Anita tweets about wanting to consult on cyberpunk

>anita tweets about wanting to consult on cyberpunk
>the game suddenly becomes woke months later


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Wouldn't games companies realize by now that the "whole of the internet" who bags on them for some -ism or another is just Twitter retards who won't buy the game anyway? And that by catering to said Twitter retards, they are actively hurting sales? It's been almost a decade of all of this and it seems like nobody has learned yet

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I really wish some dev would publicly rebuff her for trying this shit

Common sense goes out the window when they get a chance to be praised for being "progressive" and defending those poor oppressed trannies/fags/downies/whatever is popular at the time.



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>implying CDPR aren't run of the mill cosmo latte sipping woke fags to begin with

What the fuck is cosmo latte? Space milk? Is that a euphemism for semen?

Did you forget that they fired the person who ran their twitter because of social justice?

Man fuck all this culture war noise, it amazes me how she and Zoe Quinn quite publicly scammed people and they still get support from the woke crowd.

In what other context can you get a job by insulting a company
I can't think of a single one other than this shit

By woke you mean you can play as a tranny if you so wished right?

>Nice game you got there, be a shame if someone called it sexist
>Maybe for a little fee we could resolve this before it becomes an issue

that is just some crap they found on Yea Forums

in what way is it woke

Anti-SJWs harassed someone I loved until she committed suicide and then laughed about it, but I’m sorry this one video game has character creation options you dislike. That sounds really hard.

Yeah first time this image was posted I said this sounds like a fucking racket. Shit should be illegal.

SJWs are the only people who do buy video games. Anti-SJWs think every video game is “degenerate” or “Satanic” or “Communist propaganda.”

>Hire me or else
I'd have invited her for interview and buried her in the fucking cellar

Shit that never happened for 500

please i want to know
im dyeing

I'd have buried my dick in her whine cellar.

Removed gender option from character creation, now just bodysliders.

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this is basically a shakedown

'hey, uh, yo, cdprojekt red, it would be a real shame if something was to happen to yous. maybe for a nominal fee I could assist in that not happening, kapeesh?'

It's a feedback loop. Most of them have realized it by now, and don't want to be the one to say it because there's what is essentially a woke Mexican standoff going on where whoever says something first gets their reputation ruined.

Anita's also desperate for money. Not knowing how to manage her finances, she blew all the money away and had to file for bankruptcy.

err how does that work?

It’s a threat. It happens all the time.

I don’t play the Witcher or the Devs games, but does this prog stuff really hurt the sales?

I know we see whining on Yea Forums but is it significant for the Dev/publisher to even notice?

>Dis issa pretty nice store yuh gat heah. It'da be, a reeaal shame if somebody was'ta checka da privilege of dese windows heah. Now, I offa a sorta insurance pah-licy, ifa will.

obsessed toddnigger

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For one thing all 3rd person cutscenes are being removed so that you aren’t reminded what your character looks like doing important story scenes, in case your special identity doesn’t fit within the character creator. Despite them changing the character creator to include non binaries, I guess it’s for furries and fattys.

Since they'll be having so many more woke people buy the game now I guess it'll be fine to pirate it.

post Anita pics i wanna fap

It's hard to care when I don't plan to buy the game until it's $20 due to all the other games I still have to play and finish anyway.

Being a Mafioso.

It'd be a shame if something were to happen to your business. Oh, by the way, my cousin Tony is looking for work in "accounting".

FBI statistics and common sense lead me to believe that this supposed "she" was indeed a he.

these little factions and twitter-centered subcultures amerimutts formed to compensate for their soulless, undefined and artificial culture are quite hilarious and amusing. how does it work that "anti sjws" harrassed this guy's transgendered friend? this line of reasoning implies that if you are transgendered you have to be one of these SJWs, and theres a line of people who specifically function to counter these SJWs. Its quite amusing these people just fall into boxes and behave in ways they think they are meant to behave. His friend was transgender, and by extension an SJW. Two unrelated things that became one through a political culture. Indicating his friend probably became transgender either at the behest of this political subculture, OR joined this subculture because he thought he was a transgender and the majority of other transgenders belong to said culture.

