Corruption of Champions / CoC

Time to get your hair cut, stud

Attached: lynette.png (21x31, 537)

Other urls found in this thread:!St0HiaTC!oNQs48SWTDvmDBLHWZuHHA

Would it be possible to have this kind of game with actual graphics and not lose the range of transformations?

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Is this STILL being made? It's been fucking yearsssss.

Not until the technological singularity. What little there is of CoC's actual ingame story is heavily, heavily burdened by the fact you can transform into so many different things. Walking into Tel'Adre as an eight foot six demonic monstrosity with six goat-like horns and pitch black skin makes no sense. The only chance of the game working properly in the way you're describing until the ZOG gets its final victory and we live in a world where scifi-style plug-your-brain-in-and-enter-the-world VR is available is if you could find a team willing to splice together tens of thousands of combinations in a way that meshes together successfully, you'd have a better chance buying a lottery ticket and paying someone to roleplay as Urta with the proceeds

Probably not without heavy use of procedural animation, which tends to look really crappy. Mass Effect: Andromeda is a great example. Even in 3D games dedicated to fucking, messing around with just the height of a model can mess animations up. Try loading a Midna card or something in Koikatu and see how well like 80% of the poses handle a mere 2 ft height difference. Now imagine that but with tentacles and massive penises and different body shapes, etc. At the end of the day it's way more labor intensive to have to drop in a whole different set of animations rather than just have one test case that replaces "Your human/dog/horse/barbed cat penis/tentacle in her pussy" where appropriate.

For all the deserved hate CoC2 gets I think the injection of more artwork is a step in the right direction. Some visuals definitely help out text games. Japanese light novels are a good example. Text is fine but high quality art is priceless for instantly conferring to your audience what a character looks like.

>Text is fine but high quality art is priceless for instantly conferring to your audience what a character looks like
I would argue CoC's miniature sprite system is even better because they give a general image while allowing patricians to fill in the gaps and specifics with their minds.. which is why this sprite successfully ruined a character

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>care for the fetishes and smut
>stayed for the wholesome family moments with my companions

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>best character just focusing on his tea while the others exchange glances and lusty looks
how did a mouse volcel end up being the undisputed and most based character in a porn game

This is what peak performance looks like.

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>fights you as a demonic yellow jaguar
>turns into this balding bara abomination when actually having sex because Fenoxo is happy to take dogfucker cash up the wazoo but won't make actual beast content

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It would be a cool realm to explore in a more graphical game.

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What are some good alternatives for a game like this that aren't quite so infested by furfag OCs?

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lol fat chance

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Flexible survival

So long as porn games are directed by the highest bidders and furries are willing to spend the majority of their very disposable income on helping their transhuman fantasies come to life as best they can, there won't be a good alternative. This is your precious free market in action: innovative ideas or deep characters based on preexisting human archetypes and myths will forever be at the bottom of the pile, because Xx_Steelblaze_69x and fifty other people just like him are willing to pay literally thousands of dollars to cynical developers to have their three-armed half-horse half-otter OCs with a bionic leg and psychic powers added to TiTS.
Corruption of Champions' only hope is of a revamp spearheaded by ONE (because anything designed anonymously or by committee is doomed to abandonment or tonal inconsistency, as every release and mod has proven) George Lucas of autism that would be willing to take on the mammoth task of completely redesigning everything while somehow staying true to the characters' core personalities and the game's lore

This seems like the exact polar opposite of what was asked for.

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I want to like those masks and gloves, but the fact that they are only used to hide the fact that the male wearing them has an obviously male chin, voice, Adam's apple and big veiny man hands always puts me off. It's a perversion of the whole "Come unwrap me" vibe that actual female dancers wear them for because in most cases neither party wants to see what's really under there.

Hey guys, wanna hear a joke?
It is still slablands

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It's almost as though trying to make a CoC ripoff whose contributors' only uniting goal is "I hate CoC's developers and most of the content they wrote" is a doomed, schizophrenic venture bound to end in failure
>looks at /hgg/

Attached: urta.png (19x35, 508)

the hgg mod is fucking glorious
snapping demon necks and literally fucking eating fairies feels great
also fuck the golem why is he immune to magic

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Say what you will about /hgg/ but the pregmod they made for free cities is irreplaceable, and I'm not even into most of the extreme shit it has

Yeah, I even wrote a bit for it before I realized how shit it was.

It was about time to stop with that anyway. The game had become so incredibly complicated it was actually unwieldly. Too many redundant features as well and honestly the game lost a lot of its eroticism because all the flavor text lost screen real estate to the numbersnumbersnumbers. It barely feels like a porn game and memes aside, that's not a good thing

Free cities was better when it was just FCdev. He was right to walk away because the game was finished.

I didn't know they made that. It was pretty good, but I'm sad that i did everything there was to do in the game and now have the max amount of people in my arcology and infinite money.

What'd you crank out?

Yes. It would be shit though because no one could ever bother to animate sex properly accounting for 99999 transformations.

I mostly did some non-lewd stuff, nothing particularly interesting.

No matter what kind of character I try to play I am literally incapable of a CoC playthrough where I don't eventually become corrupted so I can fuck up Jojo and turn him into a corrupt, twisted mockery of who he used to be

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Does anyone have a link to the /hgg/ mega?

>lol just slap a horsedick on everything

Thanks, I've been needing it cut.!St0HiaTC!oNQs48SWTDvmDBLHWZuHHA
there you go
rip and tear for me

Thanks buddy

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>Walk into Tel'Adre
>First person you meet has a giant horsecock
>Walk to the bar for a drink
>A painted sign above it depicts a hermaphrodite centaur with a giant horsecock
>Go inside
>Bunny-girl dancer tries to flirt with me
>She has a giant horsecock
>Run away and go to the gym
>First horse I meet doing yoga has a giant horsecock
>Run out and through an alley
>Cat with a giant dog cock tries to flirt with me
>Flee in a loop and end up back at the horsecock bar, talk to the original giant horsecock drinking in a corner
>"Yeah, it's tough being a herm in Tel'Adre, there are so few of us and there's a huge amount of prejudice against us. By the way, if you can't accept my giant horsecock I will never fucking speak to you again in my life"
>Talk to the bunny dancer
>"Yeah, it's tough being a herm in Tel'Adre, there are so few of us and there's a huge amount of prejudice against us. By the way, if you can't accept my giant horsecock I will never fucking speak to you again in my life. It's okay, I'm used to evil people making me feel like shit, go ahead, turn me down, I dare you"

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Who can you rape and impregnante and actually stick around to see her pregnant?, I know of female kelt but who else.

Does Corrupted Amily count as 'rape'? I guess so if you consider Kelly's impregnation rape. Otherwise no not really. There are plenty of others but it's consensual

One of the hottest girls in the game.

Shame she has no lactation content.

How do I get curropted Amily?

iirc just rape the shit out of her and feed her like succmilk or something
its been a while

What does the hgg mod do?

do you like coc

When the PC attains a corruption of over 65, Amily will leave the camp during the night, leaving a note stating that she is worried that the PC is becoming too much like a demon and that she'll return when the PC is back to his/her/hir former self. This also opens the Corrupt Amily path, with the same requirements and scenes as above.

The PC hatches a plan to get back at Amily by making a concoction that requires one Lust Draft and one Goblin's Ale. When both of these materials are obtained, (3 of each required in total, 1 of each used per stage of Amily corruption) clicking the Town Ruins button allows the PC to mix the materials with their cum. The PC must return to the Town Ruins where Amily will be forced to drink the potion and then perform oral sex on the PC. Going through this process twice more causes Amily to go find out yourself fag

add alot of content, maybe change a few minor things
alot of quality of life changes, like the ability to toggle content (and urta), you can choose to add loli and guro content (i highly recommend the guro content, not even for sexual violence but just for the absolute brutality you can inflict on some enemies)
theres also uh, toddlecon, but you can turn that off
i just got to level 30 with a mage kitsune named Sora, gotta say i've never had this much fun with CoC before
give it a go, its much better than vanilla

This game is dead right? I know he switched to working on TITS but I never played that

Tamani, it's pretty much half of her character.


