Unga bunga my niggas

Unga bunga my niggas

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Only one mini chimp
>Not two to get more neuronal exp

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ok so basically im monky

Are boss fights interesting?

You're a mammal

>taking a picture of your monitor
You belong inside that game you fucking ape. How stupid can you be?

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It's quicker than using the print screen function. Also works when only your phone has internet.

>taking picture of your monitor
Kys you fucking grug.

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Has anyone beaten the game?

No, because it was designed by the same person that thought "stealth hose walking" in original Assassins Creed was a good idea.
It will take at least another week if they not kill themselves before.

Over the course of time/generations can you do things like make them primarily nocturnal, with some kind of enhanced night vision or something? Can you change them into herbivores or carnivores or do you basically follow the evolution of man with a few personal touches? Can you change general appearance through selective breeding. Hair color, Eye color or certain other features?

>only your phone has internet.

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do your primate evolve? Like, change into human?

So do you actually turn into a human in the end?

Yes its like spore you can take them all the way to the space age where the game ends with you sending monkey to space.

So is this any good or what?


>he installed Epic Launcher

The predators are simply stupid, you hit them with a lance and they come back again.

But they use cheats to appear behind you teleported from miles, this one fucker comes with two lances impaled, limping and crosses two rivers and climbed one vertical wall.

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Is the game worth pirating?

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I did, honestly you spend the first 2 hours scanning then it just becomes trying not to fall out of a tree simulator. Its fairly boring, interesting concept though just a little too drawn out.

Is it Monkino?

Its hard to understand, honestly i dont know how black people figured this out millions of years ago

The user above was right. You do belong in a jungle.

Ape kino

>dual wielding

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Just started and I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't understand what the hud is. I don't know how grooming works. I am not sure if inspect does anything aside from the first time you inspect something new. I really do feel like a dumb monkey. Kind of pleasant and comfy game though.

>How am i use this fucking rock
>What the fuck is this plant for
>What do i eat




Go back to Africa.

>stealth hose walking

woah i didn't realize le monky game came out

its better rpg than whatever bethesda has made in last 10 years

we wuz smart n shiet

isn't this on steam?

uma delicia

yeh you can buy it in 12 months


Or just pirate it, same effect on the devs as waiting at the end of the day. Since everyone is going to forget about it before then.

I was excited for this but now I'm not so sure. Is it worth playing? How comfy is it?

Guys, I think I'm too dumb to be a monkey.

>4 millions evolution later
>the game moved my settlement to my first original one
>it still got my barricade, coconut drops and sharpened stick that I left since the first evolution 4 millions years ago.

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phone victim... jungle would be the right treatment for you

does it also have your old monkey corpses?

Didn't checked, the moment I realized I'm back to the waterfall oasis I instantly ALT+F4.
Fuck this stupid grindy game.

It's a survival open-world crafting game, but now you're a monkey. Those games are almost always more fun to watch than play

Apepill me on this game. Is it just Spore, but without the species creator and no space age?

Do I want to evolve often or build up a bunch of discoveries and learning stuff before I do the evolution?

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Can you throw poop?

>he didn't set out to conquer the savannah
Do you even /walk/?

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Can you throw poop ?

You should focus on having lots of babies and letting a few gens pass before evolving. If you stock up mutations on elders and adults before evolving they stay with you forever.


Faggot, my tribe is nomadic, I don't need to play this game for another minutes to know its just another spore in disguise.
DO YOU even find lake?
DO YOU even find sea?
Also whats the point? Millions of evolution turned into bipedal your body and face structure still looks the fucking same, enjoy getting scammed.

Not a single person in the internet saw someone making fire, its literally the same grind over and over again.

How do you have monkey sex? I've got two random kids hanging on me and figured out how to groom and got a chick bonded to me but the monkey ain't getting her butt up.

Can I be king of the Groove street?

i made fire

Fuck you, no way?
I'm dropping this shit then, no way i'm wasting my time migrating to get back there.

OP is roleplaying so hard he's pretending he's a retarded monkey
how many generations does it take in-game for the chimps to learn to use printscreen?

