How is it possible to make a game this fucking bad in 2019?

How is it possible to make a game this fucking bad in 2019?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Simple, make it a Switch exclusive

>mobile poster
>garbage bait thread
hehe epic :)

Let me guess, it would suddenly be amazing to you if it were an exclusive/ported to something else?

Toasting in ebin bread :D

What's bad about it?

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Oh boy here we go. Wonder which fanbase OP is in "alliance" with?

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I don't know because I haven't played it. Hell, I don't even own a switch.

>How is it possible to make a game this fucking bad in 2019?
What a brainless question, when did talking like the inbred bastard spawn of Chris Hardwick become the fashion?

For starters:

>the 30 FPS really heavily hurts combat. It will forever be objectively worse than 60 FPS, and might be acceptable if this was a turn based game, but it's not, so it's a real problem
>WAY too cinematic. Every single thing in the game is designed to look flashy, or be story heavy, or have cutscenes shoved into it, and the gameplay is never allowed a chance to stand on its own
>obvious amounts of waifu bait that border on obnoxious
>what little gameplay there is falls prey to being too tedious, like button mashing to do a task instead of being able to do the task all at once (throwing away trash for instance)

>"We need a boss for our final level"
>"Just stick some polygons together and hope the players don't notice"

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U don't even have it


it looks like your fucken stand is doing most of the work and you're just along for the ride

Then you are welcome to prove everything I've said wrong. First off, show me retail copies running the game at 60 FPS.

Would you like to submit this as your final essay on "Yea Forums & Buzzwords"?


how long until "oh shit were not making any money" steam port announcement?

Because Nintendo is a dogshit company and based Platinum took their sweet ass time (5+ years) to serve up a juicy poop platter for those fucks.

lmao you literally have never played it and are just regurgitating cherrypicked webms posted here
fucking cringe

At least it's getting many game unlike ps4

What's with the shitposting around this game?

Who are you quoting?

welcome to literally any platform exclusive that isn't extremely indie tier.

fpbp, worked with zelda reskins

lmao fucking seething.

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Imagine not owning a Switch in 2019.

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Playing it right now. Having a blast. One of the best games of the year.

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Will they have it at Walmart if I go in 45 minutes?

30 FPS is very much standard for a console exclusive action game.

How long is the game?

Long enough

You sound like someone who watches 9 hour Star Wars nitpicks.

That's how Stands work


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15-20 hours 1st time.

snoys snoying

It will happen with all games.

There is literally a faggot on this board that sits and waits for people to make Darkwood threads so he can shit them up.

shitchtards have no standards, they will eat up everything. See:
>1, 2, switch
>xenotrash 2
>three houses
>new pokemon
>Astral 30 fps chain

>30 FPS is very much standard for a console exclusive cinematic game.
ftfy, that's what AS is.
DMC V runs at 60 though and is an actual fast paced action game.


Astral Chain is the only good game on that list. Also the only one I own.

>there are camera cuts like in those cheap indian soap operas
Someone actually thought that this was a good idea.

Shitposters literally assblasted this week lmao

yo but dmcv is shit

Have been for the last 4 years

Serious question so please be considerate: This for the Switch or Nier: Automata for my PS4?
Or Civilization 6 for Switch?

Gonna buy a new game today.

What part of console exclusive don't you understand? Bloodborne and Sunset OverdriveI know it got ported years down the line were also 30 fps. Consoles have been holding back games, this isn't news.

>Consoles have been holding back games

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>This for the Switch or Nier: Automata for my PS4?
>Or Civilization 6 for Switch?
How about some good games?

Please respond end game players, I need to know my fashion options.....

>everything moving artificially fast is progress

I'd say this. First Party Nintendo games are significantly less likely to go on sale than most other games.

If the frame rate ruins the game for you just wait for the inevitable switch pro in the next 2 years.

>>Consoles have been holding back games
He's right tough.

Based fucking retard

*DMC V runs at 60 with common drops to the lower 40s though

>gets top scores all over the board, domestic and foreign
>autistic user spergs anyway

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Runs fine on my PC. :)

fuck off barry

We were talking about consoles hombre.

I'm so relieved that I'm not autistic.

It's not bad, I've played it and I love it so far

>t. didn't beat the final boss

Happens to literally all Nintendo exclusives. Yea Forums is sonyfaggot central.

What's good about it?

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Holy shit, why don't you go back to twitch and vicariously finish your games please.