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Why do all of these games end up having TOO MUCH FUCKING FURSHIT

Furries are the only ones financially supporting this shit

They will spend any amount of money to get their kink in. Even more if they can get their OC in.

>"Hey stud, I'm a goblin, which means getting pregnant and giving birth is the ultimate high, come here and knock me up RIGHT NOW, if you refuse I'm going to try and beat you up and ride your dick until I'm pregnant, I need your sperm so fucking bad"
>"Ok I'll have sex with you"

Did she hypnotize you or something?

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if you're wondering the "beat" options cracks the spider's skull open

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>Futafinder General
Well, I guess it does work.

If you have a genius at your side that can into perfect automated procedural 3d moddeling, texturing, animation and everything attached then yes.

I don't understand people who like ryona or guro.

Because it's a very old game that houses a lot of fetishes. It's essentially /d/ the game. Back in those days there were still anons who grew up fapping to anthro among other things even though they came to hate furfags.

this isnt erotic to me
this is just mindless enjoyable violence

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I don't understand you either.

>By the powers invested in me by the hysterical, uneducated Patreon masses, I declare you horsecocked

>I pronounce you both futanari
>What? On what grounds?
>You are a citizen of Tel'Adre! And all citizens of Tel'Adre are futanari

feel free to ask me questions to understand better

I don't want to understand you.

then you are weak

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I can fight with a clear head. Can you?

nothing is more clear than the sheer chaos of battle
i would love to see how calm you can be when your legs decide to keep walking without you

Spoken like a true teenager, very nice.

i thought we were doing a bit cmon man

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Oh shit I fumbled my lines again

Where the fuck Is shouldra in that image, shouldra was fucking based as fuck.

its okay happens to everyone
so where were we?

>Having a ghost be present for a meal
That's just cruel

Spoken like someone who can't focus on his surroundings. Someone could sneak up right behind you and you wouldn't notice, I'm sure.

inside the champion you dummy thats where she always is

With some compromises. The sex scenes would have to focus on the other participants instead with the PC being invisible, only signified being there by opening orifices or wet dick for futas and cum.
You could have the PC transformation represented by simple visuals or sprite in the appearance page.

maybe, maybe
but they better aim true, because one attack is all they get
besides, what are companions for if not to watch your back?
i am not alone in the chaos of the battlefield

I'm surprised you don't kill your so called "friends" when you get bored.

bros... is this the best impreg scene in the game? because it sure seems like it.

>It means I'm freeeee
>I just wanted a threesome
>I was desperate for sex

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Dont Worry, i dont get bored... Often
And what about you? Why do you fight? You obviously dont enjoy it, seeing Your reaction

who's the girl with the horns and white hair?

I only fight if I have to, to keep innocents away from people like you.

Ember, not canon

A few of the scenes have rut / heat variants.

>Most victims of futa horsecock grow up to abuse others
>It's like werewolves

Attached: PFG.png (720x400, 196K)

The curse of the werecock

Tell me more user..

Innocents? Here? Dont make me laugh
Who is Innocent? certainly not the demons roaming around every inch of this place. Is it the People of teladre? Those Who wall themselves off, keeping away everyone Just to buy More time against the corruption?
Is it the followers of marae, Who burn at the stakes those Who show even the smallest sign of lust?
The only Innocents here are the dead, friend. You struggle in vain against the chaos, while i embrace it, harness it.
That is why You are weak.

I have my friends, protecting them is what gives me strength. If I were weak I would've just rolled over and given myself up to the demonic horde a long time ago.

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>Is it the followers of marae, Who burn at the stakes those Who show even the smallest sign of lust

>It's another "the followers of purity are the REAL bad guys" episode
Marae has no followers left except for the Church of the Fetish, who actively embrace lust as a weapon. Focus some of that bloodlust inward and off yourself you lore-ignoring slime

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True, True, You are still... You, And not one of them
Yet i still fail to understand Your idea of Fighting
How do You fight the demons without absolute destruction? After all, if you keep them alive, they Will Just come back And try again
You cant show compassion or reason to those Who have past the point of no return

reminder that this is the sort of person writing content for /hgg/

Killing demons I can understand. Though it is futile, for every one you kill another hundred will take its place. I find offense with killing those who are not wholly demonic.

I used the hgg mod for CoC and fuck I loved the Nephilia stuff, even if I wasn't expecting vore shit at the start. Shame I can't keep going due to a bad end, but oh well

>for every one you kill another hundred will take its place
Yeah it's not like the numbers of demons are actually staggeringly low

Suck my ass i consider the inquisitors canon
Yknow i really should write content for it it sounds fun
There we must disagree, im afraid, on two things.
First, while it is True demons multiply rather quickly, That Just Means we have to kill them even faster
Second, while i do try to keep my weapon directed towards demons, some creatures are... On the same level
The spiders, seeking Out Easy prey to rape And impregnate, how different is That From demons?

>The only dom NTR is with that pig bitch and that literally who spider girl

Many spider people are simply trying to make a living, however there are a few who succumb to the allure of corruption, I'll give you that. Perhaps you and I aren't so different after all.

>i consider the inquisitors canon
The inquisitor's letter is over thirty years old, the humans didn't even worship Marethian gods on the whole, you're confusing two time frames in the game that are three decades apart ya frickin dumbell

See what i Mean?
Sure, You could argue That even the demons hold members of composure And intellect, those Who Arent mindless Sex machines, but for every one, a million others swarm villages, destroy lives.
I am not like the inquisitors. I do not intend to purge all corruption.
All i wish is for those Who succumbed to it be put to rest, And if That Means i have to rip And tear my way through the entire demonic horde, so be it. If ill die, ill die knowing i took down as many as i could with me, And they have suffered like we did.

>Hey let's make it possible to cuck Lottie once she's mind-broken, what character shall we introduce to make that possib-
>Fen slams hands on desk and takes a toke of tranny cock
It's a microcosm of what went wrong with CoC as a whole

If you play the hgg version they are still there, Just fyi

>can't report offtopic patreon shill threads
Thanks moot

Attached: five_billion_hours_in_mspaint.gif (640x352, 165K)

CoC finished development over half a decade ago and every existing mod for the game does it for free you ass

How about you start a thread then, make your own game thread?

Oh right, you cant otherwise that would interfere with your whining.

I passed to Liliths Throne long time ago.
The interactive sex scenes, personal equipment etc are better.

Too bad it's not going to be finished this century.

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Did any of the mods ever let you bring Tamani or some other goblin to your camp? Not being able to have a goblin there was the worst.

Based can't-make-his-own-thread bottomfeeder
As in I want to feed on Moe's bottom
What's next for your game?

I like more Liliths Throne now.
Much interactive in everything with almost weekly updates. Also can turn furry on/off if you want.

Mitzi the bimbo goblin technically exists, it's just that she's in TiTS instead

No graphics, not a game.

>almost weekly updates
That add nothing but more bugs.

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>Did she hypnotize you or something?
Actually I recall she does after you knock her up so much that you have to fight off your goblin daughter army, she's sometimes lurking around and if she steals the final blow from them she'll hypnotize you into her ultimate kinky fantasy of her being your stay at home wife who you knock up like a good daddy

>Lethice's Keep

>almost weekly updates
That can't be ri... What the fuck. Who is that and what did they do to Innoxia?

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I like Lilith's Throne a lot but Innox is very bad with the update schedule.


almost like he was referencing it user

Who else cucked the pig at the gym?

That depresses me so much, I wish there was an option to fix her, maybe get her to a Goblin skyhook where they put her through some detox and health foods routine so she's a bit less fucked in the head. And it's totally not because I want some Goblin Vs Kobold mechanic shenanigans like WoW's old GvG Engineering

Up next is Night Three, sleepytime. You can get sleep well, have nightmares, get gangraped by the Ten Paw Gang if you pissed them off, or overpower them and turn the tables on their leader, who you can buttrape while threatening to throw him out of a window, or you can have him eat you out and then suck or ride his dick, and if I can write it out by tomorrow, you'll also be able to make him eat your ass.

