How are you handling the buyers remorse?

How are you handling the buyers remorse?

Attached: 3574218-astral chain thumb.jpg (1214x933, 678K)

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Why does this exact thread pop up after EVERY Nintendo game releases? Why do you care so much?

Because certain people can only handle system exclusives if it's an exclusive on the system of THEIR choice. Which is odd, as only babies care about such things, yet babies can't type.

Attached: babies-today-170512-tease_9a1b7fb7737e23bcaa56420da3b657cc.jpg (1920x1080, 662K)

This came out?

Op post your copy of the game and tell me whats wrong with it, i wannted to buy astral chain after i finish fe3h you can still stop me

What the fuck are you talking about

At least wait for the sun to rise on the majority of the nation op lolololololol

No remorse. Alongside 3Houses, best money spent since SMTIV.
>dude just hack ur 3ds and switch lol
They're both hacked already though.

Attached: Laura.png (845x786, 164K)

The absolute state of you lmao

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>been out for almost a week now
STILL (Still) no r34
It's a shame. Astral chain actually looked cool and had a nice concept. It's cool to play as the cops for once, especially if there were cute anime girls. It sucks that the game crashed and burned this badly.

Didn't buy it. Downloaded it and played it early on my hacked Switch.

>>been out for almost a week now
It literally came out today.


>>been out for almost a week now
Not in Japan, which contains the only r34 artists worth caring about.
>yes it came out a week ago hurr just pirate it
The piracy scene in Japan is tiny. As far as the nips are concerned, the game might as well have not been cracked at all.

fuck off laura

By having fun with the game

>he waits for the game to street release to buy it

>>he waits for the game to street release to buy it
That's not the point. Most porn artists are moralfags when it comes to shit like this so we won't be seeing any art en masse until about a few hours post-release.


1. Purchase all copies of Astral Chain around your city/town
2. Create a bonfire while adding in vhs tapes of C.O.P.S

That will send THE message that needs to be heard

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How is this game causing this much butthurt what the fuck

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im quite disappointed with the soundtrack
usually platinum games have awesome music, but this game's music is kinda bland filler
nothing really stands out or is particularly catchy so far except ark mall

I'll keep listening, but so far transformers devastation kicked the butt of all the tracks so far except ark mall

who is legit bothered by the characters being police?

The game drought is killing me, I'm dehydrated and no good ps exclusive games came out. I really am turning crazy creating Astral Chain hate threads is the only way for me to enjoy my console.

Literally all the people being asshurt about the game making this type of thread. There's a discord campaign going on against it.

So, shitposting aside, how surprprised are you that the game turned out to be such a terrible mess, Yea Forums? I still don't understand how could this happen.

People of a non-white persuasion

>Astral Yiff

So it's the repetitive button-mashing combat of Nier Automata without the story and music and atmosphere that made Automata intresting?

Lurk more you fucking newfag

The girl is cute and I want to play as her, but if I choose her she becomes a mute manikin and the brother does all the talking, it feels off since usually with mute protagonists you're a male with a really annoying female sidekick.

Why did they do this, I don't know which one to choose now.

SJWs and commies hate the police.

same, idk who to pick either

I don't get it. I thought this was a game about magic cops?

if you pick her and you are not a girl, you are confused

I'm not, thankfully. Waiting for it to drop on PC, so I can test and refund it, if necessary.

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Choose the girl. Trust me.
The creases on her shorts move as she walks.

I like butts.

You must be fun at parties.

Haha, that baby is a nigger

The music isn't great, pretty sick of the police station track since you spend so much time there

Literally zero of the issues SJWs care about involving police even apply. You question civilians politely and arrest one dumbass grafitti artist, no police brutality / racist shit at all.

Combat is much more satisfying than Nier imo

they should all be arrested

so I finished the whole soundtrack, really quite poor for platinum, only 2 really great tracks, the rest is filler, it's vanquish and anarchy reigns all over again

I don't get it, the same guy composed this

You will never be invited to parties.
You will never go to parties.
You will never be happy.
You will die alone.
You will always lie on the internet.

better than a proto-tranny
go dilate

I wonder if the retard brigade has issues with phoenix wright

turns out transformers had a few composers

the soundtrack was composed by Satoshi Igarashi, Tetsuya Shibata, and Jun Okubo, with contributions by Vince DiCola and Kenny Meriedeth

who did what?!

You own a Switch, what's the point of arguing over who's a tranny?

I don't have a switch, I refuse to pay for last gen hardware

but I do like platinum games osts, so I don't mind listening to it now, can't spoil with no context

but this one is quite disappointing

I mean I'd have problems with the justice system in Phoenix Wright. Imagine being sentenced to death by the testimony of a fucking parrot.

yeah but they'd actually have to play it to find that out

just the sight of police in astral got their handbags twisted

Based parrot chad. Polly is killing people left and right just for a cracker.