2 hours

2 hours until the 15 minutes new gameplay will be shown.
Are you fucking excited?

Attached: cbp2077angelofdeath.jpg (1180x742, 171K)

Other urls found in this thread:





no i don't want spoilers

Hell yes!

Attached: 1557605974461.gif (600x338, 3.92M)


Where can i watch it?

Attached: 1563244814205.png (188x100, 7K)


the game is overhyped and people will be disappointed on release because they've set their expectations too high



Looking forward to it but
>a 2 hour countdown for a 15 minute gameplay vid
Really though?

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1325x811, 199K)

was never into tranny porn

that's not much of a spoiler. i'd just rather not see too much of stuff from a game that i might play before i actually play it. but that's just personal preference.

How do you know it's only 15 minutes?

I'm only going there to spam the chat

Attached: 1528660307651.jpg (500x467, 30K)

Prove to me that CDPR fan boys aren't drooling retards

I just realized this cringy image is official art and not some autist's deviantart

I'm moderately excited at the prospect of getting a look at the gameplay


Attached: 1532165721234.png (517x640, 108K)

CDPR is literally an opposite of EA

I...I don't. But if it turns out to be only 15 minutes I'd be disappointed.

Attached: 1489299452601.png (650x650, 20K)

cdpr said it was themselves


>Next week we’re going to host a stream during which we’ll unveil a 15-minute edit of what we’ve been showing to journalists and gamers here at gamescom

The Witcher series is pretty good, especially for as small a company as they are.
The problem is CP 2077 is never going to be able to live up to the hypetrain, and there's gonna be a shitstorm when the game inevitably isn't the second coming of christ or whatever people are expecting from it

Fucking CDPR

No. If it was any good CDPR wouldn't have absolutely pampered the journos and given them private viewings of the gameplay demos ages before they released it to the people who would actually be buying the game. CDPR clearly knows who their audience is, and they're not the people who actually supported them.

Attached: 1557040528892.jpg (720x960, 131K)

It's hard to get excited these days

I think CDPR just knows they can't deliver on anything and are now on a preemptive PR crusade by trying to get journalists on their side, which is why are bending over backwards to make the game tranny-friendly and why they are giving journalists private viewings of the gameplay demos.

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considering reddit loves CPR to death they could make anything bomb and still love it,

Wait it is? Is this an actual enemy in the game? That's awesome if it is.

I don't know if it's an in-game enemy, but it's a reactive wallpaper.


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This, we need more space for Smash threads

The only reason I'm gonna watch is to see if they touched up the gunplay from the last demo or not. It looked really bad. I know they'll at least be serviceable in the RPG elements of the game, but I still don't trust CDPR making a shooter

Sorry for bumping your eceleb/wow classic thread into the archive.

kys faggot

Attached: smash fags.jpg (2076x583, 167K)

oh nooo

No, why would I?

Haters gonna hate, haters gonna get owned!

Are people still excited for this pile of Reddit filth? This normie-pandering perversion of cyberpunk? They don’t know what they’re doing. They don’t know anything about cyberpunk and bastardize its beauty at every turn, and people just go “WOW SO DARK AND MATURE”. Fuck Cuck Douchebags Profiting off of Retardation AKA CDPR.

>15 minutes

Attached: CKy9yVNVAAEdTVv.jpg (1024x1024, 71K)

>degenerate tranny frog

>Are people still excited for this pile of Reddit filth? This normie-pandering perversion of cyberpunk? They don’t know what they’re doing. They don’t know anything about cyberpunk and bastardize its beauty at every turn, and people just go “WOW SO DARK AND MATURE”. Fuck Cuck Douchebags Profiting off of Retardation AKA CDPR.

Attached: 1564184529326.png (1080x1020, 475K)

The only reason you should still be watching Yogs is for Lewis and Ben Save the World.

It just keeps getting worse bros

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i hate gta 2077, but what's so wrong with that?

>Why did I move here? I guess it was the inclusion of non-binary genders

Attached: 1529270101377.jpg (1280x576, 481K)

we still have shit from the 19th century still around, like lampposts

You know I’m right. Your tiny reptile brain just can’t accept it.

Kills the immersion of being supposedly technologically advanced. Like you said, it's GTA 2077.

that's how cities are dumbo, not everything is brand new or even from the same century

Every time I hear something about this game, it's something fucking stupid. I'm honestly starting to think this is going to end up like FFXV, if not Duke Nukem Forever.

It’s also supposed to be a poor district. It makes sense that they would keep old stuff around so that they don’t have to invest in new stuff. Remember, it takes place 58 years into the future, not 580.

yeah, how much have powerlines changed in 50~ years?
were they really that radically different in 1961?
basic infrastructure hasn't changed much since then, dunno why it would change much the same amount of time in our future

I guess I'm gonna watch it so I can discuss why the game is going to be shit.

