Could communism work in the elder scrolls universe?

Could communism work in the elder scrolls universe?

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Rather than die than live side by side with UNGA BUNGA orcs

Too fantastical for ES.

Communism is bound to fail because no central planning commitee is currently knowledgeable and powerful enough to allocate all resources perfectly. It's not about lazyness or greed, it's about the simple fact that in each commuinst society, even if everybody is doing their best to actually keep shit running, there will be massive waste and over and underproducttion of goods due to fixed prices. A free market economy quickly adjusts to supply and demand, within days even, while central planning can take weeks or months during which necessary goods aren't produced or overproduced food goes bad.
Couple that with allocation of ressources which have multiple uses and you have disasters waiting to happen.
That being said communism could propably kind of work in the Elder scrolls since most small villages are self sufficient anyway and major resources are still easy enough to divide up, namely wood, iron and stone.

Dwemer had to be communists. How else can you explain the layout of their cities?
Not a single private house/dwelling.


Yeah this is pretty accurate. I think if there was a perfect AI governing then communism could work. The problem though is people are radically different and will rebel at the slightest hint of discomfort (physically, mentally, etc) so really communism is a Utopian idea that will never work

Communism can only work in a book, even if you pulled it out into a fantasy world's world you'd still have to completely shit on Communism to fit real world scenarios and cause/effect at which point the armchair Communist declares it's not real Communism and it's yet again relegated to only existing on paper.

Wrong! True communism never been done and when it's done we will have an utopia

Yes, just remove corruption of human mind.

I remember playing a morrowind mod where the main bad guy was a literal stalin-era communist

Even communist insects have queens

The term queen is missinformed. The queens of insect hives don't really rule shit. Depending on the species, a more apt name would be "dedicated baby factory".

>no central planning commitee is currently knowledgeable and powerful enough to allocate all resources perfectly
amazons internal logistics operations are larger than the entire population of the elder scrolls universe, its also bigger than the USSRs was
saying planned economies don't work is just not true, all the large corporations are planning things at a scale much larger than countries ever were a hundred years ago.

Anything can work in a fictional universe

That is the only place it could work.

no, you'd have to make the world even more fantasy for something like communism to work

No the strong survive in TES you just need to loot dungeons and kill everything in your way to get rich

No the free market means the jew gets richer because he's the only one with the money to produce the goods with no regulation so they can sell shit and no one else shit because they are ones producing
This is why capitalism is failing because of greed

Wish we would have had a high rock game sooner im glad the bretons get one thing for em

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Amazon has 650,000 employees.

And it's a dictatorship, essentially.

It's not a planned economy. It's just a Kingdom that's ruled by the most corrupt that do whatever they want and the users in the system stay in it out of desperation.

Also, 650,000 isn't even close to the population of something like the USA.

I've been wondering if the Khajiiti people are communism. They never refer to themselves by name, instead they call themselves "Khajiit" or "This one" hinting that they're part of one huge collective of some sorts.

They have one great leader called the Mane who is not chosen by the people, but born during certain lunar occasions. Everyone revers him but there can only be one at a time. There can't be two manes at once. They also shave their own manes in honor of him.

Finally, they like to steal things that don't belong to them since they have no sense of belonging.

So yeah, i'm pretty sure the khajiits are the communists of Tamriel.

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>Could communism work

Yes but the conditions required are basically impossible


This whole thread is filled with n'wahs who only played Skyrim. A central government couldn't even abolish slavery let alone establish let alone a government controlled economy. NO not possible.

Communism is an outlander concept. Fuck off n'wah.

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I hope Tamriel burns in ES6

this explain why everyone with half a brain wants then gone.

>no central planning commitee is currently knowledgeable and powerful enough to allocate all resources perfectly
Actually there is. It's the Order of the Holy Sepulchre. U.S. taxes are tributes to Templar lieutenancies and every
governor is ruled over by the most worshipful grandmaster in his state.

>admitting you have only half a brain
Brave and stunning

Communism was too hard for the USSR with mechanized agriculture, industrialisation, cargo trucks, modern intelligence and police forces, a (mostly) unified culture and a landscape too harsh for individual communities to rebel and self-sustain.
How the fuck would it ever work with 9 different SPECIES who basically all hate each other? And goods having to be counted on paper and distributed by horseback? And where any village can just say 'fuck this' and disappear into the wilderness, make a bunch of weapons from nothing and join an insurrection?

Argonians are closest to communism in tes universe. Everything is planned by hist and argonians cannot oppose.
If Argonians conquer whole Tamriel communism is real option, if not it's just awet dream.

I'm sure the series will burn after Skyrim 2 because of how it will be just Fallout 76 with curved swords.

I feel like the existence of Gods or Godlike beings might make it impossible, as they meddle in mortal affairs.

Jesus christ why is posting so fucked up? Are images even working? Test.

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Actual communist here (as in actual card-carrying, due paying member of a revolutionary party), and no, it couldn’t because Tamerial is nowhere near developed enough for capitalism, let alone communism.

Communism isn’t just a central government planning everything, that’s a bullshit perversion spread by Stalin and the Soviet Beuacracy to justify the fact that the Russian Revolution was defeated.

