So, uh.... which score is right?

So, uh.... which score is right?

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Here are the user ratings for the people who gave Astral Chain less than a 7/10
> User 1 - Perfect Scores - DMC5
> User 2 - Perfect Scores - GoW4, Spider-Man, HZD, Days Gone, Seikro, RDR2


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Why are they so pathetic? On Yea Forums and everywhere else, all they do is shitpost about other consoles. They really do have no games to play.


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Cope, Sonyfags are the only ones downvoting this game. They are doing it on GameFaqs as well, expect it to go up to a 87 or higher when more people play it

considering that user reviews can be fucked with by raids, the Critic score is a good metric.

The absolute state of seething sonyfags kek

>give praise for the graphics but say the gameplay is meh
>go play dmc or bayo
>this game is worse than nier
Literally worse than leftists with Trump

>As it is possible for a hack and slash to go to a filthy 30 fps, since it has a cartoon graphics naruto shippuden style, the fighting style is an exact decal of kankuro, sasori and chiyo grandmother of naruto shippuden, nose because the press It ignores this kind of serious errors, being that for the capacity of the low-end tablet it is not a technical portent, old games like Red Dead Redemtion of 2010, The Last of Us and God Of War Ascension have better graphics being of generation Lastly, Nintendo has been making mediocre graphics and technical games like Pokemon, this astral chain, Yoshi, Donkey Kong and Kirby. As it is possible that red dead redemtion has trees and graphics more beautiful than the zelda 2017 and pokemon, being a game of 2010, but anyway, this astral chain is disgusting because it was made with laziness like everything about Nintendo so do not waste your money.

>P.S. Ignore alopecia youtubers without studios and switchcoder scammers, they just want their easy money without working.


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He is right, it takes 5 hours to get to the point where the game is on the level on automata. Before that the combat is trash.

Holy shit, that twitter is just consolewars cancer. How can Snoys be so pathetic?

I think his twitter needs a visit from le epic 4 chan ;)

Why doesn't this suprise me in the slightest?
It reminds me hhow much i miss /vint/

>there's no Nintendo bonu-

he's not that wrong though, astral chain is honestly pretty mediocre as an action game because 1. you spend tons of time doing dull bullshit outside of combat and 2. the combat is neat but not nearly as interesting to play as dmc or bayo even as you open up more options, the piss framerate doesn't help either

>Holy shit, that twitter is just consolewars cancer
>proceeds to imply this only ever happens with sony fans without realizing that's console wars mentality
The hypocrisy.

do we get any sort of combos later on? this game is literally just hitting zr the entire time

Mine. It's fun/10. You're welcome Yea Forums.

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If that "Nintendo Bonus" conspiracy actually existed then Xenoblade Chronicles would have a 97 on Metacritic/

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I fucking hate Naruto fags.

For the MC? No, unless for some reason they waited until over half the game to do so. The legions get some new moves but I don't find them super useful.

Left,in green.

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Critics are always wrong.

stopped clock right twice a day

It's just another forgettable shallow as fuck platinum game. I'm fucking tired of platinum being named the king of action games when they only produce mediocre shit.

who is (((they)))?

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Best part is the sonyfags on the other thread denying it's them

how come only 2 of the 63 negative reviews show up?

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The rest didn't write anything, because it would be too easy to prove They are just seething snoyfag.
So they have learned from Fire Emblem last month

those vote it 0 didn’t bother to actually write the review because they haven’t played it LOL

Probably because they're not in English? Either that or the moderators are looking at them.

So you can literally just drop a score on Metacritic without explanation? That's retarded.

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Critics aren't clocks though

Yep, that's why sonyfags are so drawn to it

Some probably didn't write reviews, others probably got deleted for obvious spam like "YET ANOTJER SHIT GAME ON SHITCH JUST BUY PS4 FOR GOOD GAME!!!!!" or something

I thought metacritic filtered obviously shitposting user reviews?

