Dark Crusade or Soulstorm?

Dark Crusade or Soulstorm?

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For singleplayer, Dark Crusade
For multiplayer, Soulstorm
Unless you're an eldar/necron player who don't want nerfs

i played dark crusade on normal and it was way too hard end game, thoughts?

Winter Assault

git le gud

>worst dlc

How, the difficulty doesnt change besides maybe an opponent's army getting slightly better. The AI is still retard

Dark Crusade was a balancing dream after Winter Assault, campaign was pretty cool, races were cool.

Soulstorm got thrown into the lap of a C grade dev and they produced total dogshit. Im still mad.

If you gonna use ultimate apocalypse then soulstorm if not dark crusade is better

>hard end-game
Are you trying to fight the 2 AIs without initiative?
You have an honor guard and an overpowered commander by late game so you can bumrush at least one of the enemy's bases before they start shitting out an army that WILL overpower yours.
>tfw two IG bases in a level 15 region shit out so many fucking guardsmen with plasma guns and commissars they outgun most ranged units

But you can spawn in an army of elites and take out the enemy in 2 minutes?

>Post mods
SS with Ultimate Apocalypse

Unquestionably supreme experience.

Play Necrons and crush everyone with green shit and loud noises
It's a great power trip, the comfiest campaign of all time

>Upgraded Necron lord with wargear
>Then even more with in-game artifacts
>Just send him to harass/destroy an enemy base himself while your slow-ass troops move across the map

Is DoW supposed to be played fast? I'm just trying to collect all of the requisition points in my area and build up my resources and before I'm ready to launch an attacked there's like 100 men in my base destroying shit

>all req points in your area
They usually give your around 4-5 that are obviously supposed to be yours but how slow are you even playing? Are you fully going up the tech tree before attacking?

>Is (RTS) supposed to be played fast?
Harass and Rush are evergreen concepts that will never not exist in the genre. If you are too slow, they will bother you until they know they can kill you.

So rushing is better than turtle? I'm new to this

Git Gud

Attacking is always better than defending. If you attack an overwhelming force and get beaten back, you've damaged them and forced them to rebuild while you rebuild from your own base, as well as claiming control over a particular area. If you are attacked by an overwhelming force and your defenses are beaten back, you fucking die. There's no winning on the defense, only the attack. Pressure will always win out over safety. You just need to apply it properly.

that way you can play Ultimate Apocalypse

>worst dlc has best army


He murdered millions and won.

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Dark Crusade has a much better written campaign with better characters, but the gameplay is poorly balanced. Some of the AIs can very easily snowball to the point where you have to endure several turns of army spam before you can assault their HQ, and some of the territories can become near impossible to take if you don't get to them quickly enough. The Skirmish/Multiplayer is a broken mess, and most mods are outdated and unsupported.

Soulstorm has a poorly written campaign with meme characters, but the gameplay is much better. The AIs don't snowball as hard and there are more options moving your forces around the map, so you don't get stuck having to bang your head against heavily fortified territories in the late game. Skirmish/Multiplayer is much better balanced and still gets mod support.

The only people that still advocate for DC are assblasted Eldar and Necron players that are still mad about their cheesy bullshit getting nerfed in SS.

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>the Orks won DoW in the end
absolutely based
fuck Blood Raven faggots

>giving a shit about the campaign
I barely even realized there was a story

>that fucking enormous map right in between the Eldar and Space Marine HQ
>Multiple Eldar AI making so many goddamn invisible bases
If I can help it, I ALWAYS kill Eldar first

THe fuck
Just get your Elite Squad of any race and curbstomp every building

Sorry, I think you mean UA

There is nothing better than building conscripts until the baling wire engine black screens your pc.

Their defeat is canon in soulstorm

>necrons with early 2nd monolith

Excuse me, but DoW3 turned out to be mega heresy so the fan theory that Stubbs won DoW is still in effect

Gorgutz probably still got away like he always does though

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>Failed so hard that he emptied 3 companies of Blood Ravens and forced them back to recruiting worlds
>Earned the eternal ire of Cyrus and is the #1 reason for him to be disillusioned with incompetent leadership
Was Boreale's incompetence part of the master plan I wonder

Soulstorm much better but still boring after awhile. I beat the game with each race.

>elite squad

I played as chaos and they just gave me single units instead of a squad, is this supposed to happen

Is it just me or are all the strongholds with the exception of the Tau and Eldar pretty damn easy?

I played as chaos they gave me single units instead of entire squads, is this supposed to happen?

Dark Crusade is comfier. The heroes are also way superior. You seriously can't compare Lukas Alexander to Vance Stubbs

As someone who knows nothing about 40k, can someone explain why the fuck Imperial Guard and Space Marines fight each other in these games?

The people who normally get squads of honor guard are
>Eldar, IG, Orkz, Tau, Necron
While you got singular units for
>Chaos, SM
The IG are incredibly well guarded imo

But really it's because the ravens are secretive shit heads who don't want people finding the skeletons in their closets.

