Is anyone actually considering buying the new pokemon after all thats been shown?

Is anyone actually considering buying the new pokemon after all thats been shown?

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Nah, I'll just fap to the girls and new pokemon.


I'm not buying any more games after X & Y.


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The cutest!

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No thanks

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Nah. I'll just watch the anime and fap to the porn.
Shame since I wanted to give the games another try. Always was a fan of pokemon but games never hooked me.

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>Game is based on britain
>Has the fittest girls in the series

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gamefreak is pandering to not-gamers instead of loyal fans with mons and gameplay
so no, i won't be buying it

Just gonna get the digimon double pack, has better girls anyway. Also looking forward to the fucking Monster Rancher HD.

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There are a ton of people who have preordered both versions at the same time. It'll sell the same.
I haven't seen a single thing that would make it worth my money though.

yeah probably I have a switch and money so why not

dilate trannies

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Cry for me

oh no no no no no tranny sheep!!!

>story takes place in a British themed land
>1/3 waifus are browns and coincidentally the most attractive ones

What do they mean by this?

Did they reveal the starter Evos yet?

but that’s a non-sexual image of a fat pokemon trainer. What do you mean?

As long as the girl's cute and fat I can get off to it.
It's my porn.

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This is my first pokemon, so the complaints so far don't bug me. Also the girls are fucking hot

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This is your brain on cum

No. Hopefully it’s sells bad and they actually try next game. A new mystery dungeon is all I’m looking forward to this gen.

>t. Asexual

100% no unless they add the National dex then I might buy it on sale

This, no living dex means no buy.
I'll probably watch an LP and play wi

>fat fag

>tfw masuda got to this user
I can almost hear the crooked teeth tearing through his flesh

user, blink twice if you have bugs in anus.

Too big

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>Too big
Once you go down the slippery slope of fat fetishism you only want bigger and bigger woman.

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They look like they only fuck white guys

what pokemon is this?

Wooloo's evolution, Woooooloooooo.

Nah when the girl loses her figure it's too much for me

As far as I can tell people are just mad because of some low resolution textures and maybe framerate drops or something? Like, no shit - what the fuck were you expecting? The Switch is a dogshit handheld with lower specs than the Wii U. Other than that it just seems like more Pokemon which is what I want. Also I don't care if the roster is missing some random Pokes I'd probably never use anyway.
The only actual concern that I have is that it might be as handholdy as Sun/Moon was, that shit drove me up the fucking wall, I don't need an NPC to tell me where to go on every single screen.

This guy knows what he's talking about, accept as boys.

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My cutoff point is anything beyond immobility. The play people draw blobs is so boring and the sense of scale is lost. There's hardly any difference when a woman is 1000 or 10000 pounds.

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Holy fuck, I've been ignoring this character for a while but now this is my jam. What's the name so I can go lurk some r63?


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>This is my first pokemon

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gotta start somewhere m8

Start anywhere else.

why not start with one of the actually good games first? I'd recommend Heartgold Soulsilver or Black or White


You could play any of the other, better, games, probably for free due to ease of emulation, and instead you decide to go for the one that's looking like it's going to be the worst of the series by a landslide.

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Why are brown girls becoming popular these days?

people are developing taste

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DQXI, Link's Awakening, Atelier Ryza, Astral Chain and Ni No Kuni mean I wouldn't have time for it unless it was seriously good

I'll play those afterwards. If I go in blind with S&S I won't be disappointed

>draw a boy
>call it a girl
umm england?

Nah, it looks shit. I had my sneaking suspicions when the pikachu/eevee games came out that they were basically the beta for it. It was a stop gap using the same engine. Somehow it looks even more barren from the trailers though.

Yeah, I haven't played since Gen 4 so the lack of universal Dex doesn't mean much to me

Because our population makeup is shifting to brown from white.

I don't need the game to nut to these sluts so no

Literal child

It's a Japanese made game. Checkmate. Go cry to them

It makes the nut better when you get to know their personality in-game

>lower specs than wiiu
At least try, user

>You didn't play these games when you were younger so that makes you a child
Damn, this nigga retarded

No because once you beat them, they are forgotten like every gym leaders

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I honestly feel sorry for kumbrains

They decided to make it accurate to the real Britain

>Nintendo games

Haha, no.
Pokemon is a comfy series but thats it.
It stopped being worth buying for a like a decade now.
I play it cuz you can pirate the games. Otherwise wouldnt bother.

holy shit

What personality?
You mean the five lines of dialogue?

Maybe, but not at day one...

having blue and silver eyes will do that.

>tfw I recognised the image before more than 10% of it had loaded

literal NPC

>Damn, this nigga retarded
I highly doubt anyone over 16 would use that sentence so thanks for proving my point

It will sell 0 (zero) copies