Jews control Hollywood and they shove us multicuralism on movies.
But what about games,why do I have to deal with virtual niggers in so many games?
Jews control Hollywood and they shove us multicuralism on movies
Because you play western "games",wisen up.
Just mod your games, user.
because the people that see what is going on, dont do anything about it.
Because shooting only Aryans would be bad. Good guys jews give us shitskins to kill.
(((They))) have infiltrated the game industry long ago.
>why do I have to deal with virtual niggers in so many games?
Because if a game doesn't have two or more niggers in it leftlard trannies will attack the developers and make people lose their jobs because 'muh representation' or something
Barely any mods for nigger to white characters
in which game can you kill niggers?
Well that failed with KCD. Looks like if you ignore SJWs nothing bad is gonna happen.
Video game developers just have no balls.
Most open world games with nigger NPCs
Shotgunning their heads off in RDR2 was nice
You say that by posting a picture of cyberpunk? What a dumbfuck, not that it surprizes me anymore on this board. Cyberpunk's creator IS black.
Because AAA games are pretending to be movies now.
Cyberpunk 2020 was created by a team, he was the leader but not the sole creator of the game.
Nice Reddit spacing, nigger
fuck nigger trannies jews
last two going to hell
source? afaik theyre a polish developers
The game takes place in future America though to it fits the setting. Honestly I'm surprised they even put any white people in the game.
Jews can't force you to go to the movies. And yet their movies turn a profit. So strange.
what is wrong with the american educational system where they believe some massive conspiracy
I'd understand if you complained about transgenders being over represented, but black people are like 13% of the US population. You're bound to run into a black guy sooner or later, especially in the year 2077.
The juuuuus
You're being a bitch OP, the only way to get what you want is to take responsibility and make the games that you want to play.
Ask 1920s-40s Germany, idiot.
Mike Pondsmith
Cyberpunk, the board game, was created by Mike Pondsmith.
Nice typical modern gamer ignorance faggot. This game is based on the board game, created by Mike Pondsmith. He's also the project leader at CD Projekt.
>pretty advanced tech for animals
holy fricking based
I wouldnt complain as much is they also put spics,asians,etc ,but its always niggers
>blacks existing is a conspiracy
no point in making our own games as people like you exist, and the jews won't ever let our game succeed
at this point there needs to be a violent revolution in order for things to change for the better
>the jews won't ever let our game succeed
Yeah THAT'S why people don't buy far right-wing games... it's the Jews! No other possible reason.
the game is set in america
look into the mirror and go outside mutt
Literally any shooter they're in. Including Cyberpunk 2077
>why do I have to deal with virtual niggers in so many games?
Because they are not your games and no one wants to appease you. Either play by the rules or face ostracism.
You sound like you didn't knew your dad
this is multicutural propaganda to you?
black people being in games?
This is how the rest of the world views America. Your main export is black culture, you have no excuses.
Isn't Poland hardcore right wing?
Yet you buy their games and cream all over yourselves.
Just the creators of KCD are so right wing that modern Apemericans can't comprehend it
lm@oing at ur life. get used to it. theres more and more diversity in game devs and they'll keep putting in blacks hispanics women chinese trans you name it. go cry to /pol/ fag
Because most are made in the usa, land of the sjw movement. Just like hollywood.
Oh God I'm being genocided
>why do I have to deal with virtual niggers in so many games?
I found a way to deal with this.
Don't be racist.
>game set in the distant future
>camera still blurry and messy as fuck
I honest to god wish this trope would drop dead already
You might be surprised, but outside your echo chamber, most people your age live in entirely different world, that has nothing to do with whatever delusions /pol/ fed into your brain.
Take it up the ass like a good little goy now.
You better deal with it, sweety pie! The future is BLACK :)
>why does this dystopian crime-filled cyberpunk world have niggers in it
Resident Evil 5 you literally slaughter entire African villages
I think it's more Mexican
Blacks are a stale meme at this point
They hold us up to hold them down
>most people your age live in entirely different world,
t.30 year old who typed this from his room bubble
after graduating high school i can tell you it's rampant. but you wouldn't know that would you
Go back to /pol/ you mentally ill cracker.
>show america in the dystopian future
>see blacks
>blame the jews
To be honest the future looks either chink or poo in loo
that game takes place in the most violent US city, are you really surprised? how could it NOT be full of blacks?
On a world scale yes.
But i thought you guys were talking about Apemerica.
>expecting america to be "white" even now
50 years too late for it retard.
Hollywood accounting goes both way
sorry bro no american metropolis 50 years from now will be muh white ethnostate. cry about it fashy.
thats what /pol/ does reees about jews and all their conspiracies yet only cares to attack muslims if that
Muslims are more of a European problem, Most of Pol is American.
lmao butthurt /pol/faggot shat his pants :D
>Muslims are more of a European problem
Because the retarded Amerifats bombed them and unfortunately we are close by land.
How are you going to complain that the "jews" are adding blacks in the game for brownie points when the creator of Cyberpunk is actually black?