Attached: the scrabblings of the weird and insane.jpg (770x1009, 136K)

Really anticlimactic.
I was expecting at least 4 scenes for her.

Thank God, Kasyrra is a much better villain.
Also has a lot of interactions with PC.

It's anticlimactic because every piece of content in the final dungeon was written over two years after the developers abandoned CoC, and put together with recycled scenes that didn't make it into TiTS

you're technically not wrong but please try and remember that the Lethice in coc is a halfassed joke just like everything else in D3, it's unfair to compare the two

I mean her overall part in the story.
It's quite literally non-existent. You only hear about her, and when you finally meet her she's a jobber with no character and no scenes.

Of course
But it takes a lot of effort
Doing the customizable character model for humanoids with 2 legs + all the interactions and physics would probably take me a year or so
That's without the world and gameplay


That's because within the space of only a few months, the developers' plans for COC went from "Alright, now to start working on the middle of the game where we elaborate on the demonic presence and start to build on Lethice as a character as well as her influence in Mareth" to "Fuck the story, here's another horsecock. Finish the game? Fuck off, have you seen how much these people are paying us for just two scenes with their OC?"

They were totally blindsided in a very, very short time by the amount of furry cash that suddenly started flowing in. The thing I hate most about it is that they gave her the most generic cringey female bad guy "Mm, yes, I am totally unphased by you destroying my forces and guards, all according to plan, haha, silly little thing, you cannot defeat me!" persona imaginable. But then their intention was to shit on the game's playerbase so I guess they succeeded

nah I think people are just playing ancient builds of the game for the first time
to be fair it's a rite of passage for these sorts of games to play CoC

The real endgame of Pregmod Free Cities is setting up themed runs, like an intersex PC who repeatedly impregnates themself in order to create an entire stable of their own vat-grown children

Well, contrary to Fenoxo, it seems like Savin has at least SOME idea of what he wants to do with the story, for now.

Cuck jokes aside, I'm currently enjoying CoC II more than TiTS.
The characters are more interesting, and I'm finding myself liking the more vanilla sex scenes, where as in TiTS i fell into that downward spiral of seeking more depraved shit quite quickly.

Leorah is best girl.

When they announced a new cowgirl follower that you could only recruit if you had the minotaur, and kept talking about how it was OPTIONAL CONTENT YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO PICK IF YOU DON'T WANT TO, I assumed the worst and thought it would be a milk-slut who cucks you for the minotaur in your party all the time and makes you lick the cum off her tits before nursing from her or some bullshit. Was surprised when it ended up being a feminisation route

So is anyone here playing TiTS. I am having 2 save files where I play as a girl to get knocked up by futa,and as a futa to knock up women.

I have a Gryvian futa warrior-esque character, and a Kaithrit tech specialist femboy that gains intelligence by eating cum.

Yeah I've got a shooty Goblin trap who keeps getting picked on and fugged by bigger women. It's a living. At the moment aiming for maxing my levels and sorting out my Libido score before hitting the pirate base.

>that gains intelligence by eating cum.
Wait wut?
You telling me I've been wasting my time on all these goblin cakes for nothing*? Goddamnit.
*Actually I did want a Gobbo so it's all good but the taint

Nice. Mine is amazonian futa Red Myr and a ebony elf girl (or as close you can get in tits).

>trying to roleplay as Doomguy in a porn game
My brother. I wish there were more games where this was possible

Yeah. I find playing as a hard girl most fun. There's a charm in seeing a female brute get all dominant on some sissy or get her ass stretched because of the lost bet. Is there any way to display PC character in third person instead of generic "you" because it's gay af

I have some bad news user

How's coc 2?

Not as good as cock

I mean, with the amount of dickgirls strutting around it is less gay to mingle with them using a female character. The only turn off is the lack of third person narration because as of now the game reeks of insertfagging.

This is peak hentai performance

I just wrote an incredible mutual hatefuck scene for my game. Want an exclusive sneak-peek, Yea Forums?

Attached: 1527584708650.png (342x430, 92K)

To me it's suprisingly alright.
Most of the stuff is standard fantasy creatures/races. So far it manages to aviod cramming furry cock into you at every opportunity.

It is more of modern fenoxo/sylvain type of game. It is less about building harem,which means NPCs fool around. It has RPG party system and one dickgirl (main villain). Still early in development. Also it is furry if you find that unapealing.

Hatefuck is a very underused kink in those games.

Why do people hate CoC2?

I sort of get it but I try to avoid judging unfinished products. Theres stuff I really dont like, like how all your companions either have a dick or appeal to some really specific fetish other than Cait, but I really like the gameplay flow of CoC2, plus Cait in general is a great character to have in the game.

teasing the desperate is a sin

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I wanna ask before I get into this. What's Urta's deal? Why does everyone dislike them so much?

Please, I love hatefucking. Absolutely some of the best sex ive had but there so little of it in porn.

She's one of the 800 horsecock futas in the game

Author's mary sue character that he went to write a whole minigame starring her

Thankfully most of her content can be ignored in the main game


Attached: mynt_job_by_wtshadow_ddee089c.jpg (519x499, 227K)
Soon on Kobold Adventureâ„¢

Urta is basically Fenoxo's fursona self-insert, thats pretty much all there is to it. Shes also the easiest character to stumble upon and probably the first non-enemy character a player will fuck if theyre trying to bang everyone.

You can very easily avoid her if you dont like her though.

It's very hard being one of the few futa horsecocks around.

Please ignore the fact that half of the interactable characters in the town are also futa horsecocks.

Not a fan of Kiyoko? Also, some people want some characters to be only for (you) I kinda agree, but I still sorta like it, and the author supposedly is known to make content that veers well away from that direction.

Please, excuse the minor typos and grammatical errors, this is prior to proofreading!

>furry female perspective

Tbh i expected some male perspective rough hate pounding, cant really judge this since its not my thing.

She's the OC of the game's main developer and gets too much prominence in the game as a result, always turning up where she shouldn't be and having the game dialogue constantly just assume that you like her, or that you're hateful if you don't. It's kind of hard to describe without going through all her dialogue, but a shining examples is this: During your very first meeting with her, she's drunk, and stumbles outside. If you choose to follow her, you find her masturbating a 20-inch horsecock, moaning your name. If you leave without at least jerking her off, she'll hate and never speak to you again. She was also given some unfortunate dialogue about how prejudiced everyone is against herms, despite the fact that by the time that dialogue was added to the game, Tel'Adre was absolutely full of them thanks to other furries getting their OCs in.

The answer to the UQ (Urta Question) is that she ought to have her whininess adjusted, unnecessary scenes where she appears for no reason cut, and made dedickable after completing her quest

I like Kiyoko herself but pregnancy isnt a turn on for me and her scenes always drag on for way too long, I also hate that shes in a separate dream sequence for ages.

Not sure what you mean by only for (you)? Im probably out of the loop, i use Yea Forums like once a month these days.

Weebs talk a lot of shit but don't have the skills to create, or the income to support these things.

Attached: ggks2.jpg (1600x1848, 531K)

this. basically the fundamental problem with Urta is that she's the only character in the FUCKING GAME with an actual finished storyline and abundance of content, if like five other characters had fully fleshed out storylines like her, and had their own cool miniquests, it wouldn't be so annoying, but as it stands every other character looks like it got abandoned in favor of TITS shekels and Urta favoritism

Like, characters that are faithful to the player character. I have no idea if that's what they're going for for the grand majority of the content, since I'm not totallly familiar with the writers behind CoC2's previous work nor have I heard their intentions or plans personally.

>being able to control furry levels basically like pic related
>the (new) combat is actually fun
>mod support
>can impregnate just about anyone
>ironically there is a futa wolf and even then it's done better in LT because she's a Dom and not a sappy crybaby bitch
It probably won't finish in my lifetime but it's really good, one of the best text porn games I've tried.

