I feel bad at vidya after playing this for half an hour. Give me some tips and tricks...

I feel bad at vidya after playing this for half an hour. Give me some tips and tricks. Also am I cheating myself or missing out by not playing on the max difficulty?

Attached: IONFURY.jpg (460x215, 53K)

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Look all you have to do is say "fags mad" and we'll get the idea.

>we found one girl who agreed with all of us. so we're right!!

Max(/4th) difficulty is a borderline joke setting. It's meant to be ABSURD. The 3rd difficulty is the "old school" style. The 2nd is for "modern gamers" who aren't used to hard games. The 1st is just fucking easy unless you're absolute shit at video games.

easiest difficulty is valid for those who want to experience the story.

not everyone has time to beat video games

Mods please fucking purge this shit instead of CTR threads

nigga it's Build Engine FPS

it doesn't HAVE a "story"

I can enjoy the setting and dialogue of a game.
after a few levels i'll probably just watch a longplay of the rest and mark it down as "beaten" on my list

I'm tired of seeing autists playing at the hardest difficulity for no good reason

>setting and dialogue

NONE of that goes away (or even changes) based on the difficulty setting.

>report feature is not working
>can't report this kid for unironically being underage

I play at max difficulty with crosshairs turned off. Why does it bother you? Any FPS is more fun this way to me, there doesn't need to be any other "reason" than that.

truly this place is overrun with zoomers how the fuck can you be bad at this game it's not that hard

>good levels are godtier
>99% of the game are mostly fucking tunnels
Biggest problem with the game alongside meh weapons

Attached: Eggman.png (841x849, 956K)

If you can't take the heat; don't, it only gets harder.
crawling around for secrets like some north korean nubile slave child is really useful, and somewhat required at that level. It seems like some faggotry bullshit but most secrets are pretty entertaining to find in the end.

Weak genes
can't handle being skilled

Except for the fact that autists like you tell people that's the true way to play and anything else is wrong

I am probably older than you.
Too many games come out that i am interested in and some of us have lives and jobs to finish all of them.

I find the weapons to be pretty good, okay at worst. I'm a couple hours in, and it's been a lot of tunnels, but the GDF station or whatever it was, was pretty good.

I hate one thing and one thing only, those fucking spider heads. Literally the most annoying and most abundant enemy so far and I fucking hate it.

just slap them with the stick

Played it first on Wanton, enjoyed a lot. Didnt suffered a lot, looked at all the details.
Finished another run later in Wanton difficulty again, this time finding all secrets and easter eggs (there are many secret rooms which dont count as secrets, like that slime world in the last level).

Now Im playing it on Ultra Viscera, currently on the train level and enjoying it now I know where all the secrets are and I can rush through it, mastering all the weapons and Shellys movements. Its a 9/10 game.

Oh and ammo for the penetrator is too fucking scarce, and it chews through it like crazy. I end up basically never using it, or having no ammo to use it anyways.

Shame it ate shit on launch, game seems to be a marvel for the build engine.

Fuck all the tunnels, really. Sewers, more tunnels, underwater sections, long long maps which dont have any interest.
After all that shit you go to the hospital which isnt bad, just for falling into the sewers again.

Heskel house is nice though, feels like a Blood level once again.
Labs are just meh, never liked those levels in any game

Spiders and Cyborg Fiends are weak as fuck to the nightstick, heck you can stunlock Cyborg Fiends with the alt fire

I just wish there would be more games like this instead of all other "quake" looking games.

This is just incredible pixel art everywhere, nice details and amazing city levels.

It needs so bad a dlc or a new episode

>tips and tricks
Use the revolver alt-fire on the flying heads
Check corners with the bowling bombs
Clear rooms with the clusterpuck alt fire
Use the crossbow on heavy enemies or bosses

I've been using alt fire of loverboy, found the stick to be a bitch to land at first, and wasn't a great idea getting close to anyone, since I'm playing on ultra viscera, but I'll try it again.

Full charged ion bow it really feels like cheating

Also, yesterday I tried to beat last boss in ultra viscera just rushing into the hole and throwing bombs there and it was an absolute hell at one point. Ended up dying like 20 times. Its that boss battle a reference to icon of sin or just lazy design?

Anyone know when the update is supposed to be?

Figure this kind of thing is a fucking humongous project though
getting mirrors to work correctly in build in general is a fuckin nightmare; all the unique assets in this thing is insane.
ngl though, Quake was a Revelation when it came out; so I'm not surprised stuff like Dusk outweighs the more classical games.

