Its literally Deus Ex

>Its literally Deus Ex

Why does Yea Forums hate it?

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How is it deus ex at all?

>niggers and trannies
>pretentious shit
i don't know you tell me you dumb shill.

too many niggers

they have never played deus ex

>niggers still speak broken english

yeah that sounds about right

What do black people have to do with whether a game is good or not?

Should have come out years ago. I've lost most of the hype I had for it.

I'd imagine it would only get worse

>be from Florida
>see this demo
I’m going to do everything in my power to fuck over Haitians every play through. No exceptions
>character name
>Wyclef Jean

Welp the gameplay looks like a cowaduty black ops so it's not the great thing
The "cyberpunk" aesthetics looks like totally shit taken from gta
The builds looks lame and boring and obviously the story full of niggers and trannies
oh and the sounds, sounds like generic boring shit
In other words
Gameplay 5/10
Scenario 3/10
Music 1/10
Story 1/10
this shit is going to be the blunder of the century.


You realize that they showed a poor district dominated by a gang made up of black people right?

It's Deus Ex: Africa Edition

Deus Ex is hard to introduce to Zoomers. They have to be willing to look pasted the extremely dated graphics at what is underneath. Most can't do that. If they remade Deus Ex and stayed 100% true to the original blueprint, only modernizing the graphics, it'd be GOTY easily.

But, of course, if they ever did that it would get censored to fuck-all and back because of how openly honest it is about (currently) touchy subjects (social and political). Then broken up into 3 different games with MTX and DLC and my god it would be so awful. I hope they never touch it. It earned it's legacy and shouldn't be tainted.

Wew lad, have fun being underwater soon

>show the subhuman lowlife district
>its full of niggers
Why is this a problem again?

>extremely dated graphics
Never understood this "Deus Ex has bad graphics" meme. It still holds up really well even today IMO

Yep, pirating this garbage. Not giving SJW devs any more money.

If you think this game is anything like Deus Ex then you've probably never heard the term "Immersive Sim" nor have you actually played the original Deus Ex.

>pirating a game you aren't interested in playing

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they don't, user, is a fucking NPC

I want to play it, I just don't want to support trannies and SJW crap like this.

I don't. It's exactly what I hoped it would be back in 2013. Fuck third person fags.

have sex

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The election was a mistake. As magical as 2016 was.


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It is already leagues ahead TW3 on preorders
So you might aswell start coping now

It was literally nothing but blacks though. Game might as well take place in the Congo.

>just confirmed that you can do a pacific run

what now Yea Forums?

Imagine being an incel and getting triggered by the very sight of non-white people.

It's like you visit some fucking ghetto.

>*pacifist run


>Set in poor shitty ghetto city
>Nothing but niggers
What did you expected brainlet?

I refuse to believe it.

this theme / genre is no good

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.

it has nothing in common with deus ex at all
doesn't even take place at night lol

Don't like
>Basedberpunk Aesthetic
So I personally dislike it

imagine believing the "you can do anything you want" meme in 2019

facts dont care about your beliefs

I honestly have no idea what it is about this game that brings out the absolute worst of Yea Forums, every thread about it is just endless bile about trannies and niggers.

You know you can get put in regular bums, hookers, drug dealers etc like Deus Ex. Not fucking niggers everywhere, faggot

They're making a Borderlands 2 clone, and the same audience will buy it.

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> CDPR redpills people en masse showing demographical change and replacement of white people
> niggers portrayed as 13/50, just as it should be
> niggers always fuck player over, important lesson on relaxing around nignogs
> brainlets hatin

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I really wish gookmoot would just permaban everyone who's posted on /pol/ like /fur/ so other boards could actually have conversations about the topics without some angsty NEET incel chimping out about every little thing that triggers their crippling insecurities.

>all content exclusively women and faggot shit
>no content for straight males
>shills still shillin

>too many niggers
It's literally set in muttland. WTF did you expect?

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Because after almost half a decade of people repeating "Go woke, go broke" like a mantra and making mindless anti progressivism their religion the idea of a potentially hugely successful game that has a cast with multiple black characters and, oh the horror, transgender characters is something that is not allowed to exist because it presents a massive danger to their worldview.

>Why does Yea Forums hate it?
We don't hate it and it is not Deus Ex.

stfu faggot lmao

This board is just absolute dogshit. There’s one supremely autistic poster who makes daily threads whining that the game isn’t The Elder Scrolls: Blade Runner, and the rest of the retards are edgy 12 year-old stormniggers chimping out about trannies and blacks. It’s impossible to actually talk about this game because pop-politic obsessed weirdos on one side of the spectrum are attending the press events and the other side of the spectrum are flinging shit here. I wish they’d all just kill themselves so we could get back to talking about how this game sucks ass because it’s just Deus Ex with a pink mohawk, and being able to do stuff guns blazing or stealth is an incredibly overplayed choice.

>it’s just Deus Ex with a pink mohawk
i doubt you had much to contribute to discussion in the first place

other people like it

Am I wrong? I don’t like all of the interior levels they’ve been showing off. They’ve supposedly got a big open city, but I just can’t imagine how that works if you’ve got all of these story critical “dungeon” areas that you exhaust on the main path.

looks like shit

dilate you sad tranny

woah, you need to calm down!


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We need to kill all niggers. The future of this country is in our hands.