I can't wait to meet Ryza !!

I can't wait to meet Ryza !!

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Smelly smelly Ryza !!

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God I wish I was that puni


God I want to suck on a cute 2d girl's tiddies!


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imagine the smell

those monsters look pretty good, I expected the usual recycled atelier monsters from this game

>still didn't buy Firis even though I loved Sophie
>Blue Reflection sitting in my closet for 8 months, waiting to be played

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Sophie is probably the best game of that trilogy, at this point it's not a bad idea to wait for Ryza

Im so confused about this revamped battle system


>Top tier girls
>Guys are all faggots though
What the fuck?

>tfw ATB means no more comfy planning when fighting bosses
Who else scared here?

Firis is quite different from Sophie, but it has Sophie in it, and she's pretty great since you understand how she got where she is. Same with L&S which has pure kino unmatched in Firis or Sophie.

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god,the things i want to do to those thighs

Who cares about the guys? The girls are cute, unless there's a dude who is Sterk/Keith levels of based that's end of discussion.

atelier threads were honestly less pathetic and more about the actual games when they were aimed at girls and lolicons

gamers are pathetic

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You're not fooling anyone, the only reason you opened this thread is to fap. Otherwise there are better ways to spend your time.

It's like the active mode ATB system from older Final Fantasy games.

I don't really get why people dislike ATB, but I guess that comes with a preference for action RPGs over turn-based.

Yet here you are.

Interesting how the arlandfag sperging disappeared and instead we have this, it's almost like it's the same person doing them.

I hope Lila gets more art.

Kinda unfair how Ryza has over 1000 images while she barely hits past 40.

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I unironically want to play Ryza's game.

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The tiddies are big but honestly her overall design is pretty unwieldy. Ryza is a walking fetish monster but the appeals are subtle for the most part. Lyra has arrows pointing to her transparent boob window, never mind the furry arms and heterochromia.

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I've never jerked it to a vidya character but ryza makes my dick the strongest material our galaxy has ever seen

ATB is annoying, but it looks like it will be a bit different in this game.

According to some anons, they got rid of magic points and replaced it with the AP bar. The only way you can issue commands like items or abilities is by using AP points. You need to fully fill the bar multiple times for stronger commands and you fill the bar by attacking or sacrificing items making them unusable.

Maybe it won't be as bad as FF where I turn it off all the time. Even in WoFF it was pretty annoying for me tbdesu.

There's a first time for everything, user.

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