Why did video game cheats drop in popularity?

Why did video game cheats drop in popularity?

Attached: A5926AF4-30E1-4A42-BA2B-F826B4C887E6.jpg (495x619, 37K)

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they make games piss easy instead to appeal to casual shits

Because gay fanboys ruin everything.

Because gay fanboys ruin everything.

Achievements. Now I cant fuck around with fun cheats in games anymore because some retard wants to broadcast to the world he finished the tutorial level.

they didn't, they became microtransactions.

Because you can sell them as dlc.

because trainers exist

>pink hair
>witch hat
fuck anonymously
let her live her life with her 10 cats

because buy the booster pack and time saver dlcs right fucking now.

People rather buy them then type something while ingame.

Because EA started selling them in dead space 3

Code was getting too complicated.

heh heh I get it

>Online/Multiplayer gameplay
>Lack of humour
>Better save systems than there used to be

Heh heh, I get it.

Haha guys
get it

Cheats dropped in popularity because multiplayer rose in popularity. You can artificially extend the lifetime of a singleplayer game by adding a lot of cheats for your players to mess around with (while also blowing off steam while working on your project). You can't have that when online multiplayer is a factor since it means that some players can get an unfair advantage over the others, and because the notion of balance is tossed aside. That's the idea behind the lack of it these days, anyway.

DLC and microtransations are also a factor, but they aren't the root issue.

you're on Yea Forums, dude. No one would have sex with you.

Because then you can't levelgate shit and force player to grind and watch gay cutscenes

I'd be right there with you but look at those veiny fucking hands. Bet she smokes like a Vietnam vet

Many single player games no longer have cheats so that you have to buy microtransactions. In some of those single player live service games you can even get banned for cheating through third party software.

>pink hair
>witch hat
fuck anonymously
let her live her life with her 10 cats


Because they used to be secret, but that's no more because today everybody have mobiles with Internet connection.

A trainer can't give me big head mode.

now you pay for cheats

hairs not pink

>witch hat
That's a fucking sun hat, you colossal moron.

Because they used to be secret, but that's no more because today everybody have mobiles with Internet connection.

Tattoos. Not even once.

cute feet

Attached: Holly-Conrad-Feet-2692671.jpg (1080x1080, 113K)

Because people are scared of getting VAC banned due to Cheat Engine


Because there was no reason for them to exist anymore.

my boy jared is innocent

They realized retards would pay for them as post-game dlc.

Attached: znfa.png (680x711, 610K)

Because there was no reason for them to exist anymore.

they canceled out trophies and achievements. was a good and bad thing for me, made me stop using cheats(bad) but made me wanna shoot for higher difficultys (good)

jared's a faggot but he's innocent


They can disable achievements when you use a cheat on consoles, so no. Has nothing to do with it

Is that the bitch that raped projared?

Hard to cheat when half the game is behind MTX and DLC while 95% of multiplayer is back to being peer-to-peer.
Also the leftist cancer has relegated games into hand-holding toddler safe spaces.

Think about it; why would you cheat in a game like Overwatch, for example?

More like 10 birds

They turn anybody into trash

Politics have rotted your brain

A mod can

Beats me, but I only liked cheats in GTA games. I always loved making everyone aggressive and then giving them guns so they can wreak havoc while I rolled around in a tank.

There was pretty big gap between Cheats falling out of favor and MTX becoming dominant.
So I would say MTX is not the cause of cheats disappearing but MTX is a reason why cheats will not make a comeback in major productions.
I also feel that cheats were a way for gaming magazines to court readership and maybe they did some sort of deals with the devs to get exclusive codes as part of their marketing thing or something, but as internet slowly ate away game magazine readers this sort of cooperation started becoming pointless

That is the perfect stomach

>tfw playing Big Head Mode irl
Anybody know how to turn this off? Asking for a friend.

He technically cheated even if he is the ultimate victim.

How the fuck is this thread still up, I wouldn't care if I didn't get banned for the dumbest shit here but stuff like this gets a pass. It's barely been active for hours on top of it

Here's Gokus VA saying faggot


Cheats are for kiddies who don't want their feefees hurt when they lose.
>t. I was that kid growing up