Metal Gear Solid 4 - 4K 60 FPS Unlocked Framerate on PC

Remember when people said it was nigh impossible to emulate the PS3?

Attached: 2bKU1Pm.png (931x595, 884K)

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The real question is, why would you want to emulate this trash? The game goes to shit halfway through Act 2 and never recovers.

now we need a mod to skip the tv opening and add 4 more hours of gameplay

Absolutely false.

Absolutely false.

Shut the fuck up.

it still has visual glitches up the fucking ass, stop with these threads because it isn't there yet.

Otherwise link an actual video and prove me wrong.


>frequent crashes
>visuals frequently get fucked up
>can't even play the game trough yet

And this is what PC faggots consider playable

Yeah like 10 years ago. Obviously things move forward, moron.

Let me know when MGO2 is playable on it.

I'm surprised for the unlocked framerate.
It's very rare for emulation to do native 60fps+ whe the original game runs at 20/30 fps.

Attached: Old.png (2560x1440, 3.49M)

The original release of MGS4 already dynamically scaled the framerate between 60/30/20/15fps depending on load.
It only hit the 60fps target when you were looking at a wall or something.

MGS4 supports 60 fps natively on PS3. It just it runs at 60 fps only if you look directly at empty ground or wall in first person.
But this is pretty misleading. "Unlocked" in this case doesn't mean 60+ fps, in your example it's a margin error.
The point is that MGS4 uses heavy vsync. The game on PS3 will switch between 60, 30, 20 and 15 fps depending on load. If it can't hold 30 fps, it'll go to 20 fps. If it can't hold 20 fps, it'll go down to 15.
The point of the OP video was that he managed to disable said vsync, which is why it runs at any framerate.

wow guy, you got there in the end, congratulations. Keep going!

I mean, I only played the shit out of this game literally ten years ago and moved on with my life.

Looks like you were right all along, you can too play this game on PC, great job little guy!

Maybe in another ten years you can play on what I'm playing on right now !

wow guy, you got there in the end, congratulations. Keep going!

I mean, I only played the shit out of this game literally ten years ago and moved on with my life.

Looks like you were right all along, you can too play this game on PC, great job little guy!

Maybe in another ten years you can play on what I'm playing on right now !

Attached: gervais-real-guys-300.jpg (300x220, 12K)

MGS 1-4 HD collection on PC when?

mad because it's true

I'm actually pretty surprised especially given how much more complicated the Cell is compared to other CPUs

Only took them 12 years

Attached: 1567146384887.png (454x520, 19K)

Recovers in Shadow Moses. But yes. The story however is inexcusable all the way. And all the bosses are terrible.

just let me play mgo2 nigger

the cell isn't that terrible for emulation desu
the PPE is just a standard PPC core like you have in the 360
then you have 6 SPEs which are just vector units like you have on the PS2. Except now they only run microcode and binaries are signed so you can do AoT recompilation.
synchronization is the hard part really

>wait literal years to play MGO2
>ylod few weeks later

No, the level design in shadow moses is still trash. Crying Wolf was okay.

You sound salty.
I've played HD collection and MGS 4 on PS3, then MGSV on PC, and I am glad there will now be a way to play MGS4 properly because it was a mess held back by hardware (I remember trailers were much more stable), and never ported to PS4.

Attached: 1e984ee1dca27cce2f15d1bd5bd84c1995e26c9244d8e8514316509f918673c6.jpg (956x719, 95K)

>in another ten years

PS3 hardware will rot, but PC can be easily upgraded

Is this Yakuza 7 ?

You should also keep in mind how much more, comparatively, powerful configuration you need to do so, though. Last gen took ages to get to emulatable stage.


Seethe more, MGSV babby.
4 was a brilliant game, and un-cucking it off PS3's prison is great news.

Your brain is already rotten PS3 users enjoyed this game more than a decade ago with content that you will never seen on any emulator because it was patched out of the game and relied on online databases.

what content is missing?

>it was patched out of the game and relied on online databases.
You're aware Save MGO guys host the server with the DLCs for original version?

It had an unlocked framerate too and you could notice that by using the thermal/night vision goggles, which usually bumped the FPS count to near 60
Anyway it's been more than 10 fucking years

Yeah they said that 10 years ago. You got em OP.

IPod music tracks and podcasts and some camos barely anyone even used, because of OctoCamo.
Anyways, you can download them if you're smart enough.

>the only people who dislike mgs4 are people who like mgsv

Attached: madman.jpg (512x512, 25K)

ps 5 comes out next year and that game is like 15 years old and if you havent played it yet you are fucking late and retarted.

ps 5 comes out next year and i played mgs 4 like 15 years ago. absolute state of emucucks, but hey you can enjoy bloodborne 2030.

>Another World turns 30 in 2 years and if you havent played it yet you are fucking late and retarted (sic)
This is how you sound. Why not just take your chill meds and be glad more people will get to enjoy MGS series? I am also going to replay it once the emulation is stable, PS4 port I was waiting for never came.

I'm glad I'll be able to revisit this game due to emulation.
Lost my PS3 long ago and never bothered to get another.
I just don't get why some people are salty over this, I thought only nintendies seethed at piracy and emulation.

Why are PeeCucks so pathetic?
What could possibly happen to a person to make them this way?

call me when it can do 4k/60fps on the MGS Collection

Why are Sonyfriends so buttblasted about it?
I see no negative or any ridiculing posts in this thread coming from people excited about it, only angry posts from people claiming to had played it in the past.

PS3's Legacy edition at 4k@60fps, except MGS1 of course.


Funny how salty consolefriends get when an exclusive can be emulated. Never understood that shit. But then again I'm an idort pirate who always mod my consoles.

>Playing through MGS4 without the power of the Cell

Attached: 1466731791534.gif (285x285, 1.33M)

It is
The cell is a pain for both developers and coders of the emultor to work with
You need a macchine magnitudes better of a PS3 to play those games
And the emulation is still unperfect, the ps3 emulation is still too young
>But my Vidya gaem works! Rcps3 is perfect!
It works very well for what it set up to do, but it's still a low accuracy emulator, it will be a long time before having a cycle-perfect accuracy
Still I think the rpcs3 dev team is still amazing with the processing power we have

It is
The cell is a pain for both developers and coders of the emultor to work with
You need a macchine magnitudes better of a PS3 to play those games
And the emulation is still unperfect, the ps3 emulation is still too young
>But my Vidya gaem works! Rcps3 is perfect!
It works very well for what it set up to do, but it's still a low accuracy emulator, it will be a long time before having a cycle-perfect accuracy
Still I think the rpcs3 dev team is still amazing with the processing power we have

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That's cool, but any word on how RDR1 is doing? The only PS3 game I still have an interest in emulating

MGS4 is actually brilliant. Every scene is KINO

>cycle perfect
who cares

and it only took 14 years
meanwhile switch is already emulated in 1 year

Because Nintendo fans are massively autistic + Nintendo keeps using the same architecture.


go fuck yourself faggot