Kojima was right
>Childhood is thinking the patriots to be a gross dystopia that violates human rights
>Adulthood is knowing we need the patriots now more than ever
Kojima was right
>Childhood is thinking the patriots to be a gross dystopia that violates human rights
>Adulthood is knowing we need the patriots now more than ever
The Patriots were censorship embodied. Half of the time this board is complaining about muh censorship
Untrue. The patriots only seeked to socially engineer how people think. The goal was not to block any bad content that people make, but to condition people to not want to create bad content in the first place.
No need for needs
>He thinks the game was about validating the patriots
You do remember that that destroying them and letting humanity choose it's own path is what the game eventually portrays as the good ending, right?
>Thought control
Censorship by another name, you fucking would-be tyrant.
Yes, that requires censoring what they consider “bad”.
>>Childhood is thinking the patriots to be a gross dystopia that violates human rights
MGS4 showed that was true
>The patriots only seeked to socially engineer how people think.
by censoring what THEY thought was junk. Preventing people from seeing shit YOU don't like is censorship.
And who gets to decide what is "bad" content? You moron.
Censoring harmful content is a good thing.
There is no such thing as harmful content.
should we kill liberals?
>Israeli hands typed this post
ISIS propaganda is harmful.
Corporate political activism is harmful to the vast majority of people.
>ISIS propaganda is harmful.
No, it isn't. It's just words.
>Corporate political activism is harmful to the vast majority of people.
Political activism is action, not information.
If you're of sound mind and confident in your beliefs you have nothing to fear
Nothing to fear except the people controlling the system mobilizing easily-swayed masses to silence those who speak in opposition.
why are you scared of Whites having ethnostates?
No, it requires creating new information, not censoring old one
this simple one-word post proved that pic in the OP right in more ways than you realize.
What are you even talking about? The entire idea of the patriots is to counter things like SJWs who are against those things
the pilpul game is tight, moshe
LOL, how can you not see that the patriots are literally SJW double-think. Only sjws think that certain content or information can be harmful and that people's thoughts and beliefs need to be controlled. You are a fucking moron. Killing the patriots is the right-wing thing to do.
Arsenal Gear was a gigantic information filtration machine. Changing society was the long-term goal but outright censorship was absolutely the plan of the Patriots in the immediate.
You completely missed the point of the game. The Patriots were portrayed as the villains because of their plan to regulate information and use memetics to socially engineer people, which is why Solidus wanted to destroy them. With them destroyed, individual liberties would become more prominent, and the individual person would have much more freedom to think and choose.
Raiden is manipulated by them into doing their bidding and, even though he fights Solidus, Raiden comes to the same conclusion that the patriots need to be ended.
>Todd Howard and Kojima fanfiction
This is the final form of Yea Forums, stalker ass weirdos
The patriots were literally directly against gated communities and forums where only one type of ideology was allowed because it goes directly against social and natural selection.
You are wrong.
No, you are wrong.
Get your head out of your ass, 'muh SJWs' have never implemented anything nearly as harmful to free speech as the Patriot Act.
>corporate censorship deployed by leftists so bad the President has to step in with executive orders
ok retard
That's not what your mom said last night while she was taking all of my 14 inches and yelling at the top of her lungs
>Censoring harmful content is a good thing.
Why do you even go on Yea Forums, nigger faggot.
op is just an idiot alt-righter
Why the fuck is everyone talking about the La Li Lu Le Lo?
This seems relevant
Who's to say the patriots would create the context or truth you want or that's good for you
We basically already have this with the mainstream media and propaganda controlled by elites
And its not good for us
That is horrifyingly astute.
Is this why companies are always talking bout gay rights, transgender stuff and the environment
And why stuff like start wars the last jedi exists
I think all it really does is prolong fads.
The creation and management of new information only 'censors' old information as much as the spread of real news 'censors' fake news channels
>childhood thinking all blacks are chill and fun to be around with
>adulthood exterminate them all
>the president getting to decide what is and isn't censorship
>this is a good thing
Uh huh.
15 years old isn't adulthood
everyone truths clash right now. but there's one group that quite a bit more mentally unhinged and refuse to admit it
Childhood is thinking MGS was about patriots.
Adulthood is realizing it's about what you do, not who you are, which is why Kojima hates MGS fans especially those who obsess over Solid Snake personally.
