Has anyone ever actually watched one of those?
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If a new game in a franchise is coming out, and I don't have the ability to play the older ones, then yes, I'll watch them.
That's literally what women do
Ive done that with legacy of kain
Come on, buddy, you can do better than that.
yes. me.
Yeah this, a few times now.
I did that with this since it's barely even a game and people kept going on about how good it was.
I did it once for FFXIII
Dark Souls and Bloodborne
>not watching the live action version
Same. Now I wanna buy it and properly relive the experience for myself but >DLC ending
I did this for some Kingdom Hearts games.
I watched the all cutscenes one for starcraft 2 because fuck buying every single campaign separately
>buy separately
more like pirate them together lol
Mgs5 when I couldn't be bothered getting 100%
I did with halo
Just emulate it.
I still want to buy/play this, even if people say it is mainly a movie or whatever, but I can't be fucked paying for the DLC ending. I'd love to snatch it up if they rereleased the game as a complete edition with the DLC, but otherwise, I'm just not buying it at all. Maybe someday
It's for people who don't play video games but want to know the story. Granted, to me that kinda sounds like wanting to flip through a novel for the illustrations but hey, whatever works for some people I guess.
but who's right?
i watched a sa2 one with my little cousin. it was kino
One day recently I remembered the Gears 4 E3 first "trailer" and how I didn't hear anything about it when the game eventually released. Don't have an Xbone so I just watched it. Kinda wish I didn't waste my time.
These days if I were going to do that I just watch a lets play instead.
I watch them sometimes with games I have like no plans to play.
I watched them for Injustice and Injustice 2 I think.
yeah sometimes go through a marathon for a whole week like Resident Evil series one game each night. played them all anyway
yea, watched all ass creeds games afer 3 this way because i dont even care to play them.
same for other games that not even worth pirating.
Yes, for mafia 1 because I lost the disk for it, and rdr1 because I got rid of my 360
I did for MGS4
I can't believe there's over 10 hours of cutscenes
The Legacy of Kain series, though it had in game stuff as well
Don't be stupid, women don't play anything other than mobileshit and animal crossing
Danganronpa: UDP
I can kinda understand
I don't much care for the elder scrolls games, but the lore is really cool to read up on
Yeah I watched the last of us and the second reboot Wolfenstein game.
They both had dog shit stories.
Yeah, I do if I don't want to play a game again just to watch a few cutscenes.
Sometimes I skip cutscenes during gameplay and watch those videos later
LoK is worth it if you don't want to deal with the dated gameplay.
I did for God Of War (PS4). I only had a passing interest and figured I'd buy it when it was on sale, then I had it spoiled for me, which wasn't a big deal anyway but just decided to fuck it and watch a video.
I did for NFS Most wanted, the original. It's so bad.
>First I'm gonna take your ride, then I'm gonna take your girl
>I want everyone after them. Everyone? EVERYONE!
>Bus stop is that way champ
>It means he's all show and no go
It's hilarious and I played the game too much to enjoy the actual gameplay anymore.
did it for nmh 1 and 2, now i understand why people are excited for the new one.
I do it for legacy of Kain because while the story is kino I can't stand the majority of the mediocre games in this series
If you ever see it for cheap it's worth it
Shame they'll never get a sequel/spiritual successor since the last few bosses in the story and all of the DLC bosses were actually fun