Dick waving and conflicting orders or that group of IG will be declared as heretics or traitors and killed.

Are you making the mistake of trying to build up a base and progress through missions on your own terms like you would in, say, Warcraft 3?

Big mistake.

Rushing is the name of the game, even if you want to play a skirmish out to the point where you can field a Baneblade you're going to have to apply pressure if there's more than one enemy AI on the battlefield

However if you're talking about Necrons then don't worry, Necrons gain honor guard both at an insanely fast rate and higher quality than other factions so they're nigh impossible to beat in a fair fight, it's best you rush their stronghold early on

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Because it's a game
But in a lore sense, the Blood Ravens Space Marine chapter are sent there to recover the chapter's lost artifacts under direct orders of their highest authority, the chapter master who is revealed to be corrupted by chaos so what was initially a complete gameplay exclusive reason gets a bit more depth.
So the Space Marines under no circumstances are allowed to retreat even against the IG when they're under orders from Segmentum Command.

I played Dark Crusade "Competitively" but most of the tricks are just general RTS staples

>hit and run tactics are recommended through the entire early to mid game.
>units with jump and mobility abilities are crucial.
>having your commander out early is crucial
>Eldar are fucking broken because of fleet of foot + extreme mobility generally
>necrons are scrub munchers that lose to plasma spam
>always capture and secure points near you with one unit while also capturing/decapping opponents with another
>dont bother with turrets unless you need anti vehicle support later or intend to stunlock commanders
>barracks into one/two power generators is a good start but having an early game army presence actively removing threats is more important than getting tech buildings up
>two squads of 4 is better and often cheaper slightly than a single squad of 8, I cant remember if this costs you leadership.
>vehicle and infantry pathing together is consistently dogshit, squad members separate vehicles get stuck, it sucks. Attack move as little as possible.
>damage bonuses vs enemy types are huge
>leaving units on auto-reinforce can consume more resources than you expect

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>that group of IG will be declared as heretics or traitors and killed.
They'll be delcared traitors for not killing space marines? Isn't that like marines being declared traitors for not killing members of the air force?

Being able to get rid of the Eldar right away is one of the main reasons to play as Space Marines. Emperor help you if you play as Chaos or Imperial Guard.

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at least Chaos get motherfucking Eliphas

I liked all four IG commanders
>Fine specimen isn't it inquisitor? Aim low

Going to play DoW (SS) for the first time
Recommend a faction

I have had a number of playthroughs where the SM wipe out the Eldar for me, same with Chaos wiping out the IG

Imperial Guard or Dark Eldar
The second because you'll never see them in a videogame again

>I was with him as he and his "HONOR" guard cleaned up all the dark deeds from the kronus campaign
>He walked me through the ruins of victory bay, CELEBRATING the slaughter I had carried out there
So you're telling me that in the end, Victory Bay was just another example of the blud rehvens recovering more "chapter relics"?

And here I thought Avitus actually felt bad about killing all those guardsmen

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I'm pretty sure the Dark Eldar make an appearance in Inquisitor: Martyr

>the baneblade cannon sound
Imperial Guard all day every day

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There's apparently chapter relics and heretical shit everywhere. That titan cannon in Victory Bay was influenced by a demon of Nurgle too. Apparently the shit they found after the campaign was so damning that Thule swore an oath of secrecy to Gabriel and the chapter came under suspicion to the Inquisition at the end of the campaign anyway.

Also, I'll say how cool it was how they referenced DC so much in DoW2
>Apothecary Gordian is actually name-dropped in DC
>Relusiarch Mikelus apparently dying against the necrons or tau
>Thule getting his eye damaged in a fight against said necrons
>Avitus and his hate for guardsmen
>Tarkus and his complete distrust for eldar

Oh for real? That's kind of cool
Is it the gimp dark eldar or the new, cooler dark eldar though

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>getting clapped in a game; into the breach, IG vs Chaos
>faggot teammate really not contributing anything
>chaos pushing into base
>suddenly there it is, dudes been teching out the ass, baneblade arrives
>6 techpriests and a baneblade run riot through the chaos army
>lose to 10+ chaos horror summons in our base because we cant hear over the cannons

I know it was a decision to differentiate CSM and SMs but goddamn do I feel weird at how Horrors were the anti-vehicle choice for chaos.
I remember them burning my troops alive in vanilla DOW


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>Poncy Eldar, eh? Well, I guess dis might count as an ambush. Limber up at least, boys. Don't strain yer'selves.

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Why is the orc campaign so good
>Caused a war on a sector all for a hat

Ork campaign is so much goddamn fun. They're one of the few campaigns to actually have a fourth speaking member of the party too.
>Brikfist sees exterminatus bomb and wants it to strap it on his back
>Mork knows I ain't hiding in lava again

I don't know, I haven't gotten there yet. I think it's one of those endgame things and I just started because I bought it on sale.

