Has the Switch version of Bloodstained been unfucked yet or is it still running like shit?

Has the Switch version of Bloodstained been unfucked yet or is it still running like shit?

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I gotta know this too.

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>worst version of the game is also the best selling

The devs plan to now roll out one big patch instead of smaller fixes, so the game hasn't been updated since July and there's no ETA on the fix, just word that it's coming eventually.

It's still unplayable dogshit. Supposedly they're working on the Switch version before more content, at least.

The game got updated a few weeks ago. Framerate is stable and the crashes don't happen anymore.
Still the worst version but playable now.

How so?


Thee convenience of portability outweighs nearly any flaw. All consoles should be Switch-like hybrids. They're never going to match a PC for power, so they should at least offer something like convenience.

How's the ps4 version? Thinking of getting it with my wage check this week

the "convenience of portability" used to mean cheaper games and different versions of games built around the limitations of portable hardware. now, thanks to shit-eaters like you, it means paying the same home-console prices for the absolute worst versions of the same games.

I'm sure I'm jinxing it by saying this, but I haven't had a single problem on the switch version so far.
Whatever problem you're having i hope they patch it or even already have because i'm genuinely enjoying the game.

Your tears are delicious.

And portable hardware has caught up to console hardware to the point where a reasonably priced portables can play a downgrade of a game instead of needing a completely new game.

Imagine being this deluded.

Shitty that they chose to release the switch's version in the state that it is. I made it to ng+ and am taking a break until the patch comes out. The game is great, and I don't consider my experience on the switch marred by obv downgrade, but it can be so much more.

that's a bad idea

jc user the salt you exude.

cant wait for zangetsu mode in july 2021 bros


>Is Switch version of [game] running like shit?

yeah bro it'll get finally added after aradia mode and richter mode

Ah yes, still a silky smooth 25fps and +1 second room transitions.

Fuck I'm so mad at the switch version. At no point where we told that it would be a rougher version, and if you picked it during the backer period you're shit out of luck for getting a different copy.

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>leaves the warning label on the xbox
My man!

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