Absolute dog shit writing and "humor"
Favorite Game with a Major Flaw
the gameplay is shit too. what do you like about it exactly
the major flaw is that its not fun
its comfy and i like the progression of it, i throw on a podcast while playing some side quests and leveling up my hunter. i also like the felling of collecting legendarys
ill play your game with you if you want user
i havent played any of the new content and still dont even have a max character yet on pc
Agreed. I hesitated to play it for years because of the grating humor and obnoxious characters, but once I got past all that shit I found the gameplay quite enjoyable.
Is it worth solo?
1st had alright humor
i have about 231 hours and 90% i played on solo, i recommend sal or maya as their fun on solo
>i recommend sal
Do not do this unless you're listening to a podcast or something in the background, sal is the most boring shit in the game
New DLC is trash
>soi telltale literal who OC that won't shut up
>Tannis is suddenly cured of her social problems and constantly wants some action
>New rarity is ugly as sin
I don't even care about the writing but jesus.
Yeah. I put a ton of hours into it and it was pretty fun solo
dragons dogma
the game is just unfinished but i love it too pecies.
The writing isn’t Bl2’s biggest flaw, the progression is. The game has an absurd amount of content with all the DLC, but doing more than 1 DLC will overlevel you. Which makes game boring on normal mode, but if you overlevel on TVHM you can utterly fuck yourself bevause you’ll start UVHM (which is already bullshit and unfun) with enemies that are level 55/56 and your guns will be level 50 max.
TVHM should have scaled upwards with you as well, leaving UVHM as the repeatable optional ultra hard mode, with better drops as compensation.
Also DLC’s in normal mode should have scaled above 35, because there’s more than enough content to get to 50+ if they stayed on level with you.
Also, the loot is fucked. Good guns are just too rare, and there’s too many garunteed quest rewards that will just carry you through the entire game because there’s a significant chance you won’t actually get anything better.
The damage formula is a bigger flaw honestly
This. As much as people complain about the writing, it's really not THAT bad. The game has issues that far supercede it.
Warrior is fucked mechanically and you are only gimping yourself by playing as one. Also, that in order to properly minmax you have to be certain classes on certain levelups.
minmax is so pointless. as long as you dont play as a mage or a magic Archer for 150 levels, you will be fine.
some bosses you WILL have to cheese while solo but otherwise it's pretty good.
nah. the major flaw was the absolute dog shit loot
>hurr durr a bazillion guns
I walked with the same gun combo for hours because everything else was doing no damage.