You got pirates with fun abilities
>Spawn in slugga boys susceptible to a mutiny
>the fucking grappling hook
>stormboy nob literally sky-dropping in on the enemy position off-screen

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I wonder if there's a single space marine in existence that hates Eldar more than Tarkus does

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Assuming that you're new to DoW, Space Marines are the easiest faction to learn, have a very flexible army, and fairly safe starting conditions. Imperial Guard or Sisters of Battle are good choices as you can gain control of a lot of resources on an easy to defend world by defeating the other. Orks, Eldar, Tau, and Chaos are all solid choices with slightly more difficult starting conditions. I would not recommend the Necrons or Dark Eldar to someone new to the game.

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was meant for


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>yfw Hyperion Peaks on Hard

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>Still waiting for Tarkus becoming a captain and Hairgel to confirm to be die with honor.

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there's also a lot of references to previous dawn of war games in the item descriptions, game clearly had a lot of work put into it

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>try soulstorm campaign on hard
>get buried by infinite waves of eldar
>by the time I've taken two territories everwhere is at the max fortification level
Never again

I used to frequent the official dow2 forums a lot and they had a unique weapon named in honor of one of the mods.
Fun times there

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>any new 40k game will use numarines.

Vanilla Ice and Thaddeus can continue traveling through the warp and hopefully come back out in a universe where dow3 doesn't exist

Our boys have them.

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>tfw you save Dark Eldar for last in your hard SS campaign and have to go through that fortified territory (which they can reinforce with their main leader) before you can go to their moon
>tfw you reach the actual Dark eldar fort and fail three times before winning with your successful attempt taking almost 3 hours

Why did they think it was a good idea to make your base get attacked by tier 3 infantry and vehicles every minute from FOUR different directions?

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THe fuck
Just get your Elite Squad of any race and curbstomp every building

IG game when

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Can a Tau battlesuit even compare to any of those foes in the pic

>gellar field malfunctions for the briefest of time while they're traveling through the warp
>hairgel and chaddeus find themselves equpped in tartaros-pattern terminator armor along with the ability to execute triple cartwheels in it

The horror

What's the opinion on the Dark Eldar voice lines?

is this real?


When i learned of DoW 3 that VANCE MOTHERFUCKING STUBS was "DEFEATED" i droped that game so hard in fact i consider heresy to even watch the cinematics

Much weaker performances than the other factions desu, not a lotta variation

>family circus referencing dawn of war 2 of all things

why tho

Does Soulstorm have any good mods?

I wish DOW2 voicelines were a bit more organized.
They got multiple minutes of nothing but response lines

Ultimate Apocalypse or Titanium Wars

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Why did he hate guardsmen so much anyway?

Was it because a lot of them turned on their comrades after the commissar died?

Some lucky guardsmen actually killed Avitus' squadmates

Very few real-time strategy games have turtling as a viable strategy. And usually not for long because tryhards start bawwwing their eyes out on official forums.

>worst dlc has best army



Where is this mentioned

I think it was one of the lines in vanilla Dow2 campaign

I remember them being kinda useless in vanilla. At least before patches. Possessed, on the other hand...

He also wants to bang some sisters.

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>kronus SEETHING

i want to play as a tyranid hive plz

and that's a good thing

But you essentially play as the Hivemind in Retribution.

I'm just a DoWbaby. I'm out of the loop on wh40k lore, what is funny things is GW doing to the space marines?

Ever seen how fa/tg/uys joked about space marine space marines? Primaris are essentially that. Or bargain bin Custodes, I guess.

Look at the newest Raven Guard model.

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I'm gonna have to read up on primaris then, cause I don't know what you're talking about.


>a fucking emo cut
I know people joke about Raven Guard being emo's but that's just fucking dumb.

I understood that reference.

Casts "battle cry" in a new light, doesn't it.

This would be weird if this was the haircut

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Doesn't matter as long as you plays as DA BOYZ

They actually advanced the plot. Guilliman is back and there is a new breed of spess muhreens called Primaris. They're bigga than regular spess muhreens and they have no geneseed flaws.


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That storm nob hero was my favorite thing in the game. Jump entirely off screen, scream trailing away as he leaves. Scream slowly returns and then he slams down on some poor fucks. Orks have the best style.

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>bring 3-4 cruisers with nova cannons in BFG2
How do you not suck shit as tyranids? I tried them but their ships have low hp and rely on boarding actions but the enemy will just use call to arms which really lowers crew damage.

The scourge is my favorite unit of soulstorm, but besides them the rest feel samey. It's not as varied as the other VA with the other races.

So are 3-1 kill ratio war gear supposed to be super easy with the Tau to get and super impossible with IG? Seems like a balance flaw

Just bunker down in infantry commands until you get tanks out

The commissar still trying to shoot the fucker really completes that image.

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Gimme some sauce boss