Attached: images.jpg (628x488, 42K)

Finally someone panders to me.

Shit, I thought it'd be a shittier version of CoC, but now this thread makes me wanna try it out

Can you play as futa?

Who would want to go through her entire lover route (which requires you to guzzle her cum) just to dedick her? That's the problem with the Urta dedicking everyone seems to want—taking away her dick takes away her entire storyline and a large chunk of her character, so you either have to do it after you've already proven that you don't mind dick, or you have to lobotomize her, and then what's the point?

>mfw breaking the ones who get too fucking uppity and fuck them into the dirt
>like that demon maid that was part of the main story quest that wanted to make you her bitch

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Yes, if you gotta be like that

Also, the big bad is fun.

There is a male perspective for this scene, but it's basically just buttraping the bandit out of a window, threatening to throw him down if he struggles too much.

>which requires you to guzzle her cum
That would be filed under the all-encompassing revamp of her previous encounters in which every forced interaction with her penis is removed. Personally I draw the line at retconning Taoth, retarded as it is it's an integral part of the game's lore and Urta's story. She CAN be saved without being destroyed or entirely remade. Finally lopping her cock off is like the bonus level you unlock after getting 100% in the main game

How do I unlock the vanity option in Circe's explore tab? seems like I've already unlocked all the knowledge options and I'm out of ideas.

It's good but severely short as of now. We only have 1/8th of the main plot and even then it's not complete in what it currently has. Even then I highly recommend it
Yeah. Or as a centaur, apparently. Also centaur NPCs can be fucked.
Amber? Fuck her, yeah. Always fun insulting her to her face, making her attack you, and then you wipe the floor with her and dick her down again. She's had three of my litters by now.

You can even be a trap, if you want

Attached: hor.png (344x279, 112K)

Meraxis? She's not the big bad but yes she's really, really fun. I love her cringy weeaboo ass dialogue and I love that if you take the Chuuni perk you can banter with her in autismospeak. It's a shame you can't fuck her yet without turning into a demon

And can I impregnate almost all of females as said big dick futa?

koikatsu was just made by useless faggots, though.

>in which every forced interaction with her penis is removed.
But she has an enormous horsecock, user. Interacting with her is interacting with her dick. How would you avoid the subject in literally any sex scene?

MOST females. Two fuckable NPCs cannot be impregnated (one is a menopausal GILF and the other is hard coded barren).

As a futa, you can impregnate yourself though. Get a milking stall, milk your dick, and fill your pussy with the spunk.

Aw man. She's fucking cute, but I don't wanna give up my humanity. Or my semi-humanity. Whatever.

Isn't Lilly's Throne a buggy mess with a barely functioning new combat system?

Oh fuck,Litther. I need to check for updates. Latest one was that waredog.I actually liked it. Also lith is basically only real husbando/waifu that I have from furry side.

Can you beat the game and remain a virgin?

I remember trying to do so a few years ago, I played a female character and only allowed lesbian sex scenes. Any other sex scene and I would revert to last save.

>wanting to be a virgin

Attached: 1750124.jpg (280x287, 80K)

>he doesn't want to be pure for his Ingham bf

Give me your character details. I'm gonna write several scenarios where she gets fucked into oblivion.

yeah it's kinda thrilling trying to avoid getting raped as long as possible

it's like how an exhibitionist gets a thrill out of not getting caught, except in this case you're trying not to get penis'd

Yes, and with the exception of a single scene regarding the best weapon in the game, you can even minmax your character while doing so

I really hope we get to romance her like we can romance Nyan. Shes perfect for that kind of vanilla shit.
It's not that buggy in my experience but there is a lot of bugs just under the surface. The new combat works just fine though.

theres probably either one you missed or you didnt fuck her enough

Great. That is a thing TiTS and a lot of porn games and futa hentai lack. A batch of breadable females to carry my young.


What did they do to the combat anyway? I pretty much stopped after doing the story bits that are currently available.

Breeding is a big part of LT jn both gameplay and story. There's also a fetish system, including impregnation and pregnancy fetishes, so many characters will thank you for knocking them up.

The sex scenes quickly get pretty repetitive on account of reusing the same 10 lines for every character and body type, though.

There's probably gonna be another update in the next week or so

Attached: no scritchesc.png (402x395, 182K)

I do not care, I have a dick to grow and seed to plant

Yes, but you'd have to piece images together from different parts and it would likely look like shit. But it's not like CoC fans have the highest standards anyway.

Three moves per turn (some moves take two moves though), crits are now not random and instead will happen on every third successful hit, and other stuff like customizing your own and your party members' possible moved to use in battle. Also a bigger, better perk tree.
That's very true and unfortunate. Size difference descriptions are planned but so are a bajillion other things so repetitive sex scenes are likely to ne a problem for a while.

Oh no, I'm not talking about something as foolish as that, I just mean removing unprompted references to you grabbing her cock and so on without clicking an option that lets you know that's what you're getting into first
Removable or not the horsecock is part of her, I just want it to be possible not to be randomly forced to start gagging on her balls and drinking shot glasses of sterile foxy horse-spunk because you clicked a button that said "Fuck", not literally writing her entire character as though a near-2 foot long horsecock isn't there bobbing out of her crotch

You're gonna have sex, whether you like it or not bub

who's the follower?

There's a hidden cave right at the bottom of the map in the horse valley or whatever that contains a suit of armor, if you give it to your minotaur follower to put on it genderbends him and makes him start lusting after your cock instead of fucking everybody in town while you watch
It's basically an anti cuck device

>mfw visiting the forums once and reading all the horrifying abominations that the autists there created as their MC and were fapping to 100% unironically

Personally I don't mind them too much because I skim through porn scenes anyway though mentioning of squealing constantly is a bit annoying. Also damn finally they added solo masturbation besides the panty raid, needs more to it though.

Shit, that's surprising. How does he take the change?

>crits are now not random and instead will happen on every third successful hit
That is one of the most bizarre things I've ever heard. Why?

Holy shit, based
Is the version with that armor available on the website?

I don't know, but I like it. It indirectly buffs the sadist fetish. Now you know you're getting a free essence once a turn if you commit to just attacking.

Just fucked the two lolis in Tel'Adre, do they have any more content? The game seems to imply they do. Better yet, is there a document or wiki of everything new added into the game?

Aha, interesting. I like the bastard well enough, my type and all. But how much does his personality change?

who's the follower?

He/She loves it

As much as I fucking hate Fenoxo and his obsession with giant female dongers, I have to admit being mindfucked into being Lane's submissive fucktoy is hot af.

Attached: heaven.png (800x960, 1.5M)

>do they have any more content? The game seems to imply they do
That's /hgg/ in a nutshell. No, you'll never see them again, and there's a very, very high chance nothing will ever be written for them again.

The problem is this: When someone gets horny over a certain idea in CoC, 90% of them will just fap to the next best thing and move on, never to consider it again. Of the 10% who will actually put their ideas down somewhere, the vast, vast majority of them will just post something along the lines of "Wouldn't it be cool if X," or a very brief outline of the scene on Pastebin that gets abandoned and never considered again.

Of that slim minority of a slim minority who actually manage to finish, polish and release a scene, the majority of THEM will move on to another fetish or character within a few days and never contribute anything to their original idea again. The void consumes everything.

here's the pastebin
should have everything you need
dont forget to headpat and then necksnap any alice you come across

>Dominating Lottie by making her swallow your cum so much she gains weight
>pretty much every rape scene
>the minotaur scenes where you fuck them in the ass
>The minotaur scenes where you get addicted
>every imp/goblin scene
Somehow that fucking mastermind jew made my dick diamonds to fetishes I don't even have.
Bravo, Fen, you fucking nigger.