You guys are such a bunch of spergs. It’s a fucking image board, the only difference between viewing it via phone or computer is the size of the screen. I bet you don’t even know why you hate phone posters. You just saw other retards having an autism meltdown on here and decided to copy them in the hopes of fitting in. That’s why I’m the only one who’s replied to you. Everyone else knows you’re retarded.

The female has to be fertile and not an elder. Also each one can only have 2 bebes and elder males can breed for ever.

>Check leddit site to see if someone saw or create something new
>Its just the same thread about how they created a fucking chopper or killed their first predator.
>One thread complaining about how this game got bad review
>They blame the anti Epic exclusive reviewers instead of how shit and repetitive the gameplay is.

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cringe zoom zoom

I kid you not, why do you think the Memorable Places still look the fucking same after millions of years pass?
If you doesn't trust me then try go back to your first settlement with an Elder after your first evolution, your old camp will still literally looks the fucking same.

I figured out my problem. I needed to set down the kids I was carrying in order to have sex. Apparently monkeys won't have hot monkey sex if children are hanging on their back.

Go back to playing fortnite, kiddo

I'm not any of those guys, but phone posters are cancer and retarded. See -

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How do I swing on vines? I got a tutorial prompt for it, but couldn't read it in time as I was actively dodging the talons of a giant eagle.

>Actually angrily replying

Subhuman ape man

>people aren’t using Yea Forums how
I think they should!
>I’m not triggered! >:(

just hold a when you're in mid-air

Grug love strange berries from long nose tribe.
Berries made Grug love dark skin tribe.
Stop hating dark skin tribe.

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>as you evolve the females asses start getting wider
I did not ask for this boner

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What is the lower right corner circle and eye thing on the HUD mean?

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the circle on the right is your xp "bar" and it show how many members there are in your clan. The eye thing is your state of mind mode indicator, when you reach the milenium man phase it lets you control you mov speed and you intimidation at will with the triggers.

shows* your* your*
The more I play the more I regress back to an ape ffs

>as you evolve the females asses start getting wider
this can't be real

how do you make money in this game

by doing monkey business

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Children! How many times must I remind you that your existence must be kept secret! You haven't the population nor pedigree to overwhelm and enslave my foolish brethren yet! Back to Patmos, quickly! before you are spotted.
>Stop hating dark skin tribe. WHAT A BLASHPEMY. "Big head dark skin tribe" bad.

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>tfw you accidentally discover how to get drunk
Now to use this to develop monkey booze somehow.

cringe retard

Do I have this right?
Make as many babies as you can.
Then with babies on back discover shit
Evolve purchase all the neuronal evolve nodes as you can be evolving into generation nodes?

>Evolve purchase all the neuronal evolve nodes as you can be evolving into generation nodes?
What the fuck am I reading
You make lots of babies and lock in as many upgrade neurons as you have babies. Then after locking a bunch of upgrades have the max amount of elders and adults with mutations as you can and then evolve to the next phase.

In the evolve menu there are 3 tabs. Evolve, generaltion and neuronal.

What the fuck even is this game anyway? Run around a jungle being a monkey?

Neuronal tab = Upgrade
Generation tab = Locking in upgrades for later

you just go around exploring, banging shit together, gathering materials, fucking a lot and eventualy you start walking in two legs, hunting etc. It's pretty comfy desu

Alright. Then I should buy all the upgrades in the neuronal tab then after having them bought with experience go into the generation tab and lock them in to trigger a several year time skip?
Or is there a limit on how many neuronal upgrades I can lock in in the Generation tab?

this game looks like ass and boring as hell
is it worth playing it?

what did this user say? all I see are monkey gibberish

Pretty much, discover shit and make tools then have babies and skip ahead in time to when they are adults so that you fast forward through generations of the same clan and witness them "evolving".

Neuronal upgrades are filled in but those filled in are lost on going to a new generation outside the nodes you lock when moving to a new on the generation screen. You lock nodes equal to the number of babies you have. Babies will sometimes have random mutations, you lock these in with evolve (which will also jump forward many years and move your clan automatically) but the only ones that will be locked are mutations on elders and adults. So you want to move generations after having 6 babies and locking 6 nodes on the generation screen. Then after 2-4 generations you should have several elders and adults with random mutations at which point you want to evolve before they die and you lose those mutations.

