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User reviews are just "my team" fights

>user score
oh nononono

Critic reviews are just advertisements

>average of 4005 user ratings vs average of 180 user ratings
why does no one in these shitty metacritic threads ever take this into account

DG is pretty fun. AC is kinda shit. Reviewers are retards.

Sony fags own metacritic. Just look at the user score of any xbox game lmao.

what's with ac's user score? did japanese phil fish say something on twitter?

Honestly, the whole "Greatness Awaits" from Sony is such bullshit. Since 2013 they promised the world and every 1st or 3rd party game were either lacking or average. FFXV, Destiny, The Divison, Uncharted 4..etc.

Not even a console war fag, but god bless Nintendo for showing what truly is greatness; 3 months and we got 3 highly rated, quality games.

Probably the same thing that happens to every big switch exclusive. Many many reviews that just say "0/10 Not on PS4"

>Astral Chain is a dogshit QTE-riddled cinematic movie gam-

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How come sonyfags cant buy another console?

t. someone who didn't play neither

not playing or buying either :o)

That user score ain't looking too hot.

t. someone who's wrong

But that webm is nothing but a qte

Days Gone is an american game though. how can an american game have a higher user rating than a jap one.

Days Gone unironically got better after the patches and updates. Online challenges were a nice surprise to add more content when Bend could've gotten away without it. PlayStation themed decals were a neat surprise as well. Not to mention quality of life updates, such as including gyro aim and more.

I wouldn't give Days Gone above a 70. I think it's rated just fine.

Shows you how desperate sonyfags here are to try and change the narrative

One has Nintendo bonus, other don't. Users spoken though.

>sonyfags actually still push that

Snoys are mentally ill.

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>incels mad at astral chain because female protag
I thought you dorks loved bayo? I guess being a hypocrite is the only things you nerdy little losers are consistent about.

It's worse than I thought

>snoys literally raiding Astral Chains reviews
I mean, I guess they have alot of free time with no games to play but thats pretty fucking sad

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Literally obsessed.

The snoyfag COPE is truly infinite

it was a switch exclusive

>sonyfags try to deflect
LOL, nobody believes you cucks

Because Shitch is Shit. Also stop moving goalposts.

I can't even tell what is going on there. Nice.

But will the PS5 have games?

Anyone who is actually playing the game wouldn't be writing a review the day it was released


>it's the same retard from previous thread
Not my fault your game flopped Nincel. Stop being so butthurt.

>Yea Forums before
>Yea Forums now

That user score is piss poor. Don't believe the hype folks, this reeks of paid reviews if you ask me.

One person managed to change AC scores so much. Based.

has to be a false flags, sonygros aren't... this fucking pathetic are they?

>he still COPES
LOL, and the snoyfag immediately reveals himself.

So much for not being desperate to defend sony

>Sony review bombing AGAIN

We have söÿboys but at least we don’t pull this shit lmao

Nincels hated bayo, it sold like shit on Switch compared to PS3. No wonder AC has low scores too. Nintentrannies only like bing bing wahoo or Zelda rehashes.

The world changes, retard.

Review bombing isn't actually that old

Snoy pays pajeets to review bomb their competitors.

There's no way this can be real. Like, really?

>defend Sony
No, I only said your game sucks and you suck a cock. Stop sucking Nintendo cock so much.

No, that is the average snoyfag on Yea Forums.
Does that surprise you?

This dumb Nintendo Tax meme had me realise just how much resetera has invaded the culture of the board. Everyone knows what gamer gate was about, yet we are trying to use it as premise for console wars? Critic reviews are almost always dogshit, rarely lower than 80 because of the incestuous nature of developers and review publishers. Twon't imps does the audience score not reflect truth; when it's full of idiots who can't distinguish garbage like live action lion king, or review bombing

I hope so. Had to skip the PS4 and Xbone because they had nothing interesting to offer.

COPE harder.
Maybe one day your snoystation might have a game one day

Nintendo pay for reviews, that's why they don't have money for better hardware and release shit like Switch or Labo.

>Im-fucking-plying that nintendo doesn't benefit from the bonus nearly every fucking time, even on the shitty ports and shovelware with 5+ points higher than the other consoles

fucking based


>maybe one day you have one day
Nincels literally seething. They are so anally devastated that can't even form a proper sentence. Always knew they are ESL Braziilians.

Nice paid reviews Nintendildos.


>Yea Forumsirgins:people who review bomb are pathetic
>also Yea Forumsirgins: *review bomb Ion Fury because of some drama that has nothing to do with the game quality*

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>not selling to both sides

Days Gone got relatively negative reviews because its protagonist was a white redneck.

