Ys IX TGS Trailer


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Bull is looking pretty good. Can't wait until it gets localized 3 years after release.

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Bull is the only one remotely interesting, but it bothers me that she takes what could have been Dogi's spot.

I'm fucking tired of Falcom shafting my nigga Dogi in these games. I just want to smash some walls with him.

Holy shit the cutscenes have animation what the fuck Falcom

Hard to imagine that this is Ys, I'd say it looks too gimicky, but I'll give it a chance. I didn't play Ys8, is it a must?

The ui looks awful

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Its the best of the party system games so far.

-LITERALLY- me right now

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Adol looks like a fagit

>Dogi covering up his biceps
What the fuck is this shit?

I can't believe Jusis learned to fly and started hanging out in prison.

Last YS I played was 7 on psp. I didn't like it. WAY too much story. Never played a YS game with so much fucking dialogue, and it was generic as fuck as well.

I miss Ricotta bros

When will they make a solo Ys adventure again?

Ys 8

why don't you want Adol to have friends, user

It has gotten worse. Ys VIII lasted 40 hours too long.

I fucking hate that Falcom keeps kisekifying this series, is not even Ys anymore, is like a walking zombie.

Just skip the cutscenes bro

This looks so good. Not sure if it's the trailer but the overall presentation looks a bit more cinematic.

Party system again is fine, I'm not really a hater of it, but there are a lot of gimmicks in that trailer, and if them aren't going to be useful in battle, then we have a problem. Traveling gimmicks in JRPGs most of the time are there just for the sake of being there, they don't add nothing to the experience but breaking the flow because the player has to switch skills to do something. Which is funny, given how the the early Ys games were done with the mindset of never breaking the game flow.

I like how the colors look a lot deeper compared to VIII, makes everything pop like Adols hair. Don't even mind the edgier designs much.

What happened to Dogi? Nigga looks like he's aged 20 years while Adol still looks like twink fuccboi.

Adol bathes in his enemies' blood regularly so he looks younger.

I'm not a big fan of the homogenization of action JRPGs.

You like the colors? I feel they look very washed out, like the game is not properly shaded yet.

Is YS Origin on PS Vita worth a buy?

I think that's cause they were trying to go for a darker aesthetic after VIII which was quite bright.


Just get it on PC, but yes it's very worth it. Lore wise play 1+2 first. The whole series is great, even the low points are worth a play.

No, I understand what you mean with the colour palette looking more somber, but I feel that this was taken from an incomplete build that still lacks proper shading. Some of the cut-ins where they start having DBZ lighting effects make the colours in the models look very flat. The best example I can think of is when the blind woman is charging up in the trailer, it looks kinda bad.


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Played it last month and it was really really good. But I'm not a franchise veteran, only played like a few hours of Origins
Dana is a cutie.

re:topic: can't wait for IX

Don't worry Dogi bros, the intro of Ys VIII all but confirms that Dogi is gonna be playable in the remake of 5.

Yeah the special moves do need some work with the lighting, but I still think that it looks great during the normal gameplay and even more so during the cut scenes. I'm also happy to see some somewhat decent animations from Falcom after the most recent kiseki games.

Dana is so fucking delicious.

Yes but it's unplayable on vita without overclocking

I like that she has a modest bust, anything bigger than a handful would make her look like a slut in that outfit.

She still is.

>3 girls
>only one of them is somewhat cute
What is falcom thinking?

come home, Garman men...

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Looks like shit. Fucking casualized anime shit at that. NU Falcom is fucking dead to me.

Fuck yes by brothers. NU Falcom has DESTROYED this once great series in their misguided attempt to cash in on the anime game market and pander to casuals and ironic weebs.

I personally will no touch this game or anything else they release from here on until they

1.) Release a public fucking apology to all of their old, REAL fans for what the have done
2.) Make Ys solo again
3.) Make sure the Calvard trails games are a return to form with NO MORE ANIME HAREMSHIT

Most likely they are incapable of that, so seems like I won't be buying their games. I suggest everybody in this thread does the same.. Fuck NU Falcom.

I actually just finished 8 last night. I thought it was pretty enjoyable though it did feel like it was dragging in the last 10 hours or so. I usually don't mind games with lots of dialogue, but for some reason I was just ready for a lot of the cutscenes to be over so I could get back to actually playing.

Anyway, I've played that, Celceta, and 7. The only one of the older games I've played was Ark of Napishtim and it was so long ago I barely remember it, though I do know I had fun with it. Is there any recommendation on which one I should dive into next? I'm not exactly sure how the chronological order of the games go other than Celceta taking place before 8 and 7 actually happening after 8.

VI is still my favorite. It's not the best Ys but it's my favorite.

looks like a fucking musou

party based ys is trash

No Rean no buy.

