#Yea ForumsToo

> Jeremy Soule. Alec Holowka. Alexis Kennedy. Luc Shelton. Michael Antonov. Marc Ten Bosch. Vlad Micu.
> These are some of the men facing allegations of abusive behavior as the #MeToo movement comes to games.

How are we going to make games a safer place for women?


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They’re only good for fucking and beating user

Very convenient

Fuck off nigger.

What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

I wonder if this has caused less women to be hired in general. So far (Western) women's incompetence in gaming has caused massive loss of finances. Coupled with these rape claims it makes me wonder if hiring a female is now akin to throwing money away.

*sucking and fucking

Man they’re really fucking mad about ProJared proving himself innocent aren’t they?

This won't make her fuck you, Ryan.

Sure, I'll hold them accountable. Do you mind posting the evidence which proves beyond reasonable doubt that they committed whatever it is they're being accused of?

What happened to believing victims?

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not entirely related but pretty much everyone who ever worked for chucklefish has come out about the CEO being an obnoxious sperg who treats his employees like shit and refused to pay anyone. pretty funny

I dont understand this movement. There is almost never any single inkling of proof. It just doesnt make sense.

Why are they "cancelled" when theres no proof? If it happened and you have proof, great, fuck em. Thats fine. But just claiming it happened isnt right, or atleast it isnt right for them to be persecuted for it.

And also, if it did actually happen but you dont make claims for it for months/years/a decade or more, you fucked up. Sure it sucks it happened, but you cant seriously expect anything to be done about it after years with no proof. You fucked up by not reporting it, good job retard.

Efbee Bepee

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>accusations are proof of guilt
There were, like book and stuff about things like this. Movies too. Like, the danger of just believing things without evidence and stuff.

>Men: It's our job to bend over backwards and believe anything a woman says so we can MAYBE get a chance of getting laid in this lifetime.

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Where's the proof and evidence?

I'm starting to wonder what if someone like Alec had said something "wrong" behind the scenes and people wanted to ruin his career like a snap.
I mean, the other two 'devs' who worked on NitW were fairly quick to kick him out.

Good riddance. Let this shitty industry tear itself apart.

Didn't a politician say something like that and they got put on blast for it?

this post raped me, delete it

Shh. Being accused is proof enough. Just look at Michael Jackson. Even if he was never found guilty for such things, it's easier to say that he did.

And how does he propose we "hold them accountable"?

i thought women were supposed to be equal with men
why cant they ever take care of anything themselves, why do men have to do everything for them

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when due process fails us, we really do live in a world of terror

Wish failbetter weren't such massive cockgobblers that threw their founder under the bus withing minutes of the accusations.

Its just impossible to prove someone touched your vag or boob, is it hard to get?
Thank god I wasn’t born a woman, imagine wanting to achieve something but men only see you as sex object they want to fuck only because their mom didn’t give them enough attention. Pathetic.

Innocent until proven guilty is a colonial concept, we need to abolish it and whole western school of law with it, cause some woman said things on social media instead of going to the police. Who's with me?!

We're smarter now, it's guilty until proven guilty.

China style, I like it.

It's going to be funny within the next few years when this dude gets caught for the same thing.

why is it that whenever zoe quinn appears it's because she accused someone of rape or assault?


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>ThiS iSnT a CouRTroOm

B-b-but we have to trust blindlessly in what wyman says, if we don't do that we are the evil dude.

Dumbass, no need to prove anything, it's just guilty cause I said so. Even if investigations won't find anything, it would be their fault for not doing job properly.

It's hard to prove rape you pretty much just have to go on peoples word

Rape kits exist. They are used specifically to test for rape/vaginal insertion. And theres plenty of other methods to tell. Bruises, gaping, stretching, small cuts, etc.

It isnt 100% accurate, and even can be false positive, just like all kinds of things. But it's better than literally nothing at all; which is what most of these chucklefucks have. Nothing but empty words and accusations.

I don't have any links, but I've heard it's had a major effect on wallstreet and men in power there putting as much distance as possible between them and women, which is infinitely more important than vidya

Emmet Till got what he deserved.

Honestly, if the wave of accusations being withdrawn or proven false recently doesn't convince people to chill out on this shit, then I give up.

The YouTube guy everyone sperged over a few months back just posted evidence of his innocence and the financial gain the accusers made off of fucking his life up.

Innocent until proven guilty, its not good enough that Burgerstan still views it as acceptable to fire people on the grounds of accusations, it isn't allowed in countries with actual employeement protection rights,they need to at least investigate and substanciant it. Even then, it just culturally needs to change and change now, not later. Cancel culture is toxic, not masculinity and not even feminism itself per say, but this fucking cancerous lump has latched onto it.

