher 3 you should in theory be able to run this too.
Then change the face, fucktard
I'm more curious about the hair. Are we able to change it?
Ah, cool, I was worried about my 1070 not being able to handle this. Though I care more about fps than graphic fidelity to be honest.
is the video worth watching? from what I saw it's 1 hour long
E3 was much cooler. Return to tradition T.T
>is made in an updated version of The Witcher 3 engine
No wonder it looks like utter shit
It's all shit we've seen before. Only 15 minutes of scripted gameplay and 45 minute of them talking about how good the game is
The ideologue seethes at the fetishist.
Unironically based
I feel like I'm the only person on earth anymore that uses a character creator to make interesting, varied characters that aren't self insert at all. Everyone on Yea Forums always seems to think you can only self insert with character creators, but I like to roleplay characters I make. I guess that's too much to ask what with Fallout 4 having such a set character and all. I think I'm a relic
The ideologue seethes at the fetishist.
I'll just leave it here. Russians stuck the thread.
This. For as much as Yea Forums hates normies, they sure act like normies when it comes to RP in video games.
I think stuff like koikatsu might be better but just because you can mod shit from other games in
In GTA Online your starting character has limited options, but more options are unlocked when you start playing and go to a barber or clothing store. Probably the same deal here.
>Russian futaposting
it's so beautiful
Trannies aren't futa. Futas don't exist. It's salivating at a fantasy no more real than a slime girl or neko.
There are no real born girls with a vagina and a dick. It's 100% possible to like futas but not trannies because trannies are still men. Futas in concept are actually born women with a dick attached. Just because you can get "similar" irl doesn't mean people want it. It's the core concept that matters
also male voice
strong solo
How do I get past the 4 girls in hats?
Do I just need to redo what I did to get past sad panda?
>Choose girl.
>Literal autist incapable of figuring out a customizer to get an attractive look.
>Fiddle with it for an hour or so.
>Reach a point where you go "yeah she's not perfect, but she fits my Type and is at least not offensively ugly."
>Rotate model a bit to the side.
>Become acutely aware of one or two minor flaws that you can't quite put your finger on.
>Now whenever you look at the face it's all you see and ruins the look.
>Play for a couple hours anyway.
>The fuckup gnaws at you.
>Delete character.
>Look up videos and pictures of other people's far more attractive V's and mimic them.
Sounds gay
Nah I do that too. I still can't into RPing female characters though.
So instead of a kickass detailed peg were getting futa mass effect?
You know I'm ok with this.
This made me laugh more then I'd like to admit.
Stop thinking about it as "what would I do if I were here" and start thinking about it as "what would she do?"
Take the leap user. Your dick won't fall off just because you tap into your feminine side.
obviously you literal mong
Oh good. Didn't watch the video so i was worried we'd be stuck with the nu-punk look.
I'm glad that Uno Makoto is drawing things again but god I wish he would draw another doujin
They said they will be fully nude on release. I forgot the reasoning for why they gave the characters undies.
Good so if I buy this game I will have yet another reminder that my dick is tiny.
Fuck this, female V is cuter anyway
Miss me with that gay ass shit
looks like you get seven options in character creation but you can buy haircuts in the world
Well as soon as they change it back I’ll buy it right away
Very nice. Hopefully I can find a Major haircut.
>hair is now micro transactions
I am proud of you and your (you)s. My people!
That's the problem, I have almost zero interest in what a woman would think or do in most of these situations. Unless you're going to make everything revolve around her gender why does it even matter.
Imma turn female V into the cutest most delicate thin little blonde upperclass white girl.
Yea Forums is not one person. I have no problem with trans folk. And I like dicks and girls. So of course I would like to grow one.
>choosing between two dudes with different haircuts
now that's some freedom
Can I pick the one on the right and just make the ass and tits bigger?
she looks like a fucking punkrocker j law
Where's my Deckard roleplay you fucking tranny?
>black guy says it's not racist so it's okay
How do you think Pondsmith feels right now? He hasn't had this much public exposure since the 80s
you can't put alive and dead people in the same shit bucket retard
He looks like a dude with a cock and balls
At last, I can play as Pete Burns in the future!
sounds like the sexual partner I always wanted
>Yea Forumsirgin complaining about boogeymans
aside from the main char. this game only features blackies
holy shit
Shouldnt you be off 40%ing or something?
Why not both?
>when you play as the girl so you can stare at her ass while having a dick and male voice cause you want to role play as a guy anyways
The best of both worlds
Well Yea Forums?
They removed third person
>play as the girl so you can stare at her ass
The game is first-person though
>implying retards like and trannys wont share the same mass grave come the day of the rope
make yourself useful and off yourself early. deckard is a un-augmented cop, not a cyberpunk. retarded poser.
