Sony will not have a TGS conference

Only showing Death Stranding, FF7R, Nioh 2 and Modern Warfare on the show floor

Is this the end of PS4 in Japan?

Attached: Sony-TGS-2019_08-30-19.jpg (600x337, 75K)

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PS4 is a Californian console, why would they have a conference in tokyo?

they also skipped E3 as well

This, silly op

Sony literary saving shit for ps5 blowout. We know what games are coming as last bangers, its dawn of new age soon. Shows that sony is only one thinking about it, as xbox next year looks barebones as fuck and nintendo is being nintendo

Sony literary saving shit for ps5 blowout. We know what games are coming as last bangers, its dawn of new age soon. Shows that sony is only one thinking about it, as xbox next year looks barebones as fuck and nintendo is being nintendo

>Dawn of new age
More like dawn of NO GAEMS

Sony literary saving shit for ps5 blowout. We know what games are coming as last bangers, its dawn of new age soon. Shows that sony is only one thinking about it, as xbox next year looks barebones as fuck and nintendo is being nintendo

Sony literary saving shit for ps5 blowout. We know what games are coming as last bangers, its dawn of new age soon. Shows that sony is only one thinking about it, as xbox next year looks barebones as fuck and nintendo is being nintendo

What games?

Sony literary saving shit for ps5 blowout. We know what games are coming as last bangers, its dawn of new age soon. Shows that sony is only one thinking about it, as xbox next year looks barebones as fuck and nintendo is being nintendo


Sony literary saving shit for ps5 blowout. We know what games are coming as last bangers, its dawn of new age soon. Shows that sony is only one thinking about it, as xbox next year looks barebones as fuck and nintendo is being nintendo

Sony literary saving shit for ps5 blowout. We know what games are coming as last bangers, its dawn of new age soon. Shows that sony is only one thinking about it, as xbox next year looks barebones as fuck and nintendo is being nintendo

You people are so dumb. Sony did the same thing for E3 as well. They're obviously waiting to announce PS5 and make it the biggest event ever.

>Piss off Japan with SJW censorship

It's the end of Playstation period

Fewer, ""bigger"", games.

Ghosts of Tsushima
Dreams port
Death Stranding port

sad part is I'm not even joking

Sony has no games

>tfw everything decent is just going to be on PC and shitch uncensored anyways at most most a year or two later
what's the point lads?

Attached: 1566943794470.png (989x731, 213K)

death stranding too

Because everything in development is for ps5. They can't show that until they show ps5.

No Japanese games

What in the world are Sony doing?

Attached: 1553895936903.jpg (956x3943, 601K)

>ps5 blowout
people won't fall for "we announce 15 games at release but in reality it's the line up for the system lifetime" scam twice in a row.

>people won't fall for "we announce 15 games at release but in reality it's the line up for the system lifetime" scam twice in a row.
I really wish you were right, but I fear that you're not.

What's going on with Star Ocean that's what I'm curious about I literally don't hear anything about it ever ... we got a hundred different YouTubers talkin about Final Fantasy 7 remake about something new

>Death Stranding

It's been over for a while.

Sony is SCRAMBLING right now. Switch killed PS4 momentum at a time where they absolutely were not expecting it. They were planning on simply supporting PS4 until PSNow became big enough to drop consoles, but the Switch pretty much killed off that entire plan.

Sony, and their third party partners, are completely fucked. They've invested no money into Switch or handheld gaming and put all of their eggs into the streaming basket, which simply isn't profitable.

>They've invested no money into Switch or handheld gaming
They left the poor Vita hanging from a tree. They could have done a better job.

Are you retarded?
They just surpassed 100m sales

Bottom left one came back out of nowhere lol

>He believes Sony sales numbers

Look at Skyfall. That was the highest grossing Sony movie ever, right? Surely the James Bond license is on an all time high (Lol) right now... right?

No, of course not. It was all a facade. You can't really trust numbers, as anyone who was following the Captain Marvel situation will tell you. These corporations DO lie to the public about how well their products actually sell.

When you take away PS4's alleged sales numbers, what does it have left?


I had a thought OP, which is that Sony literary saving shit for ps5 blowout. We know what games are coming as last bangers, its dawn of new age soon. Shows that sony is only one thinking about it, as xbox next year looks barebones as fuck and nintendo is being nintendo

Yeah I'm sure a 37 billion dollar organisation will lie about their sales, good meme Nintranny.

>No, of course not. It was all a facade. You can't really trust numbers, as anyone who was following the Captain Marvel situation will tell you. These corporations DO lie to the public about how well their products actually sell.
No, they don't, at least not the way you're saying. You have to actually be careful to read what they're actually saying for real, and dig into their investor materials. But for public corporations everything they put out that's a material statement that could move the stock is regulated and the SEC does still have some teeth.

>Corporations have to follow the law

They don't.

They do. And sometime they break it (like everyone on this board) and sometimes get away with it, but they also get real fines for certain stuff, or else just plain get sued by investors. I mean, this isn't just a government thing it's a greed-vs-greed thing, if some rich activist investor firm sees a place they can argue
>"well the stock went down because company did XYZ and we demand our tens of millions"
they will be in court real fast.

bretty good marketing strategy, show nothing for 2 years only to show up in 2020 with a dozen big PS5 exclusives to win the generation at launch again

>Zoomers think having more money makes you LESS likely to lie