What are your thoughts on Khajiit and other anthropomorphic videogame characters?
What are your thoughts on Khajiit and other anthropomorphic videogame characters?
great, they make a world more interesting with their different traditions and culture.
Fine too.
There's not enough of them.
Big ass tiddies
i want to pet her
I'd destroy zidane for Freya
Go back to your containment board.
They make me feel confused and kind of dirty.
Just downloaded khajiit and argonian skins like in the OP, looks like kino is back on the menu
>built for human cock
This, it’s not even about the furshit. Beast races are a fantasy staple and are great for worldbuilding. The elder scrolls would be a bit less interesting without its shapeshifting moon wizard cats and alien tree-bred lizard ubermensch.
They're just humans with a different head and skin
It's unbelievably lazy
Khajiits are Yea Forums, not /trash/, user.
Pointless furbait trash.
>They're just humans with a different head and skin
I liked them best in Morrowind, locked away in slaver caves far away from me.
Not an argument
Ralsei, the prince of the Darkness is my favorite anthropomorphic character from videogames.
Would be ok with them if they had human face instead animal ones
>coverkhajiit and feminine Khajiit textures
A man of taste
How boring would that be, there are already so many human races
*calls Pelinal
You're a huge fucking casual that's what.
Might as well use a human.
OK fur fag
I always end up as an argonian stealth archer. Shit sucks, I wish I could stick to other characters.
whatever accent they have in skyrim and oblivion is super sexy and makes my pp the hard pp
give me some links of wherever this shit is and I might consider installing skyrim
is it in loverslab and shit?
I have to return some videotapes
They should be able to be used as crafting material. Otherwise they are useless.
I like anthro beast races. They can be an appropriate vessel for the player to play as or be on even grounds with as a faction while also being different from humans or elves. Not only that, you can play a lot with the character designs due to how traits like cunning and ferocity are ascribed to certain animals.
Good for romancing tee bee haych.
More games need best beastial race, lizardmen.
>Argonian scale boots & Khajiit fur robe
based and fashion pilled
If given the option to, I will always gravitate towards them.
Firran's were grade A cat girls in a D grade game.
i love sexy lizard men
Khajiit Overhaul is the new hotness.
dude fuck off at least we are pretending to be on topic
Games need more of them. Just wished developers would make them less shit gameplay wise as if its some kind of requirement.
That dragon is anthro.
based feralchad
Is there even a game that has that? I never played Drakengard but I think it had something like that didn't it?
Is it? Here then.
Only games where I know of dragons having intercourse with humans is where they can shapeshift in to humans.
built for mating press
cant log in to nexus right now, can you post an example?
i wonder how big his horn is
I just checked it out and I don't think it looks good at all, wouldn't recommend
aint that the one in the OP?
she looks curvier though
OP is which looks better IMHO
the body type seems a bit different though that could be the parent mod
I dunno I never modded skyrim, I dont even know if these are just for the looks or if you can actually sex them
The body can be edited with a slider and yes there are mods for pretty much everything, especially sex
the face is another different mod as well I take? because that OP one looks closer to the khajit overhaul one, but thats for SE and I think that one has less mods...good lord this is going to be a lot of installs just for fapping
You can use vanilla skyrim textures in SE, that's what I do.