Drops actually hit the player.
Drops actually hit the player
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What does that do for the gameplay itself?
Nothing. This is another one of those strawmen "TECHNOLOGY!!!!" threads where people think games should be tech demos with a bunch of useless ass features, with no actual gameplay substance.
I don't like the fall damage in that game
It’s soul
Why can't we have both? Ion Maiden is on par with the greats from the 90s while having the little details like in the OP.
It's immersive.
cringe buzzword.
Player actually touches boobs
Yeah bro its so much fucking fun to just spawn in a level and shoot people for no reason. Zero substance, zero point, zero SOUL.
>b-but muh secret exploration!
WOW its so fucking awesome to have to be able to locate a very specific fucking half a pixel so you can get an extra grenade or magazine.
>Spend more time reloading then shooting The Game
Why would they?
yes it's fun. what's the problem?
>Yeah bro its so much fucking fun to just spawn in a level and shoot people for no reason.
This, but unironically.
There is a mod for it, though.
Exploration made well it's a rare thing in videogames. Sorry you couldn't find a game that does it properly.
Name 5 FPS where that happens.
>reloading in a "tribute to oldskool FPS"
Yeah is kinda weird
And? How does that redeem the rest of the game? The developers arent making these mods, are they?
dunno tell those that actually played the game
Zoom zoom
Do you want a change to get an experience that suit you better or not?
I like how 3drealms always advertises them as creators of max payne
Is showering a part of the gameplay? Does it offer any benefits in-game? I wasn't aware Girl Nukem was a RPG.
Still does not redeem the game. Otherwise Skyrim would be mentioned as the greatest game of all time. Your anime futa reload mods dont interest me
All Build Engine FPS games had reloading, zoomer.
You didn't make an argument, saying that you don't like exploring is an statement not an argument
ok retard, nice strawman. Go back to your tranny Retro FPS with all that SOOULLLLL
It actually lowers the chances of being raped by foes.
Tell me what mods make Skyrim the GOAT.
Blood only had it for one weapon you newfag.
Blood didn't
It's kind of sad at this point
Again you seem to miss the point. It's that mods have no objective weight on the game substance because they interfere with the dev's vision. If the devs wanted you to be able to never reload, they wouldnt have put reloading in the game. If some retard comes and shits in your burger, it's not the comany's fault because they didnt intend to put LITERAL FUCKING SHIT in your burger, and they didn't. It was added after the fact. So when some yuppie who creates his own fucking mcdonalds ass-blast-poop recipe for a bigmac, it isn't recognized as the OG bigmac. It's a mod.
>hates buzzwords
>calls things cringe
based imbecileposter
>food analogy
Duke Nukem reloaded the basic pistol.
>dev's vision
>All Build Engine FPS games had reloading
wew lad.
wwweeewww lad
I'll be honest with you, I don't give a fuck. You are free to actively not enjoy the game.
As I expected. I accept your concession and hope that you have sex, incel.
>Having sex
In reply to 476078386
Get fukt kid. No (you) for you
Didn't read all but seemed pretty sad. But it's probably enough to call themselves creators
Is it possible to find all the secrets without a guide?
would be better if it wasnt hooked up to generic moeshit
How long does it take for one to get this jaded?
That's some next level shit.
>ion fury
Those fucking cucks actually changed the name, god damn lmao
iron maiden threatned to use for 2 million dollars, more than the game will ever make. how is that being a cuck.
They stole the name from a torture implement. As I see it that's fair use.
Then again I'm not an overpriced (((lawyer))) who can drag such a case out in court fro months, so clearly my opinion means nothing.
>Name 5 FPS where that happens.
I can't, but i don't play many modern FPS.
My point here is that this behavior is most likely
b)based on very simpe logic.
To explain: drop is spawned. It is then is afected by gravity. Once it registers collison it plays splash animation and disappears. Player has a hitbox, most likely cylindrical. Drop doesn't care if it what it collides with. You could probably put a chair in same space and it would react the same.
I know it seems easy to do, but most of devs don't bother with these kind of stuff.
This specific example is easy to do. I don't think that devs bother here, because as I believe it is just systemic consequence of how it is most likely implemented.
