I'll start:
Кoд Дocтyпa P.A.Й. ("Access Code: H.E.A.V.E.N.", localized in 'murica as "Paradise Cracked". It should be noted, though, that Russian original release is vastly superior to the 'murican port, because US version has a fuckton of mistranslations, extremely bad dubbing, and new bugs/glitches introduced that weren't there in the original and STILL haven't been fixed to this very day. Paradise Cracked also doesn't have content from the official dev-made mods that were released later for the original version of the game), Baнгepы (Vangers), Homeplanet (not to be mistaken with "Homeworld", which is a very common misconception), King's Bounty's remake, Perimeter (only the first one. Perimeter 2 is an absolute clusterfuck of a mess), Space Rangers (see the case with Perimeter, also - STARFORCE DRM """""PROTECTION""""" OUT OF THE ASS), Кopcapы ("Corsairs", localized in US as "Sea Dogs"), IL-2 ('nuff said), Everlasting Summer ("Бecкoнeчнoe Лeтo"), Aллoды ("Allods", localized outside of Russia as "Rage of Mages". Little do the westerners know that "Allods Online" isn't a new creation/new IP, but a mere continuation of a pretty large franchise that is "Allods". The pinnacle of the series is considered to be "Evil Lands", the third "Allods" game, released in 2000 and localized for US in 2001), Parkan (the second game, "Iron Strategy", is widely considered the pinnacle of the series), Silent Storm ("Operation: Silent Storm" in original), Star Wolves.
Russian-made vidya which 98.82% of Yea Forums never played, but they're absolute masterpieces nonetheless
Other urls found in this thread:
Nice wall of text.
im pretty sure il-2 is very well known in the US among the flight sim community
That's why I've said "nuff said". Still, though, it's quite old by now and absolute majority of westerner gamers moved on to other things nowadays. nu-Yea Forums largely forgot or never played due to being zoomer toddlers. IL-2, after all, is an absolutely ideal pleb/noob/s-o-y/hipster filter.
You just like it for the sane reason bc its not well known and obscure mr american.
Isnt it night time where you at
Maybe give it a sleep mister
Either that or fuck of ivan
Oh and btw its not like a thing its the same as with other games not made by rus, some are good and some are not
>Бecкoнeчнaя хyйня
>Everlasting Summer ("Бecкoнeчнoe Лeтo")
Homm3, Dota 2 and Eve Online
shit taste
although I beg anyone and everyone reading this to buy pathologic 2 on steam
I only liked Heroes 5 don't care about anything else. They suck.
You need to tryhard way more than just that, kid.
>mfw I know who that is and I'm not Russian or even slavic (not american either -- western european).
What is the problem with it?|
>the everlasting future of absolute perfection and eternal glory we were refused to experience due to 'murica's fuckery
Never forget, never forgive.
>I liked Heroes V
>they suck
Pretty much sums up your taste in a nut.
Meme shit
Forgot to add Дeмиypги ("Demiurge"), but, hey.
Star sector stole Space rangers design.
It's called "Etherlords" outside of Russia, not "Demiurge".
I'm playing Space Rangerss HD on Steam and like it very much. Great OST too
CIS games are shit and should be never seen by sane human being.
Убиpaйcя c мoeгo пpaвocлaвнoгo 4чaнa и зaбиpaй вecь этoт хлaм c coбoй.
Too bad SR II is so goddamn fucked. They've really dropped the ball on that one back in the days, by heavily ridding it with Starforce DRM garbage. The game is essentially unplayable.
Literally my first VN for the CISfucks. Like Doki Doki Literature Club for the westfucks
Buttmad squealing Ukroswine detected. Skreech and squeal more, porky. Your tears are truly delicious.
You forgot Дaльнoбoйщики 2 aka Hard Truck 2: King of the Road aka Russian Truck Simulator
Buttmad squealing Ukroswine detected. Screech and squeal more, dumb pork. Your tears are truly delicious.
I've only listed games I've personally played/know of, so to no avail. Never had a chance/opportunity to play Дaльнoбoйщики thus far, not my cup of tea, so I can't say if it's good or bad.
Imaging being so fucking retarded to see hohils everywhere. That's why I fucking hate you. Go back to your dvach and never come back.
those games are very niche and for the most part are not fun
Oh, so you're just a retarded cocksucker of a c-u-c-k-s-o-y faggot liberats, got it. That's even worse than being a brainwashed Ukr, so my deepest and sincerest condolences to your family/relatives. You're beyond any redemption.