Can someone tell me how these controls work? I've given up, apparently those apes are smater then me. I put the little baby nigger to sleep and couldn't wake him up. He must also be as dumb as a rock because he can't use Intelligence.

The species timeskip is triggered manually in the evolution tab after having passed at least one generation. I don't think there's a limit on how many upgrades you can lock in since you can skip several generations with one species.

It's limited by the number of children you have so realistically it's limited to six (2 kids per female, 2 mates per male). Nodes you unlocked by training so that they could be filled in will still be unlocked, they just need to be refilled with neural exp. Also any of those milestones you got will advance your next evolution by several years.

More advanced than us, it seems.

It requires a certain amount of autism (wich I have) to bear the amount of grindwork and exploring you have to do in order to progress. Just watch a let's play befor trying it.

>oh har har this game has monkeys so i'll call them PoC because i'm so le edgy

Go fuck yourselves dipshits.

Babies are worthless to play as. You can play as them so that you can run and hide if the adult carrying them dies. Then you hide with them and have a new adult come find them, pretty much how the game opened. I don't really understand the other issues you are having. How did you "put the baby to sleep" I've never even seen that as an option. To pick up a baby you just right click while highlighting them. When I've had issues with the AI it has helped to call them all to follow me (hold down right click while in your base) then ending the expedition (right click a sleeping spot while apes are following you). It resets them kinda and also works on children.


There are no bosses really and combat is probably the worst part of the game. The only thing with any real gameplay mechanics outside sound based QTEs is the tree swinging which is admittedly pretty fun when you get the hang of it.

Easy (You)s right here lads.

Me pick up stick use stick on holobunga tribe me leader now

What the fuck is wrong with you?

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The other user was dead on in his description that the game is kind of grindy. I also am enjoying it but I enjoy games like the Long Dark where you spend most of your time looks at a map, planning and then walking slowly through the world that you can barely defend yourself from. The game is a lot of "press the button when you hear the maraca sound" but it has it's charms, booking it from a saber tooth tiger into a swamp only to see him get snagged by a crocodile I had narrowly missed myself makes for interesting moments and the tree swinging is fun.

>Not carrying two and having four more follow you for even more gains
Do you even chimp?

Huh? You start the game as a baby right? With that darkened world and predator visions. Your first mission is to find the settlement. Well I found it and found the option to sleep. I put him to sleep, but no button can wake him up.

>I put the little baby nigger to sleep and couldn't wake him up
The pillow goes UNDER his head. It's okay, a lot of new mothers make this mistake.

>Your first mission is to find the settlement
No dude the first mission is to find a hiding spot and then it switches you to an adult to find the baby. How did you manage to find you base with the screen all dark and spooky?

Yep. I'd say a game about being an ape is about perfect for the likes of you. Filth.

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Stupid RNG Mutations is probably going to kill my drive to play this game because of my autism. Coincidentally, my autism is also the one thing keeping me going through the game because evolving the ultimate monkeymen just clicks with me. Hoping that someone will make some tool or something where you can assign what mutation unlocks you get per generation one day.

This game moves too damn slow.
>try to find a potential mate among your group because it's not clear who is male or female without individually looking at each of their chests or inspecting them
>play slow mini game to bond
>waddle over to bed
>call over mate and wait for them to waddle over too
>watch the sky for 15 seconds while they mate
>watch a cutscene for 1 minute
>repeat until you have 6 babies
>inspect all the dead monkeys for xp
>go to neuronal network and wait forever watching the lines connect to unlock new shit
>wait for all the achievements to present themselves when evolving

This is something you do a lot throughout the game, it's the core mechanic, so all this time wasted adds up. It is so poorly designed, what idiot thought this was a good idea? Unbelievably slow.

I know the birth cutscene can be skipped, but it makes no mention of this at all, and as far as I know the cutscenes are the only things you can skip through.

>then evolve to the next phase.
but when does it end?

Yes you start as a baby, did you ever rescue the baby from the hiding spot? Or did you somehow get your baby back to the settlement? Because if the latter you may have broke the game by sequence breaking. If the baby is in your settlement and sleeping you could try switching to him by clicking analyze on his body when close and then clicking the context sensitive button for switch. If you broke the game though and haven't done much else I'd just restart and this time hide with the baby in a hiding spot and then have an adult come rescue them.