>high tech low life?
>nah, low tech low life

just because it's cyberpunk doesn't mean there needs to be LEDs and chrome on everything you spaz

lewis has lots of signs of being /ourguy/ but carefully conceals it in the current sociopolitical climate
tom is also good

Dude, it's cyberpunk. It's supposed to be over the top technological paradise. Energy should be transferred wirelessly at this point Tesla style. It's actually more believable than augmentation and prosthetics ever reaching DEHR/DEMD/48 minute trailer of CP2077 tier advancement.

>player looks down in pov

based poland boys

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I don't understand this gender thing. No one will acknowledge your gender in the game?

Got collectors edition ordered.
Gonna top Witcher 3 as best game ever made, if you deny it you are delusional basement dweller.
>Pic not related

Attached: 222.png (3440x1440, 3.24M)

have you even read neuromancer

>high tech = LEDs

Attached: kamil-grzelak-kamil-grzelak-redneck.jpg (1920x1080, 414K)

>What of we took an RPG and then took out everything RPG-related?
I just want this shit to come out so people can forget about it.

I said technological paradise, you illiterate faggot.

>Dude, it's cyberpunk. It's supposed to be over the top technological paradise

Attached: BR-edb0bf4.jpg (768x574, 54K)

powerlines can be cyberpunk imo

Attached: 1481521968916.jpg (1400x675, 280K)

>fucking any kind of paradise whatsoever

Attached: niggawut.png (786x438, 346K)

as any non-mentally ill should

I said technological paradise you illiterate faggot.

nice jpeg

yeah and that's fucking retarded
"technological paradise" still implies it's a paradise, just a technology themed one
restating it over and over doesn't make it any less of a fucking braindead statement that ruins any credibility your argument may have had

Attached: smug.png (500x470, 260K)

you have no idea what you're fucking talking about do you

have you read any cyberpunk fiction at all

Yes, and he made it clear that it's still preposterous to consider the setting a paradise in absolutely any way, shape or form, including technological, you fucking retard

>Are you fucking excited?

How can one man possibly be more wrong about a subject?

Attached: 1565463009325.jpg (410x378, 31K)

Bro, do you even understand what he's implying? The game takes place in a world where cars have supercomputer AI and anyone can modify their bodies parts and organs. How the fuck is that not a technological paradise? Sounds like one to me if I were in the tech industry.

No, "technological paradise" implies it's a world with wondrously advanced technology, which cyberpunk is at its core. Your misunderstanding of it implies either a complete disconnection with cultural context in the use of language, not having ever met people in your entire life or illiteracy. Or any combination of those.

I don't know, you tell me, you should have the most experience at it.

this. fucking dumb illiterate frogposters

then paradise is still a blatantly incorrect word choice, and you're shit at conveying your ideas
say "technologically advanced" instead or some shit
the whole point of cyberpunk is that it's a dark dystopic setting, and you call it a "paradise", then wonder why people mock you?

He doesn't, he's illiterate

Holy fuck, you can't be serious.

2019 would be considered a technological paradise to people from 60 years ago, and almost everything looks like shit in 2019.

I'm not the one calling other people illiterate when I myself lack a basic understanding of the english language, or failing that, the ability to google what words mean before I use them

So many doomer retards


You are simply incorrect.

then explain yourself
explain how describing a cyberpunk setting as paradise makes sense with the context of what a cyberpunk setting is supposed to be

not him but you're actually retarded and clearly never heard of "X paradise" being used, do you think "criminal paradise" would also mean it's an actual paradise?

So I'd be wrong in calling an auto fair a "car paradise" then? How is Cyberpunk, a game in a world where everyone and your grandma is a modifiable android, not the same?

if you google "technological paradise", you will not find people describing a dystopia
the very third result has utopia in the title, even

The jetsons is a technological paradise you absolute donut.

Ok, Cyberpunk takes place in a world devoid of technology or technological prosperity. I'll take your word for it.

Attached: 1480768211425.gif (320x180, 3.28M)

I miss demos. Why can't we just have demos instead of these dumbass hype events?

Attached: 1539264446018.png (360x409, 76K)

>stupid fucking smashfags can't stop making games about their stupid roster wish list
>that means that we are fine making a bunch of cyberpunk threads
You know more than one fandom can be fucking retarded, at the same time.


