So is this game actually any good?
I'm not really interested in the drama surrounding it.
So is this game actually any good?
Why? I wouldn't be paying for it, so you don't need to have a bias. Have you played it?
I could only play it for 2 hours absolute hipster shit, no gameplay, just click around until you find next step, music and story is boring
why waste your time on a shitty game
just pirate it and find out for yourself you fag
It's Millenial Problems: The Game.
Yes, its got great atmosphere and unique writing that does not resonates with everyone. The gameplay is minimal but its the only thing keeping it from being a VN. Feels might come your way, but don't keep your hopes up for the ending. Its more about the journey.
It's story heavy and you should not be playing a movie, but I can't control others bad impulses
It literally has the option to remove gameplay.
It's a fine game, if you're into that kinda stuff.
I went into it with zero knowledge about what it was, what the story was about, or the politics of it's creator. I also pirated it and payed nothing. I'm also not a furfag or homosexual.
I enjoyed it for what it was, but I wouldn't call it a good game. I've played worse adventure games sure (fuck Telltale), but it's still very much lacking meat in the gameplay department. Outside of a few random microgames, there really isn't much to the game outside of mundanely walking around aimlessly, talking to people, and soaking in the atmosphere. I get that it's sort of intentional and serves a narrative purpose, especially in the first act, but that doesn't make it any less boring on paper.
I like the aesthetic, music, and some of the characters a lot. I even enjoyed the story, despite it's flaws, though I'm kind of a huge faggot that relates a lot to it so take that with a grain of salt.
It's pretty short, so I'd say give it a try if it looks at all appealing to you based on screenshots or the trailer. Don't pay full price though.
If you're a /pol/fag I would save yourself the headache and avoid it.
the game sets up for cosmic horror and drops the ball because by golly gee being a teen is hard and no i dont want to get a job mom frick off
Game has a cringe-inducing Millennial vibe. Also the bulk of the main cast are LGBT (Mae is bisexual, Angus is gay, Gregg is gay...)
Being a young millennial adult is genuinely hard and many people around 18-25 struggle with the sudden situation of being forced out into the real world and have difficulties coping with it. There's not much media representing this in a justifiable and realistic manner, and it always comes down to it being written by Boomers telling millennial people that their problems are stupid and "I figured it out, you can too" attitudes without actual guidance.
Played the free version for an hour or so.
It's rather dull.
Also everything is really hipstery and I can't relate with those people, so the story fell flat.
it isnt genuinely hard, and 18-25 is barely even millenial. millenials are hitting their 30s these days.
It's more a slice of life interacting story than a game. Worth playing for the atmosphere, just don't expect some grand ending, I was waiting for that myself and the game just ended abruptly.
It's not hard for you. You're not everyone.
But being gay is all the """personality""" anyone needs these days user. /s
>wahhh nooo its hard
>Need to be over-qualified to work at generic chain stores nowadays, and then be expected to handle a bunch of shit that's not in your job description
>Need to know someone just to get into most places, if you don't, then tough shit
>Housing market is completely fucked and skewed towards people with higher incomes, which people fresh out of high school or college most assuredly won't have unless their parents are loaded, so most people have to remain living with their parents
>School doesn't teach you actual important shit like knowing how to do your taxes or what to expect from the real world, and people getting their drivers license has become less and less common
Fuck off Boomer.
There is no actual drama, just more #MeToo era company destroying because someone said they felt uncomfortable a decade ago around someone.
If you're asking Yea Forums of all groups whether a game is good, you should probably just smash whatever you play on, and never touch video games again.