So how would you know if the others are good then?

when Mario comes to steam. What do you idiots not get about this wasn't just paid for by Nintendo, they own the IP

>Yea Forums is sonyfaggot central.
You gotta be really retarded to think that. Same with people who say that Yea Forums is nintenbabby central. Take off your fucking glasses you morons. You're the reason this board is such a shithole

>I have an opinion about a game I've never played on a system I don't own.


I knew you'd be upset about this game but I didn't think it would to this level.

This is great. Wish I could spend all weekend watching you sperg out but I'll be too busy playing this amazing game instread.

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Really showed me, sonyfaggot.

that is literally how stands work you retard.

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>Yea Forums is nitendofaggot central.

How come I see PC-fags portbeg this game the most? Is it falseflagging? You guys realize that the PC is the only other platform that you'll be able to play this game on in the next decade right?

>new game comes out
>Yea Forums once again pretends that its the best thing ever and that all people who dont think so are shitposters
literally plebbit at this point. humanity is doomed with this kind of media attachment.
not even saying the game is bad, but you faggots are outright embarassing

It's not the best game ever, but it's not a bad game by any stretch
Every OP about astral chain have been people complaining so I think you're delusional

I've never played it. I'm not being a contrarian, I just want people to tell me what's good about it since the thread is full of

So, what's good about it Dr. Uninspired meme spam man?

all major switch games are supposed to be hyped on Yea Forums! even if its garbage like arms, mario tennis and tetris!

what the hell is going on? why aren't the mods doing something?

>this hitstop
It's too fucking long.

DMCV also looks kinda shitty on PS4 and the boner, has constant frame drops and stuttering on them as well. on PC it's a smooth 60 FPS. However during the actiony parts (the ones that matter) on consoles, it's never a steady 60 unless you're bad at styling.

>what's good about it

You'll never know unless you play it. Ask mommy to buy you a Switch for Christmas.

You reek of that autist who wasted 3 years of his life crying about BotW.

>name one thing BotW does that other games haven't done!
>convince me this game is good!

Fucking K E K

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Does it ever legitimately get tiresome to start every god damn thread with
>This game sucks
>No it doesn't
>Oh yeah? How doesn't it suck, seethie?

Complaining about 30fps is the ultimate shitter redflag. You have to be an absolute garbage gamer to be bothered by it outside of fighting games.

>Complaining about 30fps is the ultimate shitter redflag.
How does it feel to be stuck in the 90's?

My eyes are perfect, and even one frame lacking ruins the gaming experience
I'm sorry you're not as good as me

>85 posts
>not a single one mentioned Nintendo bonus
Probably because it has ''low'' 87/100 score on Metacritic. But hey, at least you stopped shitting on Switch port of DQ11 which, as seen from the demo, is not bad at all.

>ad hominems
Is this what Nintendies actually believe? No wonder they're as loathed as PClards lately.

>caring about an extraordinarily boring game like Dragon Quest
Not even console warriors do at this point.

And then you suddenly expose yourself.

lmao damn it feels so good knowing how mental trauma you're in. Do yourself a favour and get professional help. Your Nintendo OBSESSION has ruined your life.

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>Not even console warriors do at this point.
Yeah, funny how things changed in the last 4 days. That was my point, user.

Nintendo bonuses only seem to count on their official games that they made themselves. I don't tend to see it much otherwise.

>and he finally outs himself as a Snoyboy
good job, user

Feels good not being a little baby bitch. Can you not watch movies in 30fps either?

Jesus, I completely forgot about this abomination. And it sold like 2 million copies? shitchtards are really THAT desperate of no games.

>watching movies is the same as interacting in video games
So this is the delusion of a 30fps fag?

Tetris 99 is hyped for a reason. It is the first and only battle royale Tetris. I mean, sure, the game was originally made by a communist, but that's not the reason to hate it.

Stay on topic, spaz. We're talking about the Switch not your third party rip-off.

1) Switch is drowning in games at the moment - thats why you spend every day here losing your shit

2) ARMS is actually pretty great fun

I can enjoy both 30 frames or less AND 60 frames or more. Sounds like you've got pampered baby eyes.


I bet you can take cock in your ass AND mouth aswell

Played the first mission so far. Chose the girl, plenty of ass shots, the game looks great and plays great.

I probably could, but unlike you I choose not to do so, faglord.

Okay shill. How responsive are the controls?