Actual Marxist definition of socalism/communism is the self emancipation of the working class, against the capitalist class. Technological and social development creates capitalism out of feudalism and other similar social orders. Capitalism and industrialisation create a class of densely Socalised (as in huge groups of people working together, rather than small farms and family run shops) that also increasingly own nothing of importance and must sell thier labour to survive. Socalism is the idea that the working class has no need for the ruling class, but the ruling class absolutely needs the obidiance of the workers, who can grind the whole system to a halt simply by not working (aka, a strike). Communism is when the working class collectively takes ownership of industry, and democratically decides how shit should be made/run/distributed based on human need rather than capitalists basing desicions off of profit motive.

Tamerial has no large working class, it has a population that is mostly working for themselves, or the feudal rulers, and most production is done for immdiet consumption, rather than profit on a wide-spread market economy. Also magic complicates things.

Well, it's fantasy just like communism, so yeah

>Tamerial has no large working class
Tell that to every fuck that says that they're commoners when asked of their trade.

>Actual communist here
kys, along with the other anti vaxxers and flat earthers

>working class decides how shit should be made based on human need
Unironic question, who will make [thing I like] if they're luxury goods instead of needs? For example I watch around 10-15 anime per season, sometimes play eroge porn games, the rest of society would find it distasteful but there is a market for people like me.

they’re barely developing a mercantile economy, so by commie standards no

Maybe for Bosmer, Argonians might be open to trying it.

You need magic for it to work, so it's POSSIBLE, but most cultures would view it as faggot shit.

Communism is bound to fail because it makes no fucking sense. Communism (the actual communism, not failed implementations) wants to combine common ownership of the means of production and redistribution of goods according to needs, with absence of classes and state. So it naively assumes that people in charge of redistribution won't create a ruling class and that people will willingly follow the common ownership without the state keeping them on a leash. It's just completely inane.
The other problem is that no other system with a ruling class will peacefully switch to communism. This means no communism without a revolution, and revolutions don't result in "dictatorship of proletariat" like a certain cretin claimed, they result in dictatorship of a central committee, which leads to a totalitarian state and therefore a complete opposite of classless and stateless society.

"True communism" has never been done before because true communism is un-fucking-achievable.

This. Especially the second part: 'common ownership' is a very vague concept.

It also is just contrary to human nature.

Yes, we evolved in communities, but we still owned shit as individuals, and if you were caught taking it you'd be killed.


Glad i'm not the only one having problems. I thought it was on my end at first.

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This. Especially the second part: 'common ownership' is a very vague concept.

Telvanni wizards are fucking weird wtf.

Almost every khajiit you encounter is part of a trading caravan. Doesn't sound very communist to me.
Argonians are closer to being communist. They seem to have some sort of low level hive mind type situation going on with the hist, and they have in the past successfully been called upon by it to drop everything they're doing and defend the collective.

Is it fixed yet?
Just give the khajit the skirt and you won't have to die.

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Why have a working class when you have slaves?

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Finally we're back.

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How is this game? It's for only 10 bucks on steam? I've been a WoWfag before, should i give it a try? Are worth the expansions?

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It works in every other universe so why not?

me (argonian male) and my argonian husband are ethnonationalists

Communism is specifically an industrial ideology, if you just have self sufficient villages it isn’t communism

ironically the orcs are bro if you prove yourself.
Fuck high elves and traditional dunmer though.

in all seriousness, TES has malignant forces like daedric princes attacking people all the time, so no

Pretty sure you histlickers can just have a sex change by licking enough sap.

Hey, if High Rock and Hammerfell are to the West of Skyrim, how come in-game there's a massive ocean there, instead?

Argonians are literally slaves, so yes, they are pretty close to communists

lmao fuck commies


Unironic answer here.

That’s actually something that is pretty iffy, and I generally dislike the answers that get given when people curious about socalism/communism ask. The go-to answer is that under communism everyone will have more free time and human creativity will flourish.

Personally I think that’s a bullshit answer, and even if true would favour only individual artists or very small teams, because we have no fucking idea what state the world is going to be, especially post-revolution, which in of itself requires a precursor of massive crisis. Not to mention the looming environmental disaster, which is going to have huge ramifications even if every possible action was taken today.

People won’t ever stop creating art, but how it’s produced and organised isn’t something that’s really theorised or has historical precedence, which there’s tons of evidence for from industrial and other types of work (hospitals, education etc...)

Yes, its name was Dagoth Ur.

>Unironic answer here.
>proceeds to not answer the question

Would Communism work in a fictional fantasy setting?
It is the only place it could work.

Orcs are smarter than Nords at least.

No because mer exist

Also communism actually working in any universe ayylmao


Wrong. Human civilization began with communism. Then it evolved to feudalism, then industrial capitalism, then socialism, then communism again.

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>Yea Forums
>in charge of grasping basic political concepts
Laughing to my fucking grave here lads
Lemme educate your dumb assess. Communism is first and foremost an ideological end state that socialism (that we've seen implemented in a small myriad of countries including SSSR) is a stepping stone towards. Also, transmission to such a state warrants a state of such high technological levels, that would elevate production to such levels as to eliminate all forms of scarcity within the socialist state. Only after taking this fact into consideration, can you consider and thoroughly debate the pros and cons of central planning, common ownership of means of production and wealth redistribution.

tl;dr actually pick up a fucking book once in a life instead of spreading disinfo and debating topics you don't know jack about,

>Wrong. Human civilization began with communism. Then it evolved to feudalism, then industrial capitalism, then socialism, then communism again.

I remember being 14 and thinking I know shit as well.

Considering communism only works in small numbers. Yea with the amount of NPC's in the world probably could.



Nice argument, punk. Once the Petistas take over and turn us into a superpower, you'll be the first on the wall.

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>What's Black Marsh