Its a common expression. Is English your second language, user?

or, y'know, technologically advanced dystopia is a more fitting phrase and the one you should've gone with to start

But if everyone gets to play the game, how can they generate hype through approved streamers?

yo my gf had that picture as her profile pic lmao

I don't talk like an autist and would rather use common phrases/expressions to get my point across instead.

well congratulations, you failed, and instead made several people think you had the retardation to call a cyberpunk setting a paradise

>someone finally fixed the sunglasses
thank you

Its a paradise, technologically speaking. Why is that so hard to comprehend, mr. baitposter?

not his fault CDPR drones are ESL retards

No. I was up until last years gameplay demo, but not anymore.
Also that pic only shows how delusional people are with this game.
I hope it ends at least a decent game.

that's literally how it works for the vast majority of people, read the sprawl trilogy


(Tranny is short for transformer.)


Attached: 1566470875476.jpg (1716x992, 261K)

no it fucking isn't, it has some high technology but the main part of it is the dystopia and everything being shit and owned by the japs


come on, user

Attached: 1558237126059.png (394x355, 170K)

don't bother, let him wallow in his terrible use of language to convey meaning


I did. Altered Carbon novel.That's were I got the expression.

>Altered Carbon
ahhhh yes the classic cyberpunk setting, aliens and frequent intergalactic travel

Yes it is. Technological paradise is a phrase that refers to technology, so a world with wondrously advanced technology is a technological paradise even if it's not social, political, biological or any other kind of paradise.

i'm not disputing the definition of technological paradise, i'm disputing the cyberpunk setting being a technological paradise

>technological paradise
cyberpunk settings are dystopian, user
stop embarassing yourself

What is it about popular games that make Yea Forumsirgins absolutely lose their shit? It's almost scary. Just blatantly making asinine comments left and right, every time. Have you guys truly become so conditioned by this place? How is it a website that runs on anonymity enforces such a strict adherence to the status quo. I'm amazed. It didn't used to be like this.

How is the setting relevant to the meaning of a common expression? Will, for example, "miraculous recovery" used in relation to an incredibly fast recovery from an illness, be a wrong expression in a cyberpunk setting as opposed to high fantasy one, or the other way around?

Do you not think the setting of Cyberpunk 2077 is a technological paradise, considering how incredibly advanced the technology is in it?

>"criminal paradise"
>not "gangsta's paradise"
As I browse through the Yea Forumsalley of the shittiest posts
I take a look at your comment and realize you're gayer than most

They aren’t supposed to be popular with normie scum. Then the Jews got their fingers into it.

CDPR is nothing but hacks, W3 is overrated and this game doesn't deserve any of the hype
Also, fuck niggers

oh you were talking about "technological paradise" as the expression

read actual fucking cyberpunk you cretin before you talk about technological paradises
it's advanced for some people, and not for others

vi is a fucking street sam or whatever they're called in this setting and is not representative of the setting

Not to the rhythm, you fucked up. Please fix


>12 minutes

Attached: 4583685.jpg (350x263, 11K)

if I say "magical flying vehicle", in a fantasy setting that probably literally means a vehicle that flies through magical means
but in a cyberpunk one? it's more likely some kind of flying car or some shit, and "magical" isn't meant literally
context absolutely changes the meaning of phrases

April can't come sooner

Attached: 1566246195084.gif (320x240, 261K)

>pretending to not have known the intention
>still not understanding the phrase anyway
>acting as if the technology present in the setting of CP2077 was common or at least something we have any chance to achieve by 20 years from now

Eight minutes oh boy

Attached: 3473578.gif (528x555, 816K)

>acting as if the technology present in the setting of CP2077 was common or at least something we have any chance to achieve by 20 years from now
1. the high technology in the setting is not in the hands of most of the people in it
2. this is not the traditional cyberpunk setting, aka the gibson setting
3. the black guy who made the ttrpg literally just said on stream they'd turned down the amount of tech in it

wheres the reveal

They are unhinged right wing incels, user:
They are the new SJWs, getting triggered and outraged about every tiny little thing.
They don't really care about vidya, they just want to spread their ideology on the board.

Please explain how "technological paradise" would be an incorrect expression to refer to a place with miraculously advanced technology if the place in question was the setting of Altered Carbon and not CP2077 (or the other way around, I'm not sure which you meant anymore).

don't forget to dilate semencerebrum


Attached: 1566435369539.png (785x861, 241K)

I want to have sex with a girl.

Attached: 1565711849782.jpg (225x225, 8K)

As I browse through the Yea Forumsalley where the posters are dumb
I take a look at your mom and realize she's full of cum

Dilate tranny

that's not me idiot

>1. the high technology in the setting is not in the hands of most of the people in it
>2. this is not the traditional cyberpunk setting, aka the gibson setting
>3. the black guy who made the ttrpg literally just said on stream they'd turned down the amount of tech in it
None of this refutes the point that the technology present in the setting is so advanced that the place can ne called technological paradise.


you are sick, you disgust me

are you ready my gender neutral friends

Read the thread faggot or use your big boy brain and go to their twitch page.