Right for combat, left for hugging,
>getting this triggered
same thing, nigga
They lied about a lot of things
Western cancer at its finest
At this point it would be easier to list the things they didn't lie about
Now thats fucking based
rape left
right has to watch
They don't, but that believe get's fuelled everytime a studio caves in or act on their wims.
Cyberpunk is a dystopian setting, full of immorality and inhabited by disgusting, broken people, so it makes sense to have trannies and niggers everywhere. That's also why I was never interested in this game.
did you know that men have superior reflexes, and even superior spacial awareness and judgement of distance etc
...but enough about Yea Forums
>FemV looks hideous now.
FemV has always looked horrible, just like every woman with that shitty side shave.
And all that is what makes it objectively not a cyberpunk aesthetic.
right but only if left pressmates me against the coach.
im a man.
this will decide if I buy the ""physical"" game on Gog or pay 50-75% on Steam
Feminine girl balls pumping lady test
mommy lower milkies
The doomposting is working on me bros, I'm losing the hype...
what happened here?
Genuinely what's the point of a custom character if third person is out? Fuck this game and fuck the hype train and fuck yo couch nigga.
>Deckard isn't superhuman
Tranny posers are pathetic
female v looks so fucking ugly and gross
i like futa with balls
really adds to the whole domination aspect
hahaha there's no fucking straight male content man it's all faggot and tranny shit lmao fuck this shit game
tfw smart polacks just gaming the system for EZ sjw points
>being an unironic tranny
Yikes, aren't you afraid of suicide?
Lol so are you just gonna change goal posts over and over like a retard?
>gets btfo
>doubles down on retardation
Pale, big tiddy goth with black hair and tight clothes.
Look it up. Ridley Scott admitted Deckard was a Nexus 6 replicant. Fucking aspie
absolutely based
He’s so handsome
A 3d AAA Fenoxo game would made me preorder and buy all the DLC for the first time of my life
>futas are trannies
He's not a replicant in the source material and it's not clearly stated in the movie therefore fuck what Ridley Scrote thinks. Do you even know what Mercerism is? If you did you would know Deckard can't be a replicant.
If traps looked like that i'd fuck them no doubt.
But they don't.
If I can't make my male V have a glam rock lion's mane I am uninstalling.
you can he'll just be forced to be a faggot lmao
>I hope they give us more bulge/dick sliders.
I would be unironically disappointed if we don't have it like SR3
Not interested in indulging shitposters, sorry.
>hes still samefagging his spam
you can almost smell the desperation
>He's not a replicant in the source material
Oh god, you sad sad greaseball. You're not told if he is or not in the source material. He well could be. Kill yourself.
where is my promised pronoun option?
ur gay
Pretty sure augments nullify that too.
>In this demo at least
>In this demo at least
>In this demo at least
Shut the fuck up, retard.
hahaha go ahead deny that shit retards first you defended that faggotry now you're defending this tranny shit lmao you cdpr cucks defend all their bullshit hahaha
Too soon.
>first defends faggot shit
>now defends tranny shit
hahahahaha holy fuck cdpr cuck damn son lmao hahahahaha
I got you, senpai.
its down to the level of base cognition itself, so by the time you've 'augmented' a female mind to be equal to a male one; it's just a male
even in terms of personality
See above.
The fag in the back always gets me
it doesn't.
The shit i'd do to this slut.
>slap a big "we're gonna change this later" sticker on the E3 presentation
>change it later
>Yea Forums complains about trannies
It's like clockwork. Why am I even here?
if it posts like this with its retarded esl language
don't respond to it
This is my life goal
nice, now rp as a bondage mommy
So you don't know what a futa is
Maybe learn to read you braying tranny. How could he use an empathy box if he was a replicant.
That's the question, isn't it?
mods pls no ban
Why would they remove the thematically appropriate pixelation for some crap looking underwear?
>Toggle nudity and explicit content
Wow so hard
actually that's better. because if they kept the mosaic thing it would have been possible to think that they have different sexual organs like a woman with a dick. but now since there's no bulge on the girl it can't be a ''trans'' with feminine body
you are a man of taste
Not really, the book states the Nexus 6 androids are the most cutting edge, Deckard has been around a lot longer than that, he would have to be an older model, yet when tested with the same equipment used to suss out replicants, he passes by displaying empathy. There's parts that make you wonder if he might be but overall it's pretty fucking clear he's human, infact he's the most human character in the book after the chickenhead Isidore.
Because what they're showing us is not what we're going to get
Why do /pol/ack trannies keep saying this? Everyone is a mutt including you, retard.
Mods will fix that.
>all this trannies thinking someone will love then if they swap bodies
>Ivana Hyde will never EVER stomp on your balls
looks like the kind of character I would like to make (a bit more tone to the arms and legs)
I won't tolerate any anti-bodyism. We are all the same body, the human body.
i want to suck Miki's cock
>you can play as Johnny Mnemonic dolphin net runner
Did that dolphin survive?
I rather empty them in her.
I don't remember, I need to watch the movie again...