What games does your young sis plays?

What games does your young sis plays?

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>death metal
Katie is cute and dates white guys. /ourhapa/

She only dates fellow azns

Katie only dates fellow AZNs

Nooope azncel all the guys she flirts with are white shes dating a white guy on her instagram.

Candy Crush

aznmasculinity cope. Shes 17 you pedos

Dying Light, Dota, Bioshock, Undertale, Papers Please

Fucking bull. If ever, she dates fellow girl hapas. Nigger.

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Ew, old hag.

She looks like she fucks black guys.

Katie makes it pretty clear on her twitter and insta she likes white men.

Wot de fook is an ay zed en?

Honey Select. I don't know what it is, some dress up game? It's on my laptop and I go on it to see that characters she makes when I have literally nothing else to do.

Resident Evil and JRPG.

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pop up pirate game

One of my sisters is a teenager and only likes normie shooters, gta and rdr. Other sister is kid just about to start school and likes to watch me play games but only wants to actually pokemon or dmc5

Last time I checked she was playing Fire Emblem Three Houses on her Switch.

based businessloli appealing to hapa schoolshooters by making them think they're wanted. taking their money and preventing more supreme gentlemens

Asian Zionist National.

who is this slut and why is Yea Forums worshiping her?

Imagine sniffing her ass haha

thanks, cheers mate

BlueKatie ™

Blue Katie. She does ASMR videos. It's just the one guy spamming threads lately.

You two have something in common, then.

My sister plays mainly Stardew Valley, Smash and is starting to get into Warframe. My littler sister plays a terraria like game called Growtopia (a mobile game)

what a bunch of beta orbiters itt
pathetic virgin trash

well she posted this and she cried when they dropped the white spiderman

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Autistic spergs that stalk are the worst kind. He'll be the reason she decides to stop.

Please help raise your imouto properly and get her off phone games.

Katie is 17 and in love with a white man please be respectful rice dick incels.

What are some games where you can have beautiful, intelligent hapa children

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I've seen her play it and it really doesn't look that good. But the minecrafty building autism in it will keep a kid hooked for years.
Of course I'll introduce her to good games in time.

did they...?

wmaf makes the cutest hapas