This man is correct, always play on hard at max first.

There are a lot of very tight levels in the game, which is annoying because the movement is so fast.

I really loved the weapons though. Bowling bombs are like the only throwable weapon I’ve ever liked in an FPS, the shotgun hit harda and being able to quickly switch it to a grenade launcher was neat, the chain gun hit super hard. It just really needed some type of BFG power weapon.

I guess thats it, Quake and full 3d projects were so much popular back then.
For me it was a dissapointment to see all those details were lost in 3d games with such low poly and bad resolution, didnt understand why people prefered that instead of being able to enjoy interactivity and such.

Even Redneck Rampage had an amazing detail and highres sprites and textures, unique scenaries and so much variety

Ion Fury deserves a lot more, we need more Build games, I hope 3drealms or voidpoint keep working after all what happened

Fuck DLC. What I would rather have is another "Duke Nukem with [theme]" just like all the old Build Engine games. Imagine Blaxploitation 3D, or a game based on old b-movies, or a modern day urban setting, or a game in the Kowloon Walled City, or one that homages Japanese live-action films (as opposed to Shadow Warrior being based more on anime and kung fu).

How much Im missing without playing Bombshell? Im seeing it has similar enemies, Heskel in there too and maybe its not that bad

Attached: steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net.jpg (2048x1144, 634K)

Build is a refined engine
you make one wrong move, and it shits itself like it's STALKER with mods installed; but I figure if new blood can pump out a game on a bi-annual basis, maybe we'll have another Build engine hit by 2020 from some other revived classic shooter company.
From what I can see, the whole soap-tranny bullshit already blew over, so I figure we just gotta wait for an expansion/game or sum'n.

I do find that high quality 3d projects that attempt to go for the quake feel usually fail in their attempts though. Not that you couldn't succeed in doing that; but there's something about that low poly gore splashing against the walls when you blow things up.

How much Im missing without playing Bombshell? Im seeing it has similar enemies, Heskel in there too and maybe its not that bad.

Pic related, isnt this one of the enemies in ion fury? But its also Heskel...

Attached: svein-yngve-sandvik-antonsen-bombshell-heskel-1.jpg (1920x1196, 356K)

yeah its wrong you faggot casual queer. youre wrong and youre shit

This guys presentation and humour is so shit why are trannies so bad at attempts of articulating why something is bad or untrue? even their mannerisms don't make them seem like people. maybe they've just been on resetera too long?

that aint no woman.

Mega where?

what the fuck is going on with the connection errors, fucking hiroshimoot

As you may already know, Bombshell is a retroactively non-canonical sequel, so I guess that if you really like the setting it might let you in on some things like GDF's chain of command (including stuff that was cut from Ion Fury like radio conversations), but nothing that really mines the enjoyment of its prequel.

Works on my machine :^)

>shit youtube videos
Kill yourselves.

What I want more than anything are more games like Doom 2016, i.e. "modernizations" of old school style FPSes. Stuff that still more or less plays like the older games, but using modern technology and controls. There's an upcoming game called Witchfire that looks like a good example of this.

>Max(/4th) difficulty is a borderline joke setting. It's meant to be ABSURD.

It's easier than Blood and even Shadow Warrior tho, mostly because there's no aimbot hitscan enemies

I don't like FPS game. I'm trying my luck with this one... and it doesn't click.

What do I have to do to enjoy FPS guys?

Theo only ones I liked were the GoldenEye and the Perfect Dark because they were so polished. I didn't even like PD for Xbox 360...

>because they were so polished
What exactly do you mean by polished?

I want to enjoy FPS game, but I can't.

How do I into FPS guys?

Attached: 1538162741313.png (496x279, 170K)

what don't you enjoy, just stop thinking and start reacting, focus on the pleasure that comes from well crafted sound design


Attached: Ion Fury - Piano Puzzle Solved.webm (1280x720, 1.74M)

>I didn't even like PD for Xbox 360
It's the exact same game except it runs better and character models were changed, this makes no sense

If you don't like shooting stuff in 3D then maybe it's not for you. Try playing the original Doom or the original Half-Life or the original Quake or S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl. If those don't change your mind then probably nothing will.

Well there was Tekwar

>Build is a refined engine
>you make one wrong move, and it shits itself like it's STALKER with mods installed
that's not "refined" that's "bad"

>half an hour
Fuck it took me at least 3 hours to really hit a wall of "git gud"

He overly exaggerated, Build is pretty stable if you know what you're doing. By "refined" he probably meant as a series of gears clanking inside a clock is "refined".