Careful those retards follow to the end of the world to be humiliated only by a monkey with a rock.

Is hilarious.

>>watch a cutscene for 1 minute
You can skip it. I agree it's still probably the biggest design flaw of the game but it is so much more bearable if you skip those scenes. Hold Back on an xbox controller or tab on a keyboard to skip cut-scenes. I had the same complaint as you and then once I realized I could skip those birth scenes and new generation scenes it got MUCH better.

The IA is shit and even with the Defensive Clan neuron they are retards.

I've never had an issue. Me and four baby chimps all standing on two legs and screeching at a saber tooth cat to scare it off was also one of the best things I've done in a video game.

I don't know. I have a theory that it ends when you reach the Homo Erectus though.

Why do you want it to end?
Just keep repeating over and over and over and over and over and over and again.

So this is just Spore?

Yeah, I'm sure the devs didn't have any playtesters with two braincells to rub together to actually realise that people can and will spend 10 generations baby-farming to get rng mutations that you actually want so they assumed mating wouldn't be as common a thing as it is when someone competent plays. Neural-network shit is completely inexcusable, I sure do love waiting fucking 30 seconds to unlock Stab Better IV.

How long for it to evolve into a negroid homo sapien?

Fuck having the baby chimps follow you, have two other chimps carry them and also a spear each, then go with the basalt chopper+spear combo for infinite on the go spears and two backups.

Anyone has found other monkey clans or meteorites in the map?

Only found Emeralds as precious stones (those fuckers that emit a strange sound).

But no other clans or meteorites.

This sounds exactly like Spore.
So is this game just eternal Creature Stage?

The CHAD Basalt Chopper and the virgin Obsidian Scraper

tfw trapped on a coconut tree on the Crocodile Island

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Haven't found any clans, but I did find single hobo monkeys. And I've only gotten one meteor, it increases the nombers of upgrades you can lock in the Gen. tab.

Get up high on a tree further on in the Jungle and you should see smoke stacks which indicate meteorites, but the smoke goes away after you see it.

Meteorites are tied to location discovery, other monkey spawns are tied to your number of living adults, so unless you're a casual shitter enjoy never finding other monkeys since you'll always be capped.

>living adults

But user all my clan is still alive near the ocean after a long travel.

If I get rid of all the adults but keep the babes do I find more monkeys?

Yeah, but deaths greatly impact your "evolution score" so it's really only a completionist thing to unlock the cheevos for finding them.

Retards continue to fall for this bait

One of my fertile females is missing from my settlement. I can see her dot on the UI outside the circle but I have no idea where she isn't, no scent or sound nearby. Any way to easily track down lost apes?

>pirate videogame after years of not doing it
>wait hours for the download to finish
>the installer brings your system to a crawl for 20 minutes
>the game doesnt even work afterwards
more like shitgirl.

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the games not even 10GB my dude why did you download a repack

the only thing i could quickly find.

Maybe try scouting around the base of the cliffs near your settlement? I find that using Intelligence mode rather than Hearing or Olfactory mode is far better for locating straggling group members.

She might have phased through a tree/rock. I've had that happen twice but could only recover one because I could switch to it, the other one got stuck for ever.

just grab the Codex release on TBP

Based op


Dont listen to these niggas

You just walk to the right until you find the waterfall.

>You belong inside that game you fucking ape.

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Stay mad newfaggot. We all know you’re just trying to fit in. I could care less about how the pics look and in fact I prefer pics of the screen just to make you seethe.

Other ways of telling when it’s a newfag fitting in:
1. Complains about phoneposting
2. Complains about Reddit spacing
3. Complains when memes or pastas aren’t used “correctly”

God sad danny only makes me wanna fuck her harder and slap the shit out of her

yeah, frankly taking a screenshot does take roughly the same time it would to take a picture with your phone. It's a meme, and a dumb one - as long as you can see what the picture is, who cares?

>french devs
What did you expect?

Is it possible to settle anywhere?
Can i turn my band of apes into a group of hunters and fuck up other animals?

