Buy game

>buy game
>Instantly feel wave of guilt and regret because you're too old for this shit/could be spending your money on something better/are wasting your precious free time on video games instead of being more productive

Who else knows this feel?

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This is why I started pirating. I rarely play any of the games I buy/download anyway. At least I won't waste my money on useless impulse buys.

what else i could be spending money on?

Organise your free time and spend some of it gaming and some of it being productive. That way you won't have to feel guilty about playing games.

life is too short to NOT be trying to spend it doing things that make you happy. as long as youre not a complete slob leech neet, dont feel bad for having fun

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Yea Forums isn't your blog

What's your budget? If it's less than what you're squirreling away for retirement than you're fine.

>being more productive
like doing fucking what?
My bills are paid and my work is done.

Think of the countless women that spend $200 on shoes and stop feeling bad

1. You aren't too old for shit. Video games are a great way to keep your mind sharp even into old age, and ones that require movement like Wii Sports are used in retirement homes. The fact is today that nearly every single person in the western world plays video games at least casually. That's why this time when congress claimed "video games cause shootings" everyone laughed instead of having to make legitimate defenses. The world changed in the last 15 years. You get on a bus and everyone there from the toddlers to the grandmas play some kind of video game regularly, even if that's Angry Birds or Solitaire.

2. Video games (with the exception of gacha exploitative shit) tend to be one of the best investment returns in entertainment time to dollars spent. Think about your expense going to a movie, a theme park, renting a boat, etc. - we're talking about significant costs for a couple of hours of fun. Meanwhile games can give you hundreds or thousands of hours of entertainment for $60 tops, but most of the time $5 or something because sales.

3. You'll feel less guilty if you do some productive stuff and use games to reward yourself. Of course any leisure activity will feel decadent if you do it constantly. For the same reason, you know, don't watch Netflix all day or masturbate in excess.

took a while for the incelposting to start

that's a cute boy, I bet he isn't really garbage

You mean husbandposting? Fuck off, tranny.

suck my feminine balls, cuck

fuck being productive and social
I paid my internet and rent, what more do you want from me?

What's with all these crybaby posters recently?

i want him to be happy

sad 'men'

To be honest, I think video games, television and youtube/twitch/whatver are a waste of time in equal measure. But that can be applied to anything that isn't productive to your overall development, like sports, reading books, making music, anything that furthers your abilities or perspective really. It's fine to play games to relax but defnitely not as a main hobby. It's a simple time waster, not something you should strive to excell at. As long as you don't sink all your spare time into it, it should be fine. I haven't played literally anything in 3 months and instead focused on improving my singing and programming. I feel much better about myself now.

>"men don't cry"

I bought a drawing tablet to learn how to draw and take requests at the drawthread but I haven't opened it yet cuz I'm too busy playing videogames

Clean your room, sport.

that's right they don't. suck it up, buttercup.

men do cry but they don't whine like a little bitch

everyone likes some attention once in a while come on

there's a million ways to get attention
if you default to breaking down and sobbing (ON Yea Forums!!!) you got some serious fucking issues and need to spend time getting help.

There's a difference between crying and being a whiny crybaby.

i'm not op but i understand him


then one of you can put on a skirt and you can take turns sucking eachother off, I guess.

The Opera or Grand Symphony Orchestra in your town or nearest city.

>Dad hates videogames
>constantly shamed me for showing any interest in them
>Had to resort to pirating and flash in my younger years
>Finally get into steam 5 years ago
>Cant spend any money on it without feeling a giant wave of guilt because dad's words echo in my head
>cant get a console for the same reason

NAYRT, but
>"hey guys i feel bad when i do x"
>breaking down and sobbing
Big difference

I don't because I enjoy video games.

Stop striving towards being productive all of the time. Its the best way to burn out as fast as you can and your way into an early grave.

i doubt he'd want to

go mow your lawn, boomer

that's what I've got you for, kiddo

Gay as fuck. Live performances are a scam to jack up prices, stage shows should be filmed and distributed more widely if they actually cared about their "art" being viewed.
try again sweetie

I can't relate, I don't really give a shit about not being productive 24/7, I just wanna have some fun sometimes

If you have to worry about wasting 60 dollars, just pirate.

"productive". When you're playing video games you're kind of producing your own experience as long as it isn't some braindead me press button number go up game. I easily feel like my time is being wasted at work because I'm just another cog in the system and the company wouldn't care less if I was ran over by the bus because theres plenty of other people to replace you.


not worth it

You sound like the biggest faggot on the planet.
Also Yea Forums isn't your personal blog.

100% worth it. I just fucked some banging asian milf the other day for only 120$ chump change instead of an alamony and expensive dinners.

Take the escort pill

i wouldn't last 10 seconds
not worth it

you pay for the hour, you'll last longer the 2nd and 3rd time around.


>want a nintendo switch to play mario maker 2 and zelda
>feel too old and cringe at every person my age who uses one on the train to work.
such is life of the boomer wage slave

Not him, but If I ever get desperate enough for pussy that I would be willing to pay some random whore to put up with me, I'd rather blow that money on a gun and shoot myself

not available where i live

Well then
Materials and Machinery to make guns

I have this same feeling, except it's from my mother.
Now I have bought every damn console and far too many steam games but still get this guilty feeling constantly

>Be 23 white yo
>Still play my 3DS and Switch on the train
>Got engaged to my gf (who was a virgin when we started dating and I popped her cherry) 3 months ago
>Bought a house with her a month ago
>Getting promoted to SysAdmin at work soon, will be almost earning 6 figures
>Getting S rank with Flayn in Fire Emblem Three Houses soon
>Happy that I'm not a normie who cares about what other people think about me on the train
I'm 5'9" and 145 lbs if you wanna make fun of me for being a manlet or something.

>could be spending your money on something better
then go and do so
>wasting your free time on video games instead of being more productive
then go be productive

what is stopping you? you ought to realise that either your guilt is unfounded, or videogames are something you should do when you retire. nobody's stopping you from becoming the Quake grandpa who wrecks the young 'uns with his legacy skills.

>>Still play my 3DS and Switch on the train
>>Got engaged to my gf (who was a virgin when we started dating and I popped her cherry) 3 months ago
How old is she? 14?


You sound insecure and your relationship will probably sink soon.
Who the fuck buys a house with his 3 months gf

We dated for 5 years, only just got engaged 3 months ago. The user I replied to is insecure because they're literally too scared of what others think to play a Switch on a train

She's 24

This is completely made up
>hurr youre insecure
Fuck off reddit wannabe normalfag

>People can't be successful and play Nintendo games on a train!!
This is your brain on snoy

Nothing to do with that. Everything to do with it reading like sone r9k faggots wet dream.

Secondly, i myself own a switch. Kill yourself reddit wannabe normalfag.

I'm living their dream life, unironically.

The only reason you feel this way is because you lack organization. You need to set up a schedule and stick to it. That way your "game time" is part of a context and respected the said context.

Trust me. Bad feels fixed.

u jelly asf lol

Based user.

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Gun are boring.

unrelated but tanaka kun is great everyone read it thanks

Do whatever the fuck you want, you pussy! Wanna play games? Play games. Don't want to? Just to something else. That is NOT a real problem.

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Not me because I'm not a depressed faggot that didn't fall for the "infinite self improvement" meme.

This right here.

You have to shoot the guns to have fun.

In other words: you have to filter your fun and leasure through some hard work.

I've shot guns before. Didn't really get anything out of it. I did it to say I did it.

You have to shoot guns made of metal. Waterguns don't count.
At this point I'm trolling don't bother responding

Dating for 5 years makes sense to you?