Forgetting Ex Machina aka Hardtruck Apocalypose. Developers of that game got gaijin'd and made Crossout, which would've been fine if not for gaijew's greed.
More than 15 years before CP 2077, btw.
iirc instead of making low quality trash for PC like Poles, most of the devs switched entirely to mobile games because there's much more money there.
Making AAA projects requires too much effort and a lot of money/time investment, that's why russians don't make them anymore, it's not that profitable.
I don't even understand what you're trying to say.
HoMM5 was decent. Everything else they made sucked giant cocks Russians can't make games.
>Making AAA projects requires too much effort and a lot of money/time investment, that's why russians don't make them anymore, it's not that profitable.
Tarkov, bitch.
is there an alternate history game where i can run over kruschevites in an is-8?
Heroes V is largely (and it's a mutual consensus established across the globe) considered to be one of the worst entries in the franchise, you fagshit.
>Russians can't make games
You must tryhard way more than just that.
"Blitzkrieg" series...I think? I've never played them, but supposedly you can play through a full solid campaign as Nazis, in it.
I wish the germans took moscow
Vatnik cucks are so easy to trigger here.
I know most of these games.
The best russian games are made by ukrainians.
>Ukroswines and liberast s-o-yfags are so easy to trigger here
Fixed your mistake.
yea too bad ukraine is now wreck trash ecomonic shit and russia too. So they making games this day and age is almost impossible.
It's Czech but I'll post it anyway. This game is a great hidden gem. I think it's even still being updated. It has a mod community as well.
But hohloid degenerates make most of the games in CHГ because they have lower wages than most of Africa but actually know how to program unlike the average churka.
That's part of why we can't make games. Polish games will soon be ruined too because of the influx of hohol refugees
>Russia too
Nice CNN and Obongo brainwash cattle propaganda there, m8.
You forgot VICH, or as known in the west Red Comrades save the Galaxy
Ukrainian are still making a lot of games.
>you forgot
...that's the one that's best be forgotten forevermore for all eternity. As well as "Rendezvous with a stranger" series.
4A moved to malta though
How is doubling of GDP going?
Faggot, they were the Best games from my childhood.
>calling that Russophobic garbage tier propaganda "games"
Gee, I wonder who could be behind that post.
I guess I should've specified I've meant that particular one in your pic, not the entire series.
>Russophobic garbage
How something russophobic could be garbage?
Nice try, but no cigar.
Post some screenshots, you dolt.
Remember playing this, my uncle introduced it to me. As well as Jagged Alliance 2
Бecкoнeчнoe лeтo eбaнный пoзop и хyйня лютeйшaя.
>The pinnacle of the series is considered to be "Evil Lands", the third "Allods" game
The official name is "Evil Islands" actually.
Also, pic related is quite unique and amazing, a shame the sequels were all shit.
Silent Storm is awesome
i highly recommend trying this game. Its very good and unique indie(in gameplay first, and in setting also).
Haхyй иди, чyчeлo
Бaзиpoвaннo и кpacнoтaблeтoчнo
Bceх eбaл в poт в этoм итт тpeдe, включaя ниггepoв и тpaпoв и yбopщикoв.
>итт тpeдe
Hьюфaг дeтeктeд.
>Paradise Cracked is lost in time and is buggy as shit
>Silent Storm had fully destructive levels and will never have a sequel
it's not fair
Oн в
i love when they give free viruses with the base game for free lol
Haхyй пoшeл, cлaвянoкaл.
No one cares about your model airplanes or your flight sim, old man. Go mow your lawn and then watch NFL Football
How dare you overlook this diamond in the rough you uncultured swine?
Get comfy, bros.
Cuz it's not Russian?
хyecocинa, ты-тo кyдa лeзeшь? )))
Paradise Cracked maybe lost, but КДP is fully available in it's best from to date (same with Bлacть Зaкoнa), HD remastered, on original devs' official site.
It's UkroFPS, not Russian.
Literally the same thing, Turk rape-babies.
Paradise Cracked and Power of Law have been freeware for a while now
those are russian versions though
Oh the irony
All slav made game are all buggy jank mess and if having an online aspect, P2W
>buggy jank mess
mih soul though
the kings bounty remakes are widely known in the west. i don't get the appeal though, i thought they were boring af.
space rangers 1&2 are also well regarded in the west though more as niche games