And at that point you realise this whole "NPC" thing about amerimutts is not a meme. They behave like robots and programs. They hold specific opinions that align with other opinions and other holders of same opinions in a strict dichotomical existence of black and white.

They didn't want to be falsely accused of rape by the woke gestapo.

>Its quite amusing
oh yes, quite amusing. they are the puppets and smart guys like you and me are the joker or maybe tyler durden
we're very smart and they are very dumb, highly stimulating and amusing, yesssssss

garbage and clearly insecure rationalisation.

Cosmo is a tabloid magazine

garbage and clearly insecure rationalisation.

That person deserved it


What looks extra woke?

Why are you incapable of arguing? shit i forgot you are here to fire and forget collect pity (You)'s over your dead 'friend'.
Alittle sociopathic and narcissistic, don't you think? It's no longer about your friend. It's how about it's hard for you to deal with it. People need to know your friend died and you suffer on an anonymous video game discussion forum.

Did he drop a good loot?

masculine/femine voice decides "gender". they'll probably have n option to choose which gender to be referred to as as well, so you can have a hyper femme called a man, or Big Bubba from prison as a woman

They are blackmailed.

This is old, you stupid faggot. Why are you trying to make it seem like it happened today? Are you that desperate for attention, are you that pathetic and lonely irl?

Hi Anita. Having a good day today?

>the whole of the internet
>my whole echo chamber
Pathetic overblown pufferfish.

Did it? trans is anti feminist.

>i'd be a same if something were to... happen to your public image
>Put me on your payroll and it all might just go away

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.

>not reposting Twitter garbage for the luls and uploading a screencap of the thread to r/Yea Forums for upvotes

get with the times

it literally says months in the OP, based retard

So like Saints Row 3/4 where you can have a 10/10 female body with Nolan North's voice?

I'm too retarded to know laws, people keep bringing up legality. Is this kind of thing actually illegal to do?

oy vey

A shakedown would imply she had actual leverage. It was less a shakedown and more a desperate attempt to avoid going out of business. Anita's company is fucked. There's no employees anymore because they didn't have the money to pay anyone. It basically only exists on paper now.

you have no idea what the cyberpunk genre is

>suddenly woke

Non disclosure agreement.

Back to Youtube, third worlder

Anita Sarkeesian? More like Anita good hard dicking.

I mean imagine someone like the ADL or the NAACP or the NRA sent out the same tweet to Marvel Studios about an upcoming movie
it's shaky legal ground but who would bother to take her dumb ass to court over it

What exactly is "woke" about being able to play as a girly boy?
It's the most subversive and degenerate thing in the world and even "woke" people will tell you off for it.

Depression Quest is a genuinely good game

>walks in to thread
get a grip narcissimo. No one will give two shits about you for blogposting this shit every other thread.

That person's name? Albert Einstein.

He said, as Zoe Quinn vigorously and diligently tongue-polished his wedding tackle under the desk.

they make coffee out of magazines now?

Have you actually played it?

In my shithole there are construction "guilds", that just go around and extort money out of any construction demanding at least part of the workforce is "hired" from their guild and if they don't get paid they start killing people and shit.

It's basically the same shit here, you just get destroyed by the game "media" if you don't cave to their woke demands.

On its own it isn't illegal, but if their game came out and suddenly Anita was claiming that the game had sexist elements that weren't actually there, the tweet could be used to show that she defamed them with "actual malice," which would be the standard for a well-known public company. "Actual malice" comes from New York Times Co v Sullivan and a defamatory claim is made with actual malice if it is made "with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not" This is all civil, where the burden of proof is "preponderance of the evidence," so CD Projekt Red would only need to prove that it is more likely that the claims were made with actual malice than not.

Obviously countries other than the US have different standards.


If you have to rent your pussy out like a bouncy castle to get good reviews (and honestly I think I'd have more fun with the bouncy castle, and it's probably cleaner too) it's pretty obvious that your game isn't that good.

Like I said, have you actually played the game?