>Chose the girl
You are biggest gay right now in this thread

Control just came out. Not long befire we had RE2, DMC5, Last of Us, God of War 2018.

Trust me there are more bad games than good nowadays

Christ you’re a spastic loser


>How responsive are the controls?

No issues. Having to press the Right stick to lock-on seems weird though. Don't know why it couldn't just be a z-targeting button press. But to be honest I haven't played enough to know if this becomes an issue or not. Been great so far though.

>Control ok/good
>GoW 18 great
>DMC 5 great
>Last of Us mediocre
>RE2 Remake great

next time pick some actually bad games

>doing it again because no one responded

All of those games range from mediocre to great

pick some actually bad games next time

the devs still understand the value of high framerate and at least tried to target 60
i guess p+ forgot
fuck em
bayo 3 better be 60

Pretty great game.

The way it handles healing items / power up is fucking stupid, with the 'expire at end of mission' ones just going on top of the pile of regular ones with a tiny icon? Too many different medkits etc for no reason too.

>Snoys seething at every new game the Switch gets

I ended up not using targeting most of the times because it change the camera angle, which in turn mess up with legion control.
Just as you said, it should have been a z-targeting like older zelda game.

I bought Civ 6 for the switch and I fucking hated it. Nier is great, Astral Chain looks great, but I would not bother with Civ 6, atleast on console.

Even if they don't make up a significant portion of the board's users, Sonyfags are still easily the loudest and most obnoxious group on Yea Forums, bar none.

>buying multiplatform on nvidia tablet
You some kinda mentally special?

is Civ VI on the switch mostly played on the touchscreen?

my wife wanted it, she likes to play switch on the ferry.


Sounds like superfluous issues.

>30 FPS really heavily hurts combat.

Didn't hurt Bloodborne

NIer as it's cheap, wait for Astral Chain to price drop.
I love Nier Automata, one of the best games ever. Doubt Astral Chain will be as amazing, but my copy is on the way so I haven't played yet

Bloodborne's crucial issue is performance. What are you smoking?

BB is 18fps. Which reminds me... A portion of Yea Forums was telling me how AC would run in 15fps. And now suddenly 30 is bad. Hm.

redpill me on this game

I can't believe Platinum made V actually fun to play.

How will DMCucks ever recover?

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If games sold most on pc, dev would cater to it. If a dev makes a game that cannot be run on a 970, there is an uproar. Pc is holding back Pc

> I don't have the game

why does the camera angle and chaining enemies feel so clunky? half the time it doesn't register the initial chain unless you make another huge loop around the enemy but by then they'll be already charging and you still can't pull legion to wrap around in time. Also locking on is such a fucking chore, its not snappy enough to make me want to use it since ranged attack keep pelting me from a distance with perfect accuracy hoaming while attacking ruining all momentum fucking niggers. Also dodging while it gets better, still bothers me since i can't tell if some attacks you can actually phase through the attack with perfect dodge or is there a reason why using counter doesn't give invincibility cause fuck even trying to attack back on big guys since they still keep swinging away.

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fuck off, ACfag

10 hours if you beeline the story, up to 30 if you do all the side shit.


lol, that's one of my all-time favorite games, and even I know that's bullshit. The only time you'll see 30FPS is in the hunter's dream

>some small game by platinum
>has a massive wave of shitposting around it, for no particular reason
I don't get it.
Even if it is a bad game, going full "OHNONONONO" thread spam when it's just another platinum action game makes no sense to me

it's an exclusive which means if it's good then sony is btfo and if it's bad then nintendo's seething

it's all so tiresome

What did he mean by this?

>t.Nintedobaby who never played Chaos Legion

its okay to have 1 button cinematic combat as long as its a switch exclusive

Bloodborne's crucial issue is that the game is shit.

I just finished playing it, God of War was easily the better of the two titles.

I'm going to give it a month like I did Three Houses and if my research turns up for shit I guess it's a pass. Three Houses on the other hand is coming in this week.

I mean, hard shit is still better than diluted shit.
That's not saying much.

>I dont even play the game but i gonna shitposting anyway
Kill yourself

So do you henshin in the game at all? Or is it just stands?

Playable character in dmc v who was a chore to play

No gore, blood or sexy outfits. That's how you start making shitty game. Nintendo is making teen games and globalized games putting niggers and stronk wymn in all their games now. They don't make fun games anymore just politics.