Attached: 1565487538660.jpg (1024x1024, 450K)

He can sometimes do good stuff or get interested in neat things.
At least Little Bee got to work on the spiderboy with the floppy foreskin before he fucking died, and actually got fenoxo so into it he named the bees in TiTS after the beeboy LB was gonna make and included heavy pheromone play/foreskin
Don't care much for TiTS but I love me some bugs, must be the whole broken clock is still right twice a day shit

Attached: mothandbee.png (546x496, 177K)

But again, what would be the point of removing the two-foot horsecock if you're willing to interact with her that much? It would be different if you didn't have to go through her whole storyline before you could dedick her, but who would be willing to do that while still hating the dick?
You're equating an open-ended but entirely complete scene with abandoned character concepts.

were dog?

I could kill the golem with a gauntlet build. I think I spammed flurry with healing and buffing spells.

>unpacking the .swf and editing the text yourself to suit your own fetishes perfectly

Attached: 200 IQ.jpg (700x700, 120K)

That's all so far, but I think the writer has said he wanted to add more eventually.

It's the best solely because I impregnate everything that moves.

I could kill the golem with a gauntlet build. I think I spammed flurry with healing and buffing spells.

The UI for CoC2 is so bad that I can't even play it find out if it's the usual Savin shit.

>2 cowgirls
One is the german one you find on the plains, who is the other?

What is Savin known for in that regard?

You can't forget poor Marble

being a gay cuck

It's more fapable than TiTS at least. Though it's lacking content, every area has at least one dickgirl and the combat is more shallow than in modded CoC. I also don't like the movement system in the map, having to spam scout in order to go to the next tile is infuriating.

Aha, interesting. I like the bastard well enough, my type and all. But how much does his personality change?

Have you mastered the blade, Yea Forums?

Attached: LhYHBj1WjM.png (770x602, 589K)

>Light Rail Avenger

Absolutely based.

I'm masterin' my joystick, guy

I see you too, are a master of the blade.

You need more training.

Attached: d7h9BaJJZy.png (609x662, 518K)

Is this in 2? or have I just never found them?

Attached: caution.png (474x939, 827K)

It's in the /hgg/ mod, in the swamp, they're newish I think.

modded coc makes fenoxo look good

why did they remove the Helia cuck content, that was one of the only decent things there

Where do you get the /hgg/ mod anyhow?

'cause fuck cucks

Attached: dab.jpg (697x890, 560K)

>t. cuck

>2 cowgirls
One is the german one you find on the plains, who is the other?

Dumb double-cuck

Attached: ikl.png (170x192, 13K)

Wait, she has cuck content? What happens exactly?

It takes a special kind of no talent to write a bad Silly Mode scene

Red was the best.
If you don't tell her that mino cum is addictive she cucks you. The scenes are pretty good and you can still find them in the older versions.

Being a small trap and raping the fuck out of a minotuar is satisfying as fuck

I personally got it from infinity-chan, wish it didn't have to go for, like, the two boards I went to

Because NTR has always been and remains the shittiest fetish known to man.

I'm good man. I'm really not a fan of the stuff. I was just asking out of curiosity.

Attached: Di9Af_XsAEVl2i.jpg (1920x1080, 178K)

>the scenes are pretty good
Gonna have to disagree with that as an NTR connoisseur, when Helboi first released them they weren't even in present tense.

>You are awoken by some strange noises in the middle of the night. Still half-asleep, you rub your eyes and try to pick them out in your drowsy haze. Now wide awake, you pinpoint the location of these muffled moans as coming from Helia's tent pitched nearby. You pick yourself up and decide to investigate what your scaly lover is up to.
You peer through the slit in the opening of the tent to find a peculiar sight. Helia is seated on her knees, bikini armor in a pile next to her as she gleefully blows a full-grown minotaur.
That's the first paragraph when you discover she's been fucking minotaurs without you. Look at the amount of sentences starting with "You", or include it a few words in. It's formulaic and was desperately in need of polishing, but the problem is nobody wanted to do it because the shitstorm that occurred from its original implemenation was so immense everyone got caught up in it

That's irrelevant, it was only removed because it triggered normies that got reminded of real life.
I think that was the only cuck content in CoC so it was decent by virtue of being the only thing.

Marble? From the farm

It was actually mostly for quality reasons. Mainly the fact that the dialogue didn't really sound like Helia, and it wasn't proofread.

So what do I do with this cute as fuck gargoyle? I dont want to fuck her or anything now, she isj ust too cute

Really? Not from the constant derailing of the threads into >helcuck shitposting? Doubt that.

Bullshit was it for quality reasons. It was removed because people had been arguing about it for almost a year. Almost every single implementation to existing characters added by /hgg/ has utterly failed to capture their syntax and personalities but you don't see them getting scrapped.

That said, the quality was bad enough TO warrant it being removed, it's just painfully obvious that wasn't the reason. It was removed because it had shit like this:

>You return to camp to find Helia waiting for you, though something seems different. She waves and beckons you to come over. "Yoohoo! [PC name]! I wanna show you something!"
>As you approach, you notice your scaly lover is wearing an outfit a bit different from the norm.
"What do you think about the new look?" she asks, as you inspect her up and down.
>Instead of her normal bikini armor, Helia is instead wearing a cow-print micro bikini and thong, in her hair you notice a cow-print headband with cute little nubs to look like horns and floppy cow ears on the sides. Around her neck is a leather collar with a shiny new cowbell on the front.
>Further inspecting her, you notice that's not the most drastic change. Above her crotch is a wide tattoo shaped like a bull's head in black ink, the horns reaching up to her pelvic bones.
>"Like that? There's a matching one!" she turns around to show a smaller bull head in a similar design on her left buttock, occasionally being obscured by her tail swishing back and forth playfully.
>"Do you know what these tattoos mean?" she asks.
>While you can't say for sure, you have a sneaking suspicion you know what it means.
>"It means these holes are for taking big, strong, thick minotaur cock only!"
>"So I'm sorry, lover, that means I can't fuck you any more."

which triggered BLACKED-obsessed political issue shovers. The actual quality could have been perfect and the amount of screeching would have been the same

>Do a corruption run
>Have a lot of fun and faps being a huge asshat
>But when it comes to my camp and especially my kids I'm a huge nice guy
Fucking fuck I can't do it. Did the recent moth daughter quest last night and it was some good wholesome stuff.
Maybe I'll just ascend and start over my two year save or however old it is.

Plenty of people enjoy the chase of dedicking and purification

People removed cause they were insecure.

Obviously NTR is far worse than toddlercon, what if Jamal the Minotaur seduces your baby?

He actually outlined an alternate Hel pregnancy path where she gives birth to a minotaur instead of Helspawn and he starts fucking her in camp

>getting cucked by your own baby

Attached: 2bb95a162902a3a56cd16fb3fb0fc1e3c.jpg (600x701, 64K)

Now I have to jerk off again, what would I do without gitgud ?

That sounds fucking wild but not for me at all

It was really, really barebones but yeah, a taste of what could have been if not for /r/the_donald going wild on /hgg/

>Extra special thanks to OtherCoCAnon for putting up with this bullshit
The cuck trusted him, and OCA betrayed him, it's like poetry

Attached: helboi notes.png (568x701, 46K)

fuuuuuuuuuuck, are there more scenes like this on google drive or is this it? fucking autists have to ruin everything

It came up like once every few months, and wouldn't generally last more than like a third of a thread.
>Bullshit was it for quality reasons.
Why wasn't it removed after the actual shitstorm right around the time of its addition, then? Why quietly many months later? You admit that quality is a reasonable reason to take it out, and I present that as the reason it was taken out.
>The actual quality could have been perfect and the amount of screeching would have been the same
I don't disagree, but people always screech.

>not immediately telling her not to fuck minotars
You bring the cuck upon yourself


This, the only way to get the scenes is if you act like a retard.

But what if after they fuck I rape the minotuar, sure she will be his, but he will be mine and by extension so will she!

