How do i cope with being too tired for video games after wagecucking?

how do i cope with being too tired for video games after wagecucking?

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Sleep more at night, sleep during work if you get a chance to

train yourself to be able to take a 20 min nap
would free up at least 3 hours of energy
not the easiest thing (I sleep in my chair while I do this.) but it can be done.
your image got a smile out of me

Global economic collapse is on the way, you'll probably lose your job

Thank God. It's almost over.

Do cocaine.

how do I cope with playing video games since I was 3 years old and now at 28 I don’t like them anymore and I spend more time browsing and shitposting on an anonymous message board about video games

You mean working?

Once my parents are gone I'm never working another day in my life.

Find a job less soul crushing. 50 hours a week at a job you dislike is infinitely less soul crushing than 30 hours a week at a job you loathe.

t. ex wagecuck

play video games in the middle of the night before wagecucking, then sleep right after finishing your wagecuck while tired

im a neet and even i dont feel like playing games. because they are the same old shit+ sjw themes.

It's simple. You walk away from this shithole and find a new hobby.

Yeah. I'm killing myself too.

>walk away from this shithole
It’s been 14 years I can’t

does watching anime count as new hobby

Get a vita, then you can vidya in bed. Save the PC/console for the weekend.

inb4 get a switch instead. No OP, you're better than that.

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Get a switch instead

Your tax money is fueling my fakeautism bux. Be smart you dumbass.

You gotta let go user.
Sure. I'll allow it.

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