
Attached: lol.png (1000x327, 161K)

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Attached: 2014-09-26-Dinner-For-Chew.png (900x582, 467K)

is this one edited?


Of course it is. The only question is, can you figure out which panels are fake without looking at the original?

He asked if that one was edited


me too

The three on the right? Also the bottom-left and bottom-mid might be swapped


Changed in some way
The user who originally asked the question

Changed, huh?


Self deprecation hehehehe

some way?

but i've been fine the past 12 years

snake please get off the internet


how did you get that backwards b

I bon't know

goddammit I hate this fucking place

No one is forcing you to post here. Or are they?


Attached: 1980-03-20.gif (1200x352, 138K)

Attached: lol.jpg (1000x327, 123K)

it is edited. no one who makes a living out of making comics is unable to do basic 101 panelling

stab them first

but turtles do know how to run, try to piss one off and see how you will have to run to not get your toes bitten

Is it the two on the top right, the ones that don't make any sense at all being there?

die ESL

Love subtle loss edits

I get that kind of insult h/24, but no one's willing to correct me so I can progress

Attached: 1563189439204.png (602x361, 200K)

Tell that to David Willis

Racism is against the rules user. Back to Yea Forums or /pol/ with you

Instead of writing h/24, say "every day" or "24/7"

Write "." at the end of every sentence.

>setting an open glass on a rounded arm rest

I get that kind of insult "every day" or "24/7", but no one's willing to correct me so I can progress.

Attached: stroke.jpg (431x258, 68K)

>an ESL actually wants to improve and doesn't fall into childish name-calling rhetoric at the slightest sign of critique
did I step into the twilight zone question mark

Is this some chemistry technobabble?

burgers and britbongs doesn't know english either

Attached: stressed turtle.png (1000x327, 145K)

Your write, I doesnt no English.

Nor do you, evidently. So are you a "burger" or a "britbong"?

We know Kojimbo's game will be shit, why worry about it, and him for that matter?

Turtles are actually quite fast though

you know, the world wide web?

How fast? Why are they depicted as slow animals in every pieces of media?

im an esl like everyone in this board

jokes on you, I'm EOP, I'm just stupid

Because people get tortises and turtles mixed up. Tortoises are slow as fuck, turtles are fairly speedy. Fastest is a softshell which can run at 15mph but i guess soft shells arent really what most people think of when they hear turtle. Most people think of red ear sliders probably, which are slower but still

Younger ones are even faster than this, I guess because the shells are smaller of course.