Because there was a second, boardwide shitstorm that started in early 2019 that Kobold Adventure and Lilith's Throne got caught up in which was when things became genuinely unbearable, that's when it got removed. Worse scenes got in and still exist unquestioned because for the vast, vast, vaaast majority of (shit)posters it was never about the quality but the fetish itself.
I went back through the OCA thread archives and saved the original Pastebin in its entirety when the shitposting started for the second time because I knew it would inevitably get memory holed if the developers gave in to them. Not a single word of it has been lost, don't worry
>the only way to get the scenes is if you act like a retard
There was actually a Silly Mode scene added by the devs when the Hel cuck route was still in the game where if you try to get her to stop cucking you after taking several active decisions to make sure she keeps fucking minotaurs, she refers you to a psychiatrist for schizophrenia

please give me the link, now that /hgg/ is down i found out i only have older versions saved

there was someone in a previous thread complaining about the fact that if they turned the trap waitress at the tel'adre bakery into a bimbo then she would have sex with other people, let that sink in a second, he went out of his way to try and turn a character with a brain who only fucked you into a total whore, and then complained about the fact she would get other dick

Cuckshit is the only fetish where people who hate it will go out of their way to find it, and haremfags need to be slapped

>Because there was a second, boardwide shitstorm that started in early 2019
Sure, but that was protracted and didn't really touch the CoC threads much. Chicken little apparently hated text games, so he didn't bother us any. You seem to just want to believe it was removed for ideological reasons, but if it was going to be removed for that, it would have been long before. The actual trend that you should look at is that that was when a lot of poorer quality stuff like Joy was being removed.
>There was actually a Silly Mode scene added by the devs
It was never in game, what are you talking about?

Stop talking shit, Silly Mode was a part of the game and the anti-NTR wave was heavily influenced by outsiders and haremfags.
This, they were delusional.

cucktan never focused on coc but it was patently obvious he brought other people in who raided the fuck out of it once they caught wind of helia's content, just like in the kobold one where literally all the dev had to say was "I suppose this could be considered NTR" and the thread had to be bombed from orbit

what game, user?

>Silly Mode was a part of the game
Yes, but the scene wasn't.

Misunderstood you, sorry.

Same, I can never take her because it just makes me feel like shit. Also the fact that, according to Fenoxo's twitter, he's literally the only one who gives a shit about her sex scenes makes me lmao.

Green Dog Odyssey

Attached: 359336ca970cacf6b7942d0deaecb4555d1c952c6a678baeebc1585268926529.png (384x291, 27K)

Attached: sam.jpg (184x184, 6K)

This one.

Attached: what is love baby don't hurt moe don't hurt moe no moe.png (1300x900, 44K)

I never imagined back when the mod started and everyone was talking about how the possibilities are endless now that we didn't have to suffer the bans on helspawn incest, loli, editing most of the existing characters etc etc, that we would end up in a situation where the majority of """""contributors""""" were puritan pseudonormies that did nothing but demand, with completely straight faces, that degenerate content be removed from a fucking porn game

It's absolutely fucking poetic that a TiTS audience made up of tasteless furries would hate Mitzi, a character planned and written for CoC's golden age.

Only just learning about the /hgg/ mod. Lolis, shotas, killing evil monsters, AND anti-cuck content? Absolutely based.

Imagine ever playing a game with degenerate shit like sodomy. Horrifying

Attached: meep.png (309x252, 4K)

>Only just learning about the /hgg/ mod

Attached: merchant.png (506x557, 154K)

8c is full of "degenerates" whose fetishes are handholding, pregnancy and vanilla monogamy or harems. The moment it became only a few people actively contributing, it was bound to turn into a circlejerk about "purity" and "we are better than cucks and furries despite this being a game about fetishes, take that".
>t. redditor

I never got into infinity-chan and didn't like vanilla CoC to warrant looking into its mods
t. cuck

Yes, obviously all the mod contributors who add loli and guro are hardcore puritans, instead of it just being a couple of larpers in the thread.

Been playin a lil bit of otheranon after years of not playing the game at all and its fucking great. Im still sticking to my basic magic build that I used to always do but with all this new shit I don't know whats the best anymore, can you guys tell me whats the best kind of class to make? I wanna be a demon killin machine in case that helps. I don't think ive ever put this much effort into a porn game even after bustin a nut and its great.

Attached: 1508378962746.png (445x455, 368K)

The sincere lolifags are begrudgingly accepted by the deus vult larpers because they write more handholding scenes than they do snuff-fucking. The only reason Satan gets away with what he does is because nobody else is willing to do it in the first place

Fuck, Fuck fuck I fucked up, Now im a pregnant bee boy and I wanted to stay human, dammit back to the start I go

Gonna play as an evil as fuck shota that fucks everything

>Slutwriter's Incubus intensifies

Just cheat with the contra code and get hummus bro, unless you already used it in case then you'd just get a bad ending.

How do beat this golem in the volcano area? I only ever do 1 damage to him.

Have fun getting mpreg'd again, user

Attached: 8hWmXSwc.png (224x211, 57K)

Gonna rape all the minotuars and make an army of giant submissive cow men to destroy the world, demons aint got shit on my army of fuckboys.

ew i just realized what is being implied here

On second thought no minos get death

Cant do that on mobile, I have the most recent flash update but the game refuses to actually boot up

Who /hooked gauntlets/ here?

The actual gameplay is still the same you can become overpowered without even leveling up.
If someone on this retarded thing called the internet actually could write decent sadist/masochist smut that isn't basically ryona/femdom I wouldn't have to deal with NTR to get my fix.

Thats my fetish though

The thing I didnt want was the bee parts
Im not for the transformation stuff yet, maybe I can turn that off but im unsure if I would

>makes you her mindbroken sissy slave
>goes back to camp with you on a leash and impregnates literally everyone including the men and children
nothing personnel beta

Attached: izma.png (26x40, 769)

Is that what happens if you bad end with her? Haha holy shit that's based

I barely managed to find Izma after a couple of hours, I just kept getting regular sharkgirls.

How do you get that weapon? Better yet is there an item list somewhere with item ids, with that I can add stuff to the editor xml.

It's a rare silly mode event on the boat.

Nah, though it ought to be. I don't like cuck content but if there's one place for NTR in coc it should be when you get bad ended by a corrupted herm who blatantly has a fetish for harems
Izma is only encountered by exploring the Lake, shark girls are found via the Boat

So if I download the game how do I actually mod it?
do I just download the mods and put them on the same file or something?

the mod is a separate game, you don't need to do anything

Link me to the mod please and thank you!

Is this still getting developed or are they waiting till 8 is back online?
Check the thread an user posted the mega link.

read the thread

Still being updated according to the githut pulls but there's nowhere officially chosen by the devs to discuss it

I thought 8 was permadead? Is it coming back?

Where does one even find them? Haven't seen them once.

codecuck said it might come back after September 5th

People are still pretending it's going to come back online but it's so unlikely now that it's been permanently earmarked as "THAT NAZI WEBSITE". Even if it does come back online its reputation as free is going to be shot to bits because their owners had to bend over before Congress, not even Stormfront got such a bad reputation when they got deplatformed because even they didn't have actual shooters posting there. Adding to that, the community has been completely shattered by it and are already settling elsewhere. Every day that passes after the 5th (which will be lots) will be more people just forgetting about it

Should've been a route with final boss that allowed you to recruit her, and she serves as a giant lore book for the game. CoC had a lot going for it. CoC2 you can see an attempt, but that's all. An "attempt". None of the NPCs in it are really interesting when compared to say, Whitney.

Something will come up to replace it, I've only been here a week and I'm already going insane.

your only solace would be in free cities
maybe degrees of lewdity

Wait what exactly do I download? Im very confused because the main file is the APK? Is that the modded game or is it just the original?

