I liked the crafting mechanic in the first 2 games!

Luminous avenger/Azure striker tread

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How would you make a Azure Striker spin-off game with all the adepts as playable characters?

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dating sim

Fighter, of course.

They look like they're having fun.

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Luminous Avenger doesnt have crafting?

I feel like Isolda's "true" personality is going to be a shy girl type. Too bad everyone in that pic is going to end up dead though.

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the soon to be dead art

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Dear God. They are all like best friends. Even in the art of the first two games Copen behaves very sociably around Adepts. If it weren't for all this bullshit that is running like a cancer in Gunvolt's setting I'd imagine they would be great friends.

>collection of the dead art already made

It's Isola; no D. I kinda like her bitch facade though. It's hot.

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That would be cool, actually. I would probably main Carrera or Viper.
If this was the case, then it would definitely be Elise.

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>Roro's perfectly toned tummy

Isola's tummy is better.

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I'd paid money for this too.

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Despite being disposable, the adepts always have such nice designs compared to the reoccurring human characters.

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English version.

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>kills everyone

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and probably fails to defend the humans too

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Eden had so much charm. Too much charm, honestly. It was too easy to like them over the protagonists, especially with how sad most of their backstories were, and forget they were trying to wipe out/enslave most of humanity.

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Anyone have a screenshot of the limited edition poster?

This one?

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Thanks for reminding me that I still need to get the true end of 1 and play 2.


>still no preorder up on steam

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What does GV's weaponized form look like?

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According to the fighter he cameo'd in, something like this.

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>No Gibril Doujins

Adept or Human GF?

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I think that's the idea. Many of the people in Eden aren't bad people by nature and could have helped to make the world a better place they hadn't been broken. GV doesn't actually realize how good he has it compared to most adepts. Yeah, his life is incredibly awful, but it's still better than Asroc's or Zonda's pasts. It won't be long until something breaks him too (though with his experiences, he'll likely go full genocide all adepts).

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>Joule, Elise, Gibril, and Mytyl all express interest in him
>ends up picking the most boring and forgettable option
Every single fucking time!

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Elise would have been better.

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If Blade turns out to be GV, he's definitely going to be going down the kill all adepts path.

Deadline is September 27th, get to it.

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Wheres the porn?

Yoshitaka Hatakeyama's HD.

In any universe where GV loses to the bad adepts.

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I swear why Inti can't make a spin-off where all these characters are still alive and are on friendly terms with everyone else. COPEN INCLUDED.

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Wouldn't mind if some of the adepts were more like the Guardians from MM:Zero and survived through several games before either redemption and/or death. Then again, I don't think they were really planning to make a series. GV1 feels pretty self contained, which would explain why most of the cast is dead by the end.

Darn. Then hoping at least that when Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 finally appears, then in GV's story mode at least one or two of the bosses surviving. Because if they include Copen as a playable character again, then it will be a kill-em-all thing...unless he'd have an extremely good reason to not kill the bosses outright and leave them for later.

GV doesn't really spare either. He always goes for the quickest and most efficient kill, and he definitely won't be in a merciful mood if he turns out to be Blade.

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Gal*Gun 3 should be about Copen on a school full of adept girls! He would use a normal gun instead of pheromones.

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This would still depend on the situation. GV did spare Copen during their 2nd fight in the first game. Unless there would be something that would cause GV not to land the killing blow. Like a story reason or ex machina that would cause whatever trinket the bosses are using to deactivate or something else.

Copen just got lucky. Besides that, showing restraint and mercy to a guy who proudly admits to killing adept infants (and their families if they get in the way) is really retarded.

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>2 games
Fuck, did this series got more games?
I only remember playing one for 3DS.

Nah. It was more of a I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS BULLSHIT than actual mercy. GV had other priorities and Copen was in the way. Then again it's more like plot induced thing.

Two main games, two crossover spin-offs (Might Gunvolt and Burst), and the upcoming Luminous Avenger iX.

>Then again it's more like plot induced thing.
Pretty much, it only happened because Asimov needed his gun for the final battle. Makes me wonder if canonically Asimov would have killed Copen if ASG 2 wasn't a thing.

Asimov wanted to pretty much finish him off after beating him up, only for Maid Ex Machina to happen.

I think they do it for rage. Copen, the one guy you show mercy to, is more evil, unsympathetic, hypocritical, unlikable, and unwilling to reevaluate himself than most of the people you kill. It's just Ixti trying to enrage the audience. Besides that, thank god Copen did live since he's fun as fuck to play.

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He tortured a human to get info on his adept GF that he'd been hiding, then killed her in one of the background fluff pieces. Copen would be a villain in any other story, but because he's fighting people like Eden or Sumeragi, he's the hero.

Isnt the first Azure Striker a shit ripo-- sorry, "Inspired by" Zero?

So, what's the best way to play the games, PC 3DS, or switch?


please respond

That's how they marketed it but it plays very different.

>unwilling to reevaluate himself
If he did so, then it would be like admitting that all he did was for nothing. He became more sympathetic when his sister was presented but this changes little.

>He tortured a human to get info on his adept GF that he'd been hiding, then killed her in one of the background fluff pieces. Copen would be a villain in any other story, but because he's fighting people like Eden or Sumeragi, he's the hero.
Man, that's brutal for someone so young. Then again he inherited his assholery from his asshole dad.

If one wants someone like Copen to be less of an asshole and actually have redeeming qualities, then he should get a massive character development treatment. Like having him face people that are as Adept hating as himself, but kill them in manner he finds very disturbing, actually finding out what his father did, what kind of person he was and how he died, then finally have him actually face these people again when they are targetting his sister and have them calling him out on not killing her the moment she revealed to be an Adept. That and GV saving him a bunch of times (the last one having the Azure Striker actually giving him extensive medical treatment against the White Tiger's will). It won't be immediate, but that would actually make a crack in that thick skull of his and cause him to at least re-evaluate some decisions in his life.

All of these, but the 2nd game and Striker Pack aren't on PC...YET.

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Wait its already out?

Not yet. Next month.


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Did they state if LAiX will have DLC (aside from preorder costumes)? I want to get the physical release but since I'm in Europe and that's a US copy, if there was DLC I'd have to go through the extra step of getting American eShop cards to buy it.

DLC is region free. Downloaded the alt music DLC for my US physical copy of Mega Man 11 through the UK eShop and it worked.

Was she too cute to kill?

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>there are still people who think this series is going somewhere nice
GV3 is going to be Elf Wars mk2, indiscriminate genocide

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>too cute
>to kill

As a "little sister, must protect" figure, she's way better than the Minos or Joule (yes, I know Joule isn't really a little sister character, but still).

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Except for Rebellio, the adepts aren't very pitiable this time around. Sure, their families are being held hostage by Sumeragi, but they're the man instead of a bunch of underage PTSD orphans clinging to one another and lashing out at the world that wronged them or a well-intentioned police force willing to shackle their own kind to lower resentment and hysteria between adepts and nonadepts until things cool down.

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