>webm gets posted of someone throwing trash away
>shitposter thinks this is the whole game and uses this as ammo

>How is it possible to make a game this fucking bad in 2019?
Ask Capcom and Bethesda. They're masters of that.

Just because the faces look like they have scanned Quasimodo, it still doesn't make the gameplay trash.
Except V of course.

Platinum studio's a well known hack, what did you expect ?

>braindead console war retarded apes assume any and every criticism is because it's a switch exclusive
>braindead console war retarded wapes assume any and every praise is because it's a switch exclusive
You are all fucking shit and I hope you suicide together. Lower than a fucking animal.

>braindead console war retarded apes assume any and every criticism is because it's a switch exclusive
>braindead console war retarded apes assume any and every praise is because it's a switch exclusive
You are all fucking shit and I hope you suicide together. Lower than a fucking animal.

Thank you Platinum Games! Very cool!

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Has anyone with the game tried doing solo co-op?

>I can't believe Platinum made V actually fun to play.
Well, all you had to do was make the game focused on Yea Forums and not make him a cripple, duh.

V is fun to play. He just has the same problem as DMC4 Nero - too limited. He has a few other small issues, like Griffin's attacks all stepping on each others' toes and some of Shadow's stuff channeling for too long, but otherwise there's nothing particularly bad about his gameplay. A few small tweaks would add a lot.

Yea ForumsitendoGAF preternaturally assblasted

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lol actually this

nintenddies BTFO

COPE thread. Amazon has delivered my copy and I can't wait to play once I'm home from work.

Why are sonyfags COPING so hard?

It's interesting to see console wars come back intermittently. It's never about the consoles themselves, but the specific release in question, which retroactively validates the console that has been out for years. As if the 3rd party dev or game have anything to do with the console's individual merits. And it usually doesn't, excepting in the rare cases when a console's gimmick is put to full use by the game. Which never happens, because gimmicks are shit.

Let's play a real game. Spot the logical fallacies, don't let the great philosophers down !

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>all-time favorite game
>he doesn't know it's 30 fps capped all the way
Peak snoy

I'm using this as a case study for my power point presentation , do keep it coming op.

Notice how there is little value or substance in the OP's opening statement. It shows a sense of not only fear , but indecisiveness in terms of mental thinking and decision making in general. This can also find roots in the "fight or flight" response.

And every thread has people defending it so yes this board has become reddit. We used to hate video games

Sonogames on full tilt today

>If a dev makes a game that cannot be run on a 970, there is an uproar. Pc is holding back Pc

I don't get that logic when the 970 is still way better than the shit consoles are using right now

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Based Uzi poster

It's the first platinum game in a while that sucks.

>the 30 FPS really heavily hurts combat
Except that's not true because the pace of combat is slower also, so it's not as necessary to see as many frames of every hit because there are fewer inputs needed and fewer attacks per second

Can't even drum up a good argument, this meme sucks , dead in the water

Exclusive tortanic shitposting. Welcome to it happening with Nintendo, wait till it happens with Death Stranding.

Its all just so boring.


>wait till it happens with Death Stranding

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Holy SHIT.
This game isn't even that huge but the shitposting surrounding it has been BOTW tier. What the fuck is up with you retards?
Yea Forums likes to say that Nintendo fans are the ones who shitpost the most but it's really only ever when a Nintendo exclusive is released that the shitstorms get this intense.
And for some reason this game gets bigger shitposting than everything since BOTW. Why?

Man, that would be choice for FreeLC if this game had any, or post-game content: unlock previous Platinum characters as Legions


You can easily distinguish those who have nothing to add to the discussion as soon as you see this shitty, worthless recycled meme posted in attempt to annul sound arguments.

Is this how they teach logic and conclusion in American education centers

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>People actually defend 30 fps in action game
The fuck

Yup, I'm buying it


Because Yea Forums is sonygaf.
Of course they lie and pretend everybody else shitposts more than them.

Good man

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>>obvious amounts of waifu bait that border on obnoxious
What a fag

Ok ok, all cops are pigs ect ect , settle down millennial

>Holy SHIT. This game isn't even that huge but the shitposting surrounding it has been BOTW tier. What the fuck is up with you retards?
Same exact thing that happenes with Persona 4, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and pre-release Final Fantasy XV: contrarianism for contrarianism's sake.
The moment the game received overwhelmingly good reviews from both critics and users I already knew Yea Forums was going to start a huge shitfest againt it, and by God I wasn't let down

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Is the sister jealous? Are they shoving incest in the game?