>trying out the /hgg/ mod for the first time
>NPC options
>there's an option to remove Urta all together

Attached: 385.jpg (317x267, 22K)

The .apk is for the mobile version the PC one is a .jar

I don't want to be "that guy", but it's Soul v Soulless

*hits pipe*
I cannot imagine anything more cucked than...
there's a mega link in the pastebin. All you need from the Mega is the .sfw with (real) in the file name, and a standalone flash player

Despite what it ended up becoming, Unnamed Text Game was a group project created by friends whose ideas for characters were unhindered by focus group-style fetish pandering and the knowledge that they were selling a product. That's why CoC2 has that sterile, too-clean feeling to it that nobody can quite seem to put their finger on - the developers can't escape the fact that they're aware what they're doing. Money and popularity affects every single word they type.

>you mean I can do ANYTHING?
>removes content

Attached: 1539694038727.jpg (498x400, 25K)

Does the github have a list of new items anywhere?

>some people want some characters to be only for (you)
The biggest source of the loudest whining I've seen so far, here and on other boards.
The threads about FoW's (nonexistent) game were overflowing with this singular complaint.

>and it's gone

What the fuck
How do i do this

I linked the mega download a bit earlier in the thread

I deliberately set a one hour expiration date on that pastebin, because this content is slated to go live somewhere tomorrow.

Press Up Down Left Right on your arrow keys, eat the hummanus, then press Up Down Left Right again, the sword will fall out of the sky

cringe, but based

silence, fenoxo

>shitty furshit hack writing interactive fiction

Is it worth it trying to do a purity run on this?

If that list exists, it's very hard to find.

That sounds like bullshit but i believe it

so does the kitteh mod add content for the rubberized/latex transformations? last time I played coc the only content you had for it was a set of nightmares.

>interactive fiction
Take that back nigger. CoC is the most developed and intricate turn based RPG series of the decade.

This isn't Dormaus Valley though

Attached: bonk.png (231x170, 73K)

Before this thread gets cucked by the jannies, there was a game in /hgg/ about someone getting transported into an alien planet that got updated pretty rarely. Does anyone remember it's name, it had a giant snake you could fuck?

Attached: 1555728319879.png (501x417, 136K)

Very subtle, user

Attached: 1540791913590.png (374x303, 27K)

>Before I report this thread, someone spoonfed me

I am doomed to suffer without knowledge because of the paranoia of user.

>this was literally my face
>oh well

>you are now addicted to minotaur cum

Attached: 0978123563.jpg (437x404, 49K)

I always get addicted because I have a fetish for addiction.

You should be able to solve this

Attached: paraphore.jpg (1280x720, 347K)

thanks user, yandex saved me

Enjoy your Paraphore experience, user.

Paraphore would've been better if the endings weren't shit.

Just downloaded it on pc and started playing, Who even is Urta?

Bad OC

Attached: catastrophy_recorded_by_handsome_jerk_ddf2uwh.png (895x1179, 997K)


I was never into bimbos so I understand where the apathy comes from. But in the same vein, u right.

I wish there was actual uncorrupted JoJo gay romance/sex content. I just want a cute mouse husband.

so bad that theres an option to just make her not exist?

in a mod, yes. it was the original creator of the game's character, sp, naturally there was a disproportionate amount of content surrounding said character. said character also arguably influenced the rest of the game, seeing as nearly every other female character had a dick, too.

The author's fursona, a drunk grey fox herm with a giant horse cock.

tl;dr: fenoxo's own self insert futa furry wolf fursona. A complete mary sue that can do no wrong and her scenes will randomly end up with you taking it in the ass. He started banning people in the forum back then when they made mods to remove her.

Removing her is really just to shit on fen as the fact is they gave one of the absolutely least interesting npcs some of the most content.

People who hate my shortstack goblin bimbo slut/slave/future concubine deserve the cross.

>Asking other people what you should think of the character before interacting with her fucking once

I'll take Reaha over her any day of the week.

The option to make her not exist is more because she's the only seriously 'finished' character in the game. That and LARPer spite.

>rip and tear for me
Why would I do that? I'll just fuck and raise a nice family

i dont want to get back into this game stop making threads about it

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>raise a nice family

user that's too lewd

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how the fuck do i beat the cloaked knight in the deepwoods? do i need a ranged attack?

i wore the pastel ring

leave nigger

I'm sure they're fine people but the opinions of the 10 or so people that are active on /hgg/ about Urta aren't exactly indicative. You're trashing a character with hundreds of thousands of words behind her on the advice of people who have likely read as much of her scenes as you. Fenco are cucks but the fact everybody seems to be so insistent about hating the character instead of the creator is retarded. Do you really think the guy who wrote your favorite character's scenes is an upstanding member of society?

I finished her entire character arc, it's shit. You have no choice over anything.

I'll post it in a later thread, I want to make sure I haven't added any extra notes to the original for my eventual implementation that aren't from the file written by Helboi

idk I just raped him every chance I got

Where will the thread be /d/, /vg/ or Yea Forums ?

you can fuck him in one of the mods, though. you just convince him to give up on his celibacy

>You have no choice over anything
goddamn this makes me piss blood
I talk to her and suddenly the game is telling me I feel sad in response to her bitching about her horse shlong, or getting turned on when she talks about drinking her piss or whatever the fuck. Savin does the same thing in tits and coc2 where your character suddenly starts talking lines of lines of dialogue that are just assumed to be in character

that said the option to remove her from the game completely is 100% a spite move and anyone thinking it wasn't pushed by /pol/eddit lurkers is retarded

>still no cheat mode
Let me act out my power fantasies you nonce

Based and cubpilled

Attached: redswimc.png (300x182, 22K)

You can cheat by exporting your save file and editing your stats before reimporting, or by using JavaScript to alter things. Look at the global.kobold object.

Ara ara user, what do you want?

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a better game

The loli scenes are actually damned vanilla and mundane.
Were they not loli, they'd be entirely forgettable, even banal.

Oh fuck i'm stupid.
Thanks laddo.

more alien pregnancy

goat blood

A new update

>Shouldra chiming in at the end there
I love her.

Both of these.


there are threads on /d/ and /vg/?

"guess they wont be able to get a leg up on You again! Haaa"

No, but this is a NSFW game and the jannies like to keep blue boards clean.

There's a SFW toggle

Where can we get old versions of the hgg mod?

Reaha is cool. Sera is still the best.

I want to like Shouldra but the fact she randomly makes you eat your own cum at night, as well as the inconsistency of having a ghost inside you that can go and call for help or take control of you but refuses to do it when you get bad ended is too much to deal with

In the mega the is an Old Builds folder, you can check the page to find out what changes there are between each one.

I hate myself

I Want to be full on evil asshole but I cant bring myself to actually fucking do it

More Jojo content

Finally beat the cloaked knight.
How do I successfully arouse her?

Her pussy will kill you if you touch it anyways iirc

Cum addiction and player getting maledommed is too scarce.
Wish there was stuff about player becoming a cumslut who starts making others addicts too.

Im a mage so i blind And cast arouse
Not if she loves You, but yeah its harry potter And the 7 deadly pussies in there

Why yes, I do have worms. How could you tell?

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There is a bunker for /hgg/ but I don't know how many people still post there. Check /dgg/'s pastebin.

Holy shit lmao
how do i get her to love me? thanks

I think you have to do a quest for her?

>game has transformation food items and corruption-based features
>isn't actually difficult at all, not actually forced to use items to survive
>making it a text-based dressup game with needless hurdles rather than a spiral into degeneracy
Why are they like this?

Don't be a nigger.

>No games about transformations/mutations that aren't fetish bait like CoC where you end up with 20 horse dicks and 7 vaginas
>The ones that aren't fetish bait are all rogue-likes where you have to go through multiple runs just to have a chance at getting the mutations you want only to have it ruined at anytime because perma-death
I just want a more rpg focused game about transformations that isn't a rogue-like. Do I have to make it myself?

Play on survival, it does Just That Beat her a few times And then youll get to talk to her
Beat her with arousal a few times, get a thighjob like thrice, And she Will ask You to kill a necromancer That brought her back From the dead
Go shoot up his manor (be careful, its full of skellyboys And is quite difficult) And she starts loving you
Just keep going From there, i think circe helps as well by giving You both sexual illusions with eachother

For me, it's Degrees of Lewdity.

