Games where the villain was in the right all along?
Games where the villain was in the right all along?
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he was never the villain. I don't even follow him but I never understood the hate he got.
even if he did cheat who gives a shit, his wife was literally going after other guys herself.
actually never mind he is a villain, what kind of an idiot marries a whore? fucking retard
i thought he was based
but now that he apperantly didn't cheat on his wife I have to reconsider
He was never right. He still encouraged his fans to send nudes knowing full well that most of his fans are like 15.
>Wife says she’ll destroy your carrier if you divorce her
>So you just fuck the girl you wanted to behind her back
I thought Jared was a soiboy?
This whole thing is a creepy circle jerk of you tubers who got caught wife swapping. Everyone is at fault, especially Jared.
Fucking weirdos.
What a pedophile
Can i get a quick rundown
he based
His dick is still just 5 inches it really a victory?
Why did mods sticky a nintendo nigger but delete anything else? Could it be...?
>right below average
Damn, how will he recover
Metal Gear Solid 6 plot
His wife decided she wanted to fool around with other guys, so they decided to have an open relationship. But then she got pissed when he fucked somebody else. Also, he exchanged nudes with his fans including ones that were underage but they told him they were over 18.
He didn't send nudes to minors (with sources)
The marriage was polygamous.
It shouldn't had gone public.
He is a soiboy.
He let Heidi hold the reins on his dick the whole time
But his wife said it was big even though she hates him.
Didn't this shit happen months a go? Why is he trying to clear his name now? Did it take him this long to try to come up with excuses why the whole thing isn't his fault?
No. Only if he was a nigger who killed himself are you allowed to.
Hes not a villain
>forced into becoming a cuckold
>admit it on video
"wow what a based cuck"
This is not video games.
Right or empathetic? There'd be no strife if the antagonist's methods were correct. The ends do not justify the means.
This is why you never look up to or invest in e-celebs.
Most of them are just straight fucking degenerates in the truest possible form of the word.
It's happened so many times now that I whenever I find someone new I'm forced to ask myself "should I spend a couple of hours looking through this person's public history to conclude whether they're a lunatic or not?"
This is why you can't have nice things.
cheats on wife
tries to get some cunny
kills carrier
comes back like 3 months later with evidence that he always asked for age and that the people acusing him of being a pedo were lying (and mentally ill)
says that his wife asked for open relationship which he declined, then he wants to break up, she threatend him to kill his carrier so they stayed together, then this whole thing happens
>Sending nudes to underaged children doesn't make you a villain
>pro jared says he's divorcing his wife on twitter
>wife accuses him of cheating
>underage fans say he was sending them nudes
>playboy model says he harassed her at an E3 panel with Mattpatt
but then
>the marriage was polyamorous, and Jared tried to break up with her before but she wouldn't let him
>underage fans were lying, they were pretending to be 18 and one of them didn't interact with Jared at all
>Jared was never even on a panel at E3,
>everyone and their father knows damn well you and your colleagues clang your collective cymbals for children and preteens
>"ohhh ohhh uhh but they said they were 18 they lied to me I never intended this be the case honest"
He tried to start his own Podesta ring and got caught.
Fire Emblem Three Houses.
The thing people went after him about was more that he sent nudes to underage b&, although that's probably not true. Still a bit weird to be sexting your fans whilst married tho
Fire Emblem Three Houses
>heidi going mental when the video aired
Is there a full image
e-celebs are not videogames
Reminder that majority of his audience wasn't even underage.
hoes mad
>wearing a dress and sending nudes
>in the right
still a lolcow you faggots
Accusers: "Why do I hear Boss music?"
ProJared: This Video
>youtube stats
Those aren't anywhere near verified, anyone can put any age they want.
>All those males
Not only were the kids underaged, but they were male too?!?!
Back to your containment site femcel
His wife said it was all right and even encouraged people to do it
Jared very clearly has a trans fetish and tried to act like the Tumblr blog was just meant as a "body positivity" thing cause he's a woke male feminist.