Yes, really.

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>this is the best a snoyfag can come up with
LOL, best part is snoyfags have given up on pretending they aren't the ones spamming

because nincels have to screech about someone instead of playing their games

So why every Nintendo developed game has a high user score you retard?

pretty sure lots of people own multiple consoles.
its not going to stop them from shitposting though.

the absolute state of snoyboys holy shit

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Both have the same source
>REEEEEE! Stop liking this!
And both are pathetic

>can't even refute what I said
And the best thing you can do is suck a cock. What's your problem?

Snoys and the anti-cop California brigade is out to sabotage this game.

Seems like sonybros are outing themselves as the basedboys yet again.

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Nincels don't even play games, they shitpost and cry about Sony bullying them everytime.

Snoy niggers raiding AC score

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>Because Shitch is Shit

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>refute a mentally ill tyranny COPING
LOL, sonyfags really are deranged.

exactly, Yea Forums is pathetic

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PS4 is better than the Switch, get over it

This, we should kill ourselves Nintenbros. It's not fucking fair they did it to us!

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One, nothing wrong with me
Two, nothing wrong with me
Three, nothing wrong with me
Four, nothing wrong with me…

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>Saying that after Yea Forums review bombed MK11 and Ion Fury
Based retard

More like 6.5 lmao

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Mexican snoy cultist lmao

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Dude, you are so mentally ravaged that can't even post simple words properly. It's time to stop posting and play some cardboard maybe. Arguing with people it's not your strong point.

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Imagine for a second. Someone actually spent their free time making these. What a sad life.

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It takes two to tango

Hahahaha, Nincels on suicide watch.

>seething so hard he doesn't see those were linked
Sonybros were right, seething nintensoi


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>what is auto correct
LOL, this entire post COPING and SEETHING because he couldn't think for a second.

How retarded are sonyfags?
They literally say nothing but "muh typo" and pretend that is somehow a masterpiece of discussion.

Really shows you snoyfag have no redeeming qualities

Almost all journalistic reviews are married by some obvious flaw
So are user reviews, but they're not paid-for

Ion Fury was for a good cause though

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I like to average the two, so astral is high 70s/low 80s, which is pretty standard for a switch game

They are COPED for by sonyfags, that's even worse

>Phoneposter is a nincel consolewar shitter
Sasuga Yea Forums

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>snoyfag so desperate he ran out of "arguments"
COPE more

yeah post snoy spam that helps your position ;)

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>So are user reviews, but they're not paid-for
Console warring is its own reward

Metacritic tends to have a lot of Sony bootlickers who'll put 10/10 on any PS4 1st party regardless of quality and 0/10 on any Nintendo 1st party regardless of quality. Because when you doubt journos, you check the user review number and most won't bother checking to see the actual reviews to make sure it isn't just review bombings by people who didn't even play the game. Some of them even make accounts solely to do this on every game.

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>review bomb Ion Fury
>review bomb Astral Chain

It's the second time you have a problem with proper typing. Nintenbro. It can't be a coincidence. You are some autistic underage tranny. You probably have a stroke now too.

Good game or no?

cope, eric.

holy heck nintendowners on suicide squad

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>crying over typos is how snoyfag still COPE over being called out
LOL can you get any more cucked?


It's not better than previous Platinum games but still an alright action game, dont go expecting DMC level of combos though

It's actually truth for Nintendo. They are really asspained and spam with low scores for anything that's not on Nintendo. They are this corporate cock eaters.

Seethe harder, snoytranny.

Funny seeing tendies rant ITT about PS4 alphas seething when they are the ones foaming at the mouth at the prospect the game's user score is ruined.

Days Gone is GOTY. Reviewers shit on it because the main character is a white man and the writing and story are quite redpilled. Astral Chain is garbage with the usual paid Nintendo bonus. No surprise here.

I hated the review bombing of Ion Fury too. Really hypocritical to laugh at people getting upset over a soap bottle only to get upset over the soap bottle for entirely different reasons.

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>the writing and story are quite redpilled

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>JirenGamer25 likes the last of us
Holy shit, the legends were true.

Jungle monkeys are the worst console war posters. They can't afford more than one console.

How so? It"s your problem that you can"t even type properly because of your underage autism, I was just making fun of you.

But I don't own a playstation? Just pointing out one user's phonefaggotry

>It"s your problem that you can"t even type properly because of your underage autism


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>Not even long enough for people to play the game

>review bombs

Imagine being a console war faggot

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Cope more ninten queer.

Making a massively analysis of a single typo is crying over it, cuck