>Take cute innocent monk cleric
>Pretend to be his friend
>Jump him and rape him
>Every time he shows up, he's more and more visibly unsettled
>Eventually hold him down and shove his prayer beads up his ass and toy with them until he cums
>Turn him into a slave
>Actually note that whenever he's not with you, he's more like his normal self, desperately trying to regain control but always turning into a mindbroken slave when you call
>Twist him into a disgusting tentacle beast with lethicite
>Set him on Amily to fill the world with his corrupted children
>Finally turn him into a mindless rape machine that'll pin poor Shiela down and fuck her forever for her defiance
Whoever wrote this character is a fucking boss

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Do mods work on the phone versions too?

Reminder that Scylla is the most underappreciated character

>that'll pin poor Shiela down
Elaborate? I don't remember this

Sharing this again.
I haven't added to it since yesterday and I probably won't get a chance today either. Work and other errands.

>Try to go purity Holy Knight run
>Still end up as pic related
It just happens

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>>Set him on Amily to fill the world with his corrupted children
I wish this had more content.

There's a scene when you choose to "ruin" Sheila after beating her where you call for Jojo to come fuck her with you, and if you keep going you end up corrupting Jojo even more into a mindless monster that will do nothing but rape her endlessly, taking both of them out of the game

Did You Draw this or is it a program?
Because if you drew this i'd love if you can Draw my character uwu

Keeping the flame alive is the most important part

>load up my last save after not having played for a while
>I was on NG+ with the inscribed spellblade, golem armor, a clockwork shield, and spells I never even heard of before (Withering Touch, Divine Wind)
Where in the fuck did I get the shield and spells? Does Circe give them to you? I don't remember any of this.

>game actually does what games like this should be
>It's full of loli and other shit
What a fucking bummer man.

>turning jojo into a meek pussy
for what purpose? he's a fucking warrior that watched his village die/get dragged away by demons

Literally turn it off
Theres an Option to do it

>he's a fucking warrior
He ran away when they attacked, when he and Amily meet for the first time she slaps the shit out of him and since then he's just been sitting around in the forest snapping imps' necks

Damn m8 do i need to dl the whole thing? Also i can only see an APK

How does one accelerates pregnancy flow in the game? Also is it told who is the father of the baby as it is born?

Based Degrees of Lewdity user

Just the jar/swf File i dont remember which one

Based and cute and funny pilled.

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Did she still wear that outfit even if you have a Minotaur dick? Cause damn that sounds hot.

Yes, but the functionality is unfinished, so even in the versions of the mod where the cuckroute exists there's literally nothing different about her after that scene

his backstory is completely irrelevant to what he's done since then, which is train, master his self, and like you even said, fuck up demons. he's practiced enough that he's reached the point where he can teach others how to fight too, including that nifty palm strike shit. to boot, he's mature and composed enough that he has no issue recognizing when the player's got worms and taking it upon himself to personally cleanse them so he's not going to break down into a blushy stuttery wuffy furfag when he sees boobs

this shit completely conflicts with his established character for the sake of your fetishes when you should just be writing your own character. no consistency and everyone pulling in their own direction killed this game in the first place, hopefully no one adds it

>it got removed
Wow, I'm surprised people still complain about a lack of gay options with this game. That's the gayest shit I've ever heard.

Stop trying to force shit on characters when it's not befit of them.

alright thanks bro i was getting worried i couldn't eat fairies today

Not even a vore Scene You literally fucking eat her like a potato chip And i love it

I cant find this scene anywhere, and I dont know how to get older versions

oh man oh man oh man i'm so excited, wanted a murder simulator for so long, i'll invoke my gurochan dwelling 13yo again feels so nice

If you had a minotaur dick, it totally changed the entire route and added additional scenes, iirc.

>Cucks get cucked
I love that even in this poorly made clusterfuck of a fetish game, cuckoldry is still universally recognized as one of the most pathetic fetishes in the world

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In the mega, it's the old builds, should still have it.

I've heard, but does she still put in the cow cosplay? Cause that gets me going like nothing else.


Go to Tavros, top floor there's a maternity ward.
these are the scenes

No, the only difference was that instead of saying she wouldn't fuck you anymore she said you had to take care of her, and the SPH scene at the Salon would never trigger
Yes, there's also a similar scene if you convince her to go out into the high mountains and get gangbanged by a whole pack of them, she stumbles home with dirt all over her face and "WHORE" written all over here in tribal ink or something like that

>tfw very few scenes allow use of the worms
Is there something similar in CoC2 or TiTS?

thank fuck

Nah, I remember you could go to the salon with a mino cock and she'd gladly service you too.

There's a thing on Tarkus, where you get the same kind of warning sign, so probably though I just skip it.

Is CoC2 even good?

reread my man

What's a good way to lower libido?

You said the SPH scene wouldn't trigger but didn't mention the alternative, just correcting the record

Read /hgg/-exclusive content

Trying my best as a going commando trap in tube top and short shorts to stay a virgin and its working out nicely, I easily beat things up, I met Izma, no idea what to do with her though

>"L-look mom, I posted it again!"
You must be ecstatic to get cucked out of cuck content.

Kick her ass over and over again and take her gauntlets

Remove her penis and forbid her from having sex with any other followers in camp, if you wait a month without fucking her she kills herself

Damn both are brutal as fuck, jesus christ i mean sure kicking her ass isnt as bad as her just offing herself but damn

if some brave worm fetishist writefag did write scenes where you hold your followers down, screaming, as you infest them with worms, i can imagine there being a shitstorm about it. people barely tolerate the worm content as it is, and it's hardly even present in the game as is

>trying to start an ideological fetish war over a joke
the absolute state of deus vulters

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wait there's cuckshit in this game? what the hell i can kinda tolerate furries but this?

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Not anymore, hence the cucks getting cucked

Not anymore, read the thread, it got removed for being garbage and literal cucks ITT are desperately trying to figure out how to get it back in

Why do I get the feeling a discord channel just linked to here

oh thank heavens, cucks deserve nothing but to drown on a septic pool

You have schizophrenia

because you're more obsessed with discord than people who actually use it. rent free in your head

>assuming its anti blacked people bitching instead of people who are actually anti cuck
fucking retards like you are always trying to politicize shit, youre one sad cuckboi

I too hate cuckoldry!

Wonder why?
rent free

>Give Amily several dozen litters and more than guarantee her species survival
>Remove Izma's dick to knock her up at the same time
>Have several hundred ant children with shy ant queen waifu
>Have Sophie lay eggs
>Have the odd child with Mable
>Constantly dick the lizard and dragon waifu too to impregnate them both
>Avoid Urtas dick and knock her up so many times with your normal pecker for ease of access and floor-dragging testes that even your own kids know what you're doing with her behind closed doors
>Become omega-dad with half a thousand kids with your loving waifus

Any other game with this feel?

>all this in the space of about two minutes
Israel's finest are out on patrol

>Cucks get their content removed by other men.
Isn't this a win-win for them?


>forgetting your hundreds of children with Tamani


I just asked where it is, I'm fine reading it as raw text.

Alright im level 4

Izma wants to fuck or fight, But I already got into a bad one with another shark and kicked its ass, But im at Half my total Hp 108/217

Should I try to fight her? or would she be too tough?

jews are the ones pushing cuckshit, so how could it be jews ALSO saying its bad you brianlet.

She's also good, though I can't say I like the incest. Definitely wrong of me to look for semi-wholesome stuff in a porn game with you being a dad to your hundreds of kids, but I still try to avoid the option when I can

Restart and do the following.
>explore until you find the lake
>visit the Lake until you find the farm
>work and explore the farm until your strength, toughness, and speed are maxed
>level up a few times, taking Evade, Runner, and Double Attack
There, you just trivialized the rest of the game.

Holy fuck well okay I dont mind doing that at all

Double Attack is fucking nonsense. One mod for CoC went futher and had Triple, Quadruple, even Quintuple Attack for some reason.