>I want to have sex with a girl.
Lol, faggot!


Spot on.

it's not a paradise if the tech is not widespread you moron, which it isn't in gibson and isn't in 2077

>15 minutes

Attached: 1483758982083.jpg (406x364, 118K)


who the hell wants to read through all this shitposts
and thanks

2 minutes.

Attached: 1523673505617.jpg (641x530, 46K)

2 minutes left
See you guys afterwards

Attached: BERSONAL.jpg (1513x832, 303K)

>no lootboxes

fucking based

Attached: 1556580078498.jpg (394x350, 37K)

1 min 30s on the cdprojekt red stream on twitch idiot



Attached: 1564967780803.png (912x597, 408K)

No the gameplay trailer is 15 minutes.

Attached: 1483423299684.png (570x491, 659K)

How many genders are there?

Attached: 246727.png (951x902, 1.03M)

I'm almost certain that they are paid shills, the amount of shittery every day they do on Yea Forums, jesus
everyone is generally positive about the game except said shills and somehow people who are positive are called shills
makes me think

As I browse through the Yea Forumsalley of the shittiest of posts
I take a look at OP and realize he's gay the most

This. They are Goobergate runoffs.



I spend all my life living in a Tranny paradise

i'm not familiar with the setting of altered carbon, but if it's a paradise then sure, it applies there
but calling cyberpunk a paradise is absurd
it's practically an antonym of paradise
especially when this is falling into the camp of "near future scifi where advancements are conveyed through prosthetics, holograms, and good old fashioned chrome+LEDs", it's not really comparable to the term you got from a series about interstellar space empires
even if you didn't intend to call it a paradise, but just advance technologically, that was a poor way to phrase it, and not all that accurate to the setting being created either

Who told you that? It doesn't have to be common.

You can get illegal cybergenders

>There are people who are watching ecelebs watch the stream
I want you to leave.


Attached: 1463023731883.png (693x503, 64K)


Wow look at these graphics, Holly is pretty realistic.

I only care for your reaction my fellow fags, not some eceleb.

Poor bastard, liberalism fried is last brain cells

Attached: 1529497901170.jpg (461x439, 30K)

Surprising nobody, it looks shit.

Attached: 1553106392935.png (492x653, 152K)


Attached: cia.png (129x175, 51K)

why have a choice for one option only??

5 fps

>dying vram vision

fucking based

>just go into some fantasy world bro

>bridge to de deep nest

Attached: ss+(2017-05-13+at+10.06.37).jpg (609x755, 85K)


pretty shit graphics desu.

God damn this is kino

dumbass lol

Attached: 1561399078039.jpg (304x368, 56K)

>no borders
fucking neoliberals

Jesus CHRIST this looks bad lol

woah guys, i cant believe it. i just experienced a segment of a quest

Yeah, graphically and stylistically it's absolutely garbage
It's so ugly



Attached: 1558101572698.gif (413x243, 51K)

Even twitch chat is laughing at it, this is pretty much over for CDPR.

>voodoo boys
>not persons

My Vaginus nearly burst in excitement during todays dilation

Nice conspiracy theory. I bet you vote conservative.

I didn't call CP2077 a political, social, biological or moral paradise. I didn't call it just paradise. I called it technological paradise. It's a perfectly correct way to use that expression.


I can't be the only one annoyed that they exactly copied Rockstar's gameplay narration trailers, right?

Attached: 1490660608824.jpg (267x323, 7K)

Of course, immigrants coming in to fuck everything up. Fucking voodoo boys.

>a woman

Why the video look like shit?


Attached: 87598.jpg (258x245, 12K)


>women are stronger then men therefore she's the leader


its a good format for showing off gameplay i cant blame them. i prefer this over the e3 demo of shitty players we used to get with games

>only 2 genders


>terminator power fantasy

Attached: 000311.jpg (650x406, 76K)


I bet we'll be able to get rid of them with a corpo route, looking forward it

>lmao bro, i'll just haxx you

are you as drunk as me or just brainlet?
giving you a way out here

Holy shit man.. I've been on a media blackout for this game and this is so underwhelming. What the fuck happened?

>strong build
>it's a whamen
lol, pozed

>This guy isnt a fucking retard like me!
>He must be conservative
Ok then if thats how you view the world.

>500 increase power/hp/armor by 1% choices

Attached: 3634733.jpg (211x203, 15K)


Why is the turning so slow?

Did I hear gta3 voice line?


>conspiracy theory

People who throw that around unironically are peak brainlets.
Apert from that it seems fairly convincing, seeing that CDPR officially shitcanned every bit of promise this game may have had in the past months.

>do you know da wae


How do you go from THIS?