This game's camera is awful
Which is a shame because it looked interesting

>Using cuckgirl

That's the future you wanted user


>The Gombe Chimpanzee War (also known as the "Four-Year War" of Gombe), lasting from 1974 to 1978, was a violent conflict between two communities of chimpanzees in Gombe Stream National Park, in Tanzania.

>Kahama chimpanzees
>Kasakela chimpanzees

>Casualties and losses
>10 chimpanzees
>1 chimpanzee

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based nicker

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It's shit on purpose when you're on four legs. It becomes better when you stand upright.


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>pick up rock
>can't remember if this is the special upgraded scraper rock or regular base rock
How the hell do I tell what I am holding? There's like stick, sharp stick and very sharp stick and can't tell those apart either.


You can use intelligence to check what something is. On top of that branch has all the little things attached, stick has none of those and sharpened stick looks like stick but with the end whittled down and noticeably light brown. If you are holding the tool another easy way to check is to try to alter it. If you hear the maraca sound then you aren't holding a stone tool or a sharpened stick as those can't be altered further. Obsidian for scrappers, basalt for choppers and granite for grinders. Choppers are the most universally useful making basalt the best rock, at least early on though the other two have uses. It also helps if you stack things to organize them as items of different types can't be stacked.

We wuz khangs simulator!

Demiurge pls go.

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I can't tell if this is bait anymore.
We're slowly moving past a point where, thanks to ironic shitposting, taking a picture of your screen with your phone will be normalized.
There's a dedicated key in mostly every game and/or game store launcher out there to capture whatever it's on screen, then it's just drag and drop into 4chung.

You eventually get to living in a much flatter Savannah as upright walking motherfuckers. Your ending point is more around what Lucy was, early Australopithecus. The point where we started to first walk upright and abandoned living in trees. Though the dev has said he wants to make two more games that eventually reach what modern man is.



This seems like a big departure from Prince of Persia and Ass Creed just how is it?

Whats this game, what can and what do you do in it?


How do you kill the predators? I tried a lot of times with sharp stick, sharp/normal rock and i could only kill a cat once and i am not sure what i did differently. Is it random chance or do you need to stick a spear to the same animal like 5 times?

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There's definitely an RNG element. I've had one golden whatever tiger that I put 3 sticks into and it kept coming back a minute later, while I killed a different one that ambushed my settlement on the first attack. The latter did a special animation after the stab where my ape roared and then climbed onto the tiger's back to finish it off. Probably have higher chances if you have an armed group with that clan attack skill but I haven't taken a hunting group out to try it yet

Speaking of which, anyone know how to make use of a dead predator? I can see it as a "collection point" but none of my tools seem to let me harvest it

Smash it with a rock first for like 40 seconds, then you can take bone and shit.

>Falling for the MOAR NEURONS meme
The archer fish is smarter than most mammals

I hate this game for perpetuating junk evolutionary science. There are enough hacks and frauds in that line of work. Naturally, game writers bottom feed from their wank.



how often do you have to mate to get a kid?


This game makes me want to crush my cock with a rock

An adult male has a higher chance to kill shit in fewer hits than females and elders.


Holy fuck the state of new Yea Forums

only once, you have to doit with a fertile female. each one can make 2 kids

eeek eek ook ook to you too monkey man

can i see their fertility using intelligence or something?

analyze them with Y when you're close.

Daily reminder that you can skip cutscenes by holding select

>haha racism is so funny

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Just Pirated it there now should i go full hud first time or maximum monkey immersion?

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You can go full monkey but normally the monkeys give low cues of if they are too tired, something can fuck you in the trees without not knowing how many stamina you have.

you're gonna have a real bad time without the hud.

you're on Yea Forums

>honestly i dont know how black people figured this out millions of years ago

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not just games,windows also has a screenshot win + print screen theres no excuse

Long nose tribe say grug need let nightskin tribe share grug cave because holobunga but nightskin tribe not hunt, not gather, make many problems. Grug think long nose tribe lies about holobunga to make grugs tribe weak. Grug think new holobunga need happen soon.

Is it comfy or you are on the run all the time ?

where is select on the keyboard?