In El Paso...
racism is fairly mature point of view that comes from experience and years of interacting with minorities and other inferior cultures
>I hate freedom!
OP confirmed for bongland retard.
>when the world is so fucked people actually want there to be some overlord computer controlling every minutiae of the daily life.
the only woman I ever loved told me that she's not just straight. I asked if she was bi and she went on a tirade about how there's more than 2 genders.
Keep in mind this used to be an incredibly conservative girl, and she's honest to god one of the smartest people I've ever known.
That shit broke my heart more than when she said she never loved me, the notion that things can never, ever be the same again between us.
I'm sorry famm
making strawmen and shitty memes is the least intelligent activity a man can do
Don't get sad
Get sadistic.
>actively engage in prejudice
>say "maybe we should wait for more evidence" for a white man accused of rape
but is he?
the patriots vision seem to me like SJW paradise
An omniscient A.I. is the only one who could make such decisions
It’s not subject to bias, or false information, or morality it’s only objective is ensuring the continued survival and evolution of the species by whatever means necessary
I have no idea what are you talking about
triggered at how the meme right is more diverse than your local pozzed antifa "revolution"?
Alright FBI, you can stop browsing Yea Forums and go to lunch.
There are many ways to introduce bias to AI. It has already been seen in many learning systems.
>he says unironically as the US south 'creates context' to the confederate flag instead of recognizing it as racist symbol by treasonous americans
>no way we stop these lone wolf shooters increasing in frequency with similar motives and politics
>retarded opinion
>reaction image
checks out
that's retarded
take this (You), that's what you want don't you
I won't play along your idpol bullshit so goodbye
We were celibate when we were together, and she all but said that she's been getting fucked by various people. I have a sneaking suspicion that she is getting or got fucked by a tranny or a bi faggot. She got very defensive when I said "lol well hope you're using protection".
We've been broken up for years, I don't even feel cucked, just sad and empty. Years ago I probably would have been raging over this.
I fucking despise her so much but I still love her.
I feel like I lost, she's won in basically every aspect of life. She's happy (or thinks she is) and was able to get on the cock/carpet muncher/whatever the fuck she's letting into her cunt carousel while I'm still hung up on her like a retard.
How the fuck do you even delete someone from your life like that? Man even with people I fucking hate and I know hate me back I will at least say hi or something.
I can't even imagine what kind of negative shit she pinned on me in her head to just eliminate me like this. Sure I'm immature and I do have issues but fuck me, it's like I killed her dog or some shit.
Don't mean to be a bitch, just had to let that out. It's my fucking fault for trying to keep tabs on her and hitting her up. I bet she fucking loves twisiting the dagger when she says shit like oh "there's a lot of interesting people I've gone on dates with". Like the literal faggots she's been with are all better than me or some shit.
Why the fuck would she even respond? Why would she even agree to meet me, she's clearly moved way the fuck on. She doesn't miss me, like me, or even have any interest in whatever the fuck I would ever have to say.
The AI is merely a device for merely introducing Raiden into the game. Don't take it literally.
Kojima can't go fuck all and say right at the very start, "the protag of this new MGS game is this bishonen character since we wanted to cater to girls." He had to perversely do so (in other words, make a twist) while adding some creativity meat to the bones to make said twist not just "Surprise, after 3 hours of controlling Solid Snake you are controlling a bishonen. What a twist!"
that's talk to transformer, shit for brains
Any amount of bias it could have would be negligible compared to an actual human
It’s not perfect but it’s close enough and as long as the bias is only towards its core objectives what does it matter
>"i dont care about idpol"
>casually make a swipe at "sjw's"
idpol is usually reserved for politics relating to skin colour or sex and not politics relating to an insurgent army that got put down. you're the only one playing the idpol game
You know the OP is talking about you and the propaganda picture I replied to right? Fuck off, inane faggotry and all that.
Let it go brother. She may believe that she is happier and all that shit, but the truth is that she's mentally ill.
She lives in delusion. You face reality. Though you hurt for facing the truth, you are the greater for it. Thanks for opening up. I know you'll be able to make it through this. Until then, I suggest you fully cut her out of your life. It sounds to me like she was a very unfaithful and disgusting creature to do what she did while you were together. Don't be upset, just be glad you were cut free from torment.