Attached: is she even in the game??.jpg (1280x532, 199K)

>This guy isnt a fucking retard
but his post clearly proved otherwise


probably using the default mouse sensitivity, that or intentionally turning slowly to show off the environment to the players


Attached: 1560213300388.jpg (1280x720, 248K)


Netwatch gang here we go

Keanu looks downgraded

Corporate netrunner or go home.

No 3rd person no buy. "Trust us we know" You call it immersion I call it laziness, what about Witcher 3?
Playing this first person is tiring. Fuck you polish dogs. Subhumans.

it's the switch version

>you can kill John Wick
woa, preordered

>that thing in the middle

Attached: 1482616139212.jpg (600x600, 64K)

Well, that looked fucking GARBAGE. Hahahaha fucking sunposters are always right. Can't wait for the face saving copers trying to claim that was ANYTHING but complete shit. Also no he/she pronouns used, faggots.

this was shit

looked console shocase graphics lol

>that was it
They really are scared of showing this, lol.

Attached: 1483136902883.jpg (800x800, 42K)

wheres the gameplay?

Yea Forums absolutely BTFO

>Wanting to play shooter in tpp
Go back to your fucking fortnite.

That was it?

game looks like shit

there's literally a lack of technology because it's not widespread, this is how words work

>Showing all new gameplay mechanics
>Hold X to hack
Wow. So unique. So new, so innovative.

Attached: 1560020398714.gif (360x360, 26K)

it look like shit desu

So, did they put some gameplay in it or is CP2077 still just a movie? I haven't watched the stream

what do you mean? why are you comparing a concept art with a selected screenshot from gameplay?

game looks okey but what a completely shit way off showing off the game compared to last years demo.

yea, i'll wait for mods

That was fucking shit. The only thing i liked was the side boob of the female character we can play.

would you rather play tower of hanoi to hack?

CDPR show what looks like 8/10 game at worst
>Yea Forums IT'S SHIT

>people spamming ASCII porn in twitch chat

I want the gender where you shit through a dick.

>lack of technology
Haven't you watched the stream?

E3 vs final game


Attached: 1563080709615.jpg (1280x1440, 341K)

actually I kinda like that password thing they showed, hoping the menu doesn't freeze time

>Keanu got downgraded
>Skills are barebones
>Character creation is more shallow than fucking SWOTR or WOW
>Everything looks absolutely boring.
>Press button to do something
>Mass effect level dialogue

Attached: 7ihs7h3nh8x21.jpg (751x767, 68K)

Was that it? 15 minutes?

Attached: You interrupted my Gelato for this.jpg (738x1024, 136K)

I guess I'm chipping in, lads

lmao all these bitter Yea Forumsirgins that can't like anything.

Attached: Instagram media - ByXcFH8gYpvGw-BPs2GMcGXHED1VOwQX5yvpG40.jpg (750x750, 86K)

First person are for FPS
Not for a GTA-like RPG in open-world

Looks like a fun rpg to me, keep seething Yea Forums.

Attached: rpg.jpg (1919x2142, 393K)

they showed 2 ways on how to aproach certain quest
not much talk about rpg mechanics, just that it's a classless system

Read the OP user.

I mean, they could come up with coding themed logic puzzles, or maybe a rewiring game
in the end though, it would always end up being some minigame you play to successfully press X to hack

No seriously

You actually thought that top one was gameplay? Are you retarded?

jimmy nickelfingers

People really are obsessed with graphics nowadays.

quest and rpg parts seems fine, hoping multiple playthrough will be worth it

Unironically looks like a 360 era game

>interview with three of the very best
>all are white males

>Its deus ex but expanded

I dont know why Yea Forums seethes so hard at this game

>pre-ordering anything ever
you deserve everything you dumb cunt

>incels even get trigrered by button prompts now
lmao it's a video game you dumb faggot how else are you supposed to do things than by pressing buttons?


So. I just re-watched it.
Literally no female character all along.
They're trolling the press, aren't they?

Netwatch did nothing wrong

>woman = strength build
>haitian gang = elite hacker geniuses
we opposites world

>individual weapon skills

looks bad

What were those ways?
Are interactions with the world other than shooting more advanced than "pres X to play a cutscene"?

>Keanu got downgraded
>Skills are barebones
>Character creation is more shallow than fucking SWOTR or WOW
>Press button to do something
>Mass effect level dialogue


>Everything looks absolutely boring.

Variable by who you ask.

wow it's shit from watch dogs and the home base of the hacker faction, gonna ask if you actually watched the stream

Mixer chat is cancer.
You know, I gave it a try, but it's beyond retarded.

So how would one build Gits Major?
Corporate, obviously.
Hacking, assassination, melee.
Rifles or handguns?
Probably won't be allowed to spread out this thin though.