You are relatively safe so long as you are in the trees. The game actually encourages you to stay near your sleeping spot because you can't level up neurons without sleeping at one.

Hold tab to skip them on keyboard.
Almost everything in the game is a sound based QTE, listen for the maraca and then let go of the button, whether you are grooming, crafting or attacking a predator.

Uh-Oh! Stinky!

There's a long steady slope of progression from being a weak little monkey to being a fearless alpha with a fair sized tribe of apes armed with sharp sticks killing anything that comes near you

You can build a sleeping spot anywhere if you find some of those leaves. I've definitely evolved and slept in a tree while out on an expedition, no need to go back to base every time

4 years to kill one chimp?


I figured as much I just never bothered since you can sleep in the trees safely without building one and there wasn't ever much reason to evolve neurons unless I was moving on generations and locking them in. I could see how some people might unlock more nodes they won't be able to lock every generation than I did though.

Also trying to hard to fit in.
Like making a list how to spot "new" people. Because browsing this place for years is something to be proud of.

Fuck you

No way to play the game first time without the HUD mostly because you would never be able to figure out what foods/plants help fix what injuries/ailments

>For several years I struggled to come to terms with this new knowledge. Often when I woke in the night, horrific pictures sprang unbidden to my mind—Satan [one of the apes], cupping his hand below Sniff's chin to drink the blood that welled from a great wound on his face; old Rodolf, usually so benign, standing upright to hurl a four-pound rock at Godi's prostrate body; Jomeo tearing a strip of skin from Dé's thigh; Figan, charging and hitting, again and again, the stricken, quivering body of Goliath, one of his childhood heroes. ...

>When Goodall reported on the events of the Gombe War, her account of a naturally occurring war between chimpanzees was not universally believed. At the time, scientific models of human and animal behavior virtually never overlapped

>A 2018 study published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology concluded that the Gombe War was most likely a consequence of a power struggle between three high-ranking males, which was exacerbated by an unusual scarcity of fertile females

> Of the females from Kahama, one was killed, two went missing, and three were beaten and kidnapped by the Kasakela males

So the monkeys literally waged war over thots, turning friends against one another.

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>you can't level up neurons without sleeping at one.

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>find fitgirl repack torrent
>but fitgirl does not have it listed on his site

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Legit question:
How do you make and release this game and not have tribe based multiplayer?

>pic of your monitor
>niggas not niggers
I can tell you're a whigger

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Because there's absolutely no gameplay mechanics to support any kind of multiplayer.

Honestly, has anyone realized this game is a thinly-veiled social experiment about evolution?
>barebones tutorials
>have to figure out what each thing does through trial and error
>you are literally evolving your brain in order to play this buggy game

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4 generations and 1 evolution leap and i still have no fucking idea how interact with the thornbush.

>this unga never made arrowhead
>this booga never made fire
>this ooga never made wheel

Use it to build a wall

I literally can't do anything to it, i use intelligence and it shows a question mark for me to discover it, but i can't inspect it.

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You can pick it up when you learn to walk and carry things with both hands

> Figan, charging and hitting, again and again, the stricken, quivering body of Goliath, one of his childhood heroes. ...

No fucking way.

Cormac McCarthy was right, war awaited for men, not the other way around.

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Learn to walk upright like a true sape.

Do you become kangz in the end?


I'm a monkí, I wolk with purpose.

Attached: uh oh.jpg (320x320, 10K)

How? There are no buttons for it and the node isn't showing on my evolution tree. My monkeys only walk upright in the water and you get exp every 10 years from that.

It's nice to see those two reconcile their differences.

Set up base in a swamp.

just press A to stand up like when you're in inteligence/smell mode and walk for a bit, then do that a lot to improve your motor neurons

Usually it takes 2 or 3 sharp sticks, you can also use branches or blunt sticks, although I'm not sure how many hits these take, but I once killed something with a branch in a couple of hits. There is a chance to do a critical hit, which will kill anything in 1 hit. This chance can be increased in the neural network.

I'm having more enjoyment with this game than with others from the latest years

The real chad choice going in group of 6 and use intimidation all the time so you wont have to deal with the QTE bullshit

You need both hand empty and a perk that lets you hold large item