Ys and Kiseki won't be safe from this or OC waifushit as long as Kondo is in charge.

look at how they massacred my boy
why is the character design changing direction in such a drastic way? i doubt this is what the fans want


Old thing GOOD
New thing BAD

Grog HATE new thing!!!! Grog HATE change!!!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

And thats pretty much how I imagine people who make posts like those I quoted

I can't tell which are the girls.

I'll give you the cat, but if you can't tell that the cow and the doll are girls then you might have an issue.

Change is one thing, completely losing the series identity for the sake of change is another.

Kiseki should be Kiseki and Ys should be Ys. It's okay to give more story to Ys games, but there is no need for them to last over 40 hours, that's just too much.

Like this guy says by the end of Ys VIII you feel like the game should have ended 10 hours ago, there's too much "And one more thing" happening especially if you go for the true end. I honestly dropped the controller and went 2 weeks without touching the game when you had to go through a mini-dungeon before fighting the final boss in the true end route. Sure, later on I learned it was actually really short, but at that time I just wanted the game to be over, but the bitch just wouldn't stop.

I finished my marathon of the series with 8 last night, small world. Felt the same about it, enjoyable but felt padded. Too many raids too, killed the flow mid dungeon. 6, 7 and Celceta are pretty tightly related lore wise so you're covered there if you care. 6 is short enough for another play if you want a refresher. I'd recommend playing 1+2, Origin, and Oath in that order of the games left. Oath is still my favorite but all the ones left are great. Here's an actual timeline if interested digitalemelas.com/m.index_ys.php#order

I finished my marathon of the series with 8 last night, small world. Felt the same about it, enjoyable but felt padded. Too many raids too, killed the flow mid dungeon. 6, 7 and Celceta are pretty tightly related lore wise so you're covered there if you care. 6 is short enough for another play if you want a refresher. I'd recommend playing 1+2, Origin, and Oath in that order of the games left. Oath is still my favorite but all the ones left are great. Here's an actual timeline if interested digitalemelas.com/m.index_ys.php#order

looking forward to re-localization that fixes the shitty western localization a year after that

Ys I -> Ys II -> Ys VI -> Ys III -> Ys Origin ->Ys IV -> Ys VII -> Ys VIII imo
wait for the Ys V remake and hope they dont fuck it up too bad

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Why does it recommend OG 3 but not Dawn of Ys? Great game

Looks really bad after CS4

Sounds to me like you had an expectation of the game that didn't hold up and you started whining instead of just enjoying the game for what it is.

Not him, but "stop having expectations or standards for established series and just enjoy whatever they make" is the absolute stupidest fucking argument you can make. You're a retard, and your opinions are worthless.

Dawn of Ys is clearly the second game on the list, both in that guide and the latest one.

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I haven't played Celcetta, is it good?
I also haven't played V and the SNES version of Iv, but I heard they aren't good so I don't feel like playing them.

I never bothered to finish 8 even though I liked 7 and the older games.

I hope they actually give the PC port to a competent studio this time.

Ys Seven was my favorite of the party system style... until Lacrimosa of Dana. That game was incredible. Probably the best action RPG I've ever played.

They better bring Ys IX to Switch.

VIII was the best GAME in the series, but it's a terrible YS GAME

If your standard for the best Ys game is Oath in Felghana and not Dawn of Ys, then your opinion is worth shit.

Origins is the best one, in terms of gameplay.

Looks great, already preordered because I liked VIII a lot. Didn't realize there was less than a month left.

Too many bosses regenerated health, which made the game grindier that it needed to be.

Looks like shit, the party system is shit and ys viii was shit.

So what's Adol's strain of bloodborne AIDS is supposed to be given that the rest of the team are animal themed? Is he a vampire?

True that.

Ys 8 was my first Ys game, and it's pretty great. Plus it has this little cutie.

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I don't know if it's a must, but I enjoyed it a lot. Probably the most out of the newer ones. Like others in the thread have said though it does feel like it drags on a lot longer than it should. For the last chapter and a half I was just ready for the game to be over even though I still had fun for the remainder.

I wish they would get rid of the party system so I could go on solo adventures again.

>Hashimoto: Recent RPGs have been very difficult, and it takes a lot of willpower to finish them. So eventually we came to have our doubts: was this really “fun”? With Ys, therefore, we set out to create the opposite kind of game, something that would be accessible, easy to play, and not geared toward hardcore RPG maniacs.

>That’s true–the uncomplicated Ys is definitely different from most RPGs, where you start to wonder if there’s something wrong with you for obsessively spending so much time on it. Hashimoto then continued to the next point:

>Hashimoto: In our advertisments for Ys we prominently featured the word “Kindness.” That word signals that, as developers, we assumed the perspective of players, always asking ourselves how to make a game that would be more enjoyable from the player’s perspective. One example would be the way you can save your game anywhere. Games that limit your ability to save end up wasting a lot of the player’s effort. In addition, we also avoided the experience grinding that has been an annoying feature of RPGs. If something feels like work, you’ll quickly tire of it. Anyway, the driving idea behind Ys was thinking from the player’s perspective.
Glad to see Ys finally returning to its roots :)

Ps4 time exclusive? Then again i don't think ill want ports of this because of 8 and its trash ports

He's the most dangerous animal of all


Western version is not coming out this year and the PC version's quality is an unkown. It's hard to get excited.