Attached: 56475675467.jpg (1920x1184, 287K)

It would be very painful

Fuck the AIs i'm going to genocide each one of them


Soo many fucking niggers everywhere...
Like sure, the future is bleak, but give me a little slack....

>t-shirt and jacket are different items
I love when games do this.


It would've been if it wasn't for archaic consoles.

The haitians should be the organ harvesters and suppliers.

What kind of stupid zoomer stat is this LOL

deus ex 3?

>literally no female character
>the character they used the entire time was the female
what did they mean by this

Alright guys, just how many buttons do you want to have to press to initiate a hack? Asking for future vidya game design reference

Siding with netwatch, unless there's a seductive AI with a sexy female voice, then I'll dedicate my life to freeing her

>get permabanned for no reason
Literally why? I didn't even say anything.

Attached: 1567185258422.jpg (500x500, 27K)

Unfortunately that is how the future will look in terms of race.

I assumed it would be the "Charisma" stat, but instead it seems to be the stealth stat or some shit

>attribute points
fuck you fuck you fuck you
I wouldn't have minded being able to level up attributes by using techs but that's awful game design

I'd like to have to learn at least 3 different programming languages before I can even attempt the most basic ones. However many buttons that takes.

maybe they want a 2d hacking porn minigame

More genders than playstyles

Attached: 1566519752990.jpg (500x452, 38K)

>handguns and rifles in reflexes
>shotguns in body

In both the 48 min and today's gameplay there seemed to be quite a lot of significantly more advanced technology than ours. Almost as if.. as if it was some kind of... Aw shoot, I forgot, I had it at the end of my tongue. Something about heaven, I guess?

it is a dystopian future though

Holy fuck that looked bad, wtf happened to keanu's model???

Didn't look like it to me.
Anyway, we're fucked.
Deus Ex would never be allowed nowadays. Not because it spills redpills, but because the MC isn't a female.

they just spam space so that the second row of their text seems like a seperate message and they write "You have been banned" as a funi trole

Attached: 1553337523308.png (216x216, 90K)

Im definitely going to ally with the maelstrom gang. Its literally /pol/ in the future.

>open hack menu
>have to solve the hack puzzle minigame while also having to move around to dodge bullets and stay close enough to not lose signal

where are they live streaming it?

It's how well you can keep your "cool" in intense situations.
Stupid, I know.

Are there only 3 factions that you can join?

I would like it to be interactive at least to some degree.

Gives hard deus ex vibes, and HR was solid as fuck. This looks like it has more options in skills too.

go play watchdogs retard

oh fuck I didn't even know you could blankpost on twitch
thanks user

Are you literally too retarded to even know the definition of the word?

In that particular area.

The original trailer was much cooler but that game was scrapped before it even got properly started.
People were reasonably disappointed
CDPR fan boys couldn't handle this
CDPR fan boys threw a shit fit for months about muh sun muh neon
Now everyone hates them and by association this game

How do you figure? There are only two playstyles, big strength boy and hackerman.


never post again retard

Are you implying the technology in Observe Canines is on a similar level of advancement to that in CP2077?

Yum yum, johnny silverhand wins it tho. Keanu to the rescue!

>First gameplay video
>Nearly an hour of uninterupted gameplay with only mild narration
>This gameplay video
>15 minutes, overlay effects, short snippets and nonstop narration
What the FUCK did they mean by this?

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it's 2 playstyles they showed you, not the only 2 you can play
this is your brain on Yea Forums

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Stay butthurt fag

They just confirmed fast travel is in the game but they don't want you to use it because its trash for ccasuals.

CDPR absolutely BASED

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Where were you when GTA5 has flying cars before Cybershit 2077?

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Looks good, hopefully this'll be the next New Vegas

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The money is running dry and they need pre order sales revenue to stay afloat

A shit game overrated by trannies because of that one dyke character?

>fast travel
okay, now i did preorder

I missed it. What's been introduced so far?

figure it out genius

Will that white boy stop mainsplaining already?
I feel like I could be the ultimate SJW.

time to play the praying mantis, hopefully you can combo with some melee

>most of the thread is just political culture war shit
goddamn it who CARES, you have a whole other board exclusively to seethe about niggers and trannies

Attached: disappointedfishman.jpg (681x496, 44K)

Imagine 50 years from now, when the future is as shitty as portrayed, but there's still nothing cool about the technology developed.

Recoil has the potential to be a lot higher on a shotgun, whereas the recoil on rifles is a lot lighter but more frequent.

I said New Vegas not Life Is Strange

besides i just find myself using ED-E most of the time

The game looks terrible.

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So all cutscenes now in 1st person? Why?

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user, the (((15 Minutes of Gameplay))) was soo lackluster, there is nothing else to discuss. The (((Gamplay))) was compressed into oblivion, and almost nothing new was shown.
Except that 90%< of the NPC's are niggers.