If he wasn’t guilty he could sue ppl who said he was, but he never did, he gave them 100m mln $. Why would he do that? Because he is a fucking pedo.
Same with all these guys, go and sue these women and in the future no one will give false statements in twitter, but they can’t win, they know that they are guilty.

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Accountable for what? Getting accused of rape on Twitter? Is mean tweet an appropriate punishment for their "crimes"?

Retards don't care about the benefits that brings them when it's their turn to go to court they're all about short term thinking even if it means cutting off their own noses.

Can't some cunt accuse this faggot of rape right about now?

It's extremely easy for a doctor to see that forced penetration happened, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I showed the Jeremy Soule to my GF and she straight up said "she's probably lying"
Women know bullshit because women know women
It's just pussified boys who blindly believe all this shit

Just read the allegation, it's 90% "my boss wouldn't pay me" and just one sentence about actual rape

Mistah JC Denton, in da fresh


It wasn’t a rape, he just touched her vagina with hand, how can you prove it?

>twitter screencap thread about a bunch of literal who's

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>GG started because of her because she slept with people within the industry to get good reviews, which this is literal fact, and you can find the fight between her and her boyfriend at the time because of it
>Suddenly all of that gets swept underneath the rug in an instant and the situation becomes extremely suspicious, and then the "Gamers Are Dead" articles started flowing out all at once
>Anita gets involved and it blows far out of proportion, and people are STILL blaming GG for shit 5 years later

>It's literally happening again

The endgoal of modern feminism is complete abolish of any accountability for women
Ironically we're going back to the 1500s

>How are we going to make games a safer place for women?
Don't hire women in the first place. Boom, done.

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Why has everyone been loosing their brain cells since the past 10-20 years?

Rape kits only work before a certain amount of time has passed, which is why every person with a tiny bit of common sense begs victims to go and make the accusation as soon as possible, but victims let years and years pass, which is understandable given the trauma but it pretty much lets the aggressor get away with it.

So why those guys haven't speaken out?
I know one did and some tranny literally replied "no u".
Like, they could btfo those quick cashgrab thots by make a passive-aggressive statment or something.

>Jeremy Soule

What did he do? Make music so good that women touched themselves and cried rape afterwards? He'll probably never make music for video games again if this is the thanks he gets.

Notice that it's a MALE feminist. This is why I avoid women and men.

Think that was the ACLU when they didn't stand up for the rights of the accused in title IX cases. VIDEOGAMES

And they said GG didn't accomplish anything. They have been butt devastated for years.

>The government literally couldn't find any evidence
>"He totally did it, bro"

>guilty before being charged

nice allegations roasties lmao
they're all year old + accusations, too

>It's our job to hold them accountable
You're right. Thots shouldn't be allowed to tell lies and get away with it

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Why get mad over a little pussy petting?

I'm not trying to be facetious or play devil's advocate here, but I'm genuinely asking because I'm a 40 IQ brainlet.
What proof exactly do people want when asking this? Do they expect the accused to just have a signed piece of paper saying "Yes, I raped so and so" or something?

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And Vic.
Hopefully this sudden shotgun allegation shit turns out like the boy who cried wolf and everyone finally stops biting the "this guy did something to me a few years ago and I was too afraid to talk" bit on Twitter.

Hello, uh, i just wanted to say something. I have an announcement to make.

I was raped by Todd Howard during the last E3 conference. He stumbled into my room in his mead-powered drunken stupor, forced myself onto me and did the unthinkable while mumbling something about a "cloud district"
When he was done violating my helpless body he just left the room, claiming that "greybeards await his return".
I kept shaking and crying until I fell asleep. The morning after, I woke up fully witnessing the messed up state he left me in. On top of that, there was a brand new copy of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim lying on my bedpost.

I will never forget that horrifying night. Todd Howard is a rapist and must be brought to justice.

It doesn't matter that ProJared was proven innocent, his name is forever ruined anyway

Multiple account witnesses. Tell people. Family, friends, the police. Get records of it. Try and do literally ANYTHING to get them caught in the act (video, them getting caught by someone else, etc). It is better than nothing. Its better than just saying it happened, which has no ground to stand on.

Guess what I won the lottery and and fucked every 10/10 celebrity there is. Want proof of it? Nope sorry, Im just saying it happened, you have to believe me :^)

*feeding and seeding

So when will we finally see the case about how BOB SAGET RAPED AND KILLED A GIRL IN 1990?

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We just skip the first part and go straight to guilty. Saves time, really.

When was he proven innocent?

>accusations are guil-

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>woman says thing bad about men on website

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