Homeworld 3 reveal in a few hours, someone at BBI fucked up.
Only boomers allowed.
Homeworld 3 reveal in a few hours, someone at BBI fucked up.
Only boomers allowed.
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me right now
I will finally have to finish Homeworld 2.
At least it's not dead anymore
>mfw if it gets worse
Don't know how to feel about it. I don't know a single person who've played Deserts of Kharak.
I thought it was dead since BBI has been in radio silence for years.
I bought it at launch made a thread about it it didn't get 40 posts before dying. A few friends on my steam friends list did pick it up.
Homeworld: Cataclysm remaster?
I played it. K'Had Sajuuk did nothing wrong.
Have you found the source code?
It's been lost for a while
I dunno, but the GoG guys released Homeworld: Emergence which is Cataclysm but renamed(to avoid some sort of copyright on the word "Cataclysm")
Republican fleet, this is the Kiith Somtaaw Warship Kuun-Lan
didn't they make a mars game in cooperation with nasa?
all the homeworld games are good and their campaigns worthwhile,but the multiplayer is dead as far as i know
Homeworld 2 was a mistake. Prove me wrong.
but why?
found the mars game
It damaged the lore. Hyperspace cores were a dumb idea and it retroactively made HW1 less consistent.
I'd love a proper HW3. Deserts of Kharak ultimately did not interest me because it wasn't in space, I got it on a sale fully intending to play it and still haven't gone beyond the first mission.
It's a mobile game
>bought Homeworld remaster
>game feels clunky as fuck but I love space game and the story is great
>beat it
>star Homeworld 2
>never get past the second mission
I'm not sure what a third game could bring, I feel like the first game was the perfect story already.
a sandbox campaign like in SW:Empire at War
I was upset I couldn't abuse capturing enemy ships anymore.
all I know about this series is that Yes made a cool song for the first game
use the marine ships?
Kharak had great radio chatter, especially for the carrier.
There was a cap or something.
This. I've only recently finished HW1 and just started playing HW2 and the story has turned into mystical shit.
How are the Steam versions of these games? They're on sale right now. I hear people talking about them a lot. Should I just grab them? I like space games, btw.
I stopped playing when I realized it punished you for being to efficient to the point where you could have maxed out armies and it would spawn enough enemies to make it impossible to beat
>chief strat was to retire you're entire fleet at the end of each level
Yes, but don't play the "remastered" versions of the games since they're broken. Homeworld: Remastered Collection comes with the original games. Also, get Homeworld: Emergence from GoG, which is the 2nd game in the series.
They're great.
Download homeworld cataclysm, I liked the story better but thats probably because of the main enemy, no spoilers go download now
they're not broken at all
Go away, Gearbox employee
eat shit Randy
link to the stream?
But they're not?
>I'm not sure what a third game could bring, I feel like the first game was the perfect story already.
Fun 3D space RTS gameplay
What? I replayed HW2 when HWRM came out, always went for the largest fleet and tried to minimize losses and the game wasn't very hard at all. Once I had a good fleet going it was fairly easy to basically steamroll through most missions with few losses as long as I used my ships effectively. The whole idea of retiring your fleet sounds like a desperate cheese tactic if you cannot actually play the game, otherwise it certainly isn't that challenging.
Maybe you just played it back when you were a dumb kid and couldn't actually play properly, so it seemed much more difficult than it actually was. I remember HW2 being very hard too, but now that I've tried it in recent years it really isn't that hard at all.
Pretty sure they've been fixed for a long time.
They're good, though you may want to get them on GOG instead. Also get Emergence, which is actually Cataclysm and is also amazing, possibly the best in the series, even.
I just booted up Homeworld: Remastered and the formations still don't work
>Gearbox involved in anyway
Yup, into the trash (EGS) it goes.
>muffled agnus dei in the distance
[sp]Will I be able to play with the Turanic Raiders this time?[/sp]
I'm upset about Deserts tho. It had a nice campaign but BBI tried to shill factions into the game while the multi-player was never popular anyway. They should have made SP campaigns for all those dlc races in DoK.
Don't, its just a link to gearbox TV from PAX CA.
HW1 > Cataclysm > HW2
If I want to replay the campaign still play the original HW1 instead of remastered. Remastered just feels wrong with the way combat and ships behave. I also think the new models don't do the original art-style justice.
ant here
Someone really needs to do an unofficial update for that mod, it was so good.
Hey Hey People
I'm of the opinion it should have been a shipbreaking game proper. The gameplay feels obviously rushed, probably to collect on the contract they had with Gearbox for getting the license back.
these are pretty good
I don't know why there are so few games with this
well, the game was rushed by the publishers right?
they also changed the damage system, but apparently it was now fixed with a greater patch in the remaster version
>just send fucking 8 salvage ships to steal a destroyer
Things you want to see in Homeworld 3.
>When destroyed, ships explode violently. The debris has physics and floats around in space. Fighter squadrons will have to battle around the huge wrecks of the capital ships.
>No fucking unity engine.
No punctuated reddit style greentext.
Really now?
>remastered doesn't have the original credits song
fucking record jews, the song was MADE for the game
Unity engine worked fine though
Is any of this canon?
who are you implying?
The only game in the series I played was Cataclysm back in the day, spent a lot of time with it. The thing I remember the most about it was being incredibly annoyed at how texture filtering would disable itself after a time and you had to go into the options menu for it to unfuck itself.
In the mind of the autist that pieced this together from the HW1/cataclysm/HW2 manuals, concept art, and posts from the writer Michael Ptak.
Probably the closest you can get before BBI takes a massive shit on it.
Kuun-Lan... this is the.... Caal-Shto...... come to us...
Kill yourselves you faggot shills
Shut the fuck up zoomzoom
Should I bother with the Desert+Remaster bundle?
Fuck off, Randy
yeah,don't bother with the dlc for deserts tho
Pirate it. Don't give Bobandy money.
Oh yeah, forgot about that piece of shit. Fuck
Just a reminder that the remaster was worse than the originals. It just had better graphics, the gameplay and AI was gimped. Can't believe I paid for that pile of SHIT
Actually very cool, can't wait for the star wars mods
>inb4 "BUT patch fixed it"
Too little too late, and mp rts is mostly ded, especially something like HW with 3D manuvering.
Not even base HW1/2 had a mod scene. The code was inscrutable and lost to the sands of time.
The formations are fine. The problem is the balance, it's nowhere near close what it was in the original.
>Gearbox publishing
Homeworld Cataclysm > HW2.
Another Epic Game exclusive!
4 hours remaining... if it's today, it could be tomorrow so maybe 28 hours remain.
It is today.
It's today.
Pax site says the show starts in 25 minutes.
Remastered was published by Gearbox and it was fantastic (after they fixed the fighter wings)
Why bother? It will be EGS exclusive and will not be available for a year on Steam and GOG.
Randy is probably the biggest piece of shit in the gaming industry so I'm not giving him any money.
You can't copyright this word. Gearbox did it because they were scared shitless and had no balls.
I have my dick in one hand, and a rope in the other.
Ready for everything.
>the first game was the perfect story already.
Give a try to HW:Cataclysm then, might be more your alley than HW2.