Oh no, they're retarded.

is this hobo peter fucking black peter in gwen's suit?

Basically, CDPR won videogames

Attached: thanojamos.gif (288x284, 3.12M)

Is there a limit to how retarded you are willing to make yourself look in an argument just to keep it going?

Depends what you're hacking. A lot of "real" hacking is actually just running your tool at a known vulnerability. All the real work is in finding the vulnerability and building the exploit.
Really what it should be is the first time you try to hack something you have to play a Zachtronics style minigame to unlock the ability to "Press A to Hack" for that type of object. Once you've hacked one vending machine, you can just run your exploit on every other machine of the same brand, but you need to have either spent a couple minutes puzzling through their security in a quiet alley somewhere first, or just bought the exploit off the net.

I'm so sad. It looked like a great game.
But I'm not buying it.

>there is maybe someone you can do with her
its all no mans sky again

I think N:Automata did it fine.

not sure if the redhead is hot or it's just my penis thinking

Attached: mhhh.png (516x440, 157K)

Brehs even in 4K on Youtube it looks like shit...


Attached: 1563686411460.jpg (500x322, 16K)

She's cute

>black peter
>white skin and blonde hair

For the love of god, end the stream right now, it can still be saved.

>goddamn it who CARES
Seems like everyone except you. If you don't want to discuss vidya then FUCK OFF

I think this game will be good but just that. Good. Maybe GOTY.

He's literally arguing that we should be talking about vidga, go to /pol/ if you want to complain about trannies

This car is so much fun and can't defend itself at all, all you can do is drop and fly in an attempt to save yourself, it hits hard, but can't run well or defend in a fight.

>fake news in 2077

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what's the difference

This could have been Deus Ex 2.
Not that Deus EX 2 was fundamentaly bad, but it could have been better.
This just looks like assassin's creed 2077.

>dude just shut up bend over and take the tranny cock already

>literally every single character is a fucking nigger from a muh mysterious oppressed opposition

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How long they worked on that game? Quite a bit of time. Yet all it seems they worked on was graphical gimmicks. They could have made hacking a minigame. They could have made a tool with different functionalities that you need to match to a device in order to success at hacking it and if you mismatch, there would be a punishment. Or they could make up a primitive programming language of 7 or 8 different commands and make players use it in a console. Instead they decided to make it "press X to win", not only for hacking, but for all activities.

Redheads are always hot.


All the same person.

>go in nigger ghetto part of the city
>there's niggers

Attached: 1554728225654.png (250x418, 129K)

I mean they kind of have that here because you unlock “quick hacks” with the minigame.

Because that's just how boring and bland the game looks

holy fuck it was downgraded. CDPR can't keep getting away with it

>Poor area of the city housed mostly by Haitian, who are all black
>Hurr lots of people were black
Rent free.

Go to /pol/ for that, tranny obsessed weirdo.

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That's sucks.

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> cyberpunk is the game i wanted syndicate to be


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GITS Major is Government, not Corporate. She heavily detested the corporates for starting non-sensical wars which is why Section 9 was establilshed in the first place. So obviously:
Government. Hacking, Melee, Athletics(Assassination was never her forte, her default body was just top notch). Then go with Rifle and Hand Guns.

Compared to what? Cinematic trailers?

Please stop already.
I went from overhyped to waiting for skyrim 2.0.

compared to last year's gameplay demo

I dont know what kind of shitposting mental gymnastics you went through to make that statement
But holy shit it was retarded

you're so dumb you don't even realise how dumb you are

Poor part of the city is infested with black people

I played through Deus Ex 2, and it was a good game.

>MFW Everyone is a nigger
>MFW I can hunt niggers to my leisure
>MFW I can hunt trannies to my leisure
>All the while being a fucking furry
I laff.

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This is a problem why?

>trannies and niggers taking over videogames isn’t vidya related

It's the same as The Witcher 3 retard.

I take it as a "no"

Can I hack white cis makes and turn them gay

you retards are literally looking for shit to seethe about holy fuck how do you live like this

there is something wrong with her voice...

bioshock 2

Lmao future retards should just download Norton Internet Security


no its not real dude non of its REAL

what happened cdpr?

Can they just shut up?
We're getting to leftist levels we shoudn't be able to see.

i would've believed you but you posted mcu/disney shit

this it looks worse

>Yea Forums keeps seething harder and harder

Thats how you can tell it'll be a good game

It honestly looks like shit. The art style, the chromatic aberration, everything looks blurry, the character models are terrible and i can't believe they are made by the same people who made those incredibly detailed clothes in TW3.


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damn it legit looks like garbage.