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Ps4 time exclusive? Then again i don't think ill want ports of this because of 8 and its trash ports.

Also is Yea Forums having a spaz? I keep getting time out errors

wasn't there only one?
and the regen was a sham?

Falcom should fucking partner with Sqaure or whoever to publish their game in the west. Xseed and NISa or whoever fucking suck at publishing their games

Would probably buy since I've always liked the Ys games. Though I do hate that Ys too has fallen to the trend of over-designing characters, especially with regards to their attire. All these zippers and frills and ribbons and chains and belts and the over-abundance of non-symmetrical designs (only one sleeve, etc.). It's like the Final Fantasy disease all over again. But as long as the game plays good then I'm done. I've yet to be disappointed by an Ys game, even those that people agree are a bit weak e.g. Memories of Celceta. I wonder how old Adol is this time (since they've said this is the oldest Adol's ever been), surely he's like 29 or something like that? Still looks too young and like a fuckboy imho. World still looks somewhat dead-ish and empty, but I'll pass judgement it when finally I get my hands on it. Maybe the empty world is because the citizens in that city were spirited away/died or something. Wonder if we'll get any recurring characters other than Dogi.

And I'm still waiting for my 50-year old Adol Ys game.

Would probably buy since I've always liked the Ys games. Though I do hate that Ys too has fallen to the trend of over-designing characters, especially with regards to their attire. All these zippers and frills and ribbons and chains and belts and the over-abundance of non-symmetrical designs (only one sleeve, etc.). It's like the Final Fantasy disease all over again. But as long as the game plays good then I'm done. I've yet to be disappointed by an Ys game, even those that people agree are a bit weak e.g. Memories of Celceta. I wonder how old Adol is this time (since they've said this is the oldest Adol's ever been), surely he's like 29 or something like that? Still looks too young and like a fuckboy imho. World still looks somewhat dead-ish and empty, but I'll pass judgement it when finally I get my hands on it. Maybe the empty world is because the citizens in that city were spirited away/died or something. Wonder if we'll get any recurring characters other than Dogi.

And I'm still waiting for my 50-year old Adol Ys game.

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The first, the one in the sand area and the mantis come to mind that regen health.

Sorry for posting twice, Yea Forums is acting like a fuck-nugget, spazzing around like a whore. Hiroshimoot is not to be trusted.

awful character designs. I can't stand how they seem to think adding in more and more details makes for a good design.

Tbh the music kinda feels the same way now, it always sounds so improvised and random

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i was thinking of the sand guy. i thought the mantis just had lots of hp rather than regen. how does it work?

imagine actually typing this out

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The mantis spawns the little guys who heal him, but with every consecutive spawning, the amount of healing decreases.


Why? There's a reason ys 1 is playable today while most 80s jrpgs are not.

Is YS Origin on PS Vita worth a buy?

It's good enough, but the PC port is better. PC is 60 fps (even on toaster laptops) and has full blood effects; the blood effects were (iirc) absent in the Vita version. Though I might be misremembering.

Adol had friends in the old games, but they didn't have to hold his hand all the time.
Dana's moveset was a step in the right direction, here's hoping they keep that for IX.

>Recent RPGs have been very difficult
The fuck is that slut talking about?

The first one can be stopped easily, though.

On nightmare only if you're a specialist in ice scating.

>Still no playable characters from Afroca
Niggers btfo by based nips


How long must we wait until Falcom is actually willing to spare more money than the absolute minimum and we can get a 3D Ys game that doesn't look like it was made for the PSP?

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kinda sad that there's no vita port. End of an era I guess.
I say that because it looks like a fucking vita game running at 1080p.

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Is Ys Origin worth a buy? Does it run well on the PS Vita? Or should I buy another game of the series as someone who never played a minute of it?

yes its a good buy. vanilla has some fps dips when it gets hektik but if you don't run a hacked, overclocked vita in 2019 that's on you.

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The fuck is going on.

I'm tired of Dogi's design radically changing every game.

That's one way of bumping the thread, I guess.

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I agree.


until the technology changes enough to justify the cost. So probably mid PS5 gen and then we'll get ps3 graphics. They also need another IP that can translate well to normies. Idk how long they can keep up this niche pandering.

>hat girl has witcher vision
pasta incoming

>the rest of the team has clear animal attributes with the exception of a doll
>Adol teleports around, summons his weapon out of DARKNESS and wears attire more suited for Count Dracula

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He's adol the RED afterall


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these designs are shit. i miss old anime

Why does Falcom make nothing but shit these days?

I'm watching Slayers right now. Very comfy.

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