How do you guys never get tired of being in the same retarded loop every single time?
>positive reviews count if I like the game
>negative reviews are made up bullshit if I like the game
>positive reviews are fake if I dislike the game
You fucks will literally never learn. Die retarded.

Of course they don't.

When sonyfags make up obviously bullshit reviews, it should be called out

I don't think shitposters give a fuck if they use logical fallacies in their arguments. In fact, they probably enjoy doing that.

Nincels do it too etc etc, get over it tranny
Imagine making the same console war thread after the previous was deleted and still calling out "sonyfans" for being console war fags

>snoyfag desperately tries to deflect
Why are you defending them?
In reality, everybody who isn't a snoyfag is rejoicing in shitting on for being retarded.

More proff of the nintendo bonus. Every user score for a nintendo game is 10 points lower. Meanwhile Nearly all PS4 games are neck and neck.

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Not him and I only own a PC but this constant "b-but sony" and "b-but nintendo" just makes your opinions regarding your exclusive games all worthless.

It's sad that one must actually look up small youtube reviewers to get any legitimate opinion on new games this days.

Because sonyfags literally spam, making their own Sony bonus and Nintendo penalty.
Stop projecting that

Blame sonyfags for that.
Defending them only does more damage.

Just shit on them as Hard as humanly possible and maybe they will stop being retards.

it's dropping lmao

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It's a metaphor

Currently you also behave obnoxiously pungent.


>sony cucks did the same shit last month with Fire Emblem
why are they such a hateful fanbase?

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>people who get paid to write about games


>reactionaries and trolls that don't play games

they're probably both wrong but game looks cool

You are the one defending sonyfags by refusing to call them out.
This is the type of person you are defending

Go back to ResetEra

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>n-no u

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>Astral Chain is a dogshit QTE-riddled cinematic movie gam-

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You're the one that gives attention to falseflagers though and simultaneously the cancer that kills this place. Imagine there is a group that doesn't care about sony but still does all this malicious shit and constantly downtalks nintendo products. How much do you affect them by bandwagoning your hate train and calling out sony fans? They are just in constant joy by getting a rise out of you while deflecting your agony at the same time.

>You're the one that gives attention to falseflagers
So are you. You're literally arguing with one.

Not really.
It has proven very effective to completely destroy them by mocking them.

It's people like you constantly defending them that eggs them on.

This kind of thread is already preventing them from spamming them and celebrating.

Seething about nogames I guess

All those colors hurt my eyes

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It's like watching an argument between two strawmen.

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I don’t give a shit what paid reviewers or snoyfags think, is the game fun

Wow, that looks bad. Was this game made for people with ADHD?

It's funny seeing nintendon'ts ITT saying SONYCHADS SEETHING, but we know for a fact them seeing the game get yellow pisses them off something fierce.

out of all the games to make sonygros fucking explode I never expected it to be this one lol

he knows that, it was a funny response.

Snoyfags spamming already shows them COPING hard with their drought

>Metacritic user score
Ah yes, third-world console wars: the number

Does the game have a demo? If so then why not just try it yourself?

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What would first-world console wars be?

Took me a while to notice he was fighting a rock golem.

The true answer is the one that fits my narrative.
both sides are guilty of this

yes, but one side is generally worse with nothing better to do


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> Mexican
Thats a big yikes from me dude

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it's funny how snoygers are spamming that shit when Yea Forums first invented "Sony bonus" years and years ago, and you just necro'd that old saying against nintendo because mario lives rent free in your head and you literally can't meme like a 80 year old leftard.

Explain the OP image.

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Funny because days ago tendies were saying mexico was based for being so nintendo centric

Every action game is like this your retard zoomer

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All consoletards have a 'bonus' for their exclusives, that's what the console industry thrives on. Don't act like any of you cretins are better than the others.

Eliminar este maldito hilo

Snoyfags are COPING extremely hard and having a meltdown.
That explains the OP image

>Yea Forums first invented "Sony bonus" years and years ago
That never existed
Stop trying to make shit up

So true.

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All those blue and red?