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>they're pretending like decade old FPS elements are novel

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thank you

Why does that guy look like a chink potato? Is that what all poles look like?

I had a boner for this tittle.
But it's not gonna penetrate anything it looks like.
Now, I'm just hoping CDP is fucking trolling everyone.
But that's weak.

If I went into this with low expectations it would've looked pretty cool I think, but after years of building up hype everything about it is so fucking disappointing, seems super limited role-playing-wise. Some of the indoor enviroments look kinda cool but the city itself looks like trash.

I like that jackets and shirts are separate layers I guess.

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Why are they interviewing chekov?

Attached: 246px-Walter_Koenig_Star_Trek.jpg (246x329, 16K)

>orbiting some thot twitch streamer

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Because they're black

I was thinking the same thing.

I just want to be a dirty cyborg punk man with a guitar weapon who bounty hunts and plays shows.

Is it possible like in the tabletop?

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>ammo modifiers are new
Mass effect would like to talk to you


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>we have a whole team dedicated to tranny ads

the guns and roses shirt is better

What a shit show. I can't believe I was actually once hyped for this garbage.

The combat looks clunky as fuck the ai is pretty bad too

>more years old stuff

This, I might not even pirate it and I bought TW3 day one.

It's already dated and it's not even released yet. It's Witcher 3 all over again.

What species is this?

>johnny wick will be there with you for the entirety of the game
Why cast a fucking famous actor for a role like that. In a fucking rpg out of all things. Now whenever this fucker pops out I'll think wow it's keanu reeves ah yes I'm just playing a game, have these people ever heard of immersion.

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Only a massive graphics fag would say witcher 3 looks bad.

Attached: Screenshot (42).png (1920x1080, 3.15M)

Millions of redditors will buy it just for Keanu Reeves. Profit > immersion

It's just like Activision getting Tyrion Lannister to follow you around in destiny

This but unironically.

AAA fuck that got me

>backwards shirt

Attached: hehe_cat.jpg (636x602, 22K)

The only thing that looks good are the models. That's literally it. It's funny when you only post them because it makes you look like a shill


Looks bad.
That's what you get when you cram 50 minutes of content down to 15.

Dude, how the fuck else are you going to move electricity?


Does anyone give a fuck about this lore?

Honestly I could stomach him being in the game as an npc, but this descisions is just plain retarded. What were they thinking?

Did i miss the gameplay showing bit?

So many niggers lmao

Cdpr doesn't even care

>Compare CP2077 to GTA
>instant "You are currently banned from this channel."



Literally looks like a ps1

Attached: 1550020607_9OyQZYl.jpg (3440x1440, 727K)

>all these pol fags pretending the game is bad when everyone is already losing their shit

only those two classes, fucking hell

Nice promotional art

>rtx 2080 8gb demo
>these are your cans

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Literally dwarf fortress

Attached: RHwRPDS.jpg (2560x1440, 401K)

Do you honestly expect visible power-lines to completely disappear in 50 years?

>Voodoo Boys want to meet with Cyber Cthulhu.

I'm killing every single one of them. Fuck the rest of the story, these fuckers will end the world.

Attached: Bushy Rape Bot.jpg (1199x299, 52K)

Do you see any horse drawn carts around? No? Then fucking shut up.

>blurry shitty textures
>literally 5 (five) edges on the cans
what a joke

How old is that game? 4 years old and it looks like that?

And now, nobody wants to play their game.

Stop pretending
We all know how the basegame looks

Female jc Denton would be identical to male Denton, just a different VA. Reason it won't ever happen again is they gave you way too much freedom and the current market is terrified of that.

wait, new gameplay? is there old gameplay on show too?

>cultural appropriation
>we must change with the times

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Poland, YES!

That kind of optimization only makes sense if they're desperate.

No, it wouldn't.
Every NPC would be putting you down.

you would be desperate too if you had to make game for base ps4 and xbox one

Seek help/have sex

Every npc in the original game already talks AT you like you're retarded. Maybe instead of brushing it off jc would have a PTSD meltdown but the foundation is the same

Oh dear I forgot.

>Bio Monitor

WHY are there so many blacks?

Who the fuck stocks those machines?

Corpo Media being deceptive in Cyberpunk is in genre though.

It doesn't really matter. Game is happened already.
People saying DX 2 was shit should actually play it, because it comes with it's load of redppills too.
CB2077 looked like it would challenge the statue quo.
Bow it's just bending.

Do you really have to let your mind be raped by that black dude to progress with the story or can I avoid that?

*clears throat*
Fuck Pollaks

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orange cyborgman bad

can i get something else than my mind raped by him?

>you have to be a fanboy to want to play a game

god i wish Yea Forums would just play games again

remember when you played games Yea Forums jesus christ

>orange cyborgman bad