>>ISIS propaganda is harmful.
>No, it isn't. It's just words.
Except it usually includes videos of them killing people in gruesome ways.
>when you ask a genuine question but people just get mad at you instead
>stealing right-wing memes
Damned leftists redistributing the memes instead of creating their own.
sorry the truth hurts? maybe you can bring up politically motivated antifa killings that arent just "they voted hillary" and then shot their own sister
reminds me of someone
>has the clarity of vision to see that others fall for an apocalyptic narrative in a prosperous and stable civilization
>writes paragraphs about the apocalyptic narrative he has fallen for in a prosperous and stable civilization
She's beaten me in literally every part of life man. Every goal I ever had she's easily achieved and then some. She was also and first and only everything other than fucking.
I can't forget. I haven't been this fucked up over her until just this summer when I stupidly hit her up again and we met and she spilled all this shit. The fact that she looked fucking gorgeous didn't help any.
I've spent several hours every fucking day analyzing this subject and came up with, word for word, the exact same conclusion.
Absolutely horrifying.
The left also stole from Boy's Club? They need to be stopped.
haha donald trump
sjw antifa! alt-right
John Oliver says Breitbart is
neo-nazi immigrant invaders 13% most of the crime reddit my secret club /pol/tard
holocaust 1% 99% free healthcare niggers pizzagate smash the fash
There, I covered most of the idiotic thoughts you live with on a daily basis, you can stop posting now.
You sound a bit obsessed, first encounter with love? Perhaps you're young or this breakup was recent, but you will be able to move on. Just walk away from that current situation, holding onto it is bad for you in any case. Contacting her was a silly idea for you.
Its not an apocalypse that happens over night, its a slow death that'll happen over decades and by the time people realize what's happened it'll be too late. This is the case for almost every single failed state, they might seem like they collapse overnight to outsiders, but its always a mix of longform context that drives the catalysts of disaster.
Kali Yuga, user. Kali Yuga.
Sounds reasonable but the left are distributing the memes of people who actually produce them. So the best I'll meet you on is that the left are the best at meme-stealing.
>Implying we haven't generated our own pseudo-patriots in our separate hive minds.
If there is no god, it would be necessary to invent him.
If you meet the Buddha on the road kill him.
I don't care about free speech, I just want some goddamn rules followed
alt-right are just as bad as those feminazi retards
you're all just hoping for daddy to solve your problems. only an idiot would say
>Adulthood is knowing we need the patriots now more than ever
or not, and we go on drinking Mountain Dew and watching Star Wars remakes for the next 500 years
twitter etc. is a retard steam valve that keeps ideological violence at historical lows
meme-stealing is not a thing
>Rules followed
>On Yea Forums
Good fucking luck. Not even mods have figured that one out yet.
The confederate rebellion were the most american thing to happen since 1776. Yankees are the traitors.
Or, or! Hear me out: Companies like to mage money, and one of the key points about making money is keeping yourself being talked about.
And what won't anyone on either side or no side because I also am not shutting up do? SHUT UP.
You wouldn't download a car would you?
Then you sir are a pirate and a thief and never took your DVD PSAs seriously. I bet you'd be such a sick fuck to download bread too.
That sounds really convenient, so... Y-yes?
i'd also download heroin into my brain
>he eats bread
This is why you're fat, user. You should have printed some oats.
imma pirate some of that edible gold
do what i want cause piratings free
Is it free though? It costs time and internet and I don't think that is a sacrifice you should be so willing to make.
Don't listen to this
Instead learn to channel it until a Cuck fetish. You'll be getting crazy orgasms, but more importantly, a type of mental and emotional high unlike much else. Imagine her fucking all those guys, and how much she looks down upon you. Word of warning though; Once you go down the rabbit hole of the Thinking Man's Fetish, you can only ever be truly satisfied by NTR going forward.
Fuck you, buddy, bread is delicious
Its like we live in multiple small bubbles. Interesting read. I wonder if theres any "real" research and documentation about this but english isnt my primary language so im not sure how to search about it.
Kojima never said that. You are clinically retarded.
>Is it free though? It costs time
and as your boss always says: time is money
I can't read shit in this garbage resolution
The wouldnt be lefty if the actually produced anything at all
What the fresh hell is this thread.
Red pill for ants
You mean Fukushima was right