Lost technology of ancients.
but do they respect pronouns?
duke had automatic reloads on pistol, mr.zoom zoom
It's developed by a bunch of autists boomers orbitating around the 90s. How do you expect them to give a shit about youngly fads?
>samefagging this hard
Lol maybe if youre shit
Is it really? It's not even well done, it's just hitting an invisible wall a foot above your head
If anything the drops going through you are ironically more immersive since it sort of looks like it's dripping down your face rather than hitting your head and disappearing
>getting jewed instead of letting a clearly obvious as the fucking sun frivolous kike lawsuit get tossed into the gas chamber by a judge with half a brain
>spending all your game's budget on litigation which will ruin your company win or lose
>then immediately turning around and tossing another 10k at LGBT kikes becuase they got booty blastered at a pixel soap-bottle and an easteregg
$10k is much less than $2m
>moving the goalposts
>>>implying they'd pay anything beyond lawyers fees when the case was thrown into the sun for being fucking stupid
Pic related, any sane judge making this ruling
Yeah but the big lawyers for Iron Maiden would be able to drag the case on forever so that the devs would get shafted with so much legal fees eventually they'd have to give up and call it quits.
They'd pay an assload in lawyer fees because Iron Maiden would just stall it out as long as possible to drain out 3DR's money. It wasn't worth delaying the game just for a name that is modded back in effortlessly.
I loved this game, but Build Engine is shit. By the way, one of the deciding factors for me starting to find the game bad in the end was the engine. The last levels are basically a fight against engine jankyness. Not only from the player but also from enemies who are unable to deal with the geometry of the levels.
Yeah, and Iron Maiden are known kikes. They've been known to hire artists for their album covers and try to Jew them with the "well, if we USE the art, we'll pay for it" scam. "If I eat all this peanut butter, I'll pay for it, Shoprite."
I think my favorite "Technology" moment so far was when I was going around using everything, I go to a power socket on the wall, press E, then take damage.
I was outright shocked.
game has a lot of hidden shit. secondary mode with the baton lets you join a bunch of cultists electrifying them, if you get more, they will all gib and explode.
if you stand still, shelly flips a coin, but if you shoot while the coin is mid air, the coin enters the game world and falls to the ground.
lots of food are edible, objects pushable, etc.
weapons are more effective against certain enemies,etc. thats only scratching the surface
I think you get hurt if you try to use the baton underwater as well.
Didn't shooting Tesla Cannon underwater in Blood fuck you up as well?
Never got that far in Blood, but the LG instakilled you underwater in Quake.
>implying the validity of a lawsuit matters anywhere near as much as how much legal jargon and paperwork you can force onto the system
The goal of these suits is to take so long in court that the smaller party either bankrupts themselves in endless defense or forces them into arbitration that heavily favors the bigger party.
>pull a rope inside a locker
>jump along a series of widow ledges to push a button
>no idea what any of it did
fuck the secrets in this game
How do you think someone made that guide?
>step on airvents on rooftops in first levels.
This. They're pure garbage.
Is this a thread about awesome water physics?
I read description of some videoguide on steam that it was a group of players and they spent a lot of time in order to find everything.
>if you stand still, shelly flips a coin, but if you shoot while the coin is mid air, the coin enters the game world and falls to the ground.
That's actually nice. Shame it doesn't have a button for flip a coin
This is sad to watch.
>What is Duke's Pistol
>What is Lo Wang's Super Shotgun, Uzis
>hurr durr Blood
>even Redneck Fucking Rampage's revolver
Iron Menstruation has a fuckington of reloading for their weapons but don't go and try to pull a goalpost on me now.
it was always a potential feature if not universal
>weapons are more effective against certain enemies
This is one of my favorite things in classic FPS, wish it were used a bit more. For example Octabrains in Duke die instantly to the Devastator or Centaurs in Hexen melt to specifically to lightning damage (Arc of Death).
>no reply
the sweet sound of silent seethes
Baton interactions with water are kind of meh.
If you are on the surface or standing in the paddle and hit said water surface with it you take